Trim milliseconds part in Informatica - informatica

I have value in datetime format 2021-03-08 00:00:00.0 How to remove the milliseconds part from it?
Like: 2021-03-08 00:00:00.0 to 2021-03-08 00:00:00

if your target is a table/file and column is in datetime format, pls use this -
if your target is a table/file and column is in string format, pls use this -
TO_CHAR(dttm_col,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
if your target is a file, its better to use string format. if its a table, you need to handle in database side.


Convert date isoString "2022-12-20T21:20:23.500Z" to format DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm in Athena sql

This is my actual date data
I would like to know if someone has the knowledge or knows how to format this date as mentioned in the title, I have already tried too many things, but I cannot solve it.
I would appreciate your help or contribution
2022-12-20T21:20:23.500Z -> 20/12/2022 21:20
if it helps anyone then i did this:
date_format( from_iso8601_timestamp('2009-10-30T17:59:55.047) at time zone 'UTC', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i') as expiredate
It is ISO 8601 timestamp format.
Please first check data type then if it string you can convert it to date by
select from_iso8601_timestamp('2009-10-30T17:59:55.047') from mytable
Then you convert date datetype to any format you want

Change string "dd/mm/yy HH:mm:ss" into accepted date/time format

I have a very rare date format dd/mm/yy HH:mm:ss that reads in as a string and I want to transform it into a date/time format PowerBI will accept. I managed to change the format into "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss", but now I have to switch the day part with the month.
How can I do this or is there an easier solution to my problem?
Select the column of date_time and change the data type from column tools to Date/time(pic 1) and after that select the format(pic 2) from column tools

Power BI text to date in "mmm-yy" format

I have an excel file having a column with Text format values like Jan-18, Dec-19, Feb-20. I want to convert it to a date format but when I am trying to make this column a date format it printing 1/18/2021, 12/19/2021,2/20/2021. Basically its considering Jan as month(1), 18 as Date, & making all year as 2021 deafult.
Can someone help?
Original(text) After Date conversion Desired format
Jan-18 1/18/2021 01/01/2018
Feb-19 2/19/2021 01/02/2019
Mar-20 3/20/2021 01/03/2020
You can try,
DATE(2018, MONTH(convertedDate), 1)
This will convert your converted date to the first day of the relevant month in 2018. This is stored in Power BI as a datetime object. If you want to show that value in dd/MM/yyyy format you can do it by selecting correct Format in the top menu.
If you load in the Original column as text, try this trick:
Desired format = DATEVALUE ( "1-" & [Original] )
Appending the "1-" to the beginning gives it a day of the month and forces it to recognize the last digits as the year.
I faced with the same issue , while changing the format instead of using Date use the last option i.e "Using Locale... " -> in that change the Data Type from Text -> Date, and Locale to English(United Kingdom) -> Hit ok. Earlier Format ,What should be the desired format .This worked for me!

Convert ddmmyy date to datetime in sas

I want to convert date type 12/09/1991 to 12sep1991 00:00:00 in sas.tried using multiple formats but it is not working.
I have also checked with converting to numeric format.
Any help is appreciated
Dates are stored as the number of days since 1960. Datetime is stored as the number of seconds. There is not a format that can be used to display a date value as if it was a datetime value. You will need to convert the value instead.
You can use the dhms() function. Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
So if your current variable is named date you can make a new variable named datetime.
format datetime datetime20. ;
You could assign the value back to the original variable because both date and datetime values are stored as numbers.
select to_char(cast(sysdate as timestamp),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual
Of course in the above the FF would also always be 000000
But if you have a timestamp variable you would not cast
select to_char(systimestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual

convert a date string to datetime compatible to postgresql

I have a date string in the format,
How can I convert this to a valid format, so that I can save this value in Datetime field of postgresql.
I tried using datetime package, but not getting.
in Postgres you can "adjust" your datestyle, eg:
t=# set datestyle TO DMY;
Time: 0.215 ms
t=# select '23/2/2017'::timestamptz;
2017-02-23 00:00:00+00
(1 row)
or just "parse" with right mask (ignoring not suitable datestyle), eg:
t=# select to_timestamp('23/2/2017','DD/MM/YYYY');
2017-02-23 00:00:00+00
(1 row)
ALTER TABLE <tablename> ALTER COLUMN <columnname> TYPE DATE using to_date(<columnname>, 'DD-MM-YYYY');