WSO2 IS and federated iDP - wso2

We are running WSO2 IS version 5.10. and want to use external iDP (SafeNet) as step 2 authentication for Service Provider. I configured Service Provider in order to use an advanced configuration for the login process. I configured 2 steps where first step is basic auth and second step is federeted iDP - SafeNet (Saml2SSO).
Everything work's fine except one thing - when i try to logon to my application, WSO2 shows me login interface, I put my credentials (username and password) after that a redirected to SafeNet login interface and I should put my username again in safenet login page. So the user name, how it say correctly, does not transferred to step 2 (sorry for my English ))). I inspect SAML request which is generated by WSO2 and could not find NAMEID. Can any one help with this?


How the user will able to login their application either using facebook account or google account or wso2 account

Suggest me some process which i follow to complete my task. I am new in using wso2.
1) How the user will able to login in their application either using facebook account or google account or wso2 account using wso2 identity server.
2) And there is one more condition some user login based on resources(link buildings).
for that resource user will able to login with single sign on using wso2 identity server.
Step 01: You can setup federated authentication as per [1]. Do it for both Facebook and Google.
Step 02: Configure multiple options from advance authentication configuration. Once you complete Step 01 pls get back to explain Step 02.

WSO2 IS 5.5.0 – Switching between BASIC and IWA authentication dynamically

We are using WSO2 IS 5.5.0. We are able to configure IWA using Federated Authentication (Kerberos). Users are able to login with their windows credentials.
Our application is accessible in INTRANET as well on INTERNET.
We have following requirement.
All the INTRANET users should be authenticated using IWA authentication whereas all INTERNET users should be presented with login page to enter their credentials.
Can you please let us know if this is possible through some configuration?
We tried steps concept in “Advanced Configuration” under “Local and Outbound Authentication Configuration” of Service Provider but not getting expected result.
First Steps in the sequence always gets executed whereas we want some kind of switch between step 1 and step 2.
We want all INTRANET users to follow the /iwa-kerberos authentication and want to display login page for INTERNET users.
We were able to achieve this in WSO IS 5.2.0 by having a switch in our login.jsp to redirect all the INTRANET users to following URL.
/commonauth?idp=LOCAL&authenticator= IWAAuthenticator&sessionDataKey=xxxxxxxxxxxx
In this approach we used to add only “BASIC” authenticator under Step 1 under “Advanced Configuration”

wso2 - Does wso2 identity server support IDP initiated logout from federated IDP?

We are using WSO2 Identity Server 5.3.0. I configured trust between WSO2 IDP (symbolic name "IDP1") and the Service provider (symbolic name "SP1"). Then I configured second trust between WSO2 acting as a service provider ("SP2") and federated IDP (symbolic name "IDP2", some public/gov service). SP1 protects some resources, access to them is granted only when users are authenticated to IDP2. Everything is based on SAML protocol.
Login works fine - login requests are redirected from WSO2(=IDP1) to IDP2.
IDP1 initiated logout works fine too.
But IDP2 initiated logout fails with message (in a browser): "Attention: Something went wrong during the authentication process. Please try signing in again." It generates the record to the WSO2 log: "{...DefaultRequestCoordinator} Context does not exist. Probably due to invalidated cache".
During the IDP2 initiated logout correct LogoutRequest is sent to WSO2 (
Does WSO2 support such scenario (IDP2 initiated logout)?
SLO is working based session ID. You cannot invalidate a session that is not recognized by the IDP.
Your log seens to indicate that the context [pointed by the session id provided in the SLO request] does not exist so cannot be terminated.
Please deactivate Ciphering on the flow, put a Wireshark and look at it. WSO2IS is providing a screen in user dahsboard to see which session are open and with which ids.
I suspect that IdP2 is sending the session ID of the session between Client and IdP2... not the session ID of session between Client and IdP1.

SAML and OpenID SSO with WSO2 Identity server

I'm trying to achieve SSO among different application. The applications are:
API Manager 1.7.0 Store
API Manager 1.7.0 Publisher
Liferay 6.2
I managed to configure Liferay to login through Identity Server Openid and to configure API Manager to login through Identity Server generated SAML Token as detailed in API Manager documentation.
The SSO is working well between api store and api publisher.
The problem is that I can't achieve SSO between Liferay and API Manager. If I login to liferay with openID and I open the store or publisher URL the user is asked for username and password again.
How can I configure the IS to implement the desired scenario?
Thanks, Paolo
Are you using IS 5.0.0 version? Normally it would create a same session for all the login in IS 5.0.0 version. it means, if you login with OpenID, SAML2 or OAuth2, it does not matter, IS creates a common session for given user. Normally it should not ask the password again. If it is asked, it can be a bug. Can you just check whether there is a cookie called commonauthid in the browser? If you are using some older version of IS, you can enable the this property <AcceptOpenIDLogin>false</AcceptOpenIDLogin> in identity.xml file

Extend Identity Provider URL

I just have a question regarding to Identity Provider URL.Is it possible if i would like to modify|custom|extend the Identity Provider URL? (localhost:9443/samlsso)
I currently run two SSO (SAML2) enabled apps on my local tomcat on localhost and name app1 and app2. The behavior of the applications is to redirect to login panel when the user is trying to access the applications. Since it is SSO enabled, it redirect to WSO2IS login panel. If both application are not logged in and redirected to the SSO login page of WSO2IS. The first one to login works successfully. Because the first one already logged, the second one doesn't need to be sign on again. But i would like to make the second one must be sign on again because there are 2 different issue name and i intend to use the issue name for the filter or condition
I am using WSO2 identity server 4.6.0
The question is bit unclear to me. Is it that you don't want SSO between webapps, but only between webapp and IDP? Then it seems, it's not complete SAML SSO scenario.
Still for the filtering, you may be able to write a 'custom authenticator', implementing the interface '' and engage it in the flow.