React Native Gifted Chat: what does the tile (~) mean? How do I remove it? - react-native-gifted-chat

i'm testing React Native Gifted Chat on a chat application.
I'm trying to figure what this symbol ~ that appears on the messages means and how could I remove it.

Its the username of sender if you want to change it
go to node modules
-> react-native-gifted-chat
-> lib
-> bubble.js
search for ~ (tilde) and remove


Display search count in IdeaVim

Below is the UI of Rider search with Cmd + F. But I'm using the IdeaVim plugin, I want a similar UI to count the current match when I perform a search with / or ? but can't find the config to display it.
If I'm getting this correctly then this is not possible right now (not implemented). -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.

How to add external URLs to icCube's application?

The icCube's application structure allows to add several extra items, such as a JS Action. Is it possible to use this JS Action (or another item) to link to an external HTML, to - for example - show a help file/ quick reference card?
For opening a new page simply add the following to the body of your JS Action: '', '_blank' );
is going to open Google.
Hope that helps.

How to recognize comment char in url?

I have link (link created in external source):
but django get only:
How to get var_1?
Browsers do not send anything after the # to the server. There's nothing you can do about that if you're using a normal link; the only way would be to use Javascript to send it.

How do I teach WebStorm 9 inspector to recognize Angular Material Design tags/attributes?

Currently, all my angular material HTML attributes are highlighted in yellow with WebStorm 9 (Mac OS X Yosemite) warning: "Attribute [name] is not allowed here".
How can I teach WS to automatically recognize these attributes as valid? I am aware that I can add each one one-by-one to the list of custom attributes, but was hoping that there would be a better way to do this.
Just wanted to clarify that this issue applies to Angular Material project, and not the AngularJS itself.
You need to add the angular-material.js file as a Library in WebStorm:
Open Preferences (Mac: Cmd+,, Win/Linux: Ctrl+Alt+S)
Go to Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries
Click Add and then press the + icon
Find angular-material.js in your node_modules folder
Add a Name and a version and press Ok
Now you will have completions for all elements and attributes that have an #ngdoc documentation in the angular-material source code.
Start typing and you will see the completions:
Pressing F1 (Ctrl+Q on Win/Linux) will also show some docs, if available in the source code:
Important note
Not all features are properly documented, the following won't show up (unless you already used them) cause they are defined dynamically in a loop, with no #ngdoc for them:
var API_WITH_VALUES = [ "layout", "flex", "flex-order", "flex-offset", "layout-align" ];
var API_NO_VALUES = [ "show", "hide", "layout-padding", "layout-margin" ];
So for these you'd have to add them as a custom attribute (Alt+Enter > "Add flex to custom html attributes").
Tested on a Mac OS X 10.11.4 using WebStorm 2016.1.1, but this should work for older versions as well.
I am using PHPStorm, which is a sister Project of WebStorm, but it should work the same way.
You maybe need to add the Library:
Languages & Frameworks
Add here AngularJS
If this does not work, you can add them manually:
Follow this Steps:
Default Settings
Unknown HTML tag attributes
To the right you will see in Options "Custom HTML tag attributes". Enter here the attributes you want to allow.
I highly recomend you to install the Angular.js plugin:
Go to menu File > Settings (or ctrl + alt + S if you're on Windows);
Select Plugins in the window that'll open;
Click in the Browse Repositories button;
Type AngularJS in the search field. Select the plugin;
Click Install Plugin.
The plugin is incumbed to read #ngdoc annotations present in ngMaterial sources and create documentation for their directives.
It seems to support WebStorm and other IDEs, but I could not find it in the plugin registry while filtering by other IDEs. Maybe it'll work inside WebStorm...
Anyway, this is what you get:
You have also a plugin that helps a lot, check it out. It helps a lot
Angular material v2, Teradata covalent v1, Angular flex layout v1 & Material icon live templates
And with the solution provided by #Alex Ilyaev gives a lot of help.
But its no perfect.
Hope it helps.
Currently I don't think that idea's AngularJS plugin understands angular-materials attribute extensions.
It does understand the directives i.e. control click <md-button ...> and the directive (custom tag) is found.
For now you will have to add the attributes af custom attributes in order to get a "green" page.

TextMate: Preview in Firefox without having to save document first?

Using TextMate:
Is it possible to assign a shortcut to preview/refresh the currently edited HTML document in, say, Firefox, without having to first hit Save?
I'm looking for the same functionality as TextMate's built-in Web Preview window, but I'd prefer an external browser instead of TextMate's. (Mainly in order to use a JavaScript console such as Firebug for instance).
Would it be possible to pipe the currently unsaved document through the shell and then preview in Firefox. And if so, is there anyone having a TextMate command for this, willing to share it?
Not trivially. The easiest way would be to write the current file to the temp dir, then launch that file.. but, this would break any relative links (images, scripts, CSS files)
Add a bundle:
Input: Entire Document
Output: Discard
Scope Selector: source.html
And the script:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
import os
import sys
import random
import tempfile
import subprocess
fname = os.environ.get("TM_FILEPATH", "Untitled %s.html" % random.randint(100, 1000))
fcontent =
fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
print name
open(name, "w+").write(fcontent)
print subprocess.Popen(["open", "-a", "Firefox", name]).communicate()
As I said, that wont work with relative resource links, which is probably a big problem.. Another option is to modify the following line of code, from the exiting "Refresh Browsers" command:
osascript <<'APPLESCRIPT'
tell app "Firefox" to Get URL "JavaScript:window.location.reload();" inside window 1
Instead of having the javascript reload the page, it could clear it, and write the current document using a series of document.write() calls. The problem with this is you can't guarantee the current document is the one you want to replace.. Windows 1 could have changed to another site etc, especially with tabbed browsing..
Finally, an option that doesn't have a huge drawback: Use version control, particularly one of the "distributed" ones, where you don't have to send your changes to a remote server - git, mercurial, darcs, bazaar etc (all have TextMate integration also)
If your code is in version control, it doesn't matter if you save before previewing, you can also always go back to your last-commited version if you break something and lose the undo buffer.
Here's something that you can use and just replace "Safari" with "Firefox":
Open the Bundle Editor (control + option + command + B)
Scroll to the HTML Bundle and expand the tree
Select "Open Document in Running Browser(s)"
Assign Activation Key Equivalent (shortcut)
Close the bundle editor
I don't think this is possible. You can however enable the 'atomic saves' option so every time you alt tab to Firefox your project is saved.
If you ever find a solution to have a proper Firefox live preview, let us know.