Python - Unexpected EOF while parsing - python-2.7

I am using to run Python for my homework. When typing in and running this line of code:
# print "This will not run"
I get an unexpected EOF error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 1
# print "This will not run"
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

This is an issue with, not with Python. I am not sure what the internals of that interpreter are, but it appears that will not allow a comment as the first line of code if there is no other code. To illustrate, try the following:
foo = 1
# print "This will not run"
The interpreter should spit out None instead of raising an error. It seems that it also works to have a comment on the first line and an empty line (or a line with code) as the second line, but running a file in this app that consists of only a single comment line does not seem to work.
If you have access to Python on your computer (which you do by default if you are on Mac OSX or Linux), then I would suggest trying your examples in a real Python interpreter. Otherwise, you might see some unexpected results, as I assume that is not a full-featured interpreter (as indicated by the syntax error).

It means Python is surprised that that the code ended without being finished. For your example, you didn't write any code, just a comment, without a blank line on the bottom?

Try print "This will not run" if that's the ONLY line of code in your file.

The python-interpreter is looking for code it shall execute but finds none, as the line you try to run is uncommented (by the # in the beginning).
Because it found no code to evaluate it makes some noise.
Remove the # and it will work...


Passing a angled bracket as a command-line argument input while debugging

I'm writing a brainfuck interpreter in NASM, where code is supplied as a command line argument to the program. I'm trying to test looping, but GDB doesn't like my input. For example, this executes error-free when run on its own:
$./interpret "+++++[->+<]"
It hangs indefinitely, but I think that that's due to a bug in the looping logic in the interpreter (thus GDB).
If I load interpret into GDB though and attempt to supply the same argument, I get complaints:
gef➤ start "+++++[->+<]"
/bin/bash: line 1: ]: No such file or directory
/bin/bash: line 1: ]: No such file or directory
This seems to be due to < being interpreted as redirection despite the quotes, since [] works fine in GDB.
I tried escaping the STDIN redirection with \<, but that leads to the same error, and <<, but that leads to a warning:
gef➤ start "+++++[->+<<]"
/bin/bash: line 1: warning: here-document at line 1 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `]')
And the code gets cut off:
$r15 : 0x00007fffffffe428 → 0x002d5b2b2b2b2b2b ("+++++[-"?)
Is there a way to have GDB take what I give literally to start, and not attempt to do any redirection/interpretation of the arguments?
Is there a way to have GDB take what I give literally to start, and not attempt to do any redirection/interpretation of the arguments?
GDB isn't doing any interpretation, bash does. Using single-quotes instead of double-quotes may fix that.
(I wasn't able to replicate the problem using GDB-10.0 and bash-5.1.4 with double quotes though.)

Debuggers not acting properly on Jupyter notebooks

I'm trying to debug some code in a Jupyter notebook. I've tried 3 4 different methods, and they all suffer from the same problem:
> <ipython-input-22-04c6f5c205d1>(3)<module>()
1 import IPython.core.debugger as dbg
2 dber = dbg.Tracer()
----> 3 dber()
4 tst = huh.plot(ret_params=True)
5 type(tst)
ipdb> n
> y:\miniconda\lib\site-packages\ipython\core\
2882 finally:
2883 # Reset our crash handler in place
-> 2884 sys.excepthook = old_excepthook
2885 except SystemExit as e:
2886 if result is not None:
as you can see, the n command, which from what I understood from the pdb documentation should execute the next line (I'm assuming ipdb is just pdb adapted to work on IPython, especially since I can't find any command documentation that refers specifically to ipdb and not pdb)
s also has the same problem. This is actually what I want to do - step into the plot call (from what I understand, this is what s is supposed to do), but what I get is exactly the same as what I get from n. I also just tried r and I get the same problem.
Every example I've seen just uses Tracer()() or IPython.core.debugger.PDB().set_trace() to set a breakpoint in the line that follows the command, but both cause the same problems (and, I assume, are actually the exact same thing).
I also tried %debug (MultipleInstanceError) and %%debug (Doesn't show the code in the line being executed - just says what line, using s doesn't step into the function, just runs the line).
Edit: turns out, according to a blog post from April of this year, plain pdb should also work. It does allow me to interactively debug the notebook, but it only prints the current line being debugged (probably not a bug), and it has the same problem as IPython's set_trace() and Tracer()()
on plain IPython console, IPython's set_trace (only one I've tested) works just fine.
I encountered the same problem when debugging in Jupyter Notebook. What is working for me however, is when I call set_trace() inside a function. Why is explained here (click), though I don't really understand why others don't encounter this problem. Anyway, if you need a pragmatic solution for your problem and you want to debug a self-written function, try this:
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
def thisfunction(x):
set_trace() # start debugging when calling the function
x += 2
return x
thisfunction(5) # ipdb console opens and I can use 'n'
Now I can use 'n' and the debugging process runs the next line without problems. If I use the following code, however, I run into your above mentioned problem.
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
def thisfunction(x):
x += 2
return x
set_trace() # start debugging before calling the function.
# Calling 's' in the ipdb console to step inside "thisfunction" produces an error
Hope this helps until somebody could solve the problem completely.

Trouble with from Real World Ocaml

I'm currently working my way through Real World Ocaml and I got stuck running the OCaml "corebuild" compiled version of
$ ./sum.native
Uncaught exception:
(Invalid_argument "Float.of_string ")
Raised at file "", line 31, characters 25-45
Called from file "", line 7, characters 44-61
Called from file "", line 10, characters 24-46
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
When I try to recreate your reported error, I don't see it. Things work fine and I get the answer of 6.0. Possibly I'm using a different version of Core.
The problem occurs if you type an extra newline after the last number. Float.of_string fails when the input string is empty. I think that's what you're seeing because there is an empty line between the last number and the error report. If you type ^D to terminate the input, there's no empty line.

python subprocess popen returns None

I have a python snippet like this:
self.task = subprocess.Popen("bash ./FOLDER/", cwd=some_dir, shell=True)
from which an exception is raised, complaining that a 'NoneType' object has no method wait(). I guess it means the Popen call returns None ? What could be the reason for that. The documentation does not mention this possibility
I'm using python 2.7.13
Well, apparently self.task gives a NoneType respons meaning the subprocess.Popen() command is likely at fault.
First thing I notice is an incorrect syntax, since you did not wrap your command line in square brackets [] and you did not split the arguments.
Furthermore, the Python docs state (regarding the cwd option you used):
If cwd is not None, the child’s current directory will be changed to
cwd before it is executed. Note that this directory is not considered
when searching the executable, so you can’t specify the program’s path
relative to cwd.
So first thing to check would be if your is situated in some_dir/FOLDER/
If that is indeed the case, please check if you inserted the cwd-argument with the right syntax, so as a string.. Meaning cwd="/path/to/some/dir".
Then, since the Python docs clearly state that:
Using shell=True can be a security hazard
I would remove that argument. This might mean you will have to use the full path to your bash. To find out the correct path, open a terminal and execute which bash. Or, to be sure, type bash.
Then, give this a try:
import subprocess
self.task = subprocess.Popen(["/path/to/your/bash", "./FOLDER/"], cwd="/path/to/some_dir", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # This makes sure you will also catch any standard errors, so it allows for a bit more control.
output, errors = self.task.communicate() # This already encapsulates .wait()
print(output.decode()) # if you'd like to check the output.
Read the comments in code for some further explanation..

TypeError: abspath() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

I get this error while running a python script (called by ./waf --run):
TypeError: abspath() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
The problem is that it is indeed called with: obj.path.abspath(env).
This is not a python issue, because that code worked perfectly before, and it's part of a huge project (ns3) so I doubt this is broken.
However something must have changed in my settings, because this code worked before, and now it doesn't.
Can you help me to figure out why I get this error ?
Here is the python code: The error occurs line 61.
The documentation of the method Node.abspath() states it does not take an additional env parameter, and I confirmed that it never did by checking the git history. I suggest replacing
if not (obj.path.abspath().startswith(launch_dir)
or obj.path.abspath(env).startswith(launch_dir)):
if not obj.path.abspath().startswith(launch_dir):
If this code worked before, this is probably due to the fact that the first operator of the or expression happened to always be True, so the second operator was never executed. It seems to be a bug in your code anyway.
You should have a file name and line number in the traceback. Go to that file and line and find out was "obj" and "obj.path.abspath" are. A simple solution would be to put the offending line in a try/except block to print (or log) more informations, ie:
# your code here
whatever = obj.path.abspath(env)
except Exception, e:
# if you have a logger
logger.exception("oops : obj is '%s' (%s)" % (obj, type(obj)))
# else
import sys
print >> sys.stderr, "oops, got %s on '%s' (%s)" % (e, obj, type(obj))
# if you can run this code directly from a shell,
# this will send you in the interactive debugger so you can
# inspect the offending objet and the whole call stack.
# else comment out this line
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# and re-raise the exception
My bet is that "obj.path" is NOT the python 'os.path' module, and that "obj.path.abspath" is a an instance method that only takes "self" as argument.
The problem came from the fact that apparently waf doesn't like symlinks, the python code must not be prepared for such cases.
Problem solved, thanks for your help everybody