I want to write a concept that checks if the type has a static method called foo. That method will have a templated parameter (the function will be called multiple times later with different parameter types).
Because of that templated parameter, it's quite difficult to check it. For the start, I thought I only check if there is a member at all with that name.
The following code compiles with Clang, but doesn't compile with GCC, because it cannot resolve the address of the overloaded function T::foo.
template <typename T>
concept HasFoo = requires { T::foo; };
class Bar {
template <typename T>
static void foo(T t);
How do you correctly check for the existence of a templated static method (working in Clang and GCC)?
And ideally, can you even check more than this? Like checking if the return type is void, or if it is callable.
One way would be to include the templated type into the concept, but as I want to use the method with multiple different types.
So checking with only one type, like in the following code, is not enough.
template <typename T, typename T2>
concept HasFoo = requires { T::template foo<T2>; };
static_assert(HasFoo<Bar, int>);
How do you correctly check for the existence of a templated static method (working in Clang and GCC)? And ideally, can you even check more than this? Like checking if the return type is void, or if it is callable.
I do have some constraints on template arguments, for the sake of the simplified example in the question we can just assume it's an integer type.
To check if the class support a static template method foo() that is callable with an integer and return void, you can simply check
template <typename T>
concept HasFoo = std::is_same_v<decltype(T::foo(0)), void>;
If you also want to be sure that the foo() method is a template one, I suppose you can also check that converting &T::foo to different function pointer types you get different values, so (for example)
( (void*)(&T::template foo<int>)
!= (void*)(&T::template foo<long>))
Combining the two requirements,
template <typename T>
concept HasFoo = ( (void*)(&T::template foo<int>)
!= (void*)(&T::template foo<long>))
&& std::is_same_v<decltype(T::foo(0)), void>;
struct Bar1
{ template <typename T> static void foo (T) {} };
struct Bar2
{ static void foo (int) {} };
struct Bar3
{ template <typename T> static T foo; };
template <typename T>
T Bar3::foo;
struct Bar4
{ template <typename T> static int foo (T) { return 0; } };
you have
static_assert(not HasFoo<Bar2>); // not because foo() isn't template
static_assert(not HasFoo<Bar3>); // not because foo isn't callable
static_assert(not HasFoo<Bar4>); // not becasue foo() return int
I am trying to write a class template that uses a parameter-pack and implements a member function for each type contained in the parameter-pack.
This is what I have so far:
template <typename...T>
class Myclass {
void doSomething((Some_Operator_to_divorce?) T) {
* Do Something
std::cout << "I did something" << std::endl;
My goal is to have a class template that can be used in the following way:
Myclass<std::string, int, double> M;
M.doSomething("I am a String");
Where the class template mechanism will create an implementation for a doSomething(std::string x), a doSomething(int x) and a doSomething(double x) member function but not a doSomething(std::string x, int i, double f) member function.
I found a lot of examples in the web on the usability of parameter-packs, but I could not figure out if it can be used for my purpose, or if I totally misunderstood for what a parameter-pack can be used.
I thought that I need to unpack the parameter-pack but, after reading a lot of examples about unpacking parameter packs, I believe that this is not the right choice and it has a complete different meaning.
So, therefore, I am looking for a operation to "divorce" a parameter-pack.
There is no "operator" specifically that supports this, but what you're requesting can be done in a few different ways, depending on your requirements.
The only way to "extract" T types from a parameter pack of a class template with the purpose of implementing an overload-set of functions is to implement it using recursive inheritance, where each instance extracts one "T" type and implements the function, passing the rest on to the next implementation.
Something like:
// Extract first 'T', pass on 'Rest' to next type
template <typename T, typename...Rest>
class MyClassImpl : public MyClassImpl<Rest...>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
using MyClassImpl<Rest...>::doSomething;
template <typename T>
class MyClassImpl<T> // end-case, no more 'Rest'
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass : public MyClassImpl<Types...>
using MyClassImpl<Types...>::doSomething;
This will instantiate sizeof...(Types) class templates, where each one defines an overload for each T type.
This ensures that you get overload semantics -- such that passing an int can call a long overload, or will be ambiguous if there are two competing conversions.
However, if this is not necessary, then it'd be easier to enable the function with SFINAE using enable_if and a condition.
For exact comparisons, you could create an is_one_of trait that only ensures this exists if T is exactly one of the types. In C++17, this could be done with std::disjunction and std::is_same:
#include <type_traits>
// A trait to check that T is one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct is_one_of : std::disjunction<std::is_same<T,Types>...>{};
Alternatively, you may want this to only work if it may work with convertible types -- which you might do something like:
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct is_convertible_to_one_of : std::disjunction<std::is_convertible<T,Types>...>{};
The difference between the two is that if you passed a string literal to a MyClass<std::string>, it will work with the second option since it's convertible, but not the first option since it's exact. The deduced T type from the template will also be different, with the former being exactly one of Types..., and the latter being convertible (again, T may be const char*, but Types... may only contain std::string)
To work this together into your MyClass template, you just need to enable the condition with SFINAE using enable_if:
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass
// only instantiates if 'T' is exactly one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
// or
// only instantiate if T is convertible to one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_convertible_to_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
Which solution works for you depends entirely on your requirements (overload semantics, exact calling convension, or conversion calling convension)
Edit: if you really wanted to get complex, you can also merge the two approaches... Make a type trait to determine what type would be called from an overload, and use this to construct a function template of a specific underlying type.
This is similar to how variant needs to be implemented, since it has a U constructor that considers all types as an overload set:
// create an overload set of all functions, and return a unique index for
// each return type
template <std::size_t I, typename...Types>
struct overload_set_impl;
template <std::size_t I, typename T0, typename...Types>
struct overload_set_impl<I,T0,Types...>
: overload_set_impl<I+1,Types...>
using overload_set_impl<I+1,Types...>::operator();
std::integral_constant<std::size_t,I> operator()(T0);
template <typename...Types>
struct overload_set : overload_set_impl<0,Types...> {};
// get the index that would be returned from invoking all overloads with a T
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct index_of_overload : decltype(std::declval<overload_set<Types...>>()(std::declval<T>())){};
// Get the element from the above test
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct constructible_overload
: std::tuple_element<index_of_overload<T, Types...>::value, std::tuple<Types...>>{};
template <typename T, typename...Types>
using constructible_overload_t
= typename constructible_overload<T, Types...>::type;
And then use this with the second approach of having a function template:
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass {
// still accept any type that is convertible
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_convertible_to_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T& v)
// converts to the specific overloaded type, and call it
using type = constructible_overload_t<T, Types...>;
template <typename T>
void doSomethingImpl(const T&) { ... }
This last approach does it two-phase; it uses the first SFINAE condition to ensure it can be converted, and then determines the appropriate type to treat it as and delegates it to the real (private) implementation.
This is much more complex, but can achieve the overload-like semantics without actually requiring recursive implementation in the type creating it.
With C++20 and concepts around the corner I wondered if it will be possible to write a concept to check if a Type has a function with a certain name which takes any number of arbitrary arguments.
Take the following code for example (with GCC's current concept TS syntax):
template <typename T>
concept bool Initializable = requires(T t) {
{ t.init() } ->void;
struct S {
void init() {}
The concept Initializable checks if a Type implements a void init() function. Now lets assume there is another Type which also has an init function but one which requires arguments, e.g. an int:
struct T {
void init(int) {}
Now in this case the static assertion would fail.
Is there any way to make the Initializable concept ignore the function arguments? This example might seem rather derived, but for something like a generic serializer there might be use-cases for such a concept.
There is a type trait for that, std::is_member_function_pointer. But if you want that the return type is void too, then you can do both at the same time:
template <typename>
struct mptr_returns_void : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename ...Args>
struct mptr_returns_void<void(T::*)(Args...)> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
concept Initializable = mptr_returns_void<decltype(&T::init)>::value;
I'm setting up a function that initializes tuples based on a tuple type and a functor struct For that has a size_t template argument INDEX to retain the compile-time index. This functor may also depend on other template arguments T.... Because of this the functors exist within other structures (TClass in this example) that hold these template arguments.
The initialization function (called Bar here) has a template<std::size_t> class template argument to ensure that the used class actually can store the index.
While the design I've come up with works fine when I call it from a non-template function, it does not compile if the template T2 of a function does determine the template parameter of the wrapper TClass.
Here is the definition of the functor For wrapped inside TClass:
#include <cstdlib>
template <typename T> struct TClass {
template<std::size_t INDEX> struct For {
void operator()() {}
And here are the function calls i want to use:
template <template<std::size_t> class FOR> void bar() {
template <typename T> void foo() {
bar<TClass<T>::For>(); //Does not compile
int main() {
bar<TClass<int>::For>(); //Works
return 0;
The compiler output for the faulty foo-call is:
error: dependent-name ‘TClass<T>::For’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Bar<TClass<T>::For>(); //Does not compile
I know that dependent type names usually have to be preceded by a typename but this is also not necessary for the first bar-call. I assumed it was because the template argument can only be interpreted as a type. So I thought that maybe typename would result in correct compilation but if I change foo to
template <typename T> void foo() {
bar<typename TClass<T>::For>(); //Does not compile
I get:
error: ‘typename TClass<int>::For’ names ‘template<long unsigned int INDEX> struct TClass<int>::For’, which is not a type
Bar<typename TClass<T>::For>(); //Does not compile
I've also come up with a design where the ()-operator of TClass depends on the template INDEX which also works fine because it is not necessary to use nested types anymore. It looks like this:
#include <cstdlib>
template <typename T> struct TClass {
template<std::size_t INDEX> void operator()() {}
template <typename FOR> void bar() {
template <typename T> void foo() {
bar<TClass<T>>(); //Does compile
Apparently it is not possible to use dependent type names in functions where the template of the type is determined by the function's template parameters, but why? And how do I implement this correctly? To make writing future type checks with type traits easier I would prefer it if I can use a functor.
The compiler cannot know that TClass<T>::For refers to a template at the first stage of template instantiation. It needs a bit of help with template keyword. Fix:
template <typename T> void foo() {
bar<TClass<T>::template For>();
Let's suppose to have a templateclass Foo:
template <typename T>
class Foo {
void foo();
I have another template class Bar (independent from the first one):
template <int N>
class Bar {};
Let's say, I want to specialise the foo() method for whatever Bar class.
I'd wrongly write:
template <>
template <int N>
void Foo<Bar<N> >::foo() { /* ... */ }
The compiler blames me for because the type is not complete:
error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class Foo<Bar<N> >'
void Foo<Bar<N> >::foo() { }
I am using C++98, but I'd like to know if there exist different solutions in C++11.
I could solve the problem specialising the entire class Foo for a generic Bar, but after I should have to define all methods.
Example Code
That's not what I want, I am looking for (if exists) more elegant solution (both C++98 and C++11) which allows me to specialise and implement only a single class method.
The question on SO does not explain how to specialise with a template argument. Indeed, my question shows how the compiler complains about that.
For C++11 you can SFINAE enable/disable (using std::enable_if) two differents versions of foo() inside a not specialized Foo class.
In C++98 you don't have std::enable_if but you can simulate it (give me some minutes and I try to propose an example). Sorry: my idea doesn't works because this method require the use of default template arguments for methods that is a C++11 innovation.
Another way is define a template base class for Foo(), say FooBase, insert foo() (and only foo()) in FooBase and specialize FooBase.
Another way, that works also with C++98, can be tag dispatching: you can define an unique foo(), with zero parameter, that call another foo(), with a parameter that is determined by T.
The following is a full (C++98 compilable) example
#include <iostream>
struct barWay {};
struct noBarWay {};
template <int>
struct Bar
{ };
template <typename>
struct selectType
{ typedef noBarWay type; };
template <int N>
struct selectType< Bar<N> >
{ typedef barWay type; };
template <typename T>
struct Foo
void foo (noBarWay const &)
{ std::cout << "not Bar version" << std::endl; }
void foo (barWay const &)
{ std::cout << "Bar version" << std::endl; }
void foo ()
{ foo(typename selectType<T>::type()); }
int main ()
Foo<int> fi;
Foo< Bar<42> > fb;
if a common base is not desirable, yet another way could be giving foo() a customization point, like a trait for example:
template <typename T>
struct foo_traits;
template <typename T>
struct Foo {
void foo(){ foo_traits<T>::foo_cp(*this); }
template <typename T>
struct foo_traits{ static void foo_cp(T&){/*default*/} };
template <int N>
class Bar {};
template <int N>
struct foo_traits<Bar<N>>{ static void foo_cp(Foo<Bar<N>>&){/*spec*/} };
such trait could also be an implementation detail friend, if its only purpose is to internally provide a foo() specialization for Bar's.
If you cannot specialize foo, define it so that it delegates the call to an internal foo-implementation class. Then specialize that class.
Something like this should compile in C++98 and it doesn't differ much from your original code:
template <typename T>
class Foo {
struct FooImpl;
void foo() { FooImpl<T>()(); }
template <int N>
class Bar {};
template <typename T>
template <int N>
struct Foo<T>::FooImpl< Bar<N> > {
void operator()() { /* ... */ }
int main() {
Foo< Bar<0> > fb;
Foo<int> fi;
The last line doesn't compile as expected (at least I got it was the expected result, just define the function call operator for FooImpl otherwise).
This way you can define selectively the specializations for which you want foo to work. In all the other cases, an attempt at using foo will result in a compilation error.
I'd like to know if there exist different solutions in C++11.
This is a classic use case for tagged dispatch, of which max66 already suggested. The approach, and even syntax, are basically the same in C++98 and C++11.
Here's a bit of a cleaner implementation than max66's, I believe (running on godbolt):
template <class T>
class Foo {
template <class>
struct tag{};
template<class U>
void foo_helper(tag<U>){std::cout << "default\n";}
void foo_helper(tag<Bar<3> >){std::cout << "specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
void foo(){return foo_helper(tag<T>());}
The principle is the same; a client function accepting no arguments calls a helper function that constructs an empty type based on the T argument. Then normal overloading takes care of the rest.
Only here I use a templated catch-all method.
In C++11 the syntax would only change slightly; We could say tag<Bar<3>> instead of tag<Bar<3> > because new parsing rules allow the chevron for nested templates.
We could also make the tag and the templated foo_helper catch-all into variadic templates to be a little more generic:
template <class T>
class Foo {
template <class...>
struct tag{};
template<class... U>
void foo_helper(tag<U...>){std::cout << "default\n";}
void foo_helper(tag<Bar<3>>){std::cout << "specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
void foo(){return foo_helper(tag<T>{});}
Things actually start getting pretty interesting in C++17 with the introduction of constexpr if that allows us to write what looks like normal branching logic based on T (Live Demo):
template <class T>
class Foo {
void foo(){
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Bar<3>>){std::cout << "Specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
else std::cout << "default\n";
As you can see, all the tag stuff goes away in favor of using a simple if statement.
We take advantage of type_traits introduced in C++11 to check the type of T against our desired type. Something like this wouldn't necessarily work previously because all branches needed to be compiled. In C++17, only the branch that is selected (at compile-time) is compiled.
Note that you could emulate this behavior as early as C++98 by using typeid (godbolt demo):
void foo(){
if (typeid(T) == typeid(Bar<3>)){std::cout << "Specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
else std::cout << "default\n";
However, the typeid approach is a poor choice for 2 reasons:
It's a run time check (slow) for information we know at compile-time
It's brittle because all branches must compile for all template instantiations, whereas in C++17 if constexpr only compiles the branch that is selected.
So first, apologies for terminology - I'm not sure if template prototype is the correct term. By this I mean :
template <class T, class X>
class TemplatePrototype
// code
I have a situation where I have a function that creates a template object based upon template arguments to that function.
template <class T, class X>
void doSomething()
TemplatePrototype<T, X> aTemplateTX;
However, there are about 15 different versions of TemplatePrototype, which all have the same interface but different execution (TemplatePrototype is provided by another library). As a result, I have a lot of code that looks like this:
template <class T, class X>
void doSomethingWithOne()
TemplatePrototypeOne<T, X> aTemplateTX;
template <class T, class X>
void doSomethingWithTwo()
TemplatePrototypeTwo<T, X> aTemplateTX;
As a consequence of the architecture, I must know which TemplatePrototype I am going to use before I know the actual types T and X. I would like to see something like this:
template <class T, class X, class Prototype>
void doSomething()
Prototype<T, X> aPrototype;
But where I have specified part of the template arguments in advance - i.e I specify Prototype before I know T and X. Obviously, this is not possible in C++.
Equally, I cannot pass the Prototype as a template argument because it will still result in huge amounts of duplicate code.
Some important facts : I know the range of all possible inputs.
So I could theoretically use a macro to define each possible template specialisation and insert them into a container, which I would then use to access the specialisation I need. However, I am looking for a more 'elegant' solution - is it possible to pass template prototypes without specialising them as an argument to a template class, and then instantiate later when a function is called? Example:
template <class Prototype>
class Holder
template <class T, class X>
void doSomething()
Prototype<T, X> aPrototype;
As far as I know this is impossible, but I was wondering if the SO community had some folks who know a solution?
So I have implemented this as my solution, thanks to the answers below!
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
struct Foo
Foo() { aPtr = 0; }
T* aPtr;
template <template<typename> class C>
struct Bar
template <class T>
void doSomething()
C<T> aClass;
if (aClass.aPtr)
std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl;
int main()
Bar<Foo> aFoo;
return 0;
This enables me to specify which TemplatePrototype I wish to use, before I can know the template parameters.
Yes, use a template template parameter, e.g.
template <typename T>
struct Foo
template <template<typename> class C>
struct Bar
Bar<Foo> b;
You're looking for template template parameters.
In the template parameter list, instead of just:
class TemplatePrototype
specify your prototype as a class template which itself has two template type parameters (without giving them a name here), like:
template<class,class> class TemplatePrototype
This will result in a function like:
template <class T, class X,
template<class,class> class TemplatePrototype>
void doSomething()
TemplatePrototype<T, X> aTemplateTX;
Invocation example:
doSomething<T, X, TemplatePrototypeOne>();
To become independent of the number of template parameters you pass to your "prototype" (here it was 2, namely T and X), you can use variadic templates (since C++11).
For this, first move the prototype template parameter to the first position:
template <template<class,class> class TemplatePrototype,
class T, class X>
Then, replace class T, class X with class ...Ts, which is a placeholder of an arbitrary number of type parameters. Also, in the template template parameter list, replace class,class with class.... And in the instantiation within the function implementation, replace <T, X> with <Ts...> to "expand" the parameter pack.
The result then looks like this:
template <template<class...> class TemplatePrototype,
class ... Ts>
void doSomething()
TemplatePrototype<Ts...> aTemplateTs;
Live demo