Qt ui for an OS - c++

Am i able to create an OS's User Interface with Qt's .ui file?(Qt .ui file is an xml file)
This confused me long time already,bcuz in http://qt.io
you can see
LG’s webOS

The answer is yes and Qt is a cross-platform application development framework. Some of the well known applications developed with Qt are KDE, Opera, Google Earth, and Skype. Qt was first publicly released on May 1995. It is dual licensed. That means, it can be used for creating open source applications as well as commercial ones. Qt toolkit is a very powerful toolkit.


Qt Creator, C++, Xcode

I'm a C++ developer and I would like to develop applications for OSX and IOS with my Mac.
I'd like to use Xcode to achieve these goals but apparently the best solution (that involves C++) is Qt Creator. (Let me know if I'm wrong)
Can I use the free version of QT Creator (community - no license fee) to code in C++ for iOS/OSX and publish my apps on the Apple Store or do I need the indie mobile license?
Can QT be integrated in Xcode?
Thank you
I'm just getting into OS X and iOS development using Qt 5.3.2. It looks like that you use Qt Creator to create an iOS (or OS X) project. Then, Qt Creator makes use of Xcode for the build.
I've successfully created a OS X project using Qt Creator. It is a QML project with a C++ plugin that I created. So, I believe that you can use Qt Creator to create a pure C++ project for OS X. But give Qt Creator a shot and see if that is true.
Now, for iOS, I think you'll have to create a QML project. You can always use C++ to add functionality. However, I am having trouble getting a C++ plugin to compile in an iOS project. But, I think that it is just a matter of finding the solution.
The workflow for OSX/iOS app development is quite simple. You develop your application as usual in Qt Creator. Each time qmake is called on your code, it created an Xcode project xxx.xcodeproj where xxx is the application name specified in your .pro file.
Hence, when you have completed the development process, you can open such a project and finalize the app packaging/submission via xcode. The created project includes all the necessary framework dependencies and is ready to be archived, i.e. packaged for AppStore submission. The submission is a tedious task, see here for example.
You can absolutely submit the app to the AppStore, even with the community license. Mind that you are subject to LGPL. This aspect is treated in full detail in this recent blog post.
If you're developing for iOS and OS X only - use native tools, i. e. Xcode. Qt library and Qt Creator IDE are best used for cross-platform development, but not for native OS X development.

Create Qt UI forms as a shared library in Qt Creator and using them in Eclipse C++ project

I am developing an application and the main IDE is Eclipse Juno(CDT) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
I have the following constraints:
Application must be developed on Eclipse (Non-GUI part)
Must Use Qt4 for GUI
Application target platform is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version 6.3
I am new to Linux Development Environment, Eclipse and Qt.
What I have done:
I have developed the main application on Eclipse.
I have created modules like interacting with hardware as shared libraries.
What I want to do (if possible, and practical):
I want to create the GUI module of the application using Qt Creator, as a library and use it in the main application on Eclipse.
What I am trying:
Created the GUI in eclipse without using any .pro files or Qt Creator. But since I am new to Qt and Eclipse and Linux, and time constraints, I want to make it quicker, easier and well planned approach to complete the tasks. This looks very tedious (obviously) as I am better off using an IDE and visual tools to create GUI.
Can someone help me with the following:
Am I doing the things right, is my approach of creating GUI module as a shared library and using it in another application a naive approach?
If I missed out detailing anything or if you need more info please let me know.

Good C++ GUI library for FL SDK & VST

What is the best C++ GUI library that can be used in VST and especially in FL SDK (FL Studio SDK). Library that I searching for should not demand a central application object like for example QT does. It must just provide a pure GUI support. I've tested VST GUI, so what else library can I pick?
Have you checked out Juce, it might be helpful.
You can also, check:
IPlug - An open C++ platform independent framework for VST and AU audio plugins and GUIs &
Plugin Developer - A resource for VST plugin development, that seems to focus on the IPlug framework.

Which GUI library is used to develop Mozilla Firefox?

Which GUI library is used to develop Firefox?
Qt? GTK+? Windows native?
Firefox uses a number of GUI toolkits, including the native Windows one, as well as GTK+ for X platforms. Sadly, there is no official support for Qt.
I heard that firefox is using their own GUI based off of XML and its called XUL. At least that's what it sounds like if your read their articles on XUL.

What are the major issues to look for when moving an application built in Qt for a Symbian platform to a Windows Mobile platform?

I have an existing application created using Qt for the Symbian operating system and I want to port it to Windows Mobile devices.
I'm expecting some presentation differences. What additional things should I look out for?
Qt strives for exactly this kind of cross-platform development, so the library itself should handle everything.
I'm not an expert on mobile devices, but a simple recompile should work just fine, assuming your code uses the abstractions Qt provides (no native calls, qptrdiff, Q_INT64_C(), etc.).