How to unfocus the user dialog while it is being displayed in matlab? - list

If, e.g, a script contains button or a list it seems that the user is unable to edit other objects (e.g like figures) while the button or list box is actively being displayed on the screen. Therefore I would like to ask if I can "unfocus" the button so that I can freely edit the desired object (e.g zoom in/out, add manuallly a legend etc.)?
while indx == 1
list = {[...
'The data file will be exported (with a total of_____'...
[indx] = listdlg('SelectionMode','single','ListString',list,'ListSize', [600 300]);
switch indx
case 1
% placeholder
case 2
source_1 ='D:\MyFile\Programm_alpha\Test.xls';
destination_1 ='D:\TargetEXPO\Programm_beta'
copyfile(source_1 , destination_1);

listdlg creates a modal dialog box, which means it disables interaction with everything else in MATLAB until the dialog box is closed. The same is true for inputdlg and questdlg.
If you want to have a non-modal window where the user can select things, you will have to build this yourself. You will need uicontrol for this. A good place to start is by looking at the code for listdlg (it used to be a plain M-file back in the day, not sure if it still is though).


Reordering MFC control IDs automatically

I've got a pretty old MFC application that's been touched by many people over the years (most of them probably not even CS guys) and it follows, what I like to call the "anarchy design pattern."
Anyway, one of the dialogs has a series of 56 vertical sliders and check boxes. However, there are additional sliders and checkboxes on the dialog as shown below.
Now, the problem is that the additional sliders and checkboxes take on IDs that are in sequence with the slider/checkbox series of the dialog. My task is to add more sliders and checkboxes to the series (in the blank space in the Slider Control group box) Unfortunately, since IDC_SLIDER57 through IDC_SLIDER61 are already in the dialog (same goes for the checkboxes), existing code, such as the snippet below will break:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
Is there a better way to modify the resource file without doing it manually? I've seen a third party tool called ResOrg that looks like it'll help do what I want, but the software is a bit pricey, especially since I'll only use it once. I guess I can give the demo a try, but the limitations might restrict me.
FYI, I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 (yes...I know, don't laugh, it's being forced upon me).
Instead of writing:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
you could write:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(GetSliderID(i));
where GetSlider is a function that returns the id of slider number i.
GetSlider function
int GetSliderID(int nslider)
static int sliderids[] = {IDC_SLIDER1, IDC_SLIDER2, IDC_SLIDER3, .... IDC_SLIDERn};
ASSERT(nslider < _countof(sliderids));
return sliderids[nslider];
With this method the IDC_SLIDERn symbols dont need to have sequential values.

Adding and localizing menu items in the main menu of a Qt application menubar

So first of all here is a screenshot of the said menu of Evernote, localized in French:
As you can see, all the menu items in the main menu (by main menu I mean the one whose name is the application name, like here it is Evernote) are localized in French. There are lots of menu items which the Evernote app itself brings, like Évaluez Evernote pour Mac (Rate Evernote for Mac), Information du compte... (Account Info...), etc. Plus there are the standard OS X provided menu items like Quit Evernote, Preferences, etc which are also localized.
My questions:
How do I add a new item in this main menu? How to access this menu to add items?
How do I localize these items based on my app localization, both OS X provided default ones and the ones I add?
In the Evernote menu, everything seems to be localized except the Services menu option (the submenu options are however localized!)? Can't this be localized as well?
What I have tried:
fMenuBar = fMainWindow->menuBar();
fMenuFile = fMenuBar->addMenu(QObject::tr(qPrintable(String_Class::FileMenu))); //"File" in English, translated into other languages
fAboutAppAct = new QAction(QObject::tr(qPrintable(String_Class::About_App)), fMainWindow); //prints "About App", localized in all languages
fAboutAppAct->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutRole); //otherwise it sits with the other file menu options in the File menu
//reset UI language slot, called whenver UI language is reset. It retranslates all strings in all menus, except this
void AppMenu::reTranslateUISlot()
Maybe you could reimplement in MainWindow or in AppMenu the changeEvent.
void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) {
} else {
You could force Widgets to retranslate themselves. But you need to have registered some QTranslator first.
For example, in the constructor of MainWindow (or in some config dialog) if it's possible to change language at runtime (what I've done in my software):
CustomizeOptionsDialog::CustomizeOptionsDialog(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent, Qt::Tool)
// Load the language of the application
customTranslator.load(languages.value( SettingsPrivate::instance()->language()) );
// Translate standard buttons (OK, Cancel, ...)
defaultQtTranslator.load("qt_" + SettingsPrivate::instance()->language(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));
Where language() returns "fr", "gb" or "cs" (initialized from a signal emitted when one has chosen a new language in options).
/** Change language at runtime. */
void CustomizeOptionsDialog::changeLanguage(const QString &language)
QString lang = languages.value(language);
SettingsPrivate *settings = SettingsPrivate::instance();
// If the language is successfully loaded, tells every widget that they need to be redisplayed
if (!lang.isEmpty() && lang != settings->language() && customTranslator.load(lang)) {
defaultQtTranslator.load("qt_" + lang, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));
/// TODO: reload plugin UI
} else {
labelStatusLanguage->setText(tr("No translation is available for this language :("));
I hope it's helping.
I still haven't found the complete answer to my problems. But here some of the observations I have made over the last few days:
To be able to add menu items in the main menu, you have to set the menu role accordingly, i.e after adding it wherever you want to (it won't matter, because it will move out), you set the menu role like this:
This will add the menu item in the main menu. If you add more than item in this way, they will appear in the order in which you set their menu roles.
There are few specific roles Qt already provides - i.e for the About <app> item, Quit <app> item, Preferences... item, etc. They are mentioned here.
For example, if your action has a text "Foo", and you add it somewhere as a menu item, and set the role like
fFooAction->setMenuRole(QAction:: PreferencesRole);
then it will automatically move to the main menu and show as Preferences..., what text you actually put in the action will be immaterial. Whatever slot you have attached to it as a response to the triggered() signal will still fire correctly, though. Same goes for QAction::AboutRole as well, whatever text you add in that action, it will move to the main menu and show as About <your_app_name>.
The problem with QAction::AboutRole or QAction:: PreferencesRole is like I said, they won't localize even if you try. They will get localized only when the system locale changes, if you change it just within your app by installing a new translator, it won't change. The workaround? Avoid them and use QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole for all items you want to appear in the main menu. Then they will get properly localized as per your custom translator, and will respect whatever text you provide in the action, i.e if you give foo as text in the action, it will appear as foo in the main menu, and get localized accordingly. Again, mind you, when you are adding multiple items, set the role of the items in order of their appearance, i.e to simulate the Evernote menu above, first set the menu role for the about_app action, then the preferences action. Where you are adding them will be of no importance since they will be moved to a new menu, so the order in which you set the menu role for the items will determine the order in which they appear in the main menu.
The problem with the above approach is that I don't know how to insert separators between the items I am adding in the main menu. It is easy to do that in the menus we add, since we have access to the menu object, but here we don't have access (we add the items somewhere else, and make them move to the main menu by setting the menu role), so I don't know yet how to add multiple separators in the main menu.

How can I add a context sensitive help button for a specific dialog control

I have an MFC app (10 year old app), which has context sensitive help for each dialog. I want to add help on a specific combobox, as well as a little question mark button next to this control. Users can either select the combobox and hit F1, or they can click on the button next to the combobox, and it will jump to a help page that is specifically about this combobox, rather than general help for the whole dialog.
In the dialog resource properties, I have set "Context Help" to True.
In the combobox properties, I've set "Help ID" to True.
In myapp.hpp, I have added "HIDC_MYCOMBOBOX = mycombobox_help.htm" to the [ALIAS] section, and included the file in the [MAP] section.
Again in app.hpp file, the dialog uses "HIDD_MYDIALOG =
Yet selecting the combobox and pressing F1 still brings up mydialog_help.htm, instead of mycombobox.htm.
What am I missing to use a separate help page for the control?
Is it possible to redirect the control to an anchor in the main page? Something, along the lines of...
HIDC_MYCOMBOBOX = mydialog_help.htm#mycombobox
I have added a "?" button to run the following code, but this also doesn't give the context for the control, and just opens the mydialog_help.htm.
HELPINFO lhelpinfo;
lhelpinfo.cbSize = sizeof(lhelpinfo);
lhelpinfo.iContextType = HELPINFO_WINDOW;
lhelpinfo.iCtrlId = IDC_BALANCING_METHOD;
lhelpinfo.hItemHandle = GetDlgItem(IDC_BALANCING_METHOD)->m_hWnd;
lhelpinfo.dwContextId = HIDC_BALANCING_METHOD;
lhelpinfo.MousePos = POINT();

Creating HyperLink in Notepad(textEdit)[MFC]

I am building a textEdit application with MFC. Is there a way to create a hyperlink automatically when a user write web address? It's like when you write a web address "" the application detects web address and create a hyperlink right away. I have searched documents that explains about this, but couldn't find it..
and i couldn't make it..
i already have made notepad but i couldn't add the function of hyperlink on the notepad.
the following sentences are functions of hyperlink.
Clicking the text needs to open a browser window to the location specified by the text.
The cursor needs to change from the standard arrow cursor to a pointing index finger when it moves over the control.
The text in the control needs to be underlined when the cursor moves over the control.
A hyperlink control needs to display text in a different color—black just won't do.
The features that I added are:
5.A hyperlink control once visited needs to change color.
6.The hyperlink control should be accessible from the keyboard.
7.It should install some kind of hooks to allow the programmer to perform some actions when the control has the focus or when the cursor is hovering over the control.
Among the functions, What I mostly want to complete is the first one.
If I click a Hyperlink text, it should be linked to a browser window on the Internet.
Please answer and help me. Thanks.
Just use a CRichEditCtrl control (remember to call AfxInitRichEdit2 in your InitInstance). Call SetAutoURLDetect. Done.
Unfortunately this is not enough to make it work. It will display text that resembles URL as blue underlined but it will not invoke the link.
This will have to be handled by additional code. This will set needed event mask:
long lMask = m_RichEditCtrl.GetEventMask();
m_RichEditCtrl.SetEventMask(lMask | ENM_LINK);
Also reflected EN_LINK will has to be handled to follow the link. For example:
void CHyperLinkInEditView::OnEnLink(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
ENLINK *p_Link = reinterpret_cast<ENLINK *>(pNMHDR);
if(p_Link && p_Link->msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
//int iRange = m_RichEditCtrl.GetTextRange(p_enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMin, p_enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMax);
CString szLinkString = m_RichEditCtrl.GetSelText ();
ShellExecute(m_hWnd, L"Open", szLinkString, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE);
*pResult = 0;
All of the above will solve requirement 1, 2, 3 (partially –text is underlined always), and 4.
I do not quite understand 5, 6 and 7.
Could you elaborate?

MFC: Displaying a tabulated display of text items

This should be simple it seems but I can't quite get it to work. I want a control (I guess CListBox or CListCtrl) which displays text strings in a nice tabulated way.
As items are added, they should be added along a row until that row is full, and then start a new row. Like typing in your wordprocessor - when the line is full, items start being added to the next line, and the control can scroll vertically.
What I get when trying with a list-mode CListCtrl is a single row which just keeps growing, with a horizontal scroll bar. I can't see a way to change that, there must be one?
You probably need a list control wth LVS_REPORT. If you expect the user to add items interactively using a keyboard, you probably need a data grid, not a list. Adding editing to list control subitems is not easy, and it would be easier to start from CWnd. Search "MFC Data Grid" to find some open source class libraries that implemented the feature.
If you can afford adding /clr to your program, you can try the data grid classes in Windows Forms using MFC's Windows Form hosting support. You will find a lot more programming resources on data grid classes in Windows Forms than any other third-party MFC data grid class library.
If you use CRichEditCtrl you can set it to word-wrap, take a look at this snippet extracted from:
(I've derived my own QRichEditCtrl from the MFC CRichEditCtrl,
and here's the relevant code:)
void QRichEditCtrl::SetWordWrap(bool bWrap)
CDC * pDC = GetDC();
long lLineWidth = 9999999; // This is the non-wrap width
if (bWrap)
lLineWidth = ::MulDiv(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALWIDTH),
1440, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX));
SetTargetDevice(*GetDC(), lLineWidth);