Let me preface this by saying i know NOTHING about this kind of maths, so dont feel like you are oversimplifying. I have a directional vector firing out of an object and i need to rotate it by X amount left or right. The co-ordinates range from -1.0 to +1.0 on each axis. up until now i have been treating the maths aspect of this like a black box and have just been using premade functions to deal with it, but now i am totally lost.
Screenshot showing the format of the vector along with some lines showing what i want to do:
i am writing this in CPP and only have access to the inbuilt maths functions, no other libraries.
I have a quaternion representing the orientation of a sphere (an Earth globe). From the quaternion I wish to derive a latitude/longitude. I can visualize in my mind the process, but am weak with the math (matrices/quaternions) and not much better with the code (still learning OpenGL/GLM). How can I achieve this? This is for use in OpenGL using c++ and the GLM library.
Long Version
I am making a mapping program based on a globe of the Earth - not unlike Google Earth, but for a customized purpose that GE cannot be adapted to.
I'm doing this in C++ using OpenGL with the GLM library.
I have successfully coded the sphere and am using a quaternion directly to represent it's orientation. No Euler angles involved. I can rotate the globe using mouse motions thus rotating the globe on arbitrary axes depending on the current viewpoint and orientation.
However, I would like to get a latitude and longitude of a point on the sphere, not only for the user, but for some internal program use as well.
I can visualize that this MUST be possible. Imagine a sphere in world space with no rotations applied. Assuming OpenGL's right hand rule, the north pole points up the Y axis with the equator parallel on the X/Z plane. The latitude/longitude up the Y axis is thus 90N and something else E/W (degenerate). The prime meridian would be on the +Z axis.
If the globe/sphere is rotated arbitrarily the globe's north pole is now somewhere else. This point can be mapped to a latitude/longitude of the original sphere before rotation. Imagine two overlaying spheres, one the globe which is rotated, and the other a fixed reference.
(Actually, it would be in reverse. The latitude/longitude I seek is the point on the rotated sphere that correlates to the north pole of the unrotated reference sphere)
In my mind it seems that somehow I should be able to get the vector of the Earth globe's orientation axis from it's quaternion and compare it to that of the unrotated sphere. But I just can't seem to grok how to do that. (I guess I still don't fully understand mats and quats and have only blundered into my success so far)
I'm hoping to achieve this without needing a crash course in the deep math. I'm looking for a solution/understanding/guidance from the point of view of being able to use the GLM library to achieve my goal. Ideally a code sample with some general explanation. I learn best from example.
FYI, in my code the rotation of the globe/sphere is totally independent of the camera (which does use Euler angles) so it can be moved independently. So I can't use anything from the camera to determine this.
Maybe you could try to follow that link (ie. use boost ;) ) from that thread Longitude / Latitude to quaternion and then deduct the inverse of that conversion.
Or you could also go add a step by converting your quaternion into Euler angle?
Warning : I'm not native English speaker
I'm currently trying to make a 3D camera, surely because of some mistakes or math basics that I don't have, anyway, I think I will definitely become insane if I don't ask for someone help.
OK lets go.
First, I've a custom game engine that allow to deal with camera only by setting up:
the projection parameters (according to an orthographic or perspective mode)
the view: with a vector 3 for the position and a quaternion for orientation
(and no, we will not discuss about this design right now)
Now I'm writing a camera in my gameplay code (which use the functionalities of the previous engine)
My camera's environment has the following specs:
up_vector = (0, 1, 0)
forward_vector = (0, 0, 1)
angles are in degrees
glm as math lib
In my camera code I handle the player input, convert them into data that I send to my engine.
In the engine I only do:
glm::mat4 projection_view = glm::perspective(...parameters...) * glm::inverse(view_matrix)
And voila I have my matrix for the rendering step.
And now a little scenario with simple geometry.
In a 3D space we have 7 circles, drawn from z = -300 to 300.
The circle at z = -300 is red and the one at 300 is blue,
There are decorative shapes (triangles/box), they are there to facilitate the identification of up and right
When I run the scenario I have got the following disco result !! Thing that I don't want.
As you can see on my exemple of colorful potatoid above, the blue circle is the bigger but is setup to be the farest on z. According to the perspective it should be the smaller. What happened ?
On the other hand, when I use an orthographic camera everything works well.
Any ideas ?
About the Perspective matrix
I generate my perspective matrix with the function glm::perspective(), After a quick check , I have confirmed that my parameters' values are always good, so I can easily imagine that my issue doesn't come from there.
About the View matrix
First, I think my problem must be around here, maybe ... So, I have a vector3 for the position of the camera and 3 float for describing its rotation on each axes.
And here is the experimental part where I don't know what I'm doing !
I copy the previous three float in a vector 3 that I use as an Euleur angles and use a glm quaternion constructor that can create a quat from Euler angles, like that :
glm::quat q(glm::radians(euler_angles));
Finally I send the quaternion like that into the engine, without having use my up and forward vector (anyway I do not see now how to use them)
I work on it for too long and I think my head will explode, the saddest is I think I'm really close.
PS0: Those who help me have my eternal gratitude
PS1: Please do not give me some theory links : I no longer have any neuron, and have already read two interesting and helpless books. Maybe because I have not understood everything yet.
(3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development / Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition)
It was a dumb mistake ... at the very end of my rendering pipeline, I forget to sort the graphical objects on them "z" according to the camera orientation.
You said:
In my camera code I handle the player input, convert them into data
that I send to my engine. In the engine I only do:
glm::mat4 projection_view = glm::perspective(...parameters...) *
And voila I have my matrix for the rendering step.
Are you using the projection matrix when you render the coloured circles?
Should you be using an identity matrix to draw the circle, the model is then viewed according to the view/perspective matrices ?
The triangles and squares look correct - do you have a different transform in effect when you render the circles ?
Hi TonyWilk and thanks
Are you using the projection matrix when you render the coloured circles?
Yes, I generate my projection matrix from the glm::perspective() function and after use my projection_view matrix on my vertices when rendering, as indicated in the first block of code.
Should you be using an identity matrix to draw the circle, the model is then viewed according to the view/perspective matrices ?
I don't know if I have correctly understood this question, but here is an answer.
Theoretically, I do not apply directly the perspective matrix into vertices. I use, in pseudo code:
rendering_matrix = projection_matrix * inverse_camera_view_matrix
The triangles and squares look correct - do you have a different transform in effect when you render the circles ?
At the end, I always use the same matrix. And if the triangles and squares seem to be good, that is only due to an "optical effect". The biggest box is actually associated to the blue circle, and the smaller one to the red
I have a bunch of points lying on a vertical plane. In reality this plane
should be exactly vertical. But, when I visualize the point cloud, there is a
slight inclination (nearly 2 degrees) from the verticality. At the moment, I can calculate
this inclination only. Concerning other errors, I assume there are no
shifts or something like that.
So, I want to update coordinates of my point data so that they lie on the vertical plane. I think, I should do some kind of transformation. It may be only via rotation along X-axis. Not sure what it would be.
I guess, you understood my question. Honestly, I am poor at
mathematics. So, please let me know how to update my point coordinates
to lie on the exact vertical plane.
Note: AS I am implementing this in c++ and there are many programmers who have sound knowledge on these things, I am posting this question under c++.
If I say exactly what I have done so far;
I have point cloud data representing a vertical object + its surroundings things. (The data is collected by a moving scanner and may have axes deviations from the correct world axes). The problem is, I cannot say exactly that there is an error on my data or not. Therefore, I checked this with a vertical planar object (which is the dominated object in my data as well). In reality that plane is truly vertical. But, when I fit a plane by removing outliers, then that plane is not truly vertical and has nearly 2 degree inclination. Therefore, I am suspecting that my data has some error. So I want to update all my point clouds (including points on the plane and points which represent other objects) in a way to lay that particular planar points exactly on the vertical plane. Then, I guess, all the points will be updated into their correct positions as in the reality. That is all (x,y,z) coordinates should be updated.
As an example please refer the below figure.
left-represents original point cloud (as you can see, points themselves are not vertical) and back line tells the vertical plane which I fitted and red is the zenith line. as you can see, there is an inclination of the vertical plane.
So, I want to update whole my data in the right figure. then, after updating if i fit a plane again (removing outliers), then it is exactly parallel to the zenith line. please help me.
I may be able to help you out, considering I worked with planes recently. First of all, how come the points aren't coplanar from the get go? I'd make the points coplanar in the first place instead of them being at an inclination (from what origin?), and then having to fix them. Also, having the points be coplanar on your first go would increase efficiency.
Sorry if this is the answer you're not looking for, but I need more information before I can help you out. Also, 3D math is hard. If you work with it enough, it starts to get pounded into your head, where you will NEVER forget it, especially if you went through the headaches I had to go through.
I did a bit of thinking on it, and since you want to rotate along the x-axis, your rotation will be done on the xz-plane, which means we can make this a 2D problem. After doing a bit of research on Wikipedia, this may be your solution.
new z = ((x - intended x) * sin(angle)) + (z * cos(angle)) + intended x
What I'm doing here is subtracting our intended x value from our current x value, so that we make (intended x, 0) our point of origin to rotate around. After the point is rotated, I add (intended x, 0) back to our coordinate so that we get the correct result.
Depending on where you got your points from (some kind of measurement, I guess) and what you want to do with them, there are several different things you could do with your data.
The search keyword "regression plane" might help - there are several ways of finding planes approximating point clouds, and several ways to "snap" points to planes.
Edit: You want to apply a rotation around the axis defined by the cross product of the normal vector on your regression plane and the normal of your desired plane, and a point your choice. From your illustration I take it that you probably want the bottom of your vertical planar object to be the point of reference for the rotation.
So you've got your point of reference, you now the axis around which you want to rotate, and the angle. All you need to do is:
Translation (to get to your point of reference)
I read your question again, and hopefully this answer will help you out. If there's anything else I need to know, please tell me.
Now, In order to rotate anything, there must be a center point to rotate around. Now you've already been able to detect the angle of inclination, so now we need a formula for rotating a point a certain angle around an origin. In addition, since this problem only occurs on a 2D plane, we can use this basic formula to readjust the points. For any two axis x and y:
Theta is the angle that you will rotate around in a counter-clockwise direction. x' and y' are your new points. x.origin and y.origin are the coordinates for the point you will be going around. Now I don't know if my math is 100% correct on this but if it's not, hopefully you can change a thing or two and it will work.
I found that, http://os.ivrpa.org/panosalado/wiki , has an implementation in java. Anyone who has something similar in c or c++?
I have this panorama, an spherical map from google streetview, and want to map this on a sphere/cube. Below are some examples and illustrations, what i seek is a library that can do it, or some implementation guides.
I tried http://krpano.com/docu/tutorials/quickstart/#top that gives the results listed at the bottom. It illustrates what i want, but the rotation axis is off. I need to create the views of direct ahead and back, left and right. Ideal i would like to map it to the sphere and tell it what angles to extract (the orientation of the cube).
You could do this easily in POV-Ray putting the camera in the middle of a sphere mapped with your texture. See image_map map_type 1 and e.g this example.
But really this is very easy to implement yourself, assuming the input images are some sort of cylindrical equidistant or equirectangular projection: for each (x,y) in the output image you are rendering, just use the inverse formulas to compute a (longitude,latitude) in the input image and interpolate/copy over a pixel value.
I am writing a program that will draw a solid along the curve of a spline. I am using visual studio 2005, and writing in C++ for OpenGL. I'm using FLTK to open my windows (fast and light toolkit).
I currently have an algorithm that will draw a Cardinal Cubic Spline, given a set of control points, by breaking the intervals between the points up into subintervals and drawing linesegments between these sub points. The number of subintervals is variable.
The line drawing code works wonderfully, and basically works as follows: I generate a set of points along the spline curve using the spline equation and store them in an array (as a special datastructure called Pnt3f, where the coordinates are 3 floats and there are some handy functions such as distance, length, dot and crossproduct). Then i have a single loop that iterates through the array of points and draws them as so:
for(pt = 0; pt<=numsubsegements ; ++pt) {
As stated, this code works great. Now what i want to do is, instead of drawing a line, I want to extrude a solid. My current exploration is using a 'cylinder' quadric to create a tube along the line. This is a bit trickier, as I have to orient openGL in the direction i want to draw the cylinder. My idea is to do this:
Push the current matrix,
translate to the first control point
rotate to face the next point
draw a cylinder (length = distance between the points)
Pop the matrix
My problem is getting the angles between the points. I only need yaw and pitch, roll isnt important. I know take the arc-cosine of the dot product of the two points divided by the magnitude of both points, will return the angle between them, but this is not something i can feed to OpenGL to rotate with. I've tried doing this in 2d, using the XZ plane to get x rotation, and making the points vectors from the origin, but it does not return the correct angle.
My current approach is much simpler. For each plane of rotation (X and Y), find the angle by:
arc-cosine( (difference in 'x' values)/distance between the points)
the 'x' value depends on how your set your plane up, though for my calculations I always use world x.
Barring a few issues of it making it draw in the correct quadrant that I havent worked out yet, I want to get advice to see if this was a good implementation, or to see if someone knew a better way.
You are correct in forming two vectors from the three points in two adjacent line segments and then using the arccosine of the dot product to get the angle between them. To make use of this angle you need to determine the axis around which the rotation should occur. Take the cross product of the same two vectors to get this axis. You can then build a transformation matrix using this axis-angle or pass it as parameters to glRotate.
A few notes:
first of all, this:
for(pt = 0; pt<=numsubsegements ; ++pt) {
is not a good way to draw anything. You MUST have one glEnd() for every single glBegin(). you probably want to get the glBegin() out of the loop. the fact that this works is pure luck.
second thing
My current exploration is using a
'cylinder' quadric to create a tube
along the line
This will not work as you expect. the 'cylinder' quadric has a flat top base and a flat bottom base. Even if you success in making the correct rotations according to the spline the edges of the flat tops are going to pop out of the volume of your intended tube and it will not be smooth. You can try it in 2D with just a pen and a paper. Try to draw a smooth tube using only shorter tubes with a flat bases. This is impossible.
Third, to your actual question, The definitive tool for such rotations are quaternions. Its a bit complex to explain in this scope but you can find plentyful information anywhere you look.
If you'd have used QT instead of FLTK you could have also used libQGLViewer. It has an integrated Quaternion class which would save you the implementation. If you still have a choice I strongly recommend moving to QT.
Have you considered gluLookAt? Put your control point as the eye point, the next point as the reference point, and make the up vector perpendicular to the difference between the two.