Extend Identity Provider URL - wso2

I just have a question regarding to Identity Provider URL.Is it possible if i would like to modify|custom|extend the Identity Provider URL? (localhost:9443/samlsso)
I currently run two SSO (SAML2) enabled apps on my local tomcat on localhost and name app1 and app2. The behavior of the applications is to redirect to login panel when the user is trying to access the applications. Since it is SSO enabled, it redirect to WSO2IS login panel. If both application are not logged in and redirected to the SSO login page of WSO2IS. The first one to login works successfully. Because the first one already logged, the second one doesn't need to be sign on again. But i would like to make the second one must be sign on again because there are 2 different issue name and i intend to use the issue name for the filter or condition
I am using WSO2 identity server 4.6.0

The question is bit unclear to me. Is it that you don't want SSO between webapps, but only between webapp and IDP? Then it seems, it's not complete SAML SSO scenario.
Still for the filtering, you may be able to write a 'custom authenticator', implementing the interface 'org.wso2.carbon.core.services.authentication.CarbonServerAuthenticator' and engage it in the flow.


WSO2 IS and federated iDP

We are running WSO2 IS version 5.10. and want to use external iDP (SafeNet) as step 2 authentication for Service Provider. I configured Service Provider in order to use an advanced configuration for the login process. I configured 2 steps where first step is basic auth and second step is federeted iDP - SafeNet (Saml2SSO).
Everything work's fine except one thing - when i try to logon to my application, WSO2 shows me login interface, I put my credentials (username and password) after that a redirected to SafeNet login interface and I should put my username again in safenet login page. So the user name, how it say correctly, does not transferred to step 2 (sorry for my English ))). I inspect SAML request which is generated by WSO2 and could not find NAMEID. Can any one help with this?

WSO2 IS 5.5.0 – Switching between BASIC and IWA authentication dynamically

We are using WSO2 IS 5.5.0. We are able to configure IWA using Federated Authentication (Kerberos). Users are able to login with their windows credentials.
Our application is accessible in INTRANET as well on INTERNET.
We have following requirement.
All the INTRANET users should be authenticated using IWA authentication whereas all INTERNET users should be presented with login page to enter their credentials.
Can you please let us know if this is possible through some configuration?
We tried steps concept in “Advanced Configuration” under “Local and Outbound Authentication Configuration” of Service Provider but not getting expected result.
First Steps in the sequence always gets executed whereas we want some kind of switch between step 1 and step 2.
We want all INTRANET users to follow the /iwa-kerberos authentication and want to display login page for INTERNET users.
We were able to achieve this in WSO IS 5.2.0 by having a switch in our login.jsp to redirect all the INTRANET users to following URL.
/commonauth?idp=LOCAL&authenticator= IWAAuthenticator&sessionDataKey=xxxxxxxxxxxx
In this approach we used to add only “BASIC” authenticator under Step 1 under “Advanced Configuration”

WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 fails to return user claims in SAMLResponse for user from secondary user store

I have this problem when using SAML SSO authentication. I have successfully set up WSO2IS 5.0.0 Identity server, I also succeeded setting up (at least I hope so) secondary user store. I used JDBCUserStoreManager implementation. I have set this store as DOMAIN. This user store works nice, at least I think it does. Because it is storing user attributes into its tables (USER_ATTRIBUTES) and those attributes are read by WSO2IS administration ...
Users are identified as DOMAIN\username so when I want to log in user from this DOMAIN, request goes to my AUTHENTICATOR implementation so I can manage authentication for users from this domain.
What is strange is, that if I use WSO2IS administration pages, I can set and read users's attributes well. And if I use SAML SSO authentication (have already set up service provider & claim mappings) for users from PRIMARY domain, everything goes fine and calling SP gets all attributes - mapped in WSO2IS administration here:
If I use SAML SSO authentication, but I want to log user from my DOMAIN, SP doesn't get anything.
I can override this behavior in DefaultResponseBuilder, I can put into SAMLResponse anything I want, but I don't feel this approach is OK. Can anyone tell me, where to look for an error? What may be wrong? Where should I start looking for problems? I have already tried to debug it, and it seems it (SAML SSO/AUTHENTICATOR) doesn't find any claim for DOMAIN user.
Thank you in advance.
I think this is bug in Identity Server 5.0.0. When you are using SAML2 SSO, user can login to Identity Server with both username with domain name and username without domain name. Basically
bob and foo.com/bob must both works and returns the bob user's attributes from foo.com user store. However there is issue with IS 5.0.0, if secondary user store user login without domain name, Identity Server does not returns the user attributes. But, please try to login with foo.com/bob , Then it would return the user's attributes.
You can find the public jira. It contains source diff. It must be a simple fix and you even can compile the source and add fix in to the Identity Server.

Configuring Single Sign-On Across Stratos

I have a situation where I need to setup a standalone version of wso2 Identity Server and have that act as the SSO provider into all of the products in Stratos.
Currently I have Stratos Identity Server configured so that I can login via the standalone Identity Server, using admin.
However, if I use another user I either
get a "Authorization Failure"
or cannot login.
First Question
1) I have the same user created in both Identity Server (that is not admin). Why would I get the "Authorization Failure" ?
Second Question
2) Why is it I can not even get to the "Authorization Failure" problem if I have a user created with username in format of user#domain.com ?
I figured out that if I remove the property tags in user-mgt.xml that reference the usernames with regular expressions I am able to create usernames in the format of name#domain.com. But I am still unable to use that username to login, the error log says that the account has not been activated.
I also created two instances of wso2 identity server and configured them in such a way to test being able to use one to login to the other. I was able to do this by making sure that the same username and password was in both servers list of users. This way I do not get the "Authorization Failure"
The answers I came up with.
1. I need to have the same username and password in each Identity Server.
2. I cannot have format name#domain.com unless I have Multi-tenancy configured. Otherwise wso2 will try to find the ACTIVATE field in the Tenant table and not find it.
UPDATE: I got this installed and configured and it turned out that I now get another error about
Issuer details are not valid. Issuer details should be registered in advance
So my answer turned out not to to be valid.
I wonder why I get this new login failure?
I resolved this problem by downloading just the wso2 stratos IS 1.5.2 package. I installed it. Configured with same configuration I was using before. Now I can login without problems across domains.

Google Apps OpenID login for Django App

I have a django application built for an organization. But, all the users have accounts in the organization's google apps. We have been keeping two separate user accounts for them (google apps and the django app), which is not very neat. Their django username is the same as their google apps username (the part before #domain.com).
I want to simply change the login page of my django app so that redirects to google apps for authentication (ie, openid type login). Additionally, when they are logged in I would like it to return the User with the same username, so that way existing users are logged into their original accounts (since they have stuff saved under those accounts). And new users will just have a new django account created with that username.
Not sure if anyone is familiar with googleappsauth. Its a django module to allow openid login to a google apps domain. This seems perfect for me. But, its telling me I need an openid endpoint defined. The documentation does not seem to indicate that that is required, but I'm not very familiar with OpenID so I'm kind of stuck??
GOOGLE_OPENID_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud'
To get the Google OpenID endpoint, perform discovery by sending either a GET or HEAD HTTP request to https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id. When using a GET, we recommend setting the Accept header to application/xrds+xml. Google returns an XRDS document containing an OpenID provider endpoint URL.The endpoint address is annotated as:
<Service priority="0">
<URI>{Google's login endpoint URI}</URI>
from: code.google.com
You can also use:
However, be aware that this causes some problems if you use python-openid. Patches are available.