JupyterLab in Google Cloud Platform won't connect to Google Drive - google-cloud-platform

I've looked at a Medium guide on connecting JupyterLab to Google Drive. After having followed the steps in this guide, I'm still unable to connect.
Google API Error
Not a valid origin for the client: https://3xxxx-dot-us-west1.notebooks.googleusercontent.com has not been whitelisted for client ID xyz-123.apps.googleusercontent.com. Please go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID.
I believe I have already done this. I've tried troubleshooting and having a buddy look but the error persists when I add in the clientid per the instructions.
Is it possible that JupyterLab hosted on my virtual machine on GCP is not able to connect? Is there a workaround?


Unable to connect to Google Cloud VM via SSH Error code 4010

Unable to connect to Google Cloud VM via SSH.
I have faced the below-mentioned error while trying to connect VM.
So far I have tried following things,
Code: 4010 - Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed
Google VM instance Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed (code 4010)
Could you please tell me anyone is this issue is related to any SSH key. I thought ssh key has been expired. So, I have generate new SSH private & public key via PUTTY Gen
Then I have update public key in Google cloud->Metadata->SSH Keys -> Edit
Followed many documents to generate ssh key & add ssh key
I am unable to add ssh key in Instance-> Edit-> SSH key facing below mentioned error.
Need to start tomcat service imediately last 12 hours service has been stopped due to this issue. Could you please suggest any way to start atleast apache tomcat service?. Please let me know if need any clarification.
Could you please help me anyone to resolve this issue.
Don't mark as duplicate question. It's related to someother issue. I have already checked existing forums. Not working.
How should we know the SSH key is expired?
<protocol> <key-blob> google-ssh {"userName":"<username#example.com>","expireOn":"<date>"}
You can check out expireOn.
The common solution is the firewall. Please check your firewall is configured correctly and open on the port you're connecting to. You can use Connectivity Tests to identify any connectivity issues.
Also, you should be able to see the instance's serial console output using the GCP console - go to the instance's details and click on Serial port 1 (console) and you will see the output.
GCP has provided the documentation of troubleshooting.
The second issue shows that you're facing some IP problems, so I still suggest that review any network service that you using.

Unable to download edge browser on Google Chrome VM

I created a RDP Virtual Machine on Google Cloud Platform as per this doc https://cloud.google.com/solutions/chrome-desktop-remote-windows-compute-engine
However I am unable to download edge on this VM. I want to setup a VM which I can use it as my laptop without any restrictions.
Please advise.

Google VPN Classic to Fortigate Handshake Errors

I have configured Cloud VPN Classic to on-prem Firewall using Fortigate. I'm using default supported IKE Ciphers and I've confirmed both sides are correct configuration.
But when I checked on Google there errors shown "Handshake with peer broken for unknown reason. Trying again soon"
Does anyone have a suggestion/help on this?
I was troubleshooting these issues almost a month, still didn't find the solution on this case.
I have monitored VPN whole day, I found it will state active/up at certain time, but then it will inactive.
"Handshake with peer broken for unknown reason. Trying again soon"
As there is no information about the specific Fortinet devise you are using in your on-prem network, I'm sharing with you this Google Cloud VPN interop Guide to use Cloud VPN with Fortinet where you should find the correct configuration for GCP connectivity.
Additionally, I have found this Cloud VPN troubleshooting Google documentation which can help you monitor and solve issues with Cloud VPN.
I hope the provided documentation helps you troubleshoot your issue and to have the expected connectivity results.

Not able to connect to Hue web UI from Cloudera Manager

I have installed Cloudera Express on Google cloud platform vm instance using Cloudera Manager.All the web services are running but web UI links of all services (Hue, Hbase, Spark etc.) are not loading.I can't reach the login page also .It gives the error as given below:
This site can’t be reached
instance-1.c.cluster-183105.internal’s server DNS address could not be found.
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAINpls find the screenshot of error here
You're configurations in Cloudera Manager are pointing to internal DNS records.
So, for example, Cloudera Manager does a health check against the web server, and says they are reachable because it is also on that internal network.
Your machine cannot resolve the internal DNS records unless you tunneled into that network.
The solution here is to
whitelist your network in GCP so that you can reach the cluster without exposing it to the open internet
You must go through each component and change the web interface address to be the public DNS
Or setup and use an SSH tunnel or VPN to any machine in the cluster
Note, Cloudera Director and Cloudera Atlus are two offerings for running and configuring CDH in the cloud

Troubles with deploying Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS

I have been trying to install Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS and I have troubles with it.
In the section upload-cert mentioned that I need to create SSL Certificates for:
So, I've created domain xxxxx.com on AWS Route53 and created a certificate on AWS ACM for domain and subdomains.
So, my questions are:
do I need to create subdomains (system, login, uaa, apps) in AWS Route53
do I need to bound my domain and subdomain somehow to PCF? Or the installation process had to do it for me?
for now, if I open http://login.xxxxx.com/ it responses with 503. what can be the reason?
what is the correct url to open the PCF UI?
I have such error in Ops Manager. What can be the reason of such error?
The same about logs. When I tried to download logs for failed services it failed too. What can be the reason?
Thank you for the help!
do I need to create subdomains (system, login, uaa, apps) in AWS Route53
do I need to bound my domain and subdomain somehow to PCF? Or the installation process had to do it for me?
You can create a wildcard subdomain (*.xxxxx.com) and alias using the instructions here: https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/1-10/customizing/cloudform-er-config.html#cname
what is the correct url to open the PCF UI?
If you mean Ops Manager, it is whatever DNS entry you created and pointed to the Ops Manager public IP address in this step: https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/1-10/customizing/cloudform-om-deploy.html#create-dns
For the ERT UI, there is the Pivotal Apps Manager https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/1-10/console/index.html
which is usually apps.system.xxxx.com
You can see what system apps are deployed by connecting to Cloud Foundry using the CLI and seeing which apps are in the system org, and what their routes are.
for now, if I open http://login.xxxxx.com/ it responses with 503. what can be the reason?
If the DNS has not been set up, I'm surprised you're getting any response whatsoever. Usually you get 503s when the routers connected to the load balancers are failing for some reason (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/classic/ts-elb-error-message.html#ts-elb-errorcodes-http503)
I have such error in Ops Manager. What can be the reason of such error?
This would explain the 503s if the router is unhealthy. I would SSH into those machines and see what the logs say (in /var/vcap/sys/logs), which should tell you what is going wrong.
The reason of the red instances on the Status page was that my AWS account had limit on number of instances and it failed to create VMs for this nodes.
To find more information open Changelog (https://ops_manager_host/change_log) and the open log of the FAILED setup.