Different MD5 results between CryptoJS and postman - postman

I have a backend on NodeJs and using CryptoJS library to create a MD5 for a payment gateway. The payment gateway script on postman is working fine and generating an MD5 which works with the gateway, however when I send it an MD5 generated from the backend it doesn't work.
const content = {
Currency: "EUR",
AmountDebit: 15.0,
Invoice: "testinvoice 123",
Services: {
ServiceList: [
Name: "ideal",
Action: "Pay",
Parameters: [
Name: "issuer",
Value: "ABNANL2A",
Backend MD5 for the above content: 487f7b22f68312d2c1bbc93b1aea445b
Postman MD5 for the above content: ed1dac132299837e2b737e3366227ce6
Same content is being used in postman and backend however i'm getting different results where only the postman works and the other is rejected.
Code in backend:
const CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
var md5 = CryptoJS.MD5(content);
Any ideas why? and will the md5 differ if the content is object or a string?

In my backend I was using req.body which was an object, converting it to a string using JSON.stringify() didn't create the same MD5 that works on the payment gateway. However when I used req.rawBody everything work great


add aws signature to the postman script using pm.sendRequest

I would like to use a postman pre-fetch script to refresh my app secret from an api protected by aws signature. I am able to make a basic authentication like this. However I need an aws signature authentication
var url = "https://some.endpoint"
var auth = {
type: 'basic',
basic: [
{ key: "username", value: "postman" },
{ key: "password", value: "secrets" }
var request = {
url: url,
method: "GET",
auth: auth
pm.sendRequest(request, function (err, res) {
const json = res.json() // Get JSON value from the response body
hi just create a normal postman request that work properly and then copy that request to a variable by adding the below line in test script
pm.environment.set("awsrequest", pm.request)
Now you can use the awsrequest variable to send use in pm.sendRequest

Protect Strapi uploads folder via S3 SignedUrl

uploading files from strapi to s3 works fine.
I am trying to secure the files by using signed urls:
var params = {Bucket:process.env.AWS_BUCKET, Key: `${path}${file.hash}${file.ext}`, Expires: 3000};
var secretUrl = ''
S3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, function (err, url) {
console.log('Signed URL: ' + url);
secretUrl = url
Key: `${path}${file.hash}${file.ext}`,
Body: Buffer.from(file.buffer, 'binary'),
//ACL: 'public-read',
ContentType: file.mime,
(err, data) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
// set the bucket file url
//file.url = data.Location;
file.url = secretUrl;
console.log('FIle URL: ' + file.url);
file.url (secretUrl) contains the correct URL which i can use in browser to retrieve the file.
But whenever reading the file form strapi admin panel no file nor tumbnail is shown.
I figured out that strapi adds a parameter to the file e.g ?2304.4005 which corrupts the get of the file to AWS. Where and how do I change that behaviour
Help is appreciated
Here is my solution to create a signed URL to secure your assets. The URL will be valid for a certain amount of time.
Create a collection type with a media field, which you want to secure. In my example the collection type is called invoice and the media field is called document.
Create an S3 bucket
Install and configure strapi-provider-upload-aws-s3 and AWS SDK for JavaScript
Customize the Strapi controller for your invoice endpoint (in this exmaple I use the core controller findOne)
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
var S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3');
module.exports = {
async findOne(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;
const entity = await strapi.services.invoice.findOne({ id });
// key is hashed name + file extension of your entity
const key = entity.document.hash + entity.document.ext;
// create signed url
const s3 = new S3({
endpoint: 's3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com', // s3.region.amazonaws.com
accessKeyId: '...', // your accessKeyId
secretAccessKey: '...', // your secretAccessKey
Bucket: '...', // your bucket name
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: 'eu-central-1' // your region
var params = {
Bucket:'', // your bucket name
Key: key,
Expires: 20 // expires in 20 seconds
var url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params);
entity.document.url = url // overwrite the url with signed url
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.invoice });
It seems like although overwriting controllers and lifecycle of the collection models and strapi-plugin-content-manager to take into account the S3 signed urls, one of the Strapi UI components adds a strange hook/refs ?123.123 to the actual url that is received from the backend, resulting in the following error from AWS There were headers present in the request which were not signed when trying to see images from the CMS UI.
Screenshot with the faulty component
After digging the code & node_modules used by Strapi, it seems like you will find the following within strapi-plugin-upload/admin/src/components/CardPreview/index.js
return (
{isVideo ? (
<VideoPreview src={url} previewUrl={previewUrl} hasIcon={hasIcon} />
) : (
// Adding performance.now forces the browser no to cache the img
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/126772/how-to-force-a-web-browser-not-to-cache-images
<Image src={`${url}${withFileCaching ? `?${cacheRef.current}` : ''}`} />
CardPreview.defaultProps = {
extension: null,
hasError: false,
hasIcon: false,
previewUrl: null,
url: null,
type: '',
withFileCaching: true,
The default is set to true for withFileCaching, which therefore appends the const cacheRef = useRef(performance.now()); query param to the url for avoiding browser caches.
By setting it to false, or leaving just <Image src={url} /> should solve the issue of the extra query param and allow you to use S3 signed URLs previews also from Strapi UI.
This would also translate to use the docs https://strapi.io/documentation/developer-docs/latest/development/plugin-customization.html to customize the module strapi-plugin-upload in your /extensions/strapi-plugin-upload/...

Cannot upload file from React Native: "Network request failed"?

When trying to upload a selected image from my React Native project I get a nondescript error message:
Network request failed
Seems to be a common issue, but most people are just forgetting their file types or are on Android and have an issue with Flipper. Nothing that has worked for anyone I've found with the same symptoms has worked for me.
const localUri = result.uri;
const filename = localUri.split("/").pop();
const type = mime.lookup(localUri) || "image";
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", { uri: localUri, name: filename, type });
try {
const file = await fetch(`${SERVER_URL}/api/upload`, {
method: "POST",
body: formData,
}).then((res) => {
return res.status === 200 ? res.text() : res.json();
} catch (e) {
Using a physical IOS device. Iphone.
Using Expo 40.0.0 with corresponding RN SDK, not ejected.
Using expo-image-picker to get image.
Using NGROK to get requests through to my localhost server from my phone.
All other requests to my server from React Native work fine, it's only when I try to uplaod a file
Image renders fine from supplied URI, so it's getting the right source.
Form Data source from above:
{ "name": "CAPS-FILE-NAME.jpg", "type": "image/jpeg", "uri": "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CAPS-PATHING/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/project-src-pathing/ImagePicker/CAPS-FILE-NAME.jpg", }
Things tried:
Using Content-Type header: "multipart/form-data"
Using /private instead of file://
Using Postman to hit my server through NGROK, which works
Changing my Expo/RN to 38.0.0
Getting base64 -> blob -> formData, same result
Many other things I've forgotten now. If it's on Google results, I've tried it.
For anyone who gets stuck with this also, I switched to using XMLHttpRequest instead of fetch and it miraculously works now. Not sure why fetch is broken in RN, but at least there's a solution.

Loopback 4 OpenAPI connector: Specify Authorization header value per request

I have set up an OpenAPI connector in Loopback 4 as described here and for unauthorized requests, it is working well; I managed to create the respective datasource, service and controller. My service is similar to the GeocoderProvider example, but, let's say, with the following service interface.
export interface MyExternalService {
search_stuff(params: {query?: string}): Promise<MyExternalServiceResponse>;
export interface MyExternalServiceResponse {
text: string;
From my controller, I invoke it like this, where this.myExternalService is the injected service (kind of unrelated, but can Loopback also implicitly parse a JSON response from an external API datasource?):
async searchStuff(#param.query.string('query') query: string): Promise<void> {
return JSON.parse(
(await this.myExternalService.search_stuff({query})).text,
Now, the external endpoint corresponding to myExternalService.search_stuff needs an Authorization: Bearer <token> header, where the token is sent to Loopback by the client, i.e. it's not a static API key or so. Assuming I added #param.query.string('token') token: string to the parameter list of my searchStuff controller method, how can I forward that token to the OpenAPI connector? This is the relevant part of the underlying OpenAPI YAML definition file:
- Authorization: []
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SearchResults'
operationId: search-stuff
type: http
scheme: Bearer
I am now using the underlying execute function of the OpenAPI connector and manually intercept the request (the object that is passed to requestInterceptor is later passed directly to the http module by Swagger):
return JSON.parse(
await this.myExternalService.execute(
requestInterceptor: (req: {headers: {Authorization: string}}) => {
req.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token;
return req;
I also added the following method to the MyExternalService interface, inspired by the connector's actual execute function:
operationId: string,
parameters: object,
options: object,
): Promise<MyExternalServiceResponse>;
Some things I found:
Loopback internally uses the swagger-client module to do OpenAPI-based requests.
Specifically the securities option of Swagger's execute function expects a Security Definitions Object. There are some quirks with actually passing it to Swagger as well.
Internally, Swagger builds the final HTTP request that is sent out here in its source code. There, the securities key is mentioned, yet is is never actually used for the request. This means that manually specifying it in the third parameter of this.myExternalService.execute will change nothing.
I'll not accept this answer yet and I'm looking forward to finding a more Loopback-like approach.
I configured my service like this, to inject the basic authentication.
import {inject, lifeCycleObserver, LifeCycleObserver} from '#loopback/core';
import {juggler} from '#loopback/repository';
const SwaggerClient = require('swagger-client');
const config = {
name: 'jira',
connector: 'openapi',
spec: 'swagger-v2.json',
validate: false,
httpClient: (request: any) => {
request.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Buffer.from("test:test").toString('base64');
return SwaggerClient.http(request);
export class JiraDataSource extends juggler.DataSource
implements LifeCycleObserver {
static dataSourceName = 'jira';
static readonly defaultConfig = config;
#inject('datasources.config.jira', {optional: true})
dsConfig: object = config,
) {

Making Network Requests through React Native

I have just started learning React Native. Built my Component and am trying to use an authenticate function written in a separate file to authenticate.
My Authenticate file looks like
var constants = require("../constants")
module.exports = function(usr,pwd){
var trailing_url = '/api/token/';
var url = constants.DOMAIN + trailing_url;
return fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
username: usr,
password: pwd,
return response.json();
return json;
I am experiencing this error once i go to fetch. I am unable to make network requests to my backend in django which is running at
I am getting the following error. Couldn't copy paste that here for some reason.
Another question I had is how to debug the code? I tried the Chrome debugger.
But its showing
Status: Waiting, press Ctrl R in simulator to reload and connect.
Tried refreshing the Simulator but didn't work.
Thanks Ashutosh for pointing that out. I didn't notice that since the emulator is a different machine, it wouldn't actually recognize localhost or
The problem was i was using the local machine's Loopback IP Address when requesting for data.