Redis elasticache in aws - how to get persistence and keep good latency - amazon-web-services

I am currently using redis cluster with 2 node groups and a replica per node.
I chose to use redis because of the high performance. I have a new requirement to have persistent storage of the data in redis. I want to keep the good latency redis gives me and still build some procedure to save the data in the background. Backup built in snapshots is not good enough anymore since there is a maximum of 20 backups per 24 hours. I need data to be synced aprox. every minute
The data needs to be stored in a way that restart of the system will not make the data to be lost and that it can be restored back at all times.
So if I summarize the requirements:
Keep working with redis elasticache
Keep highest performance and latency
Be able to have the data persistent (including when the system is down or restarted)
The data sync to happen in intervals of a minute.
Be able to restore data back to redis when it lost the data.
I was looking when googling at manually running BGSAVE from a side docker in EC2 or to have a slave running in another EC2 machine. And then a lambda may take the rdb dile/data and save in s3.
Will this fit my needs?
What do the experts suggest? What are your ideas?

You can get close to your requirements by enabling AOF persistence.
This is done in the cluster's parameter group:
appendonly yes
appendfsync always|everysec
You will have to restart as well.
As you can see, redis only has two options for file system sync-for every value and every second.
Every value will be quite slow, so go with everysec if you want to keep good performance.


How to optimize AWS DMS MySql Aurora to Redshift replication?

I've been using AWS DMS to perform ongoing replication from MySql Aurora to Redshift. However, the ongoing replication is causing constant 25-30% CPU load on the target. This is because it produces many small files on S3 and loads/processes them non-stop. Redshift is not really designed for handling large number of small tasks.
In order to optimize, i've made it so that the process starts at the beginning of each hour, waits till the target is in-sync, and then stops. So, instead of working continually, it works for 5-8 minutes at the beginning of each hour. Even so, it is still very slow and unoptimized because it still has to process hundreds of small s3 files, only in shorter timespan.
Can this be optimized further? Is there a way to tell DMS to buffer these changes for larger period of time, and not produce fewer larger instead of many small s3 files? We really don't mind having higher target latency.
The amount of data transferred between Aurora and Redshift is rather small. There are around ~20K changes per hour, and we're using 4-node dc1.large redshift cluster. It should be able to handle those 20K changes in matter of seconds, not minutes
maybe, you can try BatchApplyTimeoutMin and BatchApplyTimeoutMax.
BatchApplyTimeoutMin sets the minimum amount of time in seconds that AWS DMS waits between each application of batch changes. The default value is 1.
You can change the value to 1200, even 3600.
Bump up maxFileSize in the target settings -

Replicated caching solutions compatible with AWS

My use case is as follow:
We have about 500 servers running in an autoscaling EC2 cluster that need to access the same configuration data (layed out in a key/value fashion) several million times per second.
The configuration data isn't very large (1 or 2 GBs) and doesn't change much (a few dozen updates/deletes/inserts per minute during peak time).
Latency is critical for us, so the data needs to be replicated and kept in memory on every single instance running our application.
Eventual consistency is fine. However we need to make sure that every update will be propagated at some point. (knowing that the servers can be shutdown at any time)
The update propagation across the servers should be reliable and easy to setup (we can't have static IPs for our servers, or we don't wanna go the route of "faking" multicast on AWS etc...)
Here are the solutions we've explored in the past:
Using regular java maps and use our custom built system to propagate updates across the cluster. (obviously, it doesn't scale that well)
Using EhCache and its replication feature. But setting it up on EC2 is very painful and somehow unreliable.
Here are the solutions we're thinking of trying out:
Apache Ignite ( with a REPLICATED strategy.
Hazelcast's Replicated Map feature. (
Apache Geode on every application node. (
I would like to know if each of those solutions would work for our use case. And eventually, what issues I'm likely to face with each of them.
Here is what I found so far:
Hazelcast's Replicated Map is somehow recent and still a bit unreliable (async updates can be lost in case of scaling down)
It seems like Geode became "stable" fairly recently (even though it's supposedly in development since the early 2000s)
Ignite looks like it could be a good fit, but I'm not too sure how their S3 discovery based system will work out if we keep adding / removing node regularly.
Geode should work for your use case. You should be able to use a Geode Replicated region on each node. You can choose to do synchronous OR asynchronous replication. In case of failures, the replicated region gets an initial copy of the data from an existing member in the system, while making sure that no in-flight operations are lost.
In terms of configuration, you will have to start a couple/few member discovery processes (Geode locators) and point each member to these locators. (We recommend that you start one locator/AZ and use 3 AZs to protect against network partitioning).
Geode/GemFire has been stable for a while; powering low latency high scalability requirements for reservation systems at Indian and Chinese railways among other users for a very long time.
Disclosure: I am a committer on Geode.
Ignite provides native AWS integration for discovery over S3 storage: It solves main issue - you don't need to change configuration when instances are restarted. In a nutshell, any nodes that successfully joins topology writes its coordinates to a bucket (and removes them when fails or leaves). When you start a new node, it reads this bucket and connects to one the listed addresses.
Hazelcast's Replicated Map will not work for your use-case. Note that it is a map that is replicated across all it's nodes not on the client nodes/servers. Also, as you said, it is not fully reliable yet.
Here is the Hazelcast solution:
Create a Hazelcast cluster with a set of nodes depending upon the size of data.
Create a Distributed map(IMap) and tweak the count & eviction configurations based on size/number of key/value pairs. The data gets partitioned across all the nodes.
Setup Backup count based on how critical the data is and how much time it takes to pull the data from the actual source(DB/Files). Distributed maps have 1 backup by default.
In the client side, setup a NearCache and attach it to the Distributed map. This NearCache will hold the Key/Value pair in the local/client side itself. So the get operations would end up in milliseconds.
Things to consider with NearCache solution:
The first get operation would be slower as it has to go through network to get the data from cluster.
Cache invalidation is not fully reliable as there will be a delay in synchronization with the cluster and may end reading stale data. Again, this is same case across all the cache solutions.
It is client's responsibility to setup timeout and invalidation of Nearcache entries. So that the future pulls would get fresh data from cluster. This depends on how often the data gets refreshed or value is replaced for a key.

Good setup on AWS for ELK

We are looking into getting an ELK stack setup on Amazon but we don't really know what we need of machines to handle it smoothly.
Now I know that it will become obvious if it doesn't run smooth but still we hoped to get an idea on what we would need for our situation.
So we 4 servers that generate log files in a custom format. About ~45 million lines of logs each day, generating about 4 files of 600mb (gzipped) so around ~24GB of logs each day.
Now we are looking into the ELK stack and would like the dashboards of Kibana display realtime data, so I was thinking of logging using syslog to logstash.
4 Servers -> Rsyslog (on those 4 servers) -> Logstash (AWS) -> ElasticSearch (AWS) -> Kibana (AWS)
So now we need to figure out what kind of hardware we would need in AWS to handle this.
I read somewhere 3 masters for ElasticSearch and 2 datanodes at minimum.
So that would total 5 servers + 1 server for Kibana and 1 for Logstash?
So I would need a total of 7 servers to get started, but that kinda seems overkill?
I would like to keep my data for 1 month, so 31 days at most, so I would have around ~1.4TB of raw logdata in Elastic Search (~45GB x 31)
But since I don't really have a clue on what the best setup would be, any hints/tips/info would be welcome.
Also a system or tool that would handle this for me (node failure, etc) could be useful.
Thanks in advance,
Here's how I've architected my cloud clusters:
3 Master nodes - these nodes coordinate the cluster and keeping three of them helps tolerate failure. Ideally these will spread across availability zones. These can be fairly small and ideally do not receive any requests - their only job is to maintain the cluster. In this case set discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes = 2 to maintain quorum. These IPs and these IPs only are what you should provide to all cluster nodes in
Indexes: you should probably take advantage of daily indexes - see This will make more sense below but will also be beneficial if you begin to scale up - you can increase shard count over time without re-indexing.
Data Nodes: Depending on your scale or performance requirements there are a few options - i2.xlarge or d2.xlarge will work well but r3.2xlarge are also a good option. Make sure to keep the JVM heap <30GB. Keep the data paths on ephemeral drives local to the instances - EBS is not really so ideal for this use case but depending on your requirements might be sufficient. Be sure you have multiple data nodes so the replica shards can split across availability zones. As your data requirements increase, just scale these up.
Hot/Warm: Depending on the use case - it sometimes is beneficial to split your data nodes into Hot/Warm (Fast SSD/Slow HDD). This is mainly due to the fact that all writes are in realtime, and the majority of reads are on the past few hours. If you can move yesterday's data onto cheaper, slower drives, it helps out quite a bit. This is a little more involved but you can read more at This requires adding some tags and using curator on a nightly basis but is generally worth it due to the cost savings of moving largely unsearched data off of more expensive SSD.
In production, I run ~20 r3.2xlarge for the hot tier and 4-5 d2.xlarge for the warm tier with a replication factor of 2 - this allows ~TB per day of ingest and a decent amount of retention. We scale Hot for volume and Warm for retention.
Overall - good luck! It's a fun stack to build and operate once everything is running smoothly.
PS - Depending on the time/resources you have available, you can run the managed elasticsearch service on AWS, but the last time i looked its ~60% more expensive than running it on your own instances, and YMMV.
Seems like you need something to start with ELK Stack on AWS
Did u tried this couple of CloudFormation scripts, It would ease your installation process and will help you setup your environment in one go.
ELK-Cookbook - CloudFormation Script
ELK-Stack with Google OAuth in Private VPC
Comment below if this doesn't solves your problem.

Share data across Amazon Elastic Beanstalk nodes

I have a spring boot application which downloads around 300 MB of data at start up and saves it to a path /app/local/mydata. Currently, I have just one dev environment with a single node and it is not a problem. However, once I create a prod instance with (say) 10 nodes, it would be a waste of data bandwidth for each node to individually download the same 300 MB data. It will put a lot of stress on the service it is downloading the data from. And there is cost associated with data flowing in/out of EC2.
I can build a logic using a touchfile to make sure that only one box downloads the data and others just wait until the download is complete. However, I don't know where to download these data such that the other nodes can read it too.
Any suggestions?
Download it to S3 if you want to keep it in a file, but it sounds like you might need to put the data in a database (RDS) or maybe cache it in Redis (ElastiCache).
I'm not sure what a "touchfile" is but I assume you mean some sort of file lock mechanism. I don't see that as the best option for coordinating this across multiple servers. I would probably use a DynamoDB table with consistent reads and conditional writes as a distributed locking mechanism.
How often does the data you are downloading change? Perhaps you could just schedule a Lambda function to refresh the data periodically and update a database or something?
In general, you need to stop thinking about using the web server's local file system for this sort of thing.

Correct architecture for a reliant Windows EC2 background worker on AWS

Basically we save cached data on Redis and we want to dump it into MongoDB every X seconds.
We have a sorted set stored on Redis, saving each user's last activity as score, and we want to periodically dump user's final state after being inactive for a certain period of time, and we wish to make sure that:
We don't strain our API servers (That's why it has to run on a worker instance.
The data dump operation is very critical - We require these worker instances to be scalable and highly resilient to failure (and should handle failure gracefully).
We must ensure that if we have X machines, that the data would be spread across instances, and that every item we pull from Redis will be handled exactly once.
I was wondering what would be the best architectural approach to deploy EC2 Windows instances that periodically handle data.
I was thinking of using Elastic Beanstalk as it's easy to deploy, scale & monitor, but I was wondering if there was a better approach to this.
Thanks in advance!
Other than the application, for which Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is a fine choice, i'd recommend you take a look at Amazon Kinesis:
That is because you mentioned "scalable", "resilient", "handle failure gracefully" and "exactly once". Those attributes are quite hard to get right in a distributed system, and Kinesis Streams and Client Library can greatly help with that.