AWS secretsmanager, lambda, access denied even with admin permissions - amazon-web-services

I am stuck configuring my AWS Lambda to access a secret. I have done it many times, all the existing resources works properly, but now a new one does not want to.
I have a secret in secretsmanager and a lambda (in vpc)
What I want: read the secret from lambda.
Role of the lambda has the following policy:
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxx:secret:xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Effect": "Allow"
But even if I give full admin permission for this role, I am not allowed to read the secret from lambda. I get the following error message:
User: arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyy is not authorized to perform: secretsmanager:GetSecretValue on resource: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxx:secret:xxxxxxxxxxxx
I have other lambdas that work, but it is a bit terrifying that re-deploying my cloudformation stack could break the whole application due to this.
I assume there was some change at AWS side, existing resources got changed to be compatible, but now I am not able to access any new or already existing secrets, even if I can see at the lambda configuration that I have permission.
Does anyone have any idea what is missing? Thanks!

Turned out that I missed one place to check. When I dig deeper, I found that this whole thing happens only when the Lambda is tied to a VPC, but removing the VPC config made it work.
For me the missing piece was the endpoint policy for the secretsmanager (that allows me to access secretsmanager from VPC)


How should I permission my AWS Lambdas to be able to query OpenSearch?

I have an AWS OpenSearch cluster configured with an IAM master user role. I have an AWS Lambda which I want to be able to query both OpenSearch and other AWS services like DynamoDB. I don't want to modify the OpenSearch master user role to be able to access other AWS services - it should have zero permissions.
My current solution is letting my Lambda call assumeRole to assume the master user role before querying OpenSearch. Is this the approved way to do it? Seems like it would be more efficient not to have to do the assume role step. And it has the downside that the Lambda then has full access to OpenSearch - I would prefer to give it more granular permissions, e.g. only es:ESHttpGet.
This AWS documentation seems to imply that you can set a resource-based access policy on domain setup which grants permissions to specific users. But I tried creating a maximally permissive policy and I still can't access the domain except as the master role. Am I misunderstanding the docs?
The permissive access policy I tried to use:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:eu-west-1:REDACTED:domain/*/*"
I'm implementing something like that at the moment and it's not quite finished, but I am using API Gateway and a Lambda authoriser function to allow basic authentication. You could try that. The policy I have is almost the same as yours except after domain I have the name of the domain, not a star. I also have vpcs for security locked down to a cidr range.

AWS IAM: How does the condition context key "aws:RequestTag" work?

I have an EC2 instance with a role attached to it. My goal is to provide full access to AWS service (Lambda for example) but only on certain resources (Tag based). I found that aws:RequestTag was the way to do it.
Below is the IAM policy attached to the role.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1614664562621",
"Action": "lambda:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:ResourceTag/app": "prod"
I added the tags app:prod on the required lambda functions but however when I try to list the lambda I get an AccessDeniedException error. Below is the error message
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the
ListFunctions operation: User:
arn:aws:sts::123456789:assumed-role/iam-role-name/i-01abcd456abcd is
not authorized to perform: lambda:ListFunctions on resource: *
How to make the aws:RequestTag work? Where am I going wrong?
Similar question below: (That solution didn't work for me)
aws:RequestTag on s3 bucket is not working (while assuming a role)
You probably want to use aws:ResourceTag instead in your condition and tag the resources (i.e. Lambda functions) that this policy should permit access to.
aws:RequestTag is used to control which tags can be carried in an AWS API call such as for adding/editing/removing a resource tag on a resource or adding session tags on a session (via an sts:TagSession call). They are not meant to protect access to resources having a specific tag.
Also, adding the tag on your role does not mean that any caller identity (i.e. assumed session role) will then have this tag as a request/session tag. And consequently, it will not control any authorization/access to resources with that tag. The IAM role that you tagged simply is another AWS resource with a resource tag applied to it now.
Additionally, you couldn't even control session tags when EC2 assumes your role in the EC2 instance, so you cannot control session/request tags for your EC2 instance.
EDIT: In your particular example with lambda:ListFunctions, though, which is not a resource-specific action, you cannot control/filter the list by Lambda functions having a specific resource tag allowed by the policy of the API caller.
When working with multiple environments/stages, having multiple AWS accounts (one per environment/stage) is actually best practice. You can then even use AWS Organizations for consolidated billing, etc. if you don't already use multiple AWS accounts.

AWS IAM Role permission issue

We have just built a new Things Enterprise server hosted at AWS on an EC2 instance and created an application to use AWS IOT. We are getting the following error
“message”: “User: arn:aws:sts::446971925991:assumed-role/Things-Enterprise-Stack-Srv-StackIAMRole-DBHBSMSY05AQ/i-095895d605fab3fa4 is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::446971925991:role/Bosh-Parking-IOT-Stack-TheThingsStackRoleCD9FBAD2-C44RRJJ53M93”
I have been told
What is the execution role of the TTES instance that is trying to assume the role? The role TTES needs to be able to assume that role. That will give the right permissions.
But I'm not sure what that means, i'm presuming i need to add / alter some permissions within an IAM role. Can someone point me in the right direction Pls.
From the error message it seems that your IAM role for Amazon EC2 has no permissions to assume a role Bosh-Parking-IOT-Stack-TheThingsStackRoleCD9FBAD2-C44RRJJ53M93.
To add such permissions manually you can do the following:
Go to IAM Console->Roles.
In the Roles window, you can use Search bar to locate Things-Enterprise-Stack-Srv-StackIAMRole-DBHBSMSY05AQ role.
Once you find the role, you click on Add inline policy.
Once Create policy window shows, you can go to JSON tab and add the following JSON policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAssumeRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::446971925991:role/Bosh-Parking-IOT-Stack-TheThingsStackRoleCD9FBAD2-C44RRJJ53M93"
Then click Review Policy, name the policy (e.g. PolicyToAssumeRole) and Create policy
However, based on your policy names (e.g. Stack-Srv-StackIAMRole) it is possible that they have been create by CloudFormation. If this is the case, then manually changing the roles as described above is a bad practice and will lead to drift. Any changes to resources created by CloudFormation should be done using CloudFormation. Sadly, your question does not provide any details about CloudFormation templates used, therefore its difficult to comment on that more.

AWS API Gateway. Update existing API from github. add new route

I am going to Update existing Api gateway through aws cli commands ( from AWS CodePipeline and meet problem that CodeBuild has
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetRestApis operation: User: arn:aws:sts:<skipped_text> is not authorized to perform: apigateway:GET on resource: arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2::/restapis
Is it possible to update Api gateway through code using CodePipeline and aws cli?
Or What do you use as a tool for updating apigateway?
Make sure to add following policy to the IAM user in order to allow admin access (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) to API gateway,
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/*"
which also exists under amazon managed policies, AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator,
1) Please check your credential working properly or not ,It appears that the credentials used in your AWS SDK do not have valid permissions on the API Gateway API.
You will need to define a policy for the user/role similar to below.
2) When using CloudFormation with CodePipeline, need to create a role that can be assumed by CloudFormation,CodePipeline moves releases through a pipeline using the role you specify for a pipeline. CloudFormation needs permission to assume a separate role that you create for the CloudFormation action (it's not enough to create a role with permission to access other resources).
aws forums

Cant see instance when apply a custom policy in IAM in AWS

I have created a policy for restricting access of a user to a single instance as:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1392113879000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
But I am getting this error:
You are not authorized to describe Running Instances
You are not authorized to describe Elastic IPs
You are not authorized to describe Volumes
You are not authorized to describe Snapshots
You are not authorized to describe Key Pairs
You are not authorized to describe Load Balancers
You are not authorized to describe Placement Groups
You are not authorized to describe Security Groups
I cant see the instance in the console. If i cant implement this thing then what is the use of policies!!
Im stuck please help
from iam-policies-for-amazon-ec2
Currently, not all API actions support individual ARNs; we'll add
support for additional API actions and ARNs for additional Amazon EC2
resources later. For information about which ARNs you can use with
which Amazon EC2 API actions, as well as supported condition keys for
each ARN, see Supported Resources and Conditions for Amazon EC2 API
So, wiritng ec2:* is not going to help you. Instead, you should provide exact API actions that you wish to grant to this user.
Also, quoting from the same link referred above:
To specify all resources, or if a specific API action does not support ARNs, use the * wildcard in the Resource element as follows:
Assigning restrictive EC2 IAM polices is a bit complicated. You may want to read above referred link in detail as well as this link.
Check your region. Your policy uses US-East-1, but where are your instances? US-West-2?