Good C++ GUI library for FL SDK & VST - c++

What is the best C++ GUI library that can be used in VST and especially in FL SDK (FL Studio SDK). Library that I searching for should not demand a central application object like for example QT does. It must just provide a pure GUI support. I've tested VST GUI, so what else library can I pick?

Have you checked out Juce, it might be helpful.
You can also, check:
IPlug - An open C++ platform independent framework for VST and AU audio plugins and GUIs &
Plugin Developer - A resource for VST plugin development, that seems to focus on the IPlug framework.


Qt ui for an OS

Am i able to create an OS's User Interface with Qt's .ui file?(Qt .ui file is an xml file)
This confused me long time already,bcuz in
you can see
LG’s webOS
The answer is yes and Qt is a cross-platform application development framework. Some of the well known applications developed with Qt are KDE, Opera, Google Earth, and Skype. Qt was first publicly released on May 1995. It is dual licensed. That means, it can be used for creating open source applications as well as commercial ones. Qt toolkit is a very powerful toolkit.

Integrating audio files (specifically MP3) with c++ Win32 API?

I've been using the irrKlang library to play all sorts of audio files, mostly MP3s, for my applications. However those are console applications since the irrKlang engine is built that way. Now I would like to build GUIs integrated with audio and music (specifically a music player), but I haven't been able to incorporate irrKlang with it.
So is there any other music library that will allow me to integrate music files (preferably MP3s, even though I know they're extremely complicated) with Win32 API? Also, is there any way I could be able to integrate the existing irrKlang library with a GUI written in Win32 API (with no MFC)?
(I am using c++, irrKlang 1.5.0, CodeBlocks 13.12, and Windows 8)
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Is there a GUI library that works with the Intel Perceptual Computing SDK?

I am looking for a GUI library to design the interface for my application. Are there any libraries that work well with the Intel Perceptual Computing SDK?
Any GUI library that is available for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 or later and runs on Microsoft Windows 7 or later should work well.
If you want GUI that works both on Linux and Windows then for example Qt. It can
be integrated with MSVC++.
I strongly advise you to use QT framework. It is cross-platform and runs on the major desktop platforms.
You can check my demo ipcQTgesture hosted at github.
The GUI is very simple and it is created with Qt. Even though Qt is cross-platform framework for building graphical applications, the Intel® Perceptual Computing SDK is not, so for the moment we are stuck to Windows.

Which GUI library is used to develop Mozilla Firefox?

Which GUI library is used to develop Firefox?
Qt? GTK+? Windows native?
Firefox uses a number of GUI toolkits, including the native Windows one, as well as GTK+ for X platforms. Sadly, there is no official support for Qt.
I heard that firefox is using their own GUI based off of XML and its called XUL. At least that's what it sounds like if your read their articles on XUL.

C++ and graphics

I have searched the web for information on creating GUIs(Games, Forms etc) in c++, I have found that OpenGL, Direct X and .Net framework can do this. The question I ask is which one is better to learn, what library for GUI in c++ is the most popular in industry. I know this is a newbie question, but if some on could lead me to the correct path it would be greatly appreciated.
OpenGL and DirectX are different to .Net framework. OpenGL and DirectX are for game development (Graphic acceleration) but .Net framework is for .Net development. If you use .Net framework then your program is not compiled to native code, it will be compiled to MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) then .Net translate it to Native code at run-time (for the first time).
If you want a GUI toolkit for your C++ program, Qt, MFC and wxWidgets are a good choice. Qt and wxWidgets are cross-platform libraries thus your program will be compiled on all platforms (Windows/Linux/Mac OS). But MFC is only available for Windows. Qt is more feature-rich than wxWidgets and maybe is a better choice.
I like QT myself.
Because you mentioned DirectX I'll assume your using windows, for that I would reccomend the basic Win32 API. If you want cross platform capabilities however, I would suggest Qt.
I have searched the web for information on creating GUIs(Games, Forms etc) in c++...
What would work fine for creating traditional form-based applications won't work so well for creating games, and vice versa.
You would be better off using C# with the .NET libraries as the C++ managed extensions can be a little cumbersome. If you must go with C++, then Qt and wxWidgets are both decent options, although you're more likely to find more help and online resources for QT.
If you need to do graphics like games, then you'd better off using a higher level library than directly using DirectX or OpenGL. Ogre3d is one option on the open source side, the C4 engine is an affordable option on the commercial side. If C# is an option, then might want to look at XNA and Unity3d.