Passing a angled bracket as a command-line argument input while debugging - gdb

I'm writing a brainfuck interpreter in NASM, where code is supplied as a command line argument to the program. I'm trying to test looping, but GDB doesn't like my input. For example, this executes error-free when run on its own:
$./interpret "+++++[->+<]"
It hangs indefinitely, but I think that that's due to a bug in the looping logic in the interpreter (thus GDB).
If I load interpret into GDB though and attempt to supply the same argument, I get complaints:
gef➤ start "+++++[->+<]"
/bin/bash: line 1: ]: No such file or directory
/bin/bash: line 1: ]: No such file or directory
This seems to be due to < being interpreted as redirection despite the quotes, since [] works fine in GDB.
I tried escaping the STDIN redirection with \<, but that leads to the same error, and <<, but that leads to a warning:
gef➤ start "+++++[->+<<]"
/bin/bash: line 1: warning: here-document at line 1 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `]')
And the code gets cut off:
$r15 : 0x00007fffffffe428 → 0x002d5b2b2b2b2b2b ("+++++[-"?)
Is there a way to have GDB take what I give literally to start, and not attempt to do any redirection/interpretation of the arguments?

Is there a way to have GDB take what I give literally to start, and not attempt to do any redirection/interpretation of the arguments?
GDB isn't doing any interpretation, bash does. Using single-quotes instead of double-quotes may fix that.
(I wasn't able to replicate the problem using GDB-10.0 and bash-5.1.4 with double quotes though.)


Python - Unexpected EOF while parsing

I am using to run Python for my homework. When typing in and running this line of code:
# print "This will not run"
I get an unexpected EOF error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 1
# print "This will not run"
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
This is an issue with, not with Python. I am not sure what the internals of that interpreter are, but it appears that will not allow a comment as the first line of code if there is no other code. To illustrate, try the following:
foo = 1
# print "This will not run"
The interpreter should spit out None instead of raising an error. It seems that it also works to have a comment on the first line and an empty line (or a line with code) as the second line, but running a file in this app that consists of only a single comment line does not seem to work.
If you have access to Python on your computer (which you do by default if you are on Mac OSX or Linux), then I would suggest trying your examples in a real Python interpreter. Otherwise, you might see some unexpected results, as I assume that is not a full-featured interpreter (as indicated by the syntax error).
It means Python is surprised that that the code ended without being finished. For your example, you didn't write any code, just a comment, without a blank line on the bottom?
Try print "This will not run" if that's the ONLY line of code in your file.
The python-interpreter is looking for code it shall execute but finds none, as the line you try to run is uncommented (by the # in the beginning).
Because it found no code to evaluate it makes some noise.
Remove the # and it will work...

Prettify clang -v output

Is there any way to get clang output to insert carriage returns? When compiling with the verbose option, I just get these huge unreadable dumps of compiler flags and paths.
Use popen to start your clang session. Create a new command line as clang -v (including the space) and concatenate the arguments that you usually feed to clang itself. After the final argument, add 2>&1 to convert Clang's stderr output to regular stdout so popen can pick it up. Then loop over popen's input and parse each separate line, adding extra information where you see fit.
As an example, I grabbed the entire set of flags for my local Clang using
clang -cc1 --help
and incorporated this as a single long string in my C program. Then I looped over the return results from popen, scanning for flags starting with -, and when one was found, I scanned the long flags string for this. If it found something, I write it out on a separate line in green (using ANSI escape sequences). Then I test the flags string if an argument should follow – these usually have a leading <...> indicator. If so, I write it out in blue. Finally, I write out the entire flag explanation line until I encounter an end-of-line.
With my very rough program called colorclang – 123 lines of actual code – I get output like this:
As it is, it tests every input line for possible flags so there is some mis-coloring. More exact parsing is possible; I'd have to add separate routines for the single line starting with "/usr/bin/clang" (for the common Clang flags), the single line starting with "/usr/bin/ld" (and parse the loader flags), and possibly the lines after each #include .. statement.
Pieced together with the help of Complete list of clang flags?, Steve Kemp's answer to C: Run a System Command and Get Output?, and after deducing clang -v writes to stderr, larsman's answer to c popen won't catch stderr.

GDB command line interface error: Unrecognized escape character \x in format string

I have a small program that can ask users for some input (in essence just the gets function). Now, I want to play around with the input a little bit. I run the program with gdb and I want to insert bytes in hexadecimal format in the gdb prompt.
The way I tried to do it on the gdb command line interface is like so:
(gdb) printf "\x20\x20" | ./program
But that results in the error:
Unrecognized escape character \x in format string.
If I do the same in the shell without the gdb prompt its working. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks :)
You aren't doing anything wrong -- it is just a missing feature of gdb. You could file a bug report.
A workaround is:
(gdb) printf "%c", 0x20

gdb input redirection using cygwin

It seems that input redirection in gdb does not work in Cygwin e.g
(gdb) run < input.txt
Is there other way to redirect input in gdb of Cygwin??
Unfortunately this is not possible when running gdb in cygwin. The bug exists for a quote long time, but apparently it's a hard one to fix - and probably the gdb devs prefer spending time on features/issues relevant to more common environments (such as Linux).
There are various possible workarounds; I'd prefer the first one since it's the cleanest and also useful while not debugging / running on cygwin:
Add a command line argument, e.g. -f whatever with whatever being the filename to read from. If the argument is not present or set to -, read from stdin. The -f - option is optional of course but for arguments accepting filenames it's a common standard (as long as it makes sense) to handle - as "use stdin/out".
Use the gdb hack mentioned here to remap stdin to a manually opened file inside the application:
> gdb yourexecutable
(gdb) break main
(gdb) run
(gdb) call dup2(open("input.txt", 0), 0)
(gdb) continue
This sets a breakpoint on the main function, then executes the program which will break right after entering main. Then dup2 is used to replace the stdin fd (0) with a file descriptor of the input file.

popen and system behaves unexpectedly with multiple quoted file paths

I am trying to execute a dos command from within my C++ program, however soon as I add quotes to the output filepath (of a redirection) the command no longer gets executed and returns instantly. I've shown an example below of a path without spaces, but since paths may have spaces and thus be quoted for the shell to understand it properly I need to solve this dilemma - and I'm trying to get the simplest case working first.
The following WORKS:
sprintf(exec_cmd,"\"C:/MySQL Server 5.5/bin/mysqldump.exe\" -u%s -p%s %s > C:/backup.bak",user,password,db_name);
The following does NOT work (notice the quotes around the output):
sprintf(exec_cmd,"\"C:/MySQL Server 5.5/bin/mysqldump.exe\" -u%s -p%s %s > \"C:/backup.bak\"",user,password,db_name);
I'm guessing it is choking somewhere. I've tried the same "exec_cmd" in popen to no avail.
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
I don't think your shell (cmd.exe) allows redirection to a file name with spaces. I couldn't make my from DOS 6.22 accept it (I don't have a cmd.exe nearby to test).
Anyway, you can use the --result-file option to pass the redirection to the command itself.
mysqldump ... --result-file="file name" ...