Creating HyperLink in Notepad(textEdit)[MFC] - mfc

I am building a textEdit application with MFC. Is there a way to create a hyperlink automatically when a user write web address? It's like when you write a web address "" the application detects web address and create a hyperlink right away. I have searched documents that explains about this, but couldn't find it..
and i couldn't make it..
i already have made notepad but i couldn't add the function of hyperlink on the notepad.
the following sentences are functions of hyperlink.
Clicking the text needs to open a browser window to the location specified by the text.
The cursor needs to change from the standard arrow cursor to a pointing index finger when it moves over the control.
The text in the control needs to be underlined when the cursor moves over the control.
A hyperlink control needs to display text in a different color—black just won't do.
The features that I added are:
5.A hyperlink control once visited needs to change color.
6.The hyperlink control should be accessible from the keyboard.
7.It should install some kind of hooks to allow the programmer to perform some actions when the control has the focus or when the cursor is hovering over the control.
Among the functions, What I mostly want to complete is the first one.
If I click a Hyperlink text, it should be linked to a browser window on the Internet.
Please answer and help me. Thanks.

Just use a CRichEditCtrl control (remember to call AfxInitRichEdit2 in your InitInstance). Call SetAutoURLDetect. Done.

Unfortunately this is not enough to make it work. It will display text that resembles URL as blue underlined but it will not invoke the link.
This will have to be handled by additional code. This will set needed event mask:
long lMask = m_RichEditCtrl.GetEventMask();
m_RichEditCtrl.SetEventMask(lMask | ENM_LINK);
Also reflected EN_LINK will has to be handled to follow the link. For example:
void CHyperLinkInEditView::OnEnLink(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
ENLINK *p_Link = reinterpret_cast<ENLINK *>(pNMHDR);
if(p_Link && p_Link->msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
//int iRange = m_RichEditCtrl.GetTextRange(p_enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMin, p_enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMax);
CString szLinkString = m_RichEditCtrl.GetSelText ();
ShellExecute(m_hWnd, L"Open", szLinkString, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE);
*pResult = 0;
All of the above will solve requirement 1, 2, 3 (partially –text is underlined always), and 4.
I do not quite understand 5, 6 and 7.
Could you elaborate?


Taking data from a Dialog in Qt and using it in a Ui

So I'm making a text editor using Qt and right now I have a button that opens a dialog called "Format text". I want it to work kind of like the dialog in notepad called "font" where you select a few text attributes from some drop down lists and it shows you what your text will look like. Right now I have it working where you can select the font style, font color, and font size and hit preview and it shows you in a box in the dialog what your text will look like. However, I have a button called "okay" which is supposed to change the highlighted text or the text you are about to type, but I can't figure out how to display those changes on the main window. The .ui files are private and a lot of the already made functions and pointers are the same in every ui file so if I change the ui file to pubic I have to change a whole bunch of things. Can anyway give me a simple answer? I'm trying to do this with as little confusion as possible. More coding and less confusion is better than less coding and more confusion for someone of my skill level. Sorry that this is all one giant paragraph and that I didn't provide any code, but I didn't think the code was necessary, however if you do need some of the code i'd be happy to share it.
Thank you for your help and your time. I hope you all have a nice evening.
QDialog have a signal called finished(), you can connect this signal with your slot. To accomplish your work, pass a QSettings or for simplicity QStringList to dialog settings (responsible for changing font, color ...), the QStringList will save user defined settings, after closing the dialog, iterate through QStringList member to alert Main window.
A pseudo code will look like this
Class Editor:
TextSettings textSettings;
textSettings.setSettings(settings); // settings is a member
connect(textSettings, &finished(int)), this, SLOT(alertEditor(int)))
Editor::alertEditor(int s)
if(s == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < settings.size(); ++i); // extract various user settings
Class TextSettings:
TextSettings::TextSettings(QStringList settings)
settings << ui->combobox->currentItem(); // font name as example

How to implement the mouse click for URLs at rich edit control

I added a read-only rich edit 2.0 control to my dialog (code is using C windows API, the dialog is created by using function DialogBox)
At the dialog call back, at the WM_INITDIALOG, I add the following code to enable url detection and also enable the event ENM_LINK is sent to the parent dialog instead of the rich edit control itself:
LRESULT mask = SendMessage(hWndText, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); //hWndText is rich edit control
SendMessage(hWndText, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, mask | ENM_LINK);
::SendMessage(hWndText, EM_AUTOURLDETECT, TRUE, NULL);
I had a little trouble to enable the url detection when dialog is initially launched (which seems a known issue or behavior since rich edit control would only enable url detection of modified text). However I worked around this issue by setting the dialog text again on every WM_PAINT event.
The code is generally working. I also implemented the following code to launch the URL at the browser when mouse is hovering over the url:
plink = (ENLINK *) lParam;
case IDC_DISPLAY_TEXT_2: //this is ID for my rich edit control
szURL =m_strDisplay.Mid(plink->chrg.cpMin, plink->chrg.cpMax - plink->chrg.cpMin);
LaunchURL(szURL); //function to launch the url with default browser
It seems that I would get WM_NOTIFY event every time when I hovered the mouse over the url. However when I clicked on it, I always get same event as the mouse hover over.
Based on the structure of ENLINK, I should get more detailed NM event at the NMHDR structure, however the value plink->nmhdr.code is always 1803 which is not even NM_HOVER (its defined value is (NM_FIRST-13) and NM_FIRST is (0U- 0U), so NM_HOVER value is 4294967283 on my 64 bit machine). I know that I am missing something here. Could someone shed some lights here? How can I get the mouse click event for the rich edit control?
I think you should capture the EN_LINK notification. I implemented the following code. It enables a url link in a richedit control placed into the parent window, not into a dialog. You could adapt it for your dialog, as well.
Consider beginning with the code:
case WM_NOTIFY: {
switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { //NMHDR structure contains information about a notification message.
case EN_LINK: {
ENLINK *enLinkInfo = (ENLINK *)lParam; // pointer to a ENLINK structure
then, if you choose to launch url on LBUTTONUP, you have to check the value contained in enLinkInfo->msg (remember to adapt it for your dialog, though)
if (enLinkInfo->msg == WM_LBUTTONUP) {
// select all the text from enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMin to enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMax
// lauch the url
Besides, you can intercept WM_MOUSEMOVE:
if(enLinkInfo->msg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) {
; // do nothing
Hope it helps.
As the answer by #A_nto2 shows, to intercept a mouse click do:
case WM_NOTIFY: {
//NMHDR structure contains information about a notification message.
switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) {
case EN_LINK: {
ENLINK *enLinkInfo = (ENLINK *)lParam; // pointer to a ENLINK structure
if (enLinkInfo->msg == WM_LBUTTONUP) {
But the tricky part is to get the link that was clicked on.
One gets a "range" that was clicked on in the enLinkInfo->chrg of the type CHARRANGE.
An answer to Detect click on URL in RichEdit suggests using the EM_EXSETSEL with the enLinkInfo->chrg. And then using the EM_GETSELTEXT to retrieve the text.
That works with auto-detected plain-text URLs (EM_AUTOURLDETECT).
A problem is with friendly name hyperlinks (i.e. those that have an anchor text different than the URL itself):
{\rtf1{\field{\*\fldinst{ HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt{Example}}}}
(Note that these are supported in Rich Edit 4.1 and newer only)
For these, the CHARRANGE points to the HYPERLINK "" part, which is hidden and cannot be selected using the EM_EXSETSEL. Actually it can be selected on Windows 10. But it cannot be selected on Windows 7, Vista and XP. Sending the EM_EXSETSEL to these systems results in selecting a zero-length block just after the hidden part.
So either you have to go back in the rich edit buffer and scan for the link; or use another method to retrieve the clicked text.
In my case, as I have small texts only in the rich edit, I've used the WM_GETTEXT. It returns a plain-text version of the rich edit document, but with the friendly name hyperlinks preserved in this form:
HYPERLINK "" Example
The CHARRANGE points to the URL, strangely including the leading quote: ("
But the indexes correspond to a text with a single-character (LF) line separators. While the WM_GETTEXT returns the CRLF separators. So you have to convert the text to the LF before extracting the URL using the CHARRANGE.
According to the documentation of EM_AUTOURLDETECT, you are supposed to get an EN_LINK notification, which should be reflected in the nmhdr.code. According to Google,
#define EN_LINK 0x70B
which is 7 * 256 + 11 = 1750 + 42 + 11 = 1803.
Please note that your code misses a check for nmhdr.code == EN_LINK.
I'm not sure if the control sends NM_HOVER messages at all.

MFC: Displaying a tabulated display of text items

This should be simple it seems but I can't quite get it to work. I want a control (I guess CListBox or CListCtrl) which displays text strings in a nice tabulated way.
As items are added, they should be added along a row until that row is full, and then start a new row. Like typing in your wordprocessor - when the line is full, items start being added to the next line, and the control can scroll vertically.
What I get when trying with a list-mode CListCtrl is a single row which just keeps growing, with a horizontal scroll bar. I can't see a way to change that, there must be one?
You probably need a list control wth LVS_REPORT. If you expect the user to add items interactively using a keyboard, you probably need a data grid, not a list. Adding editing to list control subitems is not easy, and it would be easier to start from CWnd. Search "MFC Data Grid" to find some open source class libraries that implemented the feature.
If you can afford adding /clr to your program, you can try the data grid classes in Windows Forms using MFC's Windows Form hosting support. You will find a lot more programming resources on data grid classes in Windows Forms than any other third-party MFC data grid class library.
If you use CRichEditCtrl you can set it to word-wrap, take a look at this snippet extracted from:
(I've derived my own QRichEditCtrl from the MFC CRichEditCtrl,
and here's the relevant code:)
void QRichEditCtrl::SetWordWrap(bool bWrap)
CDC * pDC = GetDC();
long lLineWidth = 9999999; // This is the non-wrap width
if (bWrap)
lLineWidth = ::MulDiv(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALWIDTH),
1440, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX));
SetTargetDevice(*GetDC(), lLineWidth);

CEdit control MFC, placing cursor to end of string after SetWindowText

I am using VC9, I've a CEdit control whose contents are reset to default test (say - "fill-in") at the click of a button and then I call SetFocus for the CEdit control. The problem is that the cursor blinks at the start of the default text, and i want it to blink an the end of the default string.
How can this be done?
You can use CEdit::SetSel to accomplish that.
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetWindowText("hello world");
e->SetSel(0,-1); // select all text and move cursor at the end
e->SetSel(-1); // remove selection
You can use CEdit::SetSel to accomplish that:
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetWindowText("hello world");
// e->SetSel(0,-1); // you don't need this line
It will place the cursor in the end of the string.
I had a strange finding but still relevant to it.
This solution did not work for me initially. Even after calling SetSel(-1) my cursor was moving to the top of the edit box.
Then I did some code reshuffle and it started working.
The learning was that if I update any other control after updating the edit control, the cursor will move to the top of the edit box. But if edit box is the last control updated, the cursor remains in the end of the edit box.
Like I had a code something like
Add text to edit & call SetSel(-1)
update static control
And the cursor would not stay in the end. But when I changed it to
update static control
Add text to edit & call SetSel(-1)
My cursor was displayed in the end of the edit box.
I had it on my mind since the day I had this finding to update the knowledge base here. Hope it helps some random soul whose cursor jumps to top of edit box even after calling the API.

How do I display a tooltip for a CMFCRibbonButton in the status bar?

I have a CMFCRibbonStatusBar in my mainframe to which I add a CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup which again has a CMFCRibbonButton. This button has the same ID as a menu entry.
Creating the button is done as follows:
CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup* pBGroup = new CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup();
CMFCToolBarImages images;
images.SetImageSize(CSize(32, 16)); // Non-square bitmaps
pBGroup->SetImages(&images, NULL, NULL);
m_pStatusButton = new CMFCRibbonButton(ID_STATUS_SHOWSTATUS,
m_wndStatusBar.AddExtendedElement(pBGroup, _T(""));
I want to use this button as a status indicator.
I want to display a tool tip in the following two cases:
when the status changes and
when the user moves the mouse over the button.
I have no idea how to start in the first place. I have looked at the ToolTipDemo and DlgToolTips sample projects but couldn't figure out how to do it since all they do is display tooltips for the toolbar items or dialog buttons (CWnd-derived instead of CMFCRibbonButton).
If you are familiar with the ToolTipDemo sample project: Since there seem to be several ways of doing things, I would prefer the tooltip to look like the "Extended Visual Manager-based" tool tip as shown in this screenshot.
I don't think it's possible to show the tooltip without the mouse cursor being over the control. That's all done automatically.
However if you want to have a nice looking tooltip like in your screenshot, you need to call SetToolTipText and SetDescription, like this:
CMFCRibbonButton* pBtn = new CMFCRibbonButton(12345, _T(""), 1);
pBtn->SetToolTipText("This is the bold Title");
pBtn->SetDescription("This is the not-so-bold Description");
I am using CMFCRibbonButton controls within a CMFCRibbonButtonGroup, which is added to the CMFCRibbonStatusBar. Take note of the 4th parameter in the CMFCRibbonButton() constructor, bAlwaysShowDescription, as this seems to affect the behavior depending upon whether SetDescription() has been called.
Specifically, if SetDescription() has not been called, it doesn't matter whether bAlwaysShowDescription is TRUE or FALSE - the tool tip is displayed (as I would expect). If SetDescription() is set and bAlwaysShowDescription is FALSE, when hovering over the button the tool tip is displayed with the description below it.
What seems counterintuitive given the name of this bAlwaysShowDescription parameter, is that when this is TRUE and SetDescription() is set, NEITHER the tool tip nor the description appear. I wonder if this is related to this post:
Hope this helps and you can achieve what you need with the different combinations of bAlwaysShowDescription parameter and whether SetDescription() is set.