Google VPN Classic to Fortigate Handshake Errors - google-cloud-platform

I have configured Cloud VPN Classic to on-prem Firewall using Fortigate. I'm using default supported IKE Ciphers and I've confirmed both sides are correct configuration.
But when I checked on Google there errors shown "Handshake with peer broken for unknown reason. Trying again soon"
Does anyone have a suggestion/help on this?
I was troubleshooting these issues almost a month, still didn't find the solution on this case.
I have monitored VPN whole day, I found it will state active/up at certain time, but then it will inactive.
"Handshake with peer broken for unknown reason. Trying again soon"

As there is no information about the specific Fortinet devise you are using in your on-prem network, I'm sharing with you this Google Cloud VPN interop Guide to use Cloud VPN with Fortinet where you should find the correct configuration for GCP connectivity.
Additionally, I have found this Cloud VPN troubleshooting Google documentation which can help you monitor and solve issues with Cloud VPN.
I hope the provided documentation helps you troubleshoot your issue and to have the expected connectivity results.


How to setup VPN from on-premises database to Google Cloud

I want to be able to connect from on premises database to google cloud.
I have VPC set, external IP address and VPN but not connected yet.
Is there something I missed? Do I have to create a compute engine first?
I would recommend you to first read this link which is the cloud VPN overview to mainly understand the type of VPN that you are creating for this setup and then setup your VPN.
In this other link you will find some guides to setup the VPN with devices such as Cisco or even other cloud providers. I hope you find this links useful since your question doesn't have much information to better understand if you have any error message or kind of peer device you're using for this set up

JupyterLab in Google Cloud Platform won't connect to Google Drive

I've looked at a Medium guide on connecting JupyterLab to Google Drive. After having followed the steps in this guide, I'm still unable to connect.
Google API Error
Not a valid origin for the client: has not been whitelisted for client ID Please go to and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID.
I believe I have already done this. I've tried troubleshooting and having a buddy look but the error persists when I add in the clientid per the instructions.
Is it possible that JupyterLab hosted on my virtual machine on GCP is not able to connect? Is there a workaround?

Identity-Aware Proxy Error in Google Cloud Platform 4003

I stopped the instance in GCM and rerun it again but I got this error:
Could anyone help?
According to Google Cloud FAQ:
Error Code 4003
This might mean the instance isn't listening on the port you're trying to connect to or the firewall is closed. Either of those issues could also cause the start-up connectivity test to the VM instance to fail.
As suggested, you should try connecting without Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy.
Check if your firewall rules allow SSH connection, you should look for default-allow-ssh
If the firewall and IAP do not resolve your issue, you can follow this guide: Troubleshooting SSH
I had the same problem couple of times, but they resolved themselves after couple of minutes.


I'm having an issue configuring a site to site vpn from GCP to Fortigate.
I'm configuring a 1 tunnel HA VPN as a test before building in production.
My fortigate is behind an external fireawll, IPSEC vpn is configure with NAT.
According to debugs on the Fortigate, Phase 1 and Phase 2 are negotiated and established, Fortigate sends AUTH_RESPONSE and gets reply from the GCP side saying AUTHENTICATION_FAILED.
The status on GCP side is showing:
First Handshake. Allocating resources. VPN tunnel will start soon.
Has anyone any ideas why im getting AUTHENTICATION_FAILED on GCP side?
Not knowing exactly what the issue may be I would suggest looking at these two Google Public documents. This link describes how to use HA VPN with Fortigate, and this link is a setup guide. Within these two documents you should be able to configure your authentication to work with GCP.
Yes, this has been a known issue for quite some time. FortiOS 6.4.6 did add a field called "Local ID" to override the default IP address, but unfortunately it incorrectly sets the identity type as FQDN and Google will reject the VPN session for that reason. I reported this to FortiGate over a year ago and they were unwilling to accept it as a bug, instead saying I needed to sign a large contract and then make a feature request.
Currently, the only workaround is to give the FortiGate a public IP address. Or, use AWS as they'll accept the private IP.

Denial of service attack in Google Compute Engine running Ubuntu

I noticed that my VM in the google cloud platform is generating DOS and wondering where that may be coming from. On further search, I noticed a file that wasn't created by me and deleted the file.
So far, I have changed the ssh port but I'm still getting This project appears to be committing denial of service attacks
I would like suggestions on what else I can do to prevent this in the future.
I'm leaving here some interesting resources you can check to secure your Google Compute Engine instance:
Ubuntu SSH Guard manpage
ArchLinux SSH guard guide (guides you through installation and setup)
Apache hardening guide from geekflare
PHP security cheatsheet from OWASP
MySQL security guidelines
General security advice for Google Cloud Platform instances:
Set user permissions at project level.
Connect securely to your instance.
Ensure the project firewall is not open to everyone on the internet.
Use a strong password and store passwords securely.
Ensure that all software is up to date.
Monitor project usage closely via the monitoring API to identify abnormal project usage.
To diagnose trouble with GCE instances, serial port output from the instance can be useful.
You can check the serial port output by clicking on the instance name
and then on "Serial port 1 (console)". Note that this logs are wipped
when instances are shutdown & rebooted, and the log is not visible
when the instance is not started.
Stackdriver monitoring is also helpful to provide an audit trail to
diagnose problems.
Here are some hints you can check on keeping GCP projects secure.