Correct way to catch SIGINT and cleanup? - crystal-lang

Writing a cli tool that on startup turns on the OS X web proxy and on shutdown I'd like to turn it off again. What's the correct way to catch SIGINT and perform app cleanup? Tried the following and it traces the message but does not run the system command or exit:
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
This code does exit but gives an 'Invalid memory access' error
at_exit do
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
LibC.signal Signal::INT.value, ->(s : Int32) { exit }
Invalid memory access (signal 10) at address 0x10d3a8e00
[0x10d029b4b] *CallStack::print_backtrace:Int32 +107
[0x10d0100d5] __crystal_sigfault_handler +181
[0x7fff6c5b3b3d] _sigtramp +29
Here's the complete 'app' using Signal::INT.trap, for me running that will correctly turn on and off the OS X proxy settings but the loop will continue to run after the interrupt signal.
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxy Wi-Fi 4242"
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
fork do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
loop do
sleep 1
puts "foo"

You can use a Fibers?
spawn do
system "networksetup -setwebproxy Wi-Fi 4242"
sleep 0.1
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
spawn do
system "networksetup -setwebproxystate Wi-Fi off"
sleep 0.1
loop do
sleep 1
puts "foo"

IMHO, the trouble is from crystal-lang's fork, which has some strange semantic meaning.
When you tried to start a working process to run system call, crystal duplicated the loop too...
And when exit is executed, the first loop exited, not the forked one.
To verify this, you can write some sleep into the fork and INT.trap block like this:
fork do
system "echo \"start\""
Signal::INT.trap do
puts "trap"
fork do
system "echo \"off\""
sleep 15
sleep 20
loop do
sleep 1
puts "foo"
Then try to watch the result of ps command continuously.
Alternative approach has been answered by #Sergey Fedorov, using fiber.
Further reading: Process.fork has dangerous semantics


lauterbach scripting: checking if program stops at breakpoint

I have to check by way of a script if a program stops at a breakpoint:
break.set func1 /Program
IF (program stops at breakpoint)
do smth
I am new to this language and I cannot seem to find relevant information on google.
Thank you
If you don't know whether the program stops at the program you need to wait a certain (defined by you) amount of time and then check the run-state of the processor, and if stopped then check whether the PC is at your symbol.
; set breakpoint
Break.Set func1 /Program
; start processor
; wait until processor stopped or 5 seconds elasped
PRINT %ERROR "Processor still running!"
; check PC
IF R(PC)!=sYmbol.BEGIN(func1)
PRINT %ERROR "Processor stopped but wrong PC!"
PRINT "Test passed!"
If you actual goal is to execute a script when a breakpoint gets hit, I recommend to used the option /CMD of the Break.Set.
Break.Set func1 /Program /CMD "DO smth.cmm"

How to perform a subroutine every 5 seconds?

I have a subroutine to check if a disk is mounted,
I would like to know how do I make this subroutine always run every 5 seconds.
thanks in advance!
on checkMyDiskIsMounted()
tell application "Finder"
if exists disk "myDisk" then
--do anything
--do anything
end if
end tell
end checkMyDiskIsMounted
Using things like AppleScript's delay command, a shell utility such as sleep, or even a tight repeat loop should all be avoided, as those tend to block the user interface while they are running.
A repeating timer could be used to periodically poll, but instead of wasting time continually checking for something that may or may not happen, NSWorkspace can be used, as it provides notifications for exactly this kind of thing (amongst others). The way this works is your application registers for the particular notifications that it is interested in, and the specified handler is called when (if) the event occurs.
Note that the following script includes statements so that it can be run from the Script Editor as an example - observers are added to the application instance, and will stick around until they are removed or the application is quit:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
on run -- or whatever initialization handler
# set up notifications
tell current application's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace's notificationCenter
its addObserver:me selector:"volumeMounted:" |name|:(current application's NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification) object:(missing value)
its addObserver:me selector:"volumeUnmounted:" |name|:(current application's NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification) object:(missing value)
end tell
end run
on volumeMounted:aNotification -- do something on mount
set volumeName to (NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey of aNotification's userInfo) as text
display notification "The volume " & quoted form of volumeName & " was mounted." with title "Volume mounted" sound name "Hero" -- or whatever
end volumeMounted:
on volumeUnmounted:aNotification -- do something on unmount
set volumeName to (NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey of aNotification's userInfo) as text
display notification "The volume " & quoted form of volumeName & " was unmounted." with title "Volume unmounted" sound name "Funk" -- or whatever
end volumeUnmounted:
Four options:
A repeat loop with delay as suggested by matt
-- code
delay 5
end repeat
A (stay open) applet with idle handler
on run
-- do intialiations
end run
on idle
-- code
return 5
end idle
An AppleScriptObjC notification like suggested by red_menace
A launchd agent observing the /Volumes folder
In favor of option 3 and 4 which inexpensively notify about a change the first two options which poll periodically are discouraged.

C++ Save output of service in runtime

I would like to collect output of service.exe to my c++ program (windows environment). In simple case there is call in cmd like "service.exe > log.txt" but in my case service is always shutdown by other system call "taskkill service.exe" that cause lack of output in log.txt.
How can I solve this ? I try windows _popen but the same as simple system function call - lack of output in file.
Code for example:
void test_of_runtime()
std::string result;
/* Create path to service */
boost::filesystem::path work_path(boost::filesystem::current_path());
/* Run servie and save output in log file */
work_path += "\\service.exe > runtime_log.txt";
/* Create another thread which terminate service after 10 seconds */
boost::thread terminate_thread(terminate_thread_func);
void terminate_thread_func()
std::string terminate_command = "taskkill /F /T /IM service.exe";
/* Wait 10 sec */
/* Terminate service after 10 sec */
You should avoid terminating any task with taskkill /f except in exceptionnal conditions. The correct way is to send a signal to the running task that it should stop to allow it to eventually do some cleanup and flush its buffers.
If service.exe has a message loop, you can use PostThreadMessage, provided you have access to the id of the thread using the message queue. You normally get it in the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure filled by the CreateProcess call.
If service.exe has not message loop (i.e. it is written as a console application), it could register a HandlerRoutine with SetConsoleCtrlHandler. You could then send a CTRL_BREAK_EVENT with the GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent function or with taskkill without /F (still unsure about this last one). You will find here an usage example of a break handler.
If none of above is an option, them service.exe must be ready to be forcibly killed at any time. That means it should not buffer its output, and specifically you should not start it with service.exe > log.txt and have it write to stdout, but instead give it the name of a log file, and the program should ideally log using the open write close pattern.

Way to force file descriptor to close so that pclose() will not block?

I am creating a pipe using popen() and the process is invoking a third party tool which in some rare cases I need to terminate.
::popen(thirdPartyCommand.c_str(), "w");
If I just throw an exception and unwind the stack, my unwind attempts to call pclose() on the third party process whose results I no longer need. However, pclose() never returns as it blocks with the following stack trace on Centos 4:
#0 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1 0x00807dc3 in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/
#2 0x007d0abe in _IO_proc_close##GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
#3 0x007daf38 in _IO_new_file_close_it () from /lib/
#4 0x007cec6e in fclose##GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
#5 0x007d6cfd in pclose##GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
Is there any way to force the call to pclose() to be successful before calling it so I can programmatically avoid this situation of my process getting hung up waiting for pclose() to succeed when it never will because I've stopped supplying input to the popen()ed process and wish to throw away its work?
Should I write an end of file somehow to the popen()ed file descriptor before trying to close it?
Note that the third party software is forking itself. At the point where pclose() has hung, there are four processes, one of which is defunct:
abc 6870 0.0 0.0 8696 972 ? S 04:39 0:00 sh -c /usr/local/bin/third_party /home/arg1 /home/arg2 2>&1
abc 6871 0.0 0.0 10172 4296 ? S 04:39 0:00 /usr/local/bin/third_party /home/arg1 /home/arg2
abc 6874 99.8 0.0 10180 1604 ? R 04:39 141:44 /usr/local/bin/third_party /home/arg1 /home/arg2
abc 6875 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 04:39 0:00 [third_party] <defunct>
I see two solutions here:
The neat one: you fork(), pipe() and execve() (or anything in the exec family of course...) "manually", then it is going to be up to you to decide if you want to let your children become zombies or not. (i.e. to wait() for them or not)
The ugly one: if you're sure you only have one of this child process running at any given time, you could use sysctl() to check if there is any process running with this name before you call pclose()... yuk.
I strongly advise the neat way here, or you could just ask whomever responsible to fix that infinite loop in your third party tool haha.
Good luck!
For you first question: I don't know. Doing some researches on how to find processes by name using sysctl() shoud tell you what you need to know, I myself have never pushed it this far.
For your second and third question: popen() is basically a wrapper to fork() + pipe() + dup2() + execl().
fork() duplicates the process, execl() replaces the duplicated process' image with a new one, pipe() handles inter process communication and dup2() is used to redirect the output... And then pclose() will wait() for the duplicated process to die, which is why we're here.
If you want to know more, you should check this answer where I've recently explained how to perform a simple fork with standard IPC. In this case, it's just a bit more complicated as you have to use dup2() to redirect the standard output to your pipe.
You should also take a look at popen()/pclose() source codes, as they are of course open source.
Finally, here's a brief example, I cannot make it clearer than that:
int pipefd[2];
if (fork() == 0) // I'm the child
close(pipefd[0]); // I'm not going to read from this pipe
dup2(pipefd[1], 1); // redirect standard output to the pipe
close(pipefd[1]); // it has been duplicated, close it as we don't need it anymore
execve()/execl()/execsomething()... // execute the program you want
else // I'm the parent
close(pipefd[1]); // I'm not going to write to this pipe
while (read(pipefd[0], &buf, 1) > 0) // read while EOF
write(1, &buf, 1);
close(pipefd[1]); // cleaning
And as always, remember to read the man pages and to check all your return values.
Again, good luck!
Another solution is to kill all your children. If you know that the only child processes you have are processes that get started when you do popen(), then it's easy enough. Otherwise you may need some more work or use the fork() + execve() combo, in which case you will know the first child's PID.
Whenever you run a child process, it's PPID (parent process ID) is your own PID. It is easy enough to read the list of currently running processes and gather those that have their PPID = getpid(). Repeat the loop looking for processes that have their PPID equal to one of your children's PID. In the end you build a whole tree of child processes.
Since you child processes may end up creating other child processes, to make it safe, you will want to block those processes by sending a SIGSTOP. That way they will stop creating new children. As far as I know, you can't prevent the SIGSTOP from doing its deed.
The process is therefore:
function kill_all_children()
std::vector<pid_t> me_and_children;
bool found_child = false;
found_child = false;
std::vector<process> processes(get_processes());
for(auto p : processes)
// i.e. if I'm the child of any one of those processes
kill(, SIGSTOP);
found_child = true;
for(auto c : me_and_children)
// ignore ourselves
if(c == getpid())
kill(c, SIGTERM);
kill(c, SIGCONT); // make sure it continues now
This is probably not the best way to close your pipe, though, since you probably need to let the command time to handle your data. So what you want is execute that code only after a timeout. So your regular code could look something like this:
void send_data(...)
signal(SIGALRM, handle_alarm);
f = popen("command", "w");
// do some work...
alarm(60); // give it a minute
alarm(0); // remove alarm
void handle_alarm()
-- about the alarm(60);, the location is up to you, it could also be placed before the popen() if you're afraid that the popen() or the work after it could also fail (i.e. I've had problems where the pipe fills up and I don't even reach the pclose() because then the child process loops forever.)
Note that the alarm() may not be the best idea in the world. You may prefer using a thread with a sleep made of a poll() or select() on an fd which you can wake up as required. That way the thread would call the kill_all_children() function after the sleep, but you can send it a message to wake it up early and let it know that the pclose() happened as expected.
Note: I left the implementation of the get_processes() out of this answer. You can read that from /proc or with the libprocps library. I have such an implementation in my snapwebsites project. It's called process_list. You could just reap off that class.
I'm using popen() to invoke a child process which doesn't need any stdin or stdout, it just runs for a short time to do its work, then it stops all by itself. Arguably, invoking this type of child process should rather be done with system() ? Anyway, pclose() is used afterwards to verify that the child process exited cleanly.
Under certain conditions, this child process keeps on running indefinitely. pclose() blocks forever, so then my parent process is also stuck. CPU usage runs to 100%, other executables get starved, and my whole embedded system crumbles. I came here looking for solutions.
Solution 1 by #cmc : decomposing popen() into fork(), pipe(), dup2() and execl().
It might just be a matter of personal taste, but I'm reluctant to rewrite perfectly fine system calls myself. I would just end up introducing new bugs.
Solution 2 by #cmc : verifying that the child process actually exists with sysctl(), to make sure that pclose() will return successfully. I find that this somehow sidesteps the problem from the OP #WilliamKF - there is definitely a child process, it just has become unresponsive. Forgoing the pclose() call won't solve that. [As an aside, in the 7 years since #cmc wrote this answer, sysctl() seems to have become deprecated.]
Solution 3 by #Alexis Wilke : killing the child process. I like this approach best. It basically automates what I did when I stepped in manually to resuscitate my dying embedded system. The problem with my stubborn adherence to popen(), is that I get no PID from the child process. I have been trying in vain with
waitid(P_PGID, getpgrp(), &child_info, WNOHANG);
but all I get on my Debian Linux 4.19 system is EINVAL.
So here's what I cobbled together. I'm searching for the child process by name; I can afford to take a few shortcuts, as I'm sure there will only be one process with this name. Ironically, commandline utility ps is invoked by yet another popen(). This won't win any elegance prizes, but at least my embedded system stays afloat now.
FILE* child = popen("child", "r");
if (child)
int nr_loops;
int child_pid;
for (nr_loops=10; nr_loops; nr_loops--)
FILE* ps = popen("ps | grep child | grep -v grep | grep -v \"sh -c \" | sed \'s/^ *//\' | sed \'s/ .*$//\'", "r");
child_pid = 0;
int found = fscanf(ps, "%d", &child_pid);
if (found != 1)
// The child process is no longer running, no risk of blocking pclose()
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "child running PID %d", child_pid);
usleep(1000000); // 1 second
if (!nr_loops)
// Time to kill this runaway child
syslog(LOG_ERR, "killing PID %d", child_pid);
kill(child_pid, SIGTERM);
pclose(child); // Even after it had to be killed
} /* if (child) */
I learned in the hard way, that I have to pair every popen() with a pclose(), otherwise I pile up the zombie processes. I find it remarkable that this is needed after a direct kill; I figure that's because according to the manpage, popen() actually launches sh -c with the child process in it, and it's this surrounding sh that becomes a zombie.

Automate gdb: show backtrace every 10 ms

I want to write a script for gdb, which will save backtrace (stack) of process every 10 ms. How can I do this?
It can be smth like call graph profiling for 'penniless' (for people, who can't use any sort of advanced profiler).
Yes, there are a lot of advanced profilers. For popular CPUs and for popular OSes. Shark is very impressive and easy to use, but I want to get a basic functionality with such script, working with gdb.
Can you get lsstack? Perhaps you could run that from a script outside your app. Why 10ms? Percentages will be about the same at 100ms or more. If the app is too fast, you could artificially slow it down with an outer loop, and that wouldn't change the percentages either. For that matter, you could just use Ctrl-C to get the samples manually under gdb, if the app runs long enough and if your goal is to find out where the performance problems are.
(1) Manual. Execute the following in a shell. Keep pressing Ctrl+C repeatedly on shell prompt.
gdb -x print_callstack.gdb -p pid
or, (2) send signals to pid repeatedly same number of times on another shell as in below loop
let count=0; \
while [ $count -le 100 ]; do \
kill -INT pid ; sleep 0.10; \
let $count=$count+1; \
The source of print_callstack.gdb from (1) is as below:
set pagination 0
set $count = 0
while $count < 100
set $count = $count + 1
man page of pstack
cat >
set pagination 0
... as many more backtrace + continue's as needed
Of course, omit the duplicate newlines, how do you do single newlines in this forum software? :(
gdb -x -p $pid
Then just use do
kill -INT $pid ; sleep 0.01
in a loop in another script.
kill -INT is what the OS does when you hit ctrl-C. Exercise for the reader: make the gdb script use a loop with $n iterations.