I have to check by way of a script if a program stops at a breakpoint:
break.set func1 /Program
IF (program stops at breakpoint)
do smth
I am new to this language and I cannot seem to find relevant information on google.
Thank you
If you don't know whether the program stops at the program you need to wait a certain (defined by you) amount of time and then check the run-state of the processor, and if stopped then check whether the PC is at your symbol.
; set breakpoint
Break.Set func1 /Program
; start processor
; wait until processor stopped or 5 seconds elasped
PRINT %ERROR "Processor still running!"
; check PC
IF R(PC)!=sYmbol.BEGIN(func1)
PRINT %ERROR "Processor stopped but wrong PC!"
PRINT "Test passed!"
If you actual goal is to execute a script when a breakpoint gets hit, I recommend to used the option /CMD of the Break.Set.
Break.Set func1 /Program /CMD "DO smth.cmm"
I have the most basic Fortran program:
program sleep
print*, "Sleeping"
call sleep(30)
print*, "Done"
end program sleep
which I compile with gfortran sleep.f90 (version 9.3.0). From what I understood from the sleep documentation, this program is supposed to sleep for 30 seconds, i.e. I should expect to see "Done" being printed 30 seconds after "Sleeping". This doesn't happen: I see both print statements appearing instantaneously, suggesting that call sleep(30) does not block my program in any way. Doing call sleep(10000) didn't make any difference. I am compiling and running this program on a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL Ubuntu 20.04).
So this problem was fixed through a combination of solutions suggested by #roygvib in the comments. The main issue is that sleep in the WSL (Ubuntu 20.04) environment is broken. The first step is to replace the broken /usr/bin/sleep with this Python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import time
Then, the Fortran program is modified to make a system call to this new sleep executable:
program sleep
print*, "Sleeping"
call system("sleep 30")
print*, "Done"
end program sleep
Until the next update of WSL, this hack will have to do.
The sleep procedure is not part of the Fortran standard and non-portable. Here is a solution that would potentially work on all systems with any standard-compliant Fortran compiler:
module sleep_mod
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: IK => int64, RK => real64, output_unit
implicit none
subroutine sleep(seconds)
implicit none
real(RK), intent(in) :: seconds ! sleep time
integer(IK) :: countOld, countNew, countMax
real(RK) :: countRate
call system_clock( count=countOld, count_rate=countRate, count_max=countMax )
if (countOld==-huge(0_IK) .or. nint(countRate)==0_IK .or. countMax==0_IK) then
write(output_unit,"(A)") "Error occurred. There is no processor clock."
error stop
end if
countRate = 1._RK / countRate
call system_clock( count=countNew )
if (countNew==countMax) then
write(output_unit,"(A)") "Error occurred. Maximum processor clock count reached."
error stop
end if
if ( real(countNew-countOld,kind=RK) * countRate > seconds ) exit
end do
end subroutine sleep
end module sleep_mod
program main
use sleep_mod, only: output_unit, sleep, RK
implicit none
write(output_unit,"(A)") "Sleep for 5 second."
call execute_command_line(" ") ! flush stdout
call sleep(seconds = 5._RK)
write(output_unit,"(A)") "Wake up."
end program main
You can test it online here: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_fortran_online.php
Writing a cli tool that on startup turns on the OS X web proxy and on shutdown I'd like to turn it off again. What's the correct way to catch SIGINT and perform app cleanup? Tried the following and it traces the message but does not run the system command or exit:
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
This code does exit but gives an 'Invalid memory access' error
at_exit do
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
LibC.signal Signal::INT.value, ->(s : Int32) { exit }
Invalid memory access (signal 10) at address 0x10d3a8e00
[0x10d029b4b] *CallStack::print_backtrace:Int32 +107
[0x10d0100d5] __crystal_sigfault_handler +181
[0x7fff6c5b3b3d] _sigtramp +29
Here's the complete 'app' using Signal::INT.trap, for me running that will correctly turn on and off the OS X proxy settings but the loop will continue to run after the interrupt signal.
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxy Wi-Fi 4242"
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
loop do
sleep 1
puts "foo"
You can use a Fibers?
spawn do
system "networksetup -setwebproxy Wi-Fi 4242"
sleep 0.1
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
spawn do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
sleep 0.1
loop do
sleep 1
puts "foo"
IMHO, the trouble is from crystal-lang's fork, which has some strange semantic meaning.
When you tried to start a working process to run system call, crystal duplicated the loop too...
And when exit is executed, the first loop exited, not the forked one.
To verify this, you can write some sleep into the fork and INT.trap block like this:
fork do
system "echo \"start\""
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
fork do
system "echo \"off\""
sleep 15
sleep 20
loop do
sleep 1
puts "foo"
Then try to watch the result of ps command continuously.
Alternative approach has been answered by #Sergey Fedorov, using fiber.
Further reading: Process.fork has dangerous semantics
I wanted to run a code (or an external executable) for a specified amount of time. For example, in Fortran I can
call system('./run')
Is there a way I can restrict its run to let's say 10 seconds, for example as follows
call system('./run', 10)
I want to do it from inside the Fortran code, example above is for system command, but I want to do it also for some other subroutines of my code. for example,
call performComputation(10)
where performComputation will be able to run only for 10 seconds. The system it will run on is Linux.
Ah, I see - you want to call a part of the current program a limited time. I see a number of options for that...
Option 1
Modify the subroutines you want to run for a limited time so they take an additional parameter, which is the number of seconds they may run. Then modify the subroutine to get the system time at the start, and then in their processing loop get the time again and break out of the loop and return to the caller if the time difference exceeds the maximum allowed number of seconds.
On the downside, this requires you to change every subroutine. It will exit the subroutine cleanly though.
Option 2
Take advantage of a threading library - e.g. pthreads. When you want to call a subroutine with a timeout, create a new thread that runs alongside your main program in parallel and execute the subroutine inside that thread of execution. Then in your main program, sleep for 10 seconds and then kill the thread that is running your subroutine.
This is quite easy and doesn't require changes to all your subroutines. It is not that elegant in that it chops the legs off your subroutine at some random point, maybe when it is least expecting it.
Imagine time running down the page in the following example, and the main program actions are on the left and the subroutine actions are on the right.
... something ..
... something ...
f_pthread_create(,,,YOUR_SUB,) start processing
sleep(10) ... calculate ...
... calculate ...
... calculate ...
... something ..
... something ...
Option 3
Abstract out the subroutines you want to call and place them into their own separate executables, then proceed as per my original answer below.
Whichever option you choose, you are going to have to think about how you get the results from the subroutine you are calling - will it store them in a file? Does the main program need to access them? Are they in global variables? The reason is that if you are going to follow options 2 or 3, there will not be a return value from the subroutine.
Original Answer
If you don't have timeout, you can do
call system('./run & sleep 10; kill $!')
Yes there is a way. take a look at the linux command timeout
# run command for 10 seconds and then send it SIGTERM kill message
# if not finished.
call system('timeout 10 ./run')
# finishes in 10 seconds with a return code of 0 to indicate success.
sleep 10
# finishes in 1 second with a return code of `124` to indicate timed out.
timeout 1 sleep 10
You can also choose the type of kill signal you want to send by specifying the -s parameter. See man timeout for more info.
I'm currently writing a multi-threaded, high efficient and scalable algorithm. Because I have to guess a parameter for the code and I'm not sure how the calculation performs on a specific data set, I would like to watch a variable. The test only works with a real world, huge data set. It is possible to analyze the collected data after profiling. Imagine the following, simple code example (real code can contain multiple watch points:
// function get's called by loops of multiple threads
void payload(data_t* data, double threshold) {
double value = calc(data);
// here I want to watch the value
if (value < threshold) {
} else {
I thought about the following approaches:
Using cout or other system outputs
Use a binary output (file, network)
Set a breakpoint via gdb/lldb
Use variable watching + logging via gdb/lldb
I'm not happy with the results because: To use 1. and 2. I have to change the code, but this is a debugging/evaluating task. Furthermore 1. requires locking and 1.+2. requires I/O operations, which heavily slows down the entire code and makes testing with real data nearly impossible. 3. is also too slow. To use 4., I have to know the variable address because it's not a global variable, but because threads get created by a dynamic scheduler, this would require breaking + stepping for each thread.
So my conclusion is, that I need a profiler/debugger that works at machine code level and dumps/logs/watches the variable without double->string conversion and is highly efficient, or to sum up with other words: I would like to profile the internal state of my algorithm without heavy slow-down and without doing deep modification. Does anybody know a tool that is able to this?
OK, this took some time but now I'm able to present a solution for my problem. It's called tracepoints. Instead of breaking the program every time, it's more lightweight and (ideally) doesn't change performance/timing too much. It does not require code changes. Here is an explanation how to use them using gdb:
Make sure you compiled your program with debugging symbols (using the -g flag). Now, start the gdb server and provide a network port (e.g. 10000) and the program arguments:
gdbserver :10000 ./program --parameters you --want --to use
Now, switch to a second console and start gdb (program parameters are not required here):
gdb ./program
All following commands are entered in the gdb command line interface. So let's connect to the server:
target remote :10000
After you got the connection confirmation, use trace or ftrace to set a tracepoint to a specific source location (try ftrace first, it should be faster but doesn't work on all platforms):
trace source.c:127
This should create tracepoint #1. Now you can setup an action for this tracepoint. Here I want to collect the data from myVariable
action 1
collect myVariable
If expect much data or want to use the data later (after restart), you can set a binary trace file:
tsave trace.bin
Now, start tracing and run the program:
You can wait for program exit or interrupt your program using CTRL-C (still on gdb console, not on server side). Continue by telling gdb that you want to stop tracing:
Now we come the tricky part and I'm not really happy with the following code because it's really slow:
set pagination off
set logging file trace.txt
tfind start
while ($trace_frame != -1)
set logging on
printf "%f\n", myVariable
set logging off
This dumps all variable data to a text file. You can add some filter or preparation here. Now you're done and you can exit gdb. This will also shutdown the server:
For detailed documentation especially for explanation of filtering and more advanced tracepoint positions, you can visit the following document: http://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Tracepoints.html
To isolate trace file writing from your program execution, you can use cgroups or another network connected computer. When using another computer, you have to add the host to the port information (e.g. To load a binary trace file later, just start gdb as shown above (forget the server) and change the target:
gdb ./program
target tfile trace.bin
you can set hardware watchpoint using gdb debugger, for example if you have
bool b;
variable and you want to be notified every time the value of it has chenged (by any thread)
you would declare a watchpoint like this:
(gdb) watch *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
root#comp:~# gdb prog
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.5-ubuntu
Copyright ...
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/cppapp_socket5_ipaddresses...done.
(gdb) watch *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
Hardware watchpoint 1: *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
(gdb) start
Temporary breakpoint 2 at 0x40079f: file main.cpp, line 26.
Starting program: /dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/cppapp_socket5_ipaddresses
Hardware watchpoint 1: *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
Old value = true
New value = false
main () at main.cpp:50
50 if (strcmp(mask, "") != 0) {
(gdb) c
Hardware watchpoint 1: *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
Old value = false
New value = true
main () at main.cpp:41
41 if (ifa ->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { // check it is IP4
(gdb) c
eth0 IP Address
[Inferior 1 (process 18146) exited normally]
(gdb) q
I want to write a script for gdb, which will save backtrace (stack) of process every 10 ms. How can I do this?
It can be smth like call graph profiling for 'penniless' (for people, who can't use any sort of advanced profiler).
Yes, there are a lot of advanced profilers. For popular CPUs and for popular OSes. Shark is very impressive and easy to use, but I want to get a basic functionality with such script, working with gdb.
Can you get lsstack? Perhaps you could run that from a script outside your app. Why 10ms? Percentages will be about the same at 100ms or more. If the app is too fast, you could artificially slow it down with an outer loop, and that wouldn't change the percentages either. For that matter, you could just use Ctrl-C to get the samples manually under gdb, if the app runs long enough and if your goal is to find out where the performance problems are.
(1) Manual. Execute the following in a shell. Keep pressing Ctrl+C repeatedly on shell prompt.
gdb -x print_callstack.gdb -p pid
or, (2) send signals to pid repeatedly same number of times on another shell as in below loop
let count=0; \
while [ $count -le 100 ]; do \
kill -INT pid ; sleep 0.10; \
let $count=$count+1; \
The source of print_callstack.gdb from (1) is as below:
set pagination 0
set $count = 0
while $count < 100
set $count = $count + 1
man page of pstack https://linux.die.net/man/1/pstack
cat > gdb.run
set pagination 0
... as many more backtrace + continue's as needed
Of course, omit the duplicate newlines, how do you do single newlines in this forum software? :(
gdb -x gdb.run -p $pid
Then just use do
kill -INT $pid ; sleep 0.01
in a loop in another script.
kill -INT is what the OS does when you hit ctrl-C. Exercise for the reader: make the gdb script use a loop with $n iterations.