Why my code is wrong?:A simple conversion of number systems - c++

OJ result :partial accepted
Put n balls into 50 boxes numbered 0, 1, 2, ......, 49, (n<250) and require that the ith box must contain pi times (m to the i-th power) of balls, or none if the box cannot satisfy this condition. Where 2 <= m <= 16 and pi is an integer between 0 and m - 1. Find a specific solution for releasing the balls.
The input file has only one line, just n and m, separated by an empty space.
The output file has several rows, each with two values, first the number of the box and the number of balls in the box, and if there are no balls in the box then no output, but output in ascending order of the box number.
enter image description here
using namespace std;
int main()
long long n,m;
for(int i=0;i<=50;i++){
long long x=(long long)(pow(m,i));
cout<<i<<" "<<n%m*x<<endl;

Potential errors in the code include:
The problem statement specifies there are 50 boxes, numbered 0 to 49, but the code loops over 51 boxes, numbered 0 to 50, with for(int i=0;i<=50;i++).
pow should not be used for integer exponentiation because it is inefficient in this use, presents overflow and precision issues, and some low-quality implementations of pow do not return a correct result even when the result is exactly representable. For example, pow(10, 3) might return 999.9999999999998863131622783839702606201171875, after which conversion to long long produces 999.
The long long type may overflow.


Total number of common factors for two numbers LARGE VALUES upto 10^12

Inputs are two values 1 <= m , n <= 10^12
i don't know why my code is taking soo long for large values . time limit is 1 sec. please suggest me some critical modifications.
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned long long m,n,count=0;
cin >> m >> n;
for (long long int i = 1; i <= ((min(m,n))/2)+1; i++) //i divided min(m,n) by 2 to make it efficient.
if ((m%i == 0) && (n%i == 0))
if (((n%m == 0) || (m%n == 0)) && (n!=m))
cout << count << endl;
printf("%lld",count); //cout<<count;
return 0;
((min(m, n)) / 2) + 1
Is being calculated every iteration. But it's loop-invariant. In general loop invariant code can be calculated before the loop, and stored. It will add up, but there are obviously much better ways to improve things. I'll describe one below:
you can make this much faster by calculating how many common prime factors there are, and by dividing out any "found" primes as you go. e.g. if only one number is divisible by 5, and the other is not, you can divide that one by 5 and you still get the same answer for common factors. Divide m and n by any "found" numbers as you go through it. (but keep checking whether either is divisible by e.g. 2 and keep dividing before you go on).
e.g. if the two numbers are both divisible by 2, 3 and 5, then the number of ways those three primes can combine is 8 (2^3), treating the presence of each prime as a true/false thing. So each prime that occurs once multiplies the number of combos by 2.
If any of the primes occurs more than once, then it changes the equation slightly. e.g. if the two numbers are divisible by 4, 3, 5:
4 = 2^2, so you could have no "2s", 1 "2" or 2 "2s" in the combined factor, so the total combinations 3 x 2 x 2 = 12. So any prime that occurs "x" times, multiplies the total number of combos by "x+1".
So basically, you don't need to check for every actual factor, you just need to search for how many common prime factors there are, then work out how many combos that adds up to. Luckily you only need to store one value, "total_combos" and multiply it by the "x+1" value for each found number as you go.
And a handy thing is that you can divide out all primes as they're found, and you're guaranteed that the largest remaining prime to be found is no larger than the square root of the smallest remaining number out of m and n.
So to run you through how this would work, start with a copy of m and n, loop up to the sqrt of the min of those two (m and n will be reduced as the loop cycles through).
make a value "total_combos", which starts at 1.
Check for 2's first, find out how many common powers of 2 there are, add one to that number. Divide out ALL the 2's from m and n, even if they're not matched, because reducing down the number cuts the total amount you actually need to search. You count the 2's, add one, then multiply "total_combos" by that. Keep dividing m or n by two as long as either has a factor of 2 remaining.
Then check for 3's, find out how many common powers of 3 there are, add one, the multiply "total_combos" by that. Divide out any and all factors of 3 when you're doing this.
then check for 4's. Since 4 isn't prime and we got rid of all 2's already, there will be zero 4's. Add one to that = 1, then we times "total_combos" by 1, so it stays the same. We didn't need to check whether 4 was prime or not, the divisions we already did ensured it's ignored. Same for any power of 2.
then check for 5's. same deal as 2's and 3's. And so on. All the prime bases get divided out as you go, so whenever a value actually matches you can be sure it's a new prime.
stop the loop when it exceeds sqrt(max(m,n)) (EDITED: min is probably wrong there). But m and n here are the values that have had all the lower primes divided out, so it's much faster.
I hope this approach is helpful.
There is a better way to solve this problem.
All you have to do is take the GCD of two numbers. Now any number won't divide m & n if they are greater than their GCD. So all you to do is that run a loop till the i<=Math.sqrt(GCD(m,n)) and check if the m%i==0 and n%i==0 only. It will save a lot of nanosecs.

Reaching from first index to last with minimum product without using Graphs?

Solving this problem on codechef:
After visiting a childhood friend, Chef wants to get back to his home.
Friend lives at the first street, and Chef himself lives at the N-th
(and the last) street. Their city is a bit special: you can move from
the X-th street to the Y-th street if and only if 1 <= Y - X <= K,
where K is the integer value that is given to you. Chef wants to get
to home in such a way that the product of all the visited streets'
special numbers is minimal (including the first and the N-th street).
Please, help him to find such a product. Input
The first line of input consists of two integer numbers - N and K -
the number of streets and the value of K respectively. The second line
consist of N numbers - A1, A2, ..., AN respectively, where Ai equals
to the special number of the i-th street. Output
Please output the value of the minimal possible product, modulo
1000000007. Constraints
1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ Ai ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ K ≤ N Example
Input: 4 2 1 2 3 4.
Output: 8
It could be solved using graphs based on this tutorial
I tried to solve it without using graphs and just using recursion and DP.
My approach:
Take an array and calculate the min product to reach every index and store it in the respective index.
This could be calculated using top down approach and recursively sending index (eligible) until starting index is reached.
Out of all calculated values store the minimum one.
If it is already calculated return it else calculate.
#define LI long int
#define MAX 100009
#define MOD 1000000007
using namespace std;
LI dp[MAX]={0};
LI ar[MAX],k,orig;
void cal(LI n)
LI minn=MAX;
for(LI i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
if(ar[n]-ar[i]<=k && ar[n]-ar[i]>=1)
int main()
LI n,i;
scanf("%ld %ld",&n,&k);
else printf("%ld",dp[n-1]);
return 0;
Its been 2 days and I have checked every corner cases and constraints but it still gives Wrong answer! Whats wrong with the solution?
Need Help.
There are many problems. Here is what I found:
You restrict the product to a value inferior to 100009 without reason. The product can be way higher that that (this is indeed the reason why the problem only asked the value modulo 1000000007)
You restrict your moves from streets whose difference in special number is K whereas the problem statement says that you can move between any cities whose index difference is inferior to K
In you dynamic programming function you compute the product and store the modulo of the product. This can lead to a problem because the modulo of a big number can be lower than the modulo of a lower number. This may corrupt later computations.
The integral type you use, long int, is too short.
The complexity of your algorithm is too high.
From all these problems, the last one is the most serious. I fixed it by changing the whole aproach and using a better datastructure.
1st Problem
In your main() function:
In your cal() function:
LI minn=MAX;
You should replace this line with:
LI minn = std::numeric_limits<LI>::max();
Do not forget to:
#include <limits>
2nd Problem
for(LI i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
if(ar[n]-ar[i]<=k && ar[n]-ar[i]>=1)
. . .
You should replace the for loop condition:
for(LI i=n-1;i>=n-k;i--)
And remove altogether the condition on the special numbers.
3rd Problem
You are looking for the path whose product of special numbers is the lowest. In your current setting, you compare path's product after having taken the modulo of the product. This is wrong, as the modulo of a higher number may become very low (for instance a path whose product is 1000000008 will have a modulo of 1 and you will choose this path, even if there is a path whose product is only 2).
This means you should compare the real products, without taking their modulo. As these products can become very high you should take their logarithm. This will allow you to compare the products with a simple double. Remember that:
log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b)
4th Problem
Use unsigned long long.
5th Problem
I fixed all these issues and submitted on codechef CHRL4. I got all but one test case accepted. The testcase not accepted was because of a timeout. This is due to the fact that your algorithm has got a complexity of O(k*n).
You can achieve O(n) complexity using a bottom-up dynamic programming approach, instead of top-down and using a data structure that will return the minimum log value of the k previous streets. You can lookup sliding window minimum algorithm to find how to do.
my own codechef CHRL4 solution: bottom-up dp + sliding window minimum

Generate N random numbers within a range with a constant sum

I want to generate N random numbers drawn from a specif distribution (e.g uniform random) between [a,b] which sum to a constant C. I have tried a couple of solutions I could think of myself, and some proposed on similar threads but most of them either work for a limited form of problem or I can't prove the outcome still follows the desired distribution.
What I have tried:
Generage N random numbers, divide all of them by the sum of them and multiply by the desired constant. This seems to work but the result does not follow the rule that the numbers should be within [a:b].
Generage N-1 random numbers add 0 and desired constant C and sort them. Then calculate the difference between each two consecutive nubmers and the differences are the result. This again sums to C but have the same problem of last method(the range can be bigger than [a:b].
I also tried to generate random numbers and always keep track of min and max in a way that the desired sum and range are kept and come up with this code:
bool generate(function<int(int,int)> randomGenerator,int min,int max,int len,int sum,std::vector<int> &output){
* Not possible to produce such a sequence
if(min*len > sum)
return false;
if(max*len < sum)
return false;
int curSum = 0;
int left = sum - curSum;
int leftIndexes = len-1;
int curMax = left - leftIndexes*min;
int curMin = left - leftIndexes*max;
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
int num = randomGenerator((curMin< min)?min:curMin,(curMax>max)?max:curMax);
curSum += num;
left = sum - curSum;
curMax = left - leftIndexes*min;
curMin = left - leftIndexes*max;
return true;
This seems to work but the results are sometimes very skewed and I don't think it's following the original distribution (e.g. uniform). E.g:
//10 numbers within [1:10] which sum to 50:
2,7,2,5,2,10,5,8,4,5 => sum=50
//This looks reasonable for uniform, but let's change to
//10 numbers within [1:25] which sum to 50:
24,12,6,2,1,1,1,1,1,1 => sum= 50
Notice how many ones exist in the output. This might sound reasonable because the range is larger. But they really don't look like a uniform distribution.
I am not sure even if it is possible to achieve what I want, maybe the constraints are making the problem not solvable.
In case you want the sample to follow a uniform distribution, the problem reduces to generate N random numbers with sum = 1. This, in turn, is a special case of the Dirichlet distribution but can also be computed more easily using the Exponential distribution. Here is how:
Take a uniform sample v1 … vN with all vi between 0 and 1.
For all i, 1<=i<=N, define ui := -ln vi (notice that ui > 0).
Normalize the ui as pi := ui/s where s is the sum u1+...+uN.
The p1..pN are uniformly distributed (in the simplex of dim N-1) and their sum is 1.
You can now multiply these pi by the constant C you want and translate them by summing some other constant A like this
qi := A + pi*C.
In order to address some issues raised in the comments, let me add the following:
To ensure that the final random sequence falls in the interval [a,b] choose the constants A and C above as A := a and C := b-a, i.e., take qi = a + pi*(b-a). Since pi is in the range (0,1) all qi will be in the range [a,b].
One cannot take the (negative) logarithm -ln(vi) if vi happens to be 0 because ln() is not defined at 0. The probability of such an event is extremely low. However, in order to ensure that no error is signaled the generation of v1 ... vN in item 1 above must threat any occurrence of 0 in a special way: consider -ln(0) as +infinity (remember: ln(x) -> -infinity when x->0). Thus the sum s = +infinity, which means that pi = 1 and all other pj = 0. Without this convention the sequence (0...1...0) would never be generated (many thanks to #Severin Pappadeux for this interesting remark.)
As explained in the 4th comment attached to the question by #Neil Slater it is logically impossible to fulfill all the requirements of the original framing. Therefore any solution must relax the constraints to a proper subset of the original ones. Other comments by #Behrooz seem to confirm that this would suffice in this case.
One more issue has been raised in the comments:
Why rescaling a uniform sample does not suffice?
In other words, why should I bother to take negative logarithms?
The reason is that if we just rescale then the resulting sample won't distribute uniformly across the segment (0,1) (or [a,b] for the final sample.)
To visualize this let's think 2D, i.e., let's consider the case N=2. A uniform sample (v1,v2) corresponds to a random point in the square with origin (0,0) and corner (1,1). Now, when we normalize such a point dividing it by the sum s=v1+v2 what we are doing is projecting the point onto the diagonal as shown in the picture (keep in mind that the diagonal is the line x + y = 1):
But given that green lines, which are closer to the principal diagonal from (0,0) to (1,1), are longer than orange ones, which are closer to the axes x and y, the projections tend to accumulate more around the center of the projection line (in blue), where the scaled sample lives. This shows that a simple scaling won't produce a uniform sample on the depicted diagonal. On the other hand, it can be proven mathematically that the negative logarithms do produce the desired uniformity. So, instead of copypasting a mathematical proof I would invite everyone to implement both algorithms and check that the resulting plots behave as this answer describes.
(Note: here is a blog post on this interesting subject with an application to the Oil & Gas industry)
Let's try to simplify the problem.
By substracting the lower bound, we can reduce it to finding N numbers in [0,b-a] such that their sum is C-Na.
Renaming the parameters, we can look for N numbers in [0,m] whose sum is S.
Now the problem is akin to partitioning a segment of length S in N distinct sub-segments of length [0,m].
I think the problem is simply not solvable.
if S=1, N=1000 and m anything above 0, the only possible repartition is one 1 and 999 zeroes, which is nothing like a random spread.
There is a correlation between N, m and S, and even picking random values will not make it disappear.
For the most uniform repartition, the length of the sub-segments will follow a gaussian curve with a mean value of S/N.
If you tweak your random numbers differently, you will end up with whatever bias, but in the end you will never have both a uniform [a,b] repartition and a total length of C, unless the length of your [a,b] interval happens to be 2C/N-a.
For my answer I'll assume that we have a uniform distribution.
Since we have a uniform distribution, every tuple of C has the same probability to occur. For example for a = 2, b = 2, C = 12, N = 5 we have 15 possible tuples. From them 10 start with 2, 4 start with 3 and 1 starts with 4. This gives the idea of selecting a random number from 1 to 15 in order to choose the first element. From 1 to 10 we select 2, from 11 to 14 we select 3 and for 15 we select 4. Then we continue recursively.
#include <time.h>
#include <random>
std::default_random_engine generator(time(0));
int a = 2, b = 4, n = 5, c = 12, numbers[5];
// Calculate how many combinations of n numbers have sum c
int calc_combinations(int n, int c) {
if (n == 1) return (c >= a) && (c <= b);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = a; i <= b; i++) sum += calc_combinations(n - 1, c - i);
return sum;
// Chooses a random array of n elements having sum c
void choose(int n, int c, int *numbers) {
if (n == 1) { numbers[0] = c; return; }
int combinations = calc_combinations(n, c);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, combinations - 1);
int s = distribution(generator);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = a; i <= b; i++) {
if ((sum += calc_combinations(n - 1, c - i)) > s) {
numbers[0] = i;
choose(n - 1, c - i, numbers + 1);
int main() { choose(n, c, numbers); }
Possible outcome:
This algorithm won't scale well for large N because of overflows in the calculation of combinations (unless we use a big integer library), the time needed for this calculation and the need for arbitrarily large random numbers.
well, for n=10000 cant we have a small number in there that is not random?
maybe generating sequence till sum > C-max reached and then just put one simple number to sum it up.
1 in 10000 is more like a very small noise in the system.
Although this was old topic but I think I got a idea. Consider we want N random number which sum is C and each random between a and b. To solve problem, we create N holes and prepare C balls, for each time we ask each hole "Do you want another ball?". If no, we pass to next hole, else, we put a ball into the hole. Each hole has a cap value: b-a. If some hole reach the cap value then always pass to next hole.
3 random numbers between 0 and 2 which sum is 5.
simulation result:
1st run: -+-
2nd run: ++-
3rd run: ---
4th run: +*+
-:refuse ball
+:accept ball
*:full pass

Wrong result for code doing dynamic programming in C++

I am solving a dp problem .The problem is that I have N dices; each of them has K faces numbered from 1 to K. Now I have arranged the N dices in a line. I can rotate/flip any dice if I want. How many ways I can set the top faces such that the summation of all the top faces equals S?
Now I am given N, K, S; I have to calculate the total number of ways.It is worthy of mention I have to print the result modulo 100000007.I have tried to solve this problem and write a code for this one but my code doesn't work for this case:800 800 10000 why? I can't understand .Can anyone explain the cause for which my code doesn't work. My code is here:
#define M 100000007
#define ull unsigned long long
using namespace std;
ull n,K,s,dp[1001][1001];
ull fnc(int num,int sum,int k)
ull temp;
if(sum==0) return 1;
else return 0;
return dp[num][k];
for(int i=1;i<=K;i++)
return dp[num][k]=temp%M;
int main()
int T;
for(int t=1;t<=T;t++)
printf("Case %d: %lld\n",t,fnc(n,s,0));
return 0;
You used the wrong subscripts for dp.
Consider how many ways you can get 800 dice, each with numbers from 1 to 800,
to have the sum 10000 if you make the number 1 uppermost on the first die
and you make 4 uppermost on the second die.
Now consider how many ways to have the sum 10000 if you make 2 uppermost on the first die
and 3 uppermost on the second die.
Those two quantities are the same: each is the number of ways to get 798 dice (with numbers 1 to 800) to have the sum 99995. That is the kind of quantity you want to memoize.
But you have not even allocated enough space in dp to store this kind of partial answer.
I also have to wonder why you are using unsigned long long rather than just unsigned long, since your answer is to be given modulo 100000007. You should never have to
work with numbers that are even near the maximum value of a signed long.
According to http://linux.die.net/man/3/memset :
The memset() function fills the first n bytes of the memory area pointed to by s with the constant byte c.
Note it doesn't say "the constant unsigned long long c".
You have the value k and K defined in the same scope, which is infuriating.
You hard coded 1001 and -1 instead of giving them proper soft coded variable names.
Most of your variable names are 1 character long.
You have persistent behavior in a return statement.
You have absolutely nothing checking if the values of k, K, and num are within the proper range of dp, which is partially a consequence of hard coding 1001.
Spacebar is your friend, writingcodelikethisthatwehavetoreadisannoying.

C++ Perform calculations on a huge array

I was asked a question for a job interview and I did not know the correct answer....
The question was:
If you have an array of 10 000 000 ints between 1 and 100, determine (efficiently) how many pairs of these ints sum up to 150 or less.
I don't know how to do this without a loop within a loop, but that is not very efficient.
Does anyone please have some pointers for me?
One way is by creating a smaller array of 100 elements. Loop through the 10,000,000 elements and count how many of each. Store the counter in the 100 element array.
// create an array counter of 101 elements and set every element to 0
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
then do a second loop j from 1 to 100. inside that, have a loop k from 1 to min(150-j,j). if k!=j, add counter[j]*counter[k]. if k=j, add (counter[j]-1)*counter[j].
the total sum is your result.
Your total run time is bounded on the top by 10,000,000 + 100*100 = 10,010,000 (it's actually smaller than this).
This is a lot faster than (10,000,000)^2, which is 100,000,000,000,000.
Of course, you have to give up 101 int space in memory.
Delete counter when you're done.
Note also (as pointed out in the discussion below) that this is assuming that order matters. If order doesn't matter, just divide the result by 2.
first, I would sort the array. Then you start a single pass through the sorted array. You get the single value n in that cell and find the correspondent lowest value that is still allowed (e.g. for 15 it is 135). Now you find the index of this value in the array and that's the amount of pairs for n. Sum up all these and you have (if my mind is working correctly) counted each pair twice, so if you divide the sum by 2, you have the correct number.
The solution should be O(n log n) compared to the trivial one, which is O(n^2)
These kind of questions always require a mixture of mathematical insight and efficient programming. They don't want brute force.
First Insight
Numbers can be grouped according to how they will pair with other groups.
Putting them into:
1 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100
A | B | C
Group A can pair with anything.
Group B can pair with A and B, and possibly C
Group C can pair with A and possibly B, but not C
The possibly is where we need some more insight.
Second Insight
For each number in B we need to check how many numbers there are up to its complement with 150. For example, with 62 from group B we want to know from group C how many numbers are less than or equal to 88.
For each number in C we add up the tallies up to it, e.g. tallies for 76, 77, 78, ..., 88. This is known mathematically as the partial sum.
In the standard library there is a function which produces a partial_sum
vector<int> tallies(25); // this is room for the tallies from C
vector<int> partial_sums(25);
partial_sum(tallies.begin(), tallies.end(), partial_sums.begin());
Symmetry means this sum only needs to be done for one group.
Third (much later) insight
Calculating the totals for group A and B can be done using partial_sum, too. So rather than only calculating for group C, and having to track the totals some other way, just store the totals for each number from 1 to 100, and then create the partial_sum over the whole thing. partial_sums[50] will give you the amount of numbers less than or equal to 50, partial_sums[75] those less than or equal to 75, and partial_sums[100] should be 10 million, i.e. all the numbers less than or equal to 100.
Finally we can calculate the combinations from B and C. We want to add together all the multiples of totals for 50 and 100, 51 and 99, 52 and 98, etc. we can do this by iterating through the tallies from 50 to 75 and the partial_sums from 100 to 75. There is a standard library function inner_product which can handle this.
This seems quite linear to me.
random_device rd;
mt19937 gen(rd());
uniform_int_distribution<> dis(1, 100);
vector<int> tallies(100);
for(int i=0; i < 10000000; ++i) {
vector<int> partial_sums(100);
partial_sum(tallies.begin(), tallies.end(), partial_sums.begin());
int A = partial_sums[50];
int AB = partial_sums[75];
int ABC = partial_sums[100];
int B = AB - A;
int C = ABC - AB;
int A_match = A * ABC;
int B_match = B * B;
int C_match = inner_product(&tallies[50], &tallies[75],
partial_sums.rend(), 0);