Lineageos bacon build failed - build

I am trying to build LineageOS 17.1 bacon based on the steps here:
All steps until the below failure have been successful. Everything is the latest leading to LINEAGE_VERSION=17.1-20210324-UNOFFICIAL-bacon
brunch bacon returns the following failure. This is my first android build, web search did not yield anything useful on how to fix this. Currently, I am clueless, any help/suggestions on how to fix this are very welcome.
[ 75% 372/496] including system/sepolicy/ ...
system/sepolicy/ warning: Be careful when using the SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS flag. It does not work in user builds and using it will not stop you from failing CTS.
[100% 496/496] writing build rules ...
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target `out/target/product/bacon/system/vendor/lib/hw/'
build/make/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `out/target/product/bacon/system/vendor/lib/hw/'
FAILED: ninja: 'vendor/oppo/msm8974-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hci_qcomm_init', needed by 'out/target/product/bacon/system/vendor/bin/hci_qcomm_init', missing and no known rule to make it
18:51:33 ninja failed with: exit status 1
Could the above error be due to the missing source?:
$ ./
Cleaning output directory (./../../oppo/msm8974-common/../../../vendor/oppo/msm8974-common/proprietary)..
Extracting 115 files in ./../../oppo/msm8974-common/proprietary-files.txt from adb:
- vendor/bin/adsprpcd
- vendor/bin/hci_qcomm_init
!! vendor/bin/hci_qcomm_init: file not found in source
Edit: Answering my own question, one has to run adb root on the terminal that guides you want needs to be done on the phone. This can be closed. #lineageos-dev is the place to ask such a question.

Answering my own question, one has to run adb root on the terminal that guides you to do what needs to be done on the phone. This can be closed. #lineageos-dev is the place to ask such a question.


Having issues with Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code giving me also Signing Identity: "-"

I'm learning how to code and I'm at a lesson where I'm building a "messaging app" called FlashChat, I've done everything according to my class but a couple of days ago I pressed Command B after I ran the app on simulator, and the following issue kept showing up and I haven't been able to fix it:
CodeSign /Users/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Flash_Chat_iOS13-bccxjpmgzvggxgetotmpidocaviy/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/gRPC-C++/grpcpp.framework (in target 'gRPC-C++' from project 'Pods')
cd /Users/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/Desktop/Development/Flash-Chat-iOS13/Pods
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/
Signing Identity: "-"
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --timestamp=none /Users/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Flash_Chat_iOS13-bccxjpmgzvggxgetotmpidocaviy/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/gRPC-C++/grpcpp.framework
/Users/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Flash_Chat_iOS13-bccxjpmgzvggxgetotmpidocaviy/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/gRPC-C++/grpcpp.framework: resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I have tried everything from previous threads from checking KeyChain to verifying files, check bundle identifiers, signing licenses and all other suggestions related to anything written on my issue, any other ideas?
Follow these steps:
Update all the pods.
Run this command from the terminal.
$ xattr -cr /Users/user_name/Desktop/Lab/Flash-Chat-iOS13/Pods/gRPC-C++
Go to ~Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. Delete all the folders present in that. The issue might be because Xcode is trying to run a older version of the code.
I am also running the same Flash Chat app from Udemy class. The above steps fixed the issue for me.
Start by trying with step 3 directly. If that doesn't work try all the 3 steps in the sequence.

How to use OpenDDS 3.13 Security

Recently I try to use OpenDDS 3.13 Security.
I also followed the OpenDDS security manual and make and build project.
Configure command like this:
$./configure --security --xerces --openssl && make
Bulid and make project successful but when I run the example which located in DDS_ROOT/tests/DCPS/Messenger have trouble.
I get the following output:
$./publisher -DCPSConfigFile rtps_uni.ini
Starting publisher
Starting publisher with 1 args
(26771|139728132269888) ERROR: DomainParticipantImpl::enable, Unable to validate local identity. SecurityException[-1.0]: GUID_UNKNOWN passed in for candidate_participant_guid
(26771|139728132269888) ERROR: DomainParticipantFactoryImpl::create_participant, unable to enable DomainParticipant.
publisher.cpp:103: main() ERROR: create_participant failed!
Can I please get some directions on how to solve this issue?
Mr.Simpson reply my question, he said that use
rtps_disc_sec.ini instead of rtps_uni.ini
source is here:

Tensorflow C++ API guide examples on Windows

I built tensorflow with VS2015 and I was able to run some examples,
as tf_tutorials_example_trainer and label_image.
Then I tried to run the samples here. I was able to compile and start the but when reaching the line
Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope();
I get this error:
Op type not registered 'NoOp' in binary running on DESKTOP-S5QHRCE.
Make sure the Op and Kernel are registered in the binary running in this process
What am I missing?
I found this.Thanks to Joe, who explains how to use the /WHOLEARCHIVE option to fix the issue.To avoid out of memory error during linking if using Optimize for debugging (/DEBUG) option, do msbuild /p:Configuration=Release youproject.vcxproj in a command prompt.

Error while compiling workspace-d

I tried to install workspace-d on Windows 10 using Administrator privilege but failed.
Here is the error message.I haved installed dmd, dub and git.
PS C:\Users\U\Desktop\workspace-d-installer> .\workspace-d-installer.exe
Welcome to the workspace-d installation guide.
Make sure, you have dmd, dub and git installed.
Which external components do you want to install?
[1] DCD - auto completion
[2] DScanner - code linting
[3] dfmt - code formatting
Enter a comma separated list of numbers
Selected [all]:
Cloning workspace-d into C:\Users\U\AppData\Local\Temp\workspaced-install-635958600835730563
Checking out v2.6.0
Error: Error writing file '..\..\..\..\..\..\U\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\painlesstraits-0.1.0\.dub\build\library-release-windows-x86-dmd_2071-92537C3AEFB87AC450BFCCEE2ECBED44\painlesstraits.lib'
dmd failed with exit code 1.
Error while compiling workspace-d.
This is a bug with workspace-d-installer. Even though it just runs the shell commands, it has some permission problems on windows. I have opened an issue on the project page if you want to do anything on it:
The only solution right now is to manually clone each repository (workspace-d, dfmt, dscanner, dcd) and follow their build instructions. I'm trying to fix that issue so you can use workspace-d-installer.

arm-linux-androideabi stl compile error

I'm currently trying to build the android version of google breakpad on a linux machine. But it seems I'm having some issues getting the stl to be properly referenced.
I get past the configure step running ..
./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --disable-processor
For output of this see config.log
My environment has the following variables set ..
When I run make -j4 I get the following errors..
fatal error: algorithm: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
There are more similar errors related to stl (full output here). So my question is how do I get this to build with those included. I don't work in linux much so please try to be explicit with any answers.
I added the following flags and reran config and then the compile succeeded.
CPPFLAGS=--sysroot=/home/desktop/Development/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-9/arch-arm -I /home/desktop/Development/android-ndk-r9d/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/stlport
LDFLAGS=-L /home/desktop/Development/android-ndk-r9d/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/libs/armeabi