Error using ColdFusion cfexchangeconnection to connect to Exchange server - coldfusion

I am getting an error when trying to connect to an Exchange server using the cfexchangeconnection tag. First some code:
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
I know its the right server because it fails when not processing via https. I have tried:
Following all the instructions here
Prefixing username with a domain name, adding #domain name, etc and no luck.
The error I get is:
**Access to the Exchange server denied.**
Ensure that the user name and password are correct.
Any ideas

Here's an idea - this is what I needed to do to make my cfexchange connection work. Not entirely sure if it's the same problem. I think I had a 440 error, rather than your 401 error.
I'm using:
forms based auth
Exchange 2007
Coldfusion 8
Windows 2003 servers
Here's the connection string that worked for me. What was keeping my connection from working was the need for the formBasedAuthenticationURL. This is a poorly documented attribute by both Adobe and Microsoft.
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
<cfexchangecalendar action="get" name="mycal" connection="sample">
<cfexchangefilter name="startTime" from="#theDate#" to="#theEndDate#">
<cfexchangeConnection action="close" connection="sample">
Additional notes:
IIS and WebDAV are enabled on the target Exchange server.
The username and password you're using has the appropriate permissions for
a WebDAV connection. (I'm not the Exchange admin, so I'm not sure what they
are, but I think the account needs to be allowed to connect to OWA. - Please
correct me if I am wrong.)
Optional: (don't use if you don't have to)
IF HTTPS is required, use the appropriate argument.
IF Forms Based Authentication is on in Exchange 2007 (as was my case),
you'll have to work around it using the formBasedAuthenticationURL argument.
Not sure if that's it, but I hope it is!


How to enabled TLS in IXWebSocket for simple client/server application

I'm attempting to build a simple client/server application in C++ using the IXWebsocket library, using the example code as an example, as shown on this page -
The code works fine when using an unsecured connection (as denoted by a ws:// url), but I can't get it working at all when using a secured connection (as denoted by a wss:// url).
The website states under the "TLS Support and configuration" section that
Then, secure sockets are automatically used when connecting to a wss://* url.
Additional TLS options can be configured by passing a ix::SocketTLSOptions instance to the setTLSOptions on ix::WebSocket (or ix::WebSocketServer or ix::HttpServer)
This implies to me that simply changing the ws:// url to a wss:// url is enough to instruct the application to secure the connection, however this does not work.
When I attempt to connect using a wss:// url, the server returns the following
WebSocketServer::handleConnection() HTTP status: 400 error: Error reading HTTP request line
The website goes on to say that
Additional TLS options can be configured by passing a ix::SocketTLSOptions instance to the setTLSOptions on ix::WebSocket (or ix::WebSocketServer or ix::HttpServer)
Specifying certFile and keyFile configures the certificate that will be used to communicate with TLS peers. On a client, this is only necessary for connecting to servers that require a client certificate. On a server, this is necessary for TLS support.
This implies to me that for the server to support TLS, I must provide a cert file, and a key file.
The github repo includes the script which produces a series of certificates in pem format, which should be enough to get things working. Included among them are selfsigned-client-crt.pem and selfsigned-client-key.pem, which seem like obvious candidates, however they specifically state client in the names, which suggests that they should not be used in the server application, rather they belong in the client.
The website also includes the example snippet:
.certFile = "path/to/cert/file.pem",
.keyFile = "path/to/key/file.pem",
.caFile = "path/to/trust/bundle/file.pem", // as a file, or in memory buffer in PEM format
.tls = true // required in server mode
I have attempted to populate the certFile and keyFile properties, and specified "NONE" for the caFile property as explained in the example, however this results in the server application printing SocketServer::run() tls accept failed: error in handshake : SSL - The connection indicated an EOF to the console.
What's more, the example snippet listed above states "path/to/cert/file.pem" and "path/to/key/file.pem" but doesn't explicitly state whether those should be client, or server usage.
The example doesn't come with a complete runnable implementation, and doesn't explain clearly what is needed to make TLS work in this particular form, and I'm at a bit of a loss now.
There is an example application in the github repo, however it includes a number of different variations, all of which are far more complicated than this trivial example, and it is this trivial example that I need to get working so I can understand how to implement this further.
In my server application, I have implemented the following for the TLS options:
int port = 8443;
ix::WebSocketServer server(port);
ix::SocketTLSOptions tlsOptions;
tlsOptions.certFile = "certs/selfsigned-client-crt.pem";
tlsOptions.keyFile = "certs/selfsigned-client-key.pem";
tlsOptions.caFile = "NONE";
tlsOptions.tls = true; //Required for TLS
I am pretty sure that the issue in in how I've set up the key and cert files. I have used the client files here, but I also tried generating and signing a server cert and key, which also did not work.
I have even tried using the trusted key and cert for both the client and server applications, and still did not get a working TLS connection (the following files were generated by the script -
selfsigned-client-crt.pem, selfsigned-client-key.pem, trusted-ca-crt.pem, trusted-ca-key.pem, trusted-client-crt.pem, trusted-client-key.pem, trusted-server-crt.pem, trusted-server-key.pem, untrusted-ca-crt.pem, untrusted-ca-key.pem, untrusted-client-crt.pem, untrusted-client-key.pem
... none of which is a self signed server cert.
What I can gather from the example page is that I need to do the following to get this working.
Generate a server cert and key
Self sign the cert
Specify the cert and key file in the tlsOptions on the server
Set the tls property in tlsOptions to true on the server
Set the caFile property in tlsOptions on the server to "NONE"
Set the url in the client to a wss:// url
But this did not work when I tried it, so there's clearly something I've missed.
All I'm aiming to do for the moment is to use self signed certs so that I can test my client and server, both running on localhost.
If anybody can steer me in the right direction, I'd be immensely grateful. I've been on this for 4 days now and I'm really lost.
Many thanks
Check this file / it does a full client + server encrypted exchange.
Note that on macOS there are limitations, but on windows or linux, using mbedtls and openssl everything should work fine.
ps: You will need to supply the same set of certs on the client and on the server.
-DUSE_TLS=1 will enable TLS support
so I do the following :
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DUSE_TLS=1 -DUSE_WS=1 ..
works for me

HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required while accessing Amazon S3

I have tried everything but I cant seem to fix this issue that is happening for only one client behind a corporate proxy/firewall. Our Silverlight application connects to Amazon S3 for downloading/Uploading some documents. On one client and one client only it returns a 407 error and after that the application fails to save anything.
Inner Exception:
System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: [UnexpectedHttpResponseCode]
Arguments: 407,Proxy Authentication Required
We had something similar at a different client but there was more of a CORS issue. to resolve this I used cloud-front to fake a sub-domain that then accesses the S3 bucket and it solved the issue. I was hoping it would fix it with this client as well but it didnt.
I have tried adding this code to web.config as suggested by a lot of answers
<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" >
I have read articles about passing a proxy headers with basis authentication using username and password but I am not sure how this would help us. The Proxy server is used by client and any authentication it requires is outside our domain.
**Additional Information**
The Silverlight code references 2 services. One is our wcf service that retrieves all the data for the application. One is The Amazon S3 service that uses the amazon Soap api, the endpoint for which is at
If I go into our app and only use part of the system that dont make any calls to the Amazon S3 api the application works fine. As soon as I go to a part of the system that makes a call to the S3, the problem starts. funny enough the call to S3 goes fine and I can retrieve the doc fine but then any calls to our wcf service return 407.
Any ideas?
**Update 2**
Based on comments from Elliot Nelson I check the stack we were using for making http requests in our application. Turns out we are using client http for both http and https requests by default. Here is the code we have in the App.xaml constructor
public App()
Startup += Application_Startup;
UnhandledException += Application_UnhandledException;
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("http://", WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp);
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("https://", WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp);
Now, to understand the differences between clienthttp and browserhttp and when to use them. Also, the potential impacts/issues of switching to browserhttp.
**Update 3**
Is there a way to request browsers to run your in-browser Silverlight application in trusted mode and would it help bypass this issue?
(Answer #2)
So, most likely (for corporate environments like this network), almost nothing can be done without whatever custom proxy settings are set in IE, usually pushed by corporate policy. To take advantage of these proxy settings, you want to use WebRequestCreator.BrowserHttp, which automatically uses the browser's default settings when making requests.
There's a table of the differences between these two clients available in the Microsoft docs. I'm guessing you were using something (maybe setting custom headers or reading the raw response body) that wasn't supported in BrowserHttp.
For security reasons, you can't "ask" the browser what its proxy settings are and use them, so this is a tricky situation. You can specify Browser vs Client handling by domain, or even for a specific request (the same page above describes how); you may be able in this case to get away with just using ClientHttp for your service calls and BrowserHttp for your S3 calls, and avoid the problem altogether!
For next steps, I'd try that approach; if it doesn't work, I'd try switching wholesale to BrowserHttp just to see if it bypasses the proxy issue (there's almost no chance the application will actually work, since you're probably using ClientHttp-only options).
Long term, you may want to consider making changes to your services so they are usable by a BrowserHttp-only application (this would require you to be pretty basic in your requests/responses, but using only BrowserHttp would be a guarantee you'd work in pretty much any corp network).
Running in trusted mode is probably a group policy thing which would require their AD admins to approve / whitelist your app.
I think the underlying issue you are facing is that the proxy requires NTLM authentication and for whatever reason the browser declines to provide your app with that context.
One way to prove that it's an NTLM auth issue is to test with curl - get it to make a req through the proxy, then it should be a bit easier to code to. EG the following curl will get you through 99% of Windows corporate proxies (assuming the proxy is at proxy-host.corp:3128):
C:\> curl.exe -v --proxy proxy-host:3128 --proxy-user : --proxy-ntlm
NOTE The --proxy-user : tells curl to use the current user session to perform the NTLM challenge.
So if you can get the client to run that, you can at least identify that NTLM works, then it's a just a matter of getting the app to perform the NTLM challenge using the default credentials (which may or may not be provided by the browser session)
Since you described this as a silverlight application, I'm going to assume you can't use classic browser-proxy troubleshooting like "move browser to public network" or "try a different browser", to isolate the problem.
You should try to isolate the proxy server, and have the customer use the required proxy-auth.
The application is making request, but it might be intercepted by a transparent proxy, or the result might be coming from what you consider a web server.
In the early days, the 401 error was pretty strictly associated with web-auth, and 407 was for proxy-auth.
Architecturally, the separation is a convenience, a web server can have both web server, proxy, and reverse-proxy behaviors.
What happens is your customer's environment is making a web connection to the destination, but it receives a HTTP 407 status from some host, probably their network, or sometimes the provider. Almost certainly the request is received not forwarded. The HTTP client your application lives in needs to provide the credentials that host requires. Companies have environments that are complex enough where often your customer will say this is the first time they have heard of this (some proxy-auth is also dynamic or destination specific).
Also, in some corporate environments, the operator will allow temporary or permanent white-listing from the proxy-auth service. You should see if they can do this, even temporarily, to confirm there aren't going to be other problems.
In the end, it sounds like your application might not robustly support proxy-auth, or the proxy-auth type they use in their environment.

Insecure website error when connecting to AWS Console w/Account Alias

When I try to access my AWS console using my account name in the URL, I get this error (in Firefox):
Your connection is not secure
The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that Firefox may only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not possible to add an exception for this certificate.
Why is this happening and what can I do about it?
Short answer: the problem is that there is a period in the company name/alias ( I modified this to remove the period and the error no longer occurred.
Longer answer: I guess the way the wildcard security certificate works is that it only applies to names with 1 subdomain level (before, and with the period, it broke it up into 2 ['mycompanyname', 'tech'].

Jetty Webservice - https protocol based address is not supported

I am using jetty version 7.5.1 .
My webservice works fine with a "http://..." endpoint, but when I change it to "https://..." things go wrong.
Endpoint e = Endpoint.create(webservice);
e.publish("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/ws/mywebservice);
I get the following error message:
"https protocol based address is not supported".
I've tried using an SslChannelConnector, a SelectChannelConnector and the combination of both.
Connector connector = new SelectChannelConnector();
SslContextFactory factory = new SslContextFactory();
SslSelectChannelConnector sslConnector = new SslSelectChannelConnector(factory);
server.setConnectors(new Connector[]{connector, sslConnector});
I also tried modifying the port in the publish path. But without success.
Could it be that something went wrong with the creation of my keystore file?
Even I put the wrong password though, it does show a different error message, explaining that my password is wrong.
My options are running out. Any ideas?
EDIT: More information:
Servlets work fine with HTTPS now. But the webservices are not. Am I maybe publishing it the wrong way ?
I found several threads on various forums with similar problems. But never found a solution. I would like to write down my solution for future victims:
The publish method only accepts the http protocol. Even if you are publishing for https, this should still be "http://...". On the other hand, you should use the port of your SSL connector.
Endpoint e = Endpoint.create(webservice);
Use any other protocol and you will always get the "xxx protocol based address is not supported" exception. See source code.
Note 1: The webservice already works fine at this point. However there is a point of discussion: The generated wsdl file (at https://localhost:443/ws/mywebservice?wsdl) will reference the http://... path. You could argue if the wsdl file is a requirement or just documentation.
Correcting a hostname in a WSDL file is not that hard, but replacing the protocol is harder. The easiest solution is probably to just edit the wsdl file and host the file, which is not very "dynamic" of course.
Alternatively, I solved it by creating a WsdlServlet which replaces the address. On the other hand, it does feel bad to create an entire class just to fix 1 character. :)
Note 2: Another bug in this jetty release, is the authentication. It's impossible to offer the webservice without any authentication. The best thing you can get, after turning off all possible authentication: you will still have to use 'preemptive authentication' and enter a random username and password.

Ignore all SSL certificates in ColdFusion 9

Is there any way to let ColdFusion connect to any https site while ignoring the certificate? Currently I use curl (option --insecure) to connect to websites using https. But I would prefer it if there is a way to ignore the certificate all together and use cfhttp again. I read several question on stackoverflow on which a 'fake' trustmanager is proposed (e.g. Is it possible to get Java to ignore the "trust store" and just accept whatever SSL certificate it gets?). But I don't know how to load this class into the ColdFusion JVM.
To further clarify, my application fetches the source code of webpages entered by users, and analyzes the source code. Users can enter any url they wish. Users cannot send POST data, also sending in a username and password in the url is prohibited.