APEX_MAIL.send - can not recive mails after changing the host - oracle-apex

We are using APEX_MAIL.send procedure to send the mails. IT was working fine till now. Recently we have changed its hostaddress and after that it has stopped sending the mails.
My database version is and APEX version is APEX 4.2.6
Can you please let me know what could be the reason and how can i resolve that.

Oracle database has internal access control lists that limit which network resources can be accessed by PL/SQL packages like APEX_MAIL. It also relies on an initialization parameter to define the default SMTP host. If you changed your mail host, then it is very likely that one or both of these needs to be updated.
See here for details about setting up ACLs in Oracle 11g: https://oracle-base.com/articles/11g/fine-grained-access-to-network-services-11gr1
And see here for details about the SMTP_OUT_SERVER parameter: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18283_01/server.112/e17110/initparams239.htm


Lucee cfmail Message-Id

One of our datacenters hosts a webapplication written in CFML / Lucee. It sends mails to customers, but the mails have a high X-Barracuda-Spam-Score. Especially on the Message-Id:
pts rule name description
2.60 INVALID_MSGID_2 Message-Id is not valid, according to RFC 2822
The message-Id looks like this:
<844275327.4929.1591341519768.JavaMail."LOCAL SERVICE"#servername>
When reading the RFC, it looks like the quotes are the problem.
The question is: is there a way to alter this "LOCAL SERVICE" part? The cfmail tag does not give any control over the Message-Id, nor do I find any setting in Lucee. Lucee uses JavaMail for sending messages.
The specs of out Lucee server are:
Lucee Versio
Tomcat 9.0.31
Java 11.0.6
Windows Server 2016 (10) 64 BIT
One of our customers uses Coldfusion 9,0,0,251028. The Message-Id of their mails looks like:
The session property mail.from can be used to control the user account name that is encoded in the Message-Id.
If you can't set the from address you can set the session property for mail.user to change the messageid and use the mail.<protocol>.user to switch back to the correct userid.
The session also supports a value of user.name which can be used to change the user name.
Make sure that you are running the latest version of JavaMail as there are some fixes related to this issue. Mainly versions 1.5.3 and newer remove the user name from the message id.
Another option is to subclass MimeMessage to override the messageID computation.

Web service fails with org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The system cannot infer the transport information from the [my URL] URL

We have a strange situation. It's a web service (svc1) that calls another web service (svc2) on a different box, both in websphere. Works in every previous environment.
But recently they built out another staging environment as largely a clone of a working one. The service is failing with this message everytime svc1 attempts to call svc2.
Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The system cannot infer the transport information from the [svc2's URL] URL.
at org.apache.axis2.description.ClientUtils.inferOutTransport(ClientUtils.java:81)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.prepareMessageContext(OperationClient.java:304)
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(OutInAxisOperation.java:180)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClient.java:165)
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.core.controller.impl.AxisInvocationController.execute(AxisInvocationController.java:578)
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.core.controller.impl.AxisInvocationController.doInvoke(AxisInvocationController.java:127)
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.core.controller.impl.InvocationControllerImpl.invoke(InvocationControllerImpl.java:93)
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.client.proxy.JAXWSProxyHandler.invokeSEIMethod(JAXWSProxyHandler.java:419)
... 45 more
The URL is correct. We can point the not-working apps at a database supporting a working set of apps and it works, but when we point the working apps from that other environment at the not-working environment's DB, it stops working.
This seems to indict the DB, yet the error has nothing to do with the DB. Svc1's only DB call BEFORE the call to svc2 happens well before the service call and works fine according to logs. The logs indicate svc2 never gets the request. So how can database be the problem?
I know this isn't alot to go on, but does anyone even have suggestions on where to look to narrow this down? I can't believe the DB is the problem based on the code and when it's failing...yet the DB swapping test seems to imply it is.
I might be pointing out the obvious, but the error message is telling you one of two things: either svc1 isn't configured correctly to invoke svc2, or svc2 isn't up and running.
For clarity, if I label the working environment: enviornmentA and the not-working environment: environmentB.
Based on what you said, you were able to use environmentB.svc1 to invoke environmentA.svc2? If that is true, than environmentB.svc1 is configured correctly and working. Which leaves svc2. You said svc2 doesn't receive the request, which means its up at least. Well, like you'd mention this isn't much to go on but I'd make sure you configured svc2 correctly, since it is up. Configuring a Web Service can be complicated, but one of the things that can be configured is making a Web Service available to client invocation. So you might want to check out this link for information on how to configure it:
There are a bunch of similar articles on configuring your Web Service that might help you to solve what's missing, so I would verify that the configuration for enviornmentB.svc2 matches enviornmentA.svc2 since you know that one is working.

FusionPBX Creating SIP trunk or Gateway

I have created fusionpbx instance using aws. Able to do internal calls between two extensions created. Now i would like to make external call to VOIP server when a particular extension is dialed. To do this i understand that we need to create a sip trunk between two machines i.e fusionpbx server and Voip server.
As of now i created a gateway without using username and password and added external Voip server ip address in CIDR block. But still cant start the gateway and it just refreshes page. No host name is given while configuring.
I have referred many documents available over internet but couldn't find any proper reference. Appreciate if anyone can help me here.
Finally figured this out, i am posting here so that it may help for someone facing same issue.
By changing config key Profile value from external to internal resolved this issue for me.
Key points here to note while configuring gateway is, keep Register to false and if it kept false then don't give any username and password, leave those fields blank. Configure proxy address as shown in below reference and don't forget to add and allow access control (CIDR is your voip server address) under advanced settings of fusionpbx.
Here is the screenshot of gateway configuration for reference.


I created this question earlier but was told that it is a DNS issue as apposed to an issue with HSTS. Regardless, here is what I need help troubleshooting:
A single site (one that I own), is showing server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN when I try to connect to it via chrome, firefox, or safari. I can however connect to it via Tor Browser. I can also verify that the address resolves correctly using mxtoolbox. I also am not able to connect via two other computers and two other phones. I also am not able to connect via a different WIFI connection or personal hotspot via my phone. Curl and Host via the command line are also not able to get a response.
What I've tried:
As I said above, I've tried different internet connections and computers. I've also tried flushing my DNS cache and pointing to another DNS server.
Having said that, I am not sure how else to trouble shoot this. The only change I made to the web app was to add HSTS headers, hence why I created the earlier posing. Please let me know what other information I can provide. Otherwise, here are some details about the site itself:
Other information about my stack:
Django web app
Gunicorn / WSGI server
Hosted on Heroku - Cedar-14 stack
DNS setup with AWS route53
domain name registered through AWS
Possibly related: https://serverfault.com/questions/606880/how-can-i-troubleshoot-a-route-53-hosted-zone
I had the similar issue and was not able to open Facebook. Rest all sites were working fine. Initially, I thought Facebook blocked me as I never faced this crappy issue earlier. Later when I searched in Google, I found an article which described the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN issue on Chrome.
I just changed my DNS server address as (preferred) and (alternate) and I never faced that issue again.
Reference - https://www.mobipicker.com/dns_probe_finished_nxdomain/
So from our discussion regarding the NS server records always make sure that the local NS records matches the Parent NS records.
In your case there there were 2 extra NS records associated with your domain that was the reason why your domains and sub domains were acting unhealthy. once you deleted those records the domains and sub domains were back to normal.
you can also try to open an anon window
access the url
use it in anon mode
close it and it will load ok

Error using ColdFusion cfexchangeconnection to connect to Exchange server

I am getting an error when trying to connect to an Exchange server using the cfexchangeconnection tag. First some code:
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
I know its the right server because it fails when not processing via https. I have tried:
Following all the instructions here http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Developing/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec14f31-7fed.html
Prefixing username with a domain name, adding #domain name, etc and no luck.
The error I get is:
**Access to the Exchange server denied.**
Ensure that the user name and password are correct.
Any ideas
Here's an idea - this is what I needed to do to make my cfexchange connection work. Not entirely sure if it's the same problem. I think I had a 440 error, rather than your 401 error.
I'm using:
forms based auth
Exchange 2007
Coldfusion 8
Windows 2003 servers
Here's the connection string that worked for me. What was keeping my connection from working was the need for the formBasedAuthenticationURL. This is a poorly documented attribute by both Adobe and Microsoft.
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
<cfexchangecalendar action="get" name="mycal" connection="sample">
<cfexchangefilter name="startTime" from="#theDate#" to="#theEndDate#">
<cfexchangeConnection action="close" connection="sample">
Additional notes:
IIS and WebDAV are enabled on the target Exchange server.
The username and password you're using has the appropriate permissions for
a WebDAV connection. (I'm not the Exchange admin, so I'm not sure what they
are, but I think the account needs to be allowed to connect to OWA. - Please
correct me if I am wrong.)
Optional: (don't use if you don't have to)
IF HTTPS is required, use the appropriate argument.
IF Forms Based Authentication is on in Exchange 2007 (as was my case),
you'll have to work around it using the formBasedAuthenticationURL argument.
Not sure if that's it, but I hope it is!