Problem with pyinstaller and multiple tkinter windows - python-2.7

se additional windows are not loaded and not working properly. Looks like they are ignored in the conversion process.
I have to say that my program runs smoothly in pycharm so there is no error in the code.
I couldn't find anything relevant in my google search.
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

There could be many reasons as to why this happens, the one likely is the code execution got halted because there is an error in the code. But since you don't have any interface to view the error, it is not seen. So change your pyinstaller code to:
Now the exe will open with a terminal. Inside that terminal you will see the error code. Since in your case, it says error about ico, you need to place all the required dependencies of your code in the same directory as the exe is. So once you copy the ico file on to the project directory, or if it was some other issue, after solving it you can use your original pyinstaller code and get rid of the console.


DLL Error Following the tutorial for gtkmm

I'm following the gtkmm tutorial for gtkmm4 and I'm getting an odd error when I try to run my program. The program is an exact copy of the provided code, and it compiles successfully:
However, when I run the program it gives me a series of errors:
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I've tried googling, but I don't get anything helpful. I've check that the DLL in question does exist. Any advice is appreciated!
Edit: I ran the Dependency Walker program, and got some errors, not sure what this means though.
Edit2: I did some research on Dependency Walker, and it seems to have some known issues, so I also ran lucasg's "Dependencys" program, with this output. I'm still not really sure what this means, but it seems fine.
Edit3: I moved the 4 offending dll files into the build directory, and these are the new errors I'm getting. Its the same error, but now it points to the more local file.
Check your .exe file with Dependency Walker to see which issues there are loading the .dll files.
One possible cause could be that you're mixing 32-bit and 64-bit.
The issue was something to do with finding the correct DLLs. The solution, as outlined here, is to copy all the DLLs from C:\msys64\mingw64\bin into the build directory. Then, using ntldd or some other profiler, determine which DLLs are unnecessary and remove them.

Code::Blocks: Fortran EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE The specified path does not exist

I am trying to use EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE (Fortran) in Code::Blocks to start a program through a shortcut with the Windows command prompt. I have checked the path and the syntax several times, and everything is correct, however whenever I compile and run the code, when the script reaches this command I get an error saying that "The specified path does not exist. Check the path and then try again.".
Even more peculiar is the fact that, using the exact same command within the EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE directly in the command prompt successfully launches the application with no problems whatsoever.
The command I use is the following:
CALL EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE("start C:\Users\dimpa\Desktop\Giannako\Optimization\VBA\SLDA.lnk")
I run Windows 10, Code::Blocks 20.03 and have the MinGW compiler for Fortran.
Have also used SYSTEM with exactly the same results. Also, if it is to any use helping me figure out what is going on, this command works just fine:
CALL EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE("start C:\Users\dimpa\Desktop\Giannako\Optimization\VBA")
Opening the folder VBA to my File Explorer. The problem seems to be related with opening the shortcut of the application. Further more, opening files located in dimpa\Appdata folder (original .exe, not the shortcut) seems to be working even through the IDE, where anything in Program files is inaccessible.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, after endless experimentation, I seem to have found a workaround.
The problem was revolving around spaces being included in the path of the original program of the shortcut in use. Apparently the compiler isn't fond of executing shortcuts, which might initially not contain spaces in the initial path, but when redirected to the original program can run into all sorts of things.
The shortcut that I was trying to execute contained a path leading into Program Files and opened an additional addon to be executed in the aforementioned program ("/m"). After realizing that trying to run a shortcut with a 150 string length target could complicate things, I directly entered the target of the shortcut into the Windows cmd, which worked perfectly fine and was much more easier to dissect and be examined in order to properly write the code:
CALL SYSTEM(""Full Path to Program" "/m" "Full Path to Addon"")
Hope this helps someone facing similar issues!

Can't find right Qt5Core.dll file. Each one I find gives a different error

I'm trying to deploy my Qt application, and every I tried loading Qt5core.dll, and it gave me an error, saying something like "procedure entry point.... could not be found".
So I tried loading a different version that was on my machine, and all of them gave me a slightly different but similar error.
Any ideas anyone?
By the look of your question, I suspect you want to deploy your project on Windows as you have struggle to find the correct .dll files.
I usually use the Windows deployement tool from Qt (more info on their website here: windeployqt, it is located within the QTDIR/bin/ folder.
But it is very straightforward to use, I use it as follow:
windeployqt --release "C:\path\to\binary.exe"
You should then be able to deploy your app by copying the resulting output files from the previous command.
Got it! I was including Qt5Network.dll when I was trying something out, but forgot I no longer needed it. It was calling a procedure in Qt5Core.dll that wasn't in the version I was using.

Run time error on executing the exe manually

I have a Qt application, which runs fine when I execute it from Qt Creator. However, on running it by manually clicking the generated exe, I get the following error :
I would understand if it would ask for missing DDLs (which I could then place in the same folder). But how should I proceed to handle this (in general) ?
P.S. It is not giving any line number in my source code which I could try testing this assert for. I tried using the release mode as well, but the same error.
We don't know what the problem with your code is; you'll need to use a debugger to find that out. I think that the pre-built Qt libraries that you download come with debug symbols, but if they don't, you can always build Qt yourself to get them using the -force-debug-info configure option.
You can also use DebugView to see debug output of deployed applications.
However, in general, you should use the windeployqt tool that is included with Qt.
The Qt for Windows - Deployment page has more information about deploying Qt applications to Windows machines, but windeployqt should do everything you need.
My qml files were not getting deployed properly and thus this error (this assert is probably on the variable storing the main qml file name, i.e. it should not be an empty string, which in case of missing main.qml, it was). Placing the qml files at correct paths solved the issue.
Also, as #mitch has pointed out in his answer, use windeployqt to find out the dependencies. Although, I have also realized that it doesn't cover all the dependencies (MSVC runtimes for example and other compiler related files sometimes). In that case run the dependency walker and place the missing files manually along with the exe.

How to build standalone SDL project with visual C++?

I'm getting ready to enter Ludum Dare this evening, and I'm getting really frustrated because I'm unable to build my project into a standalone .exe.
I feel like this question has been asked at least 100 times but none of the answers I'm finding are helping me out at all... I don't really understand what static linking is or how to do it, and that doesn't even seem like the solution to my problem; I don't mind if I'm shipping out a bunch of .dll files with my program, I just want the program to run on its own so I can submit it at the end of the competition.
Basically, my visual studio (2010 express) configuration follows exactly LazyFoo's tutorial on setting it up. Everything runs fine on both debug and release configurations when I start the program from visual studio, but when I navigate into the Debug or Release folders of the project and try to run the .exe, the programs break with an error about abort() being called, or they give me the error "X program has stopped working."
I'm including all of my DLLs in the same folder as the executables are being placed, and the game runs perfectly fine from inside VS, but I just can't seem how to figure out how to compile it as a standalone .exe (or even including a folder full of dlls) without it falling apart.
Can someone give me a pretty precise way to get this working? Any help would be great.
If you have an EXE, then your program is compiling. Most likely in debug mode, the program is running using a specific directory as the current working directory (CWD), but when you run it as standalone, the CWD is different.
The CWD affects both the DLL that can be loaded as well as the search of any file that uses a relative path (that is, not starting with a [back]slash). That is probably your problem: textures, graphics, configuration files, fonts...
My advise is to set the CWD in the debugging runs (there is an option for that) to be exactly the same than that of the EXE, that is the default when you run the EXE. Then you will be able to debug your crash.