CMake File API "no reply dir found" - c++

I have trouble using toolchains in Docker from CLION. My Docker container is based on ubuntu 18.04 and CMake 3.17 is installed. The image definition is based on this reference implementation.
When I reload the CMake project with CLion, the following error is shown.
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/tmp.vmmD6opEtD/cmake-build-debug-local-docker
CMake File API: /path/to/glow/cmake-build-debug-local-docker: no reply dir found
When I configure the CMake project in the Docker container directly, it succeeded. I believe there is nothing wrong with the CMake project itself.
What does "no reply dir found" mean? There is no clue for this error message even with googling.

I have this error sometimes when CLion is using rsync to sync files. Disabling rsync gets rid of this error:
The problem is that the file sync is slower, but slow is better than non-functional :)

I had the exact same error, in my case setting up SSH to avoid asking for passphrase, that is on a terminal run ssh-add then try to reload the CMake project

Just had the same problem.
Your build dir in clion cmake project settings is other than the one appear in the cmake options specified there.


Why Meson couldn't create symlink to Gstreamer1.0 plugins?

I need to build Gstreamer1.0(1.14.2) from its source files using meson & ninja. First, I cloned the repository, added a custom plugin to support OpenMAX. Then, in the gst-build executed the,
meson build --buildtype=debug -Dcustom_subprojects=gst-omx -Ddisable_gst_libav=true .
This doesn't generate any error messages and ninja works like a charm as well. However, for all plugins I get
Message: Could not create symlink to <plugin_name>
message, which is not good because I cannot reach them using terminal. My host device is ARM64 and linaro-aarch, and running a custom operating system. I appreciate any kind of comment & help to solve. Thanks in advance.

KDevelop failed to configure projects

after setting up KDevelop under Kubuntu 19.10 with CMake, the following error occurs whenever I open a project:
Failed to configure the project (error message: Configuration failed.).
As a result, KDevelop's code understanding will likely be broken.
To fix this issue, please ensure that the project's CMakeLists.txt files are correct, and KDevelop is configured to use the correct CMake version and settings. Then right-click the project item in the projects tool view and click 'Reload'.*
If I ignore the message, I can compile my project without any issues, the CMakeLists.txt is set up correctly. I have no idea where to solve this error, I haven't found anything for this specific case on google.
EDIT: Additional information
KDevelop Version: 5.4.2
CMake Version: 3.13.4
Upon creating a new KDevelop project, I create "new from template", choose the KDevelop Category and the standard "Simple KDevelop Plugin" as project type. After creation, it instantly prompts me with said error.
In the picture below, you can see the CMake configuration for the newly added project.
CMake project config
Make sure you have:
To install:
apt install extra-cmake-modules
If that doesn't work, you might need to add some repos. Check this discussion
I had a similar problem and got:
Failed to configure project 'me_first_proj' (error message: Exit code 1). As a result, KDevelop's code understanding will likely be broken.
Inside CMakeLists.txt I found it looking for $ECM_MODULE_PATH which turned out to be empty.
This, was related to extra-cmake-modules which I didn't have.
For Arch: pacman -Syu extra-cmake-modules
The name might differ for your distro.
I already had base-devel but required ECM

Can't compile fabric on windows - missing ltdl.h

I am trying to build a chaincode using go build.
installed go 1.8.3 windows/amd
Windows 10
When I run go build I get the following error:
..\..\\hyperledger\fabric\vendor\\miekg\pkcs11\pkcs11.go:29:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I checked and my GCC installation does not contain the ltdl.h file in the include folder.
I found a SO post with a solution for Linux, but not one for Windows.
Can someone help?
On windows you can build without PKCS
go build --tags nopkcs11
Try running the following command
sudo apt install libtool libltdl-dev
Make sure go get -u throws no error then go build it.

"nasm" is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am trying to compile libjpeg-turbo library using windows cmake. I am trying to follow the instrcutions found in that lib in order to compile the lib. I am operning a Visual studio terminal and I give in the first step the path of the library. My commands are the following:
cd ..path
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
The first command worked fine I am getting the message build files have been writer to path. However when I am trying to run nmake command I am getting errors:
"nasm" is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Any idea about what is nasm and how can I import it to my path.
From the problem you reported, it looks to me that the issue could be because of the PATH variable or configuration settings. The problem you reported have similar posts please refer to following links:
Also it would be great if you could post the crash log or build process output from the console to further investigate the exact problem.

Error: Program "make" not found in PATH

I have the following error in Eclipse CDT (using Windows 7). How to correct it?
Error: Program "make" not found in PATH
PATH=[C:\cygwin\bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.6.0/bin/client;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.6.0/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.6.0/lib/i386;C:\Program Files\WinRAR;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\cygwin\bin\;C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.502\eclipse]
Path Environment variable has the following
You should install make package in cygwin. To do this execute cygwin setup.exe and when the window of packages opened, search make and install it. This is gonna solve your problem i think
You're missing make which is used for processing Makefiles to build programs.
Also to me it seems that this is more related to, here is a similar question.