Visualization of dynamically created modules - c++

I am building a dynamic multi agent simulation in OMNeT and for this I have to create new modules at runtime. The module creation is working, however, the modules created at runtime are not appearing in the 3D visualization.
module "node" is created sucessfully
Does anyone know how to make the module appear in the visualization? Do I have to update the visualization module?
network = AgentNetwork
*.visualizer.osgVisualizer.typename = "IntegratedOsgVisualizer"
*.visualizer.*.mobilityVisualizer.animationSpeed = 1
*.visualizer.osgVisualizer.sceneVisualizer.typename = "SceneOsgEarthVisualizer"
*.visualizer.osgVisualizer.sceneVisualizer.mapFile = ""
void AgentSpawner::initialize()
cMessage *timer = new cMessage("timer");
scheduleAt(1.0, timer);
void AgentSpawner::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
cModuleType *moduleType = cModuleType::get("simulations.Agent");
cModule *module = moduleType->create("node", getParentModule());
// set up parameters and gate sizes before we set up its submodules
module->par("osgModel") = "3d/glider.osgb.(20).scale.0,0,180.rot";
// create internals, and schedule it

The OSG visualization info is maintained totally separately from the actual simulation model module object (that's because the visualization must be ALWAYS optional in the simulation, so make sure your simulation builds fine with OSG totally turned off). This means that an entirely different data structure is built during initialization time from the existing network nodes. As this is done only once during the initialization, dynamically created modules will not have their visualization counterpart data structure.
The code which created the corresponding objects is here.
The solution would be to look up the NetworkNodeOsgVisualizer module in your AgentSpawner code then create and add the corresponding data structures (NetworkNodeOsgVisualization objects). The needed methods (create and add) are there, but sadly they are protected, so you many need to modify the INET code and make them public to be able to call them.


How to Instantiate a Vst3 plugin in code? For a vst3 host app

I am trying to create a Vst3 plugin from a simple host app.
Here I have a simple code just to create an instance of a Vst3 plugin from a *.vst3 file.
auto proc = (GetFactoryProc)GetFunction(hmodule, "GetPluginFactory");
Steinberg::IPluginFactory* rawFactory = proc();
// Get factory info.
Steinberg::PFactoryInfo factoryInfo;
// Get classes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < rawFactory->countClasses(); i++)
Steinberg::PClassInfo info;
rawFactory->getClassInfo(i, &info);
// ------------------------------------
// ----------HOW TO USE THIS IDs-------
// ------------------------------------
Steinberg::FIDString cid = info.cid; // Is this correct?
Steinberg::FIDString iid = Steinberg::Vst::IComponent::iid; // I dont know what I am doing...
// ------------------------------------
// HOW TO USE THE createInstance FUNCTION?
// ------------------------------------
void* instance(nullptr);
Steinberg::tresult result = rawFactory->createInstance(cid, iid, &instance);
The questions is: What are this ids for? I can guess that cid stands for class-id. But what is the iid for and how can I get it to create an instance of a plugin class?
Every iid I take from any classes, IPluginFactory, IComponent and so on, I get unresolved external symbol.
The createInstance function return Steinberg::kNoInterface by the way so no classes is found when I try to insert an empty iid.
Anyone who know anything about Vst3 from Steinberg?
Any code example or documentation how to use the Vst3 for plugin hosting?
Thanks // Alex.
About module initialization.
A *.vst3 module may require additional initialization.
If a module exports some predefined functions, you should call it before getting the IPluginFactory.
The exported function names are "InitDll" and "ExitDll" for Windows platform.
// after the module is loaded.
auto initDll = (bool(*)())GetFunction(hmodule, "InitDll");
if(initDll) { initDll(); }
auto proc = (GetFactoryProc)GetFunction(hmodule, "GetPluginFactory");
Steinberg::IPluginFactory* rawFactory = proc();
// before the module is unloaded.
auto exitDll = (bool(*)())GetFunction(hmodule, "ExitDll");
if(exitDll) { exitDll(); }
You can also use VST3::Hosting::Module class defined in public.sdk/source/vst/hosting/module.h for this purpose.
About IDs.
The CID is the class-id (a.k.a. component-id) which is used for identifying the actual plugin component class in a vst3 module file.
A *.vst3 module file can contain multiple plugins however a host application can't identify a plugin by its actual C++ class name (because the host never knows it).
That's why the VST3 SDK provides the way to identify a actual plugin component class with CID.
The IID is the interface-id which is used for specifying a interface class.
In plugin loading context, IID represents which type of Interface class you want to get the created plugin as, normally it will be Vst::IComponent.
VST3 SDK is based on VST Module Architecture (VST-MA) which is very much like Component Object Model (COM) of Microsoft.
Learning COM will help you understand VST-MA.
Additionally, each plugins in a *.vst3 module file normally consist of two components: The Processor component and The EditController component.
The Processor component provides basic plugin APIs and DSP APIs.
The Processor component derives two interface classes: Vst::IComponent class and Vst::IAudioProcessor class.
The EditController component provides parameter management APIs and UI APIs.
Basic Conception
A VST 3 audio effect or instrument basically consists of two parts: a processing part and an edit controller part.
The corresponding interfaces are:
Processor : Steinberg::Vst::IAudioProcessor + Steinberg::Vst::IComponent
Controller : Steinberg::Vst::IEditController
The design of VST 3 suggests a complete separation of processor and edit controller by implementing two components. Splitting up an effect into these two parts requires some extra efforts for an implementation of course.
But this separation enables the host to run each component in a different context. It can even run them on different computers. Another benefit is that parameter changes can be separated when it comes to automation. While for processing these changes need to be transmitted in a sample accurate way, the GUI part can be updated with a much lower frequency and it can be shifted by the amount that results from any delay compensation or other processing offset.
A Plug-in that supports this separation has to set the Steinberg::Vst::kDistributable flag in the class info of the processor component (Steinberg::PClassInfo2::classFlags). Of course not every Plug-in can support this, for example if it depends deeply on resources that can not be easily moved to another computer. So when this flag is not set, the host must not try to separate the components in any way.
Although it is not recommended, it is possible to implement both, the processing part and the controller part in one component class. The host tries to query the Steinberg::Vst::IEditController interface after creating an Steinberg::Vst::IAudioProcessor and on success uses it as controller.
-- VST3 API Documentation (VST_SDK 3.6.13)
A plugins consists of two components, so you will call createInstance() twice.
This is the step to load a plugin from a *.vst3 module file:
Create the Processor component of the plugin from the module file, as Vst::IComponent class.
Initialize the Processor component.
Get the CID of the EditController component corresponding to the Processor component.
Create the EditController component from the module file with the CID.
Initialize the EditController component too.
Connect and setup them.
// Get classes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < rawFactory->countClasses(); i++)
Steinberg::PClassInfo info;
rawFactory->getClassInfo(i, &info);
// info.category will be kVstAudioEffectClass for Processor component.
// skip this component if not.
if(info.category != kVstAudioEffectClass) {
Vst::IComponent *comp(nullptr);
Steinberg::tresult result
= rawFactory->createInstance(info.cid, // tell factory which plugin to be created.
Vst::IComponent::iid, // tell factory which type of interface you want.
(void **)&comp // get the pointer to `comp`, and pass it as (void **)
if(result != kResultTrue) {
// TODO: error handling
// now `comp` shall be valid pointer of Vst::IComponent.
// initialize comp
// you should define host context object before and pass it here as `FUnknown *`.
// the host context object is the class which normally derives Vst::IHostApplication,
// Vst::IComponentHandler, Vst::IPluginInterfaceSupport, etc.
TUID edit_cid;
// (in detail, IEditController interface may be obtained from IComponent directly if the plugin
// derives SingleComponentEffect.
// For such plugins, do not use this method and obtain IEditController with `comp->queryInstance()`
// )
Vst::IEditController *edit(nullptr);
result = rawFactory->createInstance(edit_cid,
(void **)&edit);
if(result != kResultTrue) {
// TODO: error handling
// initialize the EditController component too.
// now the two components are created.
// connect and setup them.
// use the plugin.
// ...
// don't forget destruction after using it.
FYI, I develop an open-source VST3 Host Application called Terra.
It is still alpha version now. But it may be helpful for you.
Thank you.

Is it possible to inject a component that doesn't have a prefab/GameObject associated with it?

I have a game object (a cube, let's say) which exists in the scene, and I want it to have an injectable component. I want to be able to say, for example: My cube has an IShotFirer member, which can resolve to either a BoomShotFirer or a BangShotFirer MonoBehavior component, both of which implement IShotFirer. When binding happens, I want this component to be added to the cube object.
public class CubeBehavior : MonoBehaviour
private IShotFirer shotFirer;
Is it possible to do this without 1) needing an existing prefab which contains one of these Bang/Boom components, or 2) needing an existing scene object which has one of these components attached?
In other words, I want to be able to dynamically add the component to my game object depending on the bindings, and not relying on anything other than the script files which define either BoomShotFirer or BangShotFirer. But the docs seem to imply that I need to find an existing game object or prefab (e.g. using .FromComponentsInChildren(), etc.)
Is it possible to do this without 1) needing an existing prefab which
contains one of these Bang/Boom components, or 2) needing an existing
scene object which has one of these components attached?
Yes, it is.
Zenject provides a host of helpers that create a new components and bind them -- quoting the docs:
FromNewComponentOnRoot - Instantiate the given component on the root of the current context. This is most often used with GameObjectContext.
FromNewComponentOn - Instantiate a new component of the given type on the given game object
FromNewComponentOnNewGameObject - Create a new game object at the root of the scene and add the Foo MonoBehaviour to it
For bindings like this one that create new game objects, there are also extra bind methods you can chain:
WithGameObjectName = The name to give the new Game Object associated with this binding.
UnderTransformGroup(string) = The name of the transform group to place the new game object under.
UnderTransform(Transform) = The actual transform to place the new game object under.
UnderTransform(Method) = A method to provide the transform to use.
That list is not even exhaustive, be sure to check the readme and the cheatsheet (from both of which I have extracted the info above).
Also understand that, as usual, you can append .AsSingle(), .AsTransient() and .AsCached() to achieve the desired result.

Sitecore: Glass Mapper Code First

It is possible to automatically generate Sitecore templates just coding models? I'm using Sitecore 8.0 and I saw Glass Mapper Code First approach but I cant find more information about that.
Not sure why there isn't much info about it, but you can definitely model/code first!. I do it alot using the attribute configuration approach like so:
[SitecoreType(true, "{generated guid}")]
public class ExampleModel
[SitecoreField("{generated guid}", SitecoreFieldType.SingleLineText)]
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
Now how this works. The SitecoreType 'true' value for the first parameter indicates it may be used for codefirst. There is a GlassCodeFirstDataprovider which has an Initialize method, executed in Sitecore's Initialize pipeline. This method will collect all configurations marked for codefirst and create it in the sql dataprovider. The sections and fields are stored in memory. It also takes inheritance into account (base templates).
I think you first need to uncomment some code in the GlassMapperScCustom class you get when you install the project via Nuget. The PostLoad method contains the few lines that execute the Initialize method of each CodeFirstDataprovider.
var dbs = global::Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabases();
foreach (var db in dbs)
var provider = db.GetDataProviders().FirstOrDefault(x => x is GlassDataProvider) as GlassDataProvider;
if (provider != null)
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Furthermore I would advise to use code first on development only. You can create packages or serialize the templates as usual and deploy them to other environment so you dont need the dataprovider (and potential risks) there.
You can. But it's not going to be Glass related.
Code first is exactly what Sitecore.PathFinder is looking to achieve. There's not a lot of info publicly available on this yet however.
Get started here:

How to exchange custom data between Ops in Nuke?

This questions is addressed to developers using C++ and the NDK of Nuke.
Context: Assume a custom Op which implements the interfaces of DD::Image::NoIop and
DD::Image::Executable. The node iterates of a range of frames extracting information at
each frame, which is stored in a custom data structure. An custom knob, which is a member
variable of the above Op (but invisible in the UI), handles the loading and saving
(serialization) of the data structure.
Now I want to exchange that data structure between Ops.
So far I have come up with the following ideas:
Expression linking
Knobs can share information (matrices, etc.) using expression linking.
Can this feature be exploited for custom data as well?
Serialization to image data
The custom data would be serialized and written into a (new) channel. A
node further down the processing tree could grab that and de-serialize
again. Of course, the channel must not be altered between serialization
and de-serialization or else ... this is a hack, I know, but, hey, any port
in a storm!
GeoOp + renderer
In cases where the custom data is purely point-based (which, unfortunately,
it isn't in my case), I could turn the above node into a 3D node and pass
point data to other 3D nodes. At some point a render node would be required
to come back to 2D.
I am going into the correct direction with this? If not, what is a sensible
approach to make this data structure available to other nodes, which rely on the
information contained in it?
This question has been answered on the Nuke-dev mailing list:
If you know the actual class of your Op's input, it's possible to cast the
input to that class type and access it directly. A simple example could be
this snippet below:
//! #file DownstreamOp.cpp
#include "UpstreamOp.h" // The Op that contains your custom data.
// ...
UpstreamOp * upstreamOp = dynamic_cast< UpstreamOp * >( input( 0 ) );
if ( upstreamOp )
YourCustomData * data = yourOp->getData();
// ...
// ...
Update with reference to a question that I received via email:
I am trying to do this exact same thing, pass custom data from one Iop
plugin to another.
But these two plugins are defined in different dso/dll files.
How did you get this to work ?
Short answer:
Compile your Ops into a single shared object.
Long answer:
define the depending Ops.
In a first attempt I compiled the first plugin using only UpstreamOp.cpp,
as usual. For the second plugin I compiled both DownstreamOp.cpp and
UpstreamOp.cpp into that plugin.
Strangely enough that worked (on Linux; didn't test Windows).
However, by overriding
bool Op::test_input( int input, Op * op ) const;
things will break. Creating and saving a Comp using the above plugins still
works. But loading that same Comp again breaks the connection in the node graph
between UpstreamOp and DownstreamOp and it is no longer possible to connect
them again.
My hypothesis is this: since both plugins contain symbols for UpstreamOp it
depends on the load order of the plugins if a node uses instances of UpstreamOp
from the first or from the second plugin. So, if UpstreamOp from the first plugin
is used then any dynamic_cast in Op::test_input() will fail and the two Op cannot
be connected anymore.
It is still surprising that Nuke would even bother to start at all with the above
configuration, since it can be rather picky about symbols from plugins, e.g if they
are missing.
Anyway, to get around this problem I did the following:
compile both Ops into a single shared object, e.g., and
add TCL script or Python script ( instructs Nuke how to load
the Ops correctly.
An example for a TCL scripts can be found in the dev guide and the instructions
for your could be something like this
menu = 'Nodes' ).addMenu( 'my-plugins' )
menu.addCommand('UpstreamOp', lambda: nuke.createNode('UpstreamOp'))
menu.addCommand('DownstreamOp', lambda: nuke.createNode('DownstreamOp'))
So far, this works reliably for us (on Linux & Windows, haven't tested Mac).

Game NPC multi-action lua script design

I need to put scriptable NPC in my currect game project.
The project itself is developed in C++ language.
I will using Luabind to bind lua and c++.
I need to call NPC function when certain NPC clicked or timer to do something is activated.
Currently I stuck between 2 NPC script design.
Using a kind of npcname_action to differentiate every NPC.
This is kind of troublesome to give name to every different NPC.
I'm still thinking how to implement this in my project.
HotelBellboy12_Click() { .. }
HotelBellboy12_TimerAction() { .. }
Using name of function.
Every npc have it own lua file.
I'm thinking to load script into memory and when needed will be loaded into luaState using luaL_loadbuffer
OnClick() { .. }
OnTimerAction() { .. }
Which one is better and why?
You could use another design.
Take advantage of the fact that table keys and values can be any type.
Let's say npc is a table containing all NPC's. Its keys are NPC' names and its values are another table. This other table keys are the actions, and its values are the function for this actions.
So, if you want bob to jump when clicked on, and alice to cry after a timer, simply do : = function () jump() end
npc.alice.timer = function () cry() end
I've done something like this before and I used something similar to your #2 option. When the map loads I load a configuration Lua file containing all the NPC data; among that is the name of the script file used for the NPC.
When I need to load the NPC in the game I compile the Lua file. NPC's can use a 'model' NPC type to dictate most of the common behavior (for example a Merchant type or a Commoner type) which is specified in the NPC configuration. These model types provide all the basic functionality such as providing a trade window when clicked. The specific NPC's use functions like OnClick() to override their model and provide custom handlers.
This worked pretty well for me, although it ends up being a large volume of scripts if your game gets large.