new thread causes issues c++ - c++

I have a void function that has a while (true) loop inside of it, and both Sleep(); and std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds()); do nothing. And yes, I am aware I'm sleeping by millisecond and not seconds, by multi-threading I mean I have done:
std::thread nThread(Void);
When I just call the method, this issue doesn't occur, and it sleeps just fine.
Essentially what I'm doing:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thread>
void thisisVoid()
while (true)
int main()
std::thread nThread(thisisVoid);

It's not the sleep that's the problem. You haven't really asked a question, but I think what you're saying is that if you don't detach, you get a crash.
Here's why...
C++ doesn't like you to exit the program with dangling threads. You can either detach them or join them. There's a startup time with your new thread, and if you just exit main at the bottom, your first thread probably hasn't run yet. And it hasn't been allowed to clean up because you haven't joined against it or detached it.
So you have to do one or the other in main(). If you join against it you'll wait until it's done. If you detach it, you could exit before he's even executed.


What happens when a thread is constructed, and how is the thread executed

I'm completely new to multithreading and have a little trouble understanding how multithreading actually works.
Let's consider the following example of code. The program simply takes file names as input and counts the number of lowercase letters in them.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctype.h>
class LowercaseCounter{
LowercaseCounter() :
void count_lowercase_letters(const std::string& filename)
int count = 0;
std::ifstream fin(filename);
char a;
while (fin >> a)
if (islower(a))
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m);
void print_num() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m);
std::cout << total_count << std::endl;
int total_count;
mutable std::mutex m;
int main(){
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> threads;
LowercaseCounter counter;
std::string line;
while (std::cin >> line)
if (line == "exit")
else if (line == "print")
counter.print_num(); //I think that this should print 0 every time it's called.
threads.emplace_back(new std::thread(&LowercaseCounter::count_lowercase_letters, counter, line));
for (auto& thread : threads)
Firstly I though that the output of counter.print_num() will print 0 as far as the threads are not 'joined' yet to execute the functions. However, It turns out that the program works correctly and the output of counter.print_num() is not 0. So I asked myself the following questions.
What actually happens when a thread is constructed?
If the program above works fine, then thread must be executed when is created, then what does std::thread::join method do?
If the thread is executed at the time of creation, then what's the point of using multithreading in this example?
Thanks in advance.
You seem to be under the impression that the program can only be running one thread at a time, and that it needs to interrupt whatever it's doing in order to execute the code of the thread. That's not the case.
You can think of a thread as a completely separate program that happens to share memory and resources with the program that created it. The function you pass as an argument is that program's 'main()` for every intent and purpose. In Linux, threads are literally separate processes, but as far as C++ is concerned, that's just an implementation detail.
So, in a modern operating system with preemptive multitasking, much like multiple programs can run at the same time, threads can also run at the same time. Note that I say can, it's up to the compiler and OS to decide when to give CPU time to each thread.
then what does std::thread::join method do?
It just waits until the thread is done.
So what would happen if I didn't call join() method for each one of threads
It would crash upon reaching the end of main() because attempting to exit the program without joining a non-detached thread is considered an error.
As you said, in c++ the thread is executed when it is created all std::thread::join does is wait for the thread to finish execution.
In your code all the threads will start executing simultaneously in the loop and then the main thread will wait for each thread to finish execution in the next loop.

C++ What possible ways can a detached thread signal it is terminating?

I had three initial ideas about this
Firstly some kind of counter? (Maybe using mutex?)
Some kind of semophore? (I don't know much about these) OR perhaps a promise/future combination
Some other kind of signal/slot mechanism, similar to that of the signal created by CTRL-C (SIGINT etc)
I'm working on some software which makes use of detached threads to do some work. Unfortunatly the threads don't clean up nicely, they just quit at the end of execution. This is fine for communication in one direction (ie; main() can quit first), but won't work the other way around - at the moment there is no way for main() to know when the threads have finished working and to exit gracefully.
To expand on those bullet points...
My initial idea was to have a protected region of variables - could be a counter or an array of flags, one for each thread, and to access these using a mutex. The mutex might not even be necessary if using one variable per detached thread to signal the end of the thread working, because main() will "poll" these variables, which is a read-only operation. Only the detached threads themselves need write access. If more than one detached thread uses the same counter/variable then a mutex would be required.
The next idea I had was to use a semophore (which is something I really know nothing about) or promise/future combinations, which I think would work as a possible option.
The final thought was some kind of signals mechanism, like possibly "stealing" a SIGxyz signal (like SIGINT) and using that to some how communicate the end of a thread execution. I'm not confident about this one however.
My question is really - how is this supposed to be done? What would the typical engineering solution to this problem be?
(Final thought: Using a file, or a pipe? Seems a bit complicated though?)
Perhaps I overlooked the question but I think you could use an atomic variable as a flag in order to notify the detached thread's termination.
Something like the following example:
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
int main()
// Define a flag to notify detached thread's termination
std::atomic_bool term_flag;
// Define some function to run concurrently
auto func = [&term_flag](){
term_flag = true;
// Run and detach the thread
term_flag = false;
std::thread t(func);
// Wait until detached thread termination
std::cout << "Detached Thread has terminated properly" << std::endl;
return 0;
Detached Thread has terminated properly
As Hans Passant mentioned, you could also use a condition variable associated with a mutex to do it.
This would be a better solution (but a bit less readable in my humble opinion) since we have more control over how much to wait.
The basic example above could then be rewritten as:
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
int main()
// Define the mutex and the condition variable to notify the detached thread's termination
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
// Define some function to run concurrently
auto func = [&cv](){
// Run and detach the thread
std::thread t(func);
// Wait until detached thread termination
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
std::cout << "Detached Thread has terminated properly" << std::endl;
return 0;

Cancelling boost thread from another

Is there a way to cancel a boost::thread from another as in the following?:
boost::thread* thread1(0);
boost::thread* thread2(0);
thread2 = new boost::thread([&](){
//some expensive computation that can't be modified
thread1 = new boost::thread([&]() {
//some other expensive computation that can't be modified
delete thread1;
delete thread2;
Right now both expensive computations finish without being interrupted. I had figured the joins would be treated as an interruption point, and the main thread would continue after one of the two expensive computations completed.
In general, there is no portable way for one thread to terminate another, without cooperation from the thread being terminated. This question comes up once in a while, it seems (see here and here - although your question is not an exact duplicate).
Barring cooperation from the thread being interrupted (which would have to perform seppuku on notification), if you would like the main thread to continue after the first of the threads has terminated, you could make a condition that each of the child threads fires when it ends.
At this point, you could either let the other thread continue running (possibly detaching it), or just terminate everything.
A non-portable solution for POSIX-compliant systems (e.g. Linux) would be to use pthread_cancel() and then pthread_join() on the Boost thread's native_handle() member, which is of type pthread_t (again, only on POSIX-compliant systems. I can't speak for other systems, like Windows).
Also, you must use a boost::scoped_thread instead of just a boost::thread so that you can "override" (not in the OO-sense) the join/detach behavior that Boost will do when the thread is destroyed. This is necessary because when you call pthread_cancel then pthread_join on a boost::thread, the boost::thread object is still 'joinable' (i.e. boost::thread::joinable() returns true), and so the destructor will exhibit undefined behavior, per the documentation.
With all that being said, if a platform-dependent solution for cancelling threads like this is necessary in your application, I'm not sure there's much to be gained from using boost::threads over plain-old pthreads; still, I suppose there may be a use case for this.
Here's a code sample:
// compilation: g++ -pthread -I/path/to/boost/include -L/path/to/boost/libs -lboost_thread main.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <boost/thread/scoped_thread.hpp>
typedef struct pthreadCancelAndJoin
void operator()(boost::thread& t)
pthread_t pthreadId = t.native_handle();
int status = pthread_cancel(pthreadId);
printf("Cancelled thread %lu: got return value %d\n", pthreadId, status);
void* threadExitStatus;
status = pthread_join(pthreadId, &threadExitStatus);
printf("Joined thread %lu: got return value %d, thread exit status %ld\n",
pthreadId, status, (long)threadExitStatus);
} pthreadCancelAndJoin;
void foo()
printf("entering foo\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 2147483647; i++) printf("f"); // here's your 'expensive computation'
for(int i = 0; i < 2147483647; i++) printf("a");
printf("foo: done working\n"); // this won't execute
int main(int argc, char **argv)
boost::scoped_thread<pthreadCancelAndJoin> t1(foo);
pthread_t t1_pthread = t1.native_handle();
sleep(1); // give the thread time to get into its 'expensive computation';
// otherwise it'll likely be cancelled right away
// now, once main returns and t1's destructor is called, the pthreadCancelAndJoin
// functor object will be called, and so the underlying p_thread will be cancelled
// and joined
return 0;
pthread_cancel() will cancel your thread when it reaches a "cancellation point" (assuming the cancel type and cancel state are at their default values, which is the case for boost::thread objects); see the pthreads man page for a list of all cancellation points. You'll notice that those cancellation points include many of the more common system calls, like write, read, sleep, send, recv, wait, etc.
If your 'expensive computation' includes any of those calls down at its lowest level (e.g. in the code sample, printf eventually calls write), it will be cancelled.
Best of all, Valgrind reports no memory leaks or memory errors with this solution.
Finally, a note about your misconception in your question:
I had figured the joins would be treated as an interruption point...
join, or any of the boost::thread interruption functions, for that matter, is only treated as an interruption point for the thread that calls it. Since your main thread is calling join(), the main thread is the thread that experiences the interruption point, not the thread that it is trying to join. E.g. if you call thread1.interrupt() in some thread and then thread1 calls thread2.join(), then thread1 is the one that gets interrupted.

Make something happen after 5 minutes has passed, while other code still runs in C++

I am trying to make a timer, so after five minutes something happens. The catch is that while the timer is being checked constantly I need other code to be running. I have created a sample below, of how the actually code looks, the function with the timer is in class, so I did the same thing below. Here is the code:
This code assumes all necessary headers are included
class MyClass
void TimerFunc(int MSeconds);
void MyClass::TimerFunc(int MSeconds)
Sleep(MSeconds); //Windows.h
//Event code
int main()
MyClass myClass;
myClass.TimerFunc(300); //300 is 5 minutes
//Here we do not want to wait for the five minutes to pass,
//instead we want to continue the rest of the code and check
//for user input as below
std::cout << "This should print before the Event Code happens.";
The problem here is that the code waits for the five minutes to pass, and then continues. I'm not sure if threading would be a good option here, I haven't done much with it before, if anyone could help me with that, or knows a better way to go about it, any help is appreciated.
If you don't mind your Event executing in a different thread-context, you could have your Timer class spawn a thread to do the waiting and then the event-execution; or (on POSIX OS's) set up a SIGALRM signal and have the signal handler do the Event. The downside of that is that if your event-code does anything non-trivial, you'll need to worry about race conditions with the concurrently executing main thread.
The other approach is to have your main thread check the clock every so often, and if the time-to-execute has passed, have your main thread call your Event routine at that time. That has the advantage of automatic thread-safety, but the disadvantage is that you'll have to add that code into your thread's main event loop; you can't easily hide it away inside a class like the one in your example.
With C++11 threads, this would work like this:
int main()
MyClass myClass;
thread ti([](MyClass &m){m.TimerFunc(300); }, ref(myClass)); // create and launch thread
// ... code executed concurrently to threaded code
ti.join(); // wait for the thread to end (or you'll crash !!)
Add a private member to your class:
atomic<bool> run=true; // designed to avoid race issue with concurrent access
Update its timer function to loop while this variable is true:
void MyClass::TimerFunc(int MSeconds)
while (run) {
this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(MSeconds)); // standard sleep instead of microsoft's one
//Event code
Foresee within the class a member function to stop the threaded loop:
void Stop() {
run = false;
Finally update main() to call myClass.Stop() when the timer function is no longer needed (i.e. before calling ti.join() )
EDIT: attention, nasty error to avoid: be careful to refer to ref(myClass) in the thread constructor. If you would forget this, the thread ti would use a reference to a copy of myClass instead of the original object.

Thread ending unexpectedly. c++

I'm trying to get a hold on pthreads. I see some people also have unexpected pthread behavior, but none of the questions seemed to be answered.
The following piece of code should create two threads, one which relies on the other. I read that each thread will create variables within their stack (can't be shared between threads) and using a global pointer is a way to have threads share a value. One thread should print it's current iteration, while another thread sleeps for 10 seconds. Ultimately one would expect 10 iterations. Using break points, it seems the script just dies at
while (*pointham != "cheese"){
It could also be I'm not properly utilizing code blocks debug functionality. Any pointers (har har har) would be helpful.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string hamburger = "null";
string * pointham = &hamburger;
void *wait(void *)
int i {0};
while (*pointham != "cheese"){
sleep (1);
cout << "Waiting on that cheese " << i;
void *cheese(void *)
cout << "Bout to sleep then get that cheese";
sleep (10);
*pointham = "cheese";
int main()
pthread_t threads[2];
pthread_create(&threads[0], NULL, cheese, NULL);
pthread_create(&threads[1], NULL, wait, NULL);
return 0;
The problem is that you start your threads, then exit the process (thereby killing your threads). You have to wait for your threads to exit, preferably with the pthread_join function.
If you don't want to have to join all your threads, you can call pthread_exit() in the main thread instead of returning from main().
But note the BUGS section from the manpage:
Currently, there are limitations in the kernel implementation logic for
wait(2)ing on a stopped thread group with a dead thread group leader.
This can manifest in problems such as a locked terminal if a stop sig‐
nal is sent to a foreground process whose thread group leader has
already called pthread_exit().
According to this tutorial:
If main() finishes before the threads it has created, and exits with pthread_exit(), the other threads will continue to execute. Otherwise, they will be automatically terminated when main() finishes.
So, you shouldn't end the main function with the statement return 0;. But you should use pthread_exit(NULL); instead.
If this doesn't work with you, you may need to learn about joining threads here.