We are using Authorize.net for our payment (credit card & ach) processing and implementing an auto-pay feature for our billing system.
Is there a way to process cards (payment profiles stored by authorize.net) in bulk and get a callback with the results instead of calling the api for every profile that needs to be charged?
Authorize.Net does not offer a bulk payment API. They do offer a bulk payment upload but it does not offer support for payment profiles.
I hope to show realtime billings of my products in my own manage panel. Can I get realtime status of all my order billings those days( unpaied, pending, canceled, not consumed, finished etc) by google developer api without pay token?(since if user not paid, there is no token for some orders)
We have been trying to integrate authorize.net payment gateway in one of our clients project based on Asp.net web API. We have few queries that we came across while implementing Recurring Planning scenarios.
Query 1
We checked the API’s for Creating Subscription, Getting Subscription, Updating Subscription. However once we have created subscription, is there any way we can update the amount in the subscription.
Let’s say for example.
We have a created a subscription for our user for 50$ amount on 01st Jan 2021 with 30 days interval.
And on 15th Jan 2021, our user wishes to purchase 1 more license which will cost him 10$ more.
Hence can we increase his billing cycle of subscription by updating the subscription?
We checked in Update Subscription API, & it is only allowing to update credit card info hence is there any way to update amount.
Query 2
Is there any way to implement Autorenewal, hence when a user wishes he/she can set auto renewal on/off for recurring billing.
Query 3
If there is any way to switch off auto renewal of recurring billing, then is there any link that we can generate & send them through which they can pay there next due.
Query 1: You cannot update a subscription amount. If the amount needs to change you either need to cancel the current subscription and create a new one for the new amount (being sure to prorate credit from the previous subscription payment) or use CIM to manage your subscription service which allows you to charge against their card at your discretion but requires you to also manage the subscription yourself.
Query 2: Not through Authorize.Net. If you want a subscription to start or end you need to explicitly do so through their API.
Query 3: Not through Authorize.Net. That application logic and, once again, you would be responsible for managing.
I'm assuming you are using or are aware of the API provided for Authorize.net here: https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/sdk-dotnet/tree/master/Authorize.NET/Api/Controllers
Query 1: As of now, there is a way to update the amount for a given subscription. You can use ARBSubscriptionType class. There is an amount property there you can set. Then you can create the request ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest, passing in the ARBSubscriptionType class and the subscription Id.
Note: You might have to handle pro-rating.
Query 2: There isn't a built in renewal feature in Authorize.Net as far as I know. It seems like you could potentially update the totalOccurrences by some amount to act as a "renewal", when technically its an extension of the subscription. The method in which you check when to update, either a Modulo operation or a date check is up to you. You can use paymentScheduleType class to update totalOccurrences, passing it along to a ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest.
Query 3: Authorize.Net does not have any in house link generation.
We are using authorize.net for payments in our checkout but in some cases we are not getting any response from authorize.net so we are unable to store transaction details in our database and also customers are being charged more than once. So to resolve this we are planning to get the transaction details before sending the payment but we don't have transaction id in our side, so we need a API to get the transaction details using invoice number.
I have searched lot in the API documentation but couldn't able to find it, so any reference might be helpful.
You cannot retrieve transaction information through their API with an invoice number. If you know the dates, and other helpful information about these missing transactions, you can use their Transaction Reporting API to get those day's transaction and retrieve the necessary information that way.
One way to avoid this in the future is to use either Silent Post1 or their new Webhooks API to get notified whenever a payment is made (and any other event you specify).
1 I am the author of that article.
Is it possible to retrieve the service fee charges independent of the SKU like Subscription Fee, FBA Inventory Storage Fee etc. using amazon market API.
I tried the Financial Event API which returns the service fees in the format
Which does not contains the data like PostedDate. Is there any oter APIs availabile to get the detailed data of service fee amounts?
In case it's useful for someone else, I figured out an approach that kind of works for me, though it's not ideal.
I'm using the Reports API to download the _GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_ report, which has the fees and a posted-date column. Some of Amazon's documentation about it can be found here: http://docs.developer.amazonservices.com/en_US/reports/Reports_ReportType.html
The disadvantage is that it's only generated once every two weeks. The advantage, compared to the Finances API, is that you get the posting date and the specific transaction that the fee came from.
Does the Alexa API give a way to query Bounce Rates? There seems to be no ResponseGroup that returns this information. I've tried all the ResponseGroups and Actions mentioned in the documentation here.
There is no way to get highly accurate data via their API, but the alternative is to use SimilarWeb API for engagement data such as:
Average Page Views
Average number of page views per visitor
Average Time On Site
Bounce Rate
You can read more about the Engagement API in this link: https://developer.similarweb.com/engagement_api