Django ListView works but DetailView not displaying Model Data - django

I am helping my daughter with her computing Project for school. It is a simple generic forum type application.
She has a ListView for a model which works fine:
{% extends 'users/main.html' %}
<!-- Here is where our content will begin -->
{% block content %}
<h1>This is posts.html!</h1>
{% for obj in object_list %}
<h2>{{ obj.topic }}</h2>
{{ obj.date_posted }}
{{ obj.content }}
Author: {{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
She then added a DetailView which is simply the same code with the loop removed:
{% extends 'users/main.html' %}
<!-- Here is where our content will begin -->
{% block content %}
<h1>This is posts.html!</h1>
{{ }}
<h2>{{ obj.topic }}</h2>
{{ obj.date_posted }}
{{ obj.content }}
Author: {{ }}
{% endblock %}
This is then called with a '' (post id = 1 does exist (checked via DB Browser and in the ListView) and the path and naming of the template is correct.
Frustratingly, this displays the page but not the details inside the django temp language brackets (object.topic etc)!
When I look at the page source for the section dealing with the detail, I get:
screenshot of page
and the source code looks like so:
<h1>This is posts.html!</h1>
It is simply ignoring the bracketed templating code - any ideas?

Django DetailView returns 'object' inside context by default.
If you did not change 'context_object_name' variable, then use {{object}} instead of {{obj}}
<h1>This is posts.html!</h1>
{{ }}
<h2>{{ object.topic }}</h2>
{{ object.date_posted }}
{{ object.content }}
Author: {{ }}

Really thanks a lot for all of this.
I corrected my template to include 'object' and made it march all conventions to avoid having to send in context information.
It still wouldn't work.
I rebooted localhost repeatedly because it all made no sense.
Finally, I rebooted my daughters PC and immediately, everything worked.
A lesson learned and as a dad helping a 17 year old daughter who did his Computer Science degree 40(!) years ago, another lesson in how complicated and challenging understanding a framework can be.
I must say - it has been fun.
Thanks again,


Django nested QuerySet yielding nothing

I am using Django 1.8 with Postgres 9.2 on a Windows 8 machine.
I have two pieces of nearly identical code from two of my projects. One works and the other doesn't.
Here's the code that works:
from django.shortcuts import render
from models import Artist, Track
def music(request):
artists = Artist.objects.all().order_by('orderName')
artistTrackCollections = []
for artist in artists:
artist.tracks = Track.objects.filter(artist=artist).order_by('order')
return render(request, 'music.html', {'artistTrackCollections': artistTrackCollections,})
And the relevant template code:
{% for artist in artistTrackCollections %}
{% if %}
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
{% else %}
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% for track in artist.tracks %}
<li>“{{ track.title }}”
<i>({{ track.album.title }})</i>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Now here's pretty much the exact same code from a different project of mine that doesn't work anymore:
def index(request):
productList = PartModel.objects.filter(isBuild=True, isActive=True).order_by('name')
productCollection = []
for product in productList:
product.part_list = product.buildpart.all().order_by('family__type')[:5]
return render(request, 'index.html', { 'productCollection': productCollection, })
and its corresponding template:
{% for product in productCollection %}
<p>{{ }}
<p>${{ product.price }}
{% for part in product.part_list %}
<li>{{ }} | {{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
This code used to work but now it doesn't. In the code that works I succeed in going through each artist and attaching that artist's tracks. In the code that fails I try to go through each PartModel instance that is a build and get that PartModel instance's corresponding parts. They are identical as far as I can tell. productCollection gets populated but the part_list data for some reason is blank. This leads me to believe the problem is with this line:
product.part_list = product.buildpart.all().order_by('family__type')[:5]
But I cannot discern the difference from this line:
artist.tracks = Track.objects.filter(artist=artist).order_by('order')
Thanks in advance for any help!

Django: How to output error_message in paragraph <p> instead of list <li> format

I have a simple form which uses a SessionWizardView to spread it over a number of pages. Below is an example of one of the questions.
first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=100, label='What is your first name?', error_messages={'required': 'Please enter your first name'})
Which renders out as
<label for="id_0-first_name">What is your first Name?</label>
<ul class="errorlist">
<li>Please enter your first name</li>
<input id="id_0-first_name" maxlength="100" name="0-first_name" type="text" />
Can anyone tell me hwo to change the error output so that it is in <p> Paragraph </p> format rather than <li> List item </li> format?
I am using Django 1.6.2
You'll have to create a class that does renders the HTML as you would want it. See the docs here.
The example from the docs:
from django.forms.util import ErrorList
class DivErrorList(ErrorList):
def __unicode__(self):
return self.as_divs()
def as_divs(self):
if not self: return u''
return u'<div class="errorlist">%s</div>' % ''.join([u'<div class="error">%s</div>' % e for e in self])
f = ContactForm(data, auto_id=False, error_class=DivErrorList)
You can do as #schillingt suggested and create your own error list class.
Or, if you want to handle this in your template, you can use something like:
<form method="post" action="/some-view/">
... other fields, etc. omitted ...
<!-- The label and form field -->
{{ form.first_name.label_tag }}
{{ form.first_name }}
<!-- Output any errors -->
{% for error in form.first_name.errors %}
<p>{{ error }}</p>
{% endfor %}
... other fields, etc. omitted ...
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
In order to do this in a cleanly repeatable way, make a template named form-field.html:
{{ field.label_tag }}
{{ field }}
<!-- Output any errors -->
{% for error in field.errors %}
<p>{{ error }}</p>
{% endfor %}
Then, update your main template:
<form method="post" action="/some-view/">
... other fields, etc. omitted ...
{% with field=form.first_name %}
{% include "form-field.html" %}
{% endwith %}
... other fields, etc. omitted ...
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
You can then make updates to the single form-field.html template and update all of your forms, and it makes your main template a bit simpler

combine number of database requests using ORM

I am working on a website, where a user can vote and comment on different projects in various categories. Whenever a user returns to the site, their votes will be highlighted and all the comments will be visible.
The problem is that every time the page is loaded there are many database calls due to the design of my models or due to me not finding an efficient way of retrieving the data.
My models are as follows:
class ProjectCategory:
class Project:
def ownedComments(self):
return Comment.objects.filter(project=self).order_by('-submissionTime')
def ownedCommentsPreview(self):
return Comment.objects.filter(project=self).order_by('-submissionTime')[0:3]
def ownedVotes(self):
return Vote.objects.filter(project=self,upVoted=True).count()
class Vote:
class Comment:
Here are relevant parts of my
def getCurrentUserData(request=None):
if (request==None) or (request.user.is_authenticated()==False):
return {'loggedInUsername':'Anonym','userIsLoggedIn':False}
return {'loggedInUsername':request.user.username,'userIsLoggedIn':True}
def getProjectResponse(request,surveyFile=None,additionalInfo={}):
if surveyFile!=None:
for vote in userVotes:
answerDict={'userVotedUp':userVotedUp,'prjCategories':PrjCategory.objects.select_related(),'projects': Project.objects.prefetch_related('category').filter(visible=True),'spammerquestion':spammerquestion.SpammerQuestion().getRandomQuestion(),'rotatingLines':helpers.getRandomRotatingLines(),'backgroundimageurl':helpers.getBackgroundImageUrl()}
return answerDict
def showProject(request,prjNo):
return render_to_response('website/singleproject.html', getProjectResponse(request,surveyFile,{'currentPrj':currentPrj,'immediateProjectID'}),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
The template contains many iterations over projects and categories, there might be several database calls happening here. Relevant parts of the template are:
{% for project in projects %}['{{ }}']=ko.observable(new Vote({'totalVoteNumber':ko.observable({{ project.ownedVotes }}),'userVoteState':ko.observable({% if in userVotedUp %}true{% else %}false{% endif %})}));
self.comments['{{ }}']=ko.observableArray([]);
{% for comment in project.ownedCommentsPreview %}
self.comments['{{ }}'].push(new Comment({'description':'{{ comment.description|striptags|safe }}','submissionTime':'{{ comment.submissionTime|humanDT }}','commentUuid':'{{ comment.commentUuid }}','deletable':false}));
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for prjCat in prjCategories %}
.prjCatUnderline{{ }} {border-bottom: 0px solid {{ prjCat.color }};}
.prjCatUnderline{{ }}:hover {border-bottom: 3px solid {{ prjCat.color }};}
{% endfor %}
{% for prjCat in prjCategories %}
{{ prjCat.title }}
{% if not forloop.last %}<span class="catpipe">|</span>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var projectLocations = [{% for project in projects %}{% if project.location != '' %}['{{ project.title }}', {{ project.location }}, {{ }}, '{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ project.mapImage }}', {{ project.mapImage.width }}, {{ project.mapImage.height }}, '{{ }}'],
{% endif %}{% endfor %}];
{% for project in projects %}
<div class="item prjCat{{ }}">
<div class="prjnumberbox">
<div class="numberbar" style="background-color:{{ project.category.color }}"></div>
<div class="prjnumber">{{ project.prjNo|stringformat:"02d" }}</div>
<div class="numberbar" style="background-color: {{ project.category.color }}"></div>
<div class="prjheadline"><span>{{ project.title }}</span></div>
<div class="prjimagecontainer">
<!-- ko with: $['{{ }}'] -->
<div class="prjimageoverlay"><a data-bind="click: function(data,event) { $root.showSingleProjectData('{{ }}',data) },css : { imgVoted :userVoteState }" class="singleProjectOverlay" href="{% url 'website.views.showProject' prjNo=project.prjNo %}"></a></div>
<div class="prjimage"><img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ project.teaserImage }}" /></div>
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="prjtextcontainer" {% if project.ownedComments|length_is:"0" %}style="background-image:none;"{% endif %}>
<div class="prjtext">{{ project.teaserText|safe }} <a class="singleProjectOverlay" data-bind="click: function(data,event) { showSingleProjectData('{{ }}',data) }" href="{% url 'website.views.showProject' prjNo=project.prjNo %}">mehr >></a></div>
<div class="votesline"><span class="voteslinefont" data-bind="with: vote['{{ }}']"> <span class="votecount" data-bind="text: totalVoteNumber">{{ project.ownedVotes }}</span> votes </span></div>
<div class="prjcomments nojs">
{% for comment in project.ownedCommentsPreview|slice:":4" %}
<div class="prjcommentitem">
{{ comment.teaserdescription }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="prjcomments" data-bind="foreach: comments['{{ }}'], visible: comments['{{ }}']().length > 0">
<!-- ko if: $index() < 4 -->
<div class="prjcommentitem">
<em data-bind="text: submissionTime"> </em><br/>
<span data-bind="text: description"> </span>
<!-- /ko -->
{% endfor %}
For the front page I'd like to retrieve all the projects, most recent three comments, the total number of votes for a project and the comments and votes by the user.
It would be great if that was possible with one db call, or with two, a general one to get the number of votes and the comments, and one for the data specific to the user.
CUrrently I am retrieving all the projects with one call, so I am automatically getting all the project categories. Then I get all the comments at once and assign them to the projects in python. I then get the comments and votes for a certain user with one call each.
Is there a way - without using sql directly - to get
comments and votes for a user with a single database call
comments, projects, accumulated number of votes per project and project categories at once?
One idea would be to download the whole database using select_related() and then sorting everything out in Python, but if in the future I have a large number of votes or comments, this might not be a good idea.

fetch variables in django templates

I am new to django .
I am facing a small problem but unable to solve it.
In my template when I try to access any variable using {{ }} but it returns blank while displaying something as detailview.whereas it works fine in listview.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', ListView.as_view(
{%extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h2>Registration No. :- {{ Profile.Registration_No }} <br>
Full Name : {{ Profile.First_Name }} {{ Profile.Last_Name }} </h2>
<div class="Profile_meta">
{{ Profile.Date_of_Birth}}
<div class="Profile_body">
{{ Profile.Permanent_Address|safe|linebreaks }}
Plz help..
You should refer to your Profile instance as:
{{ object.First_Name }} {{ object.Last_Name }}
By the way, take a look at PEP8, try to keep CamelCaseNames for class names and underscores_names for instances. It will make your code easier to read.

Django template not showing database contents

This is for certain a newbie mistake, I have googled for plenty of hours now, not finding a working solution. I assume part due to not being sure what to search for exactly.
I am working on a tiny blog application, I have models for user, post, blogComment and that is all.
I have written views for blogIndex and for blogPost, that is a listing of all posts and a listing of specific posts.
The blogIndex is working in the view that it belongs to, it shows {{ post.content }} {{ }} and so on with no problem.
The blogPost is however not. The view looks like this:
def blogPost(request, postID):
blogPost = post.objects.get(id=postID)
return render_to_response("blog_post.html", {"post":post})
The blog_post.html looks like this:
title: {{ post.title }}</br>
content: {{ post.content }}</br>
datetime: {{ post.datetime }}</br>
author: {{ }} {{ }}</br></br>
{% for comment in post.blogcomment_set.all %}
Comment.firstName: {{comment.firstName}}</br>
{% endfor %}
With the same code in blog_index.html, I get a proper listing of title, content and so on.
This is from
url(r'^blog/$', blogIndex),
url(r'^blog/(?P<postID>\d+)$', blogPost),
I suspect something is wrong with the regex?
I suspect something is more likely wrong with the view?
This is the view for blogIndex, which is working, but maybe helps with answers:
def blogIndex(request):
posts = post.objects.all()
return render_to_response("blog_index.html", {"posts":posts})
This, finally, is the code in blog_index.html:
{% for post in posts %}
<h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
{{ post.content }}
<p>Posted by: {{ }} {{ }}<br /> At:
{{ post.datetime }}</p>
<p><strong>Comments: </strong><br />
{% for comment in post.blogcomment_set.all %}
By: {{ comment.firstname }}<br />
Title: {{ comment.title }},<br />
Content: {{ comment.content }}<br />
Date: {{ comment.datetime }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Links to possible solutions or pointing me on the nose for being narrow sighted are both welcome input.
def blogPost(request, postID):
blogPost = post.objects.get(id=postID)
return render_to_response("blog_post.html", {"post":post})
Should be:
def blogPost(request, postID):
blogPost = post.objects.get(id=postID)
return render_to_response("blog_post.html", {"post":blogPost})