Options to avoid busy processing in signal handler thread? - c++

So I have the following, working, code for getting clean exit performed when user interrupts the program (ie. ctrl-c in terminal), so that global destructors, etc. will be run.
The problem is that it is very limited what you can do in the signal handler function (it did take me a little while to figure out how to this correctly (as simpel as it looks now) - the trick is starting a thread to moniter a flag - but now im left wondering if theres a better way to avoid burning cpu ? (in particular now as i plan to include this with some library code)
std::signal(SIGINT, [](int signal) { gSignalStatus() = signal; });
std::thread signal_handler_thread([] {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
for (;;)
if (gSignalStatus() != 0)
Sleeping is a very very crude solution - but is there any better way (for example wake up the thread from the signal handler, but we are not allowed to that...) ?


QDialog box showing blank when MainWindow thread is busy

I am working on a Qt-C++ based front-end app for a Raspberry Pi powered robot. I am using Qt version 5.9 along with libraries QSerialPort and Pigpio. In my app, when I give the run command for a command sequence to the robot, my Raspberry Pi starts a serial communication with a microcontroller in which it sends some message and then waits to receive a response. This sending and waiting causes the Mainwindow thread to freeze up. I am trying to build in a emergency stop functionality, which would stop the command execution in the middle of the run process.
Towards that effort, I tried to push my serial communication part to a separate thread(QThread). It didn't work out. Now I am trying to build the emergency stop part into a QDialog box that opens up when I give the run command, which contains a emergency stop QPushbutton. The Dialog box is being run in non-modal form. But in my current code, when I give the run command, a dialog box does open up, but the dialog box is completely blank and then closes up when the run command ends(which is intentional). I'll share some screenshots of the appearance.
Can you suggest where I might be going wrong? Or is there a better approach to this issue? Any criticism and suggestions are welcome!
One shouldn't block the main thread in the Qt. Everytime you call the blocking function, your GUI freezes, as well as Dialog boxes.
One solution is to use signal/slots. They blend really well into Qt. But doing a complicated request/response logic would require a huge state machine usually prone to errors.
Sometimes it is better to leave this code blocking, create a plain chain of request/response code, and put it in another non-GUI thread. Then use the signal to notify the main thread about the job result.
In order to stop the execution it is possible to use an atomic and check it between blocking steps. The biggest time delay before exiting the working function is the biggest delay of the single blocking function. You should carefully tune the timeouts. Or you can write your own function, which emulates timeout and a stop condition. It should check if incoming data is available in an infinite loop and check fro stop condition on each iteration, which must be a timeout AND a stop condition variable.
// pseudocode here
while (true) {
if (stopCondition) return; // check for emergency condition
it (currentTime - startTime > timeout) return;
if (serial->dataReady()) break;
auto data = serial->getData();
If a step can block forever, then this method can't be used.
There is an example with QtConcurrent framework, which demonstrates the use of QFuture and the work of a function in a separate thread without blocking the main thread. You can put all your communication logic inside it.
The code is example only!
#include <QObject>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>
#include <QFuture>
class WorkerClass : public QObject
explicit WorkerClass(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {
connect(&futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, [this] () {
emit workFinsihed();
void startWork(int value) {
atomic = 0;
future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &WorkerClass::workFunction, value);
void stopWork() {
atomic = 1;
QFuture<void> future;
QFutureWatcher<void> futureWatcher;
void workFunction(int value) {
for (int i = 0; i < value; ++i) {
if (atomic) return;
QAtomicInt atomic{0};
void workFinsihed();

what if notify() is called before wait()?

I have a situation where a notify() 'can' be called before a wait().
I am trying to make a simulator to schedule its next event when I 'notify' him by sending him messages. So I have devised a wait->notify->scedule chain
void Broker::pause()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
std::cout << "pausing the simulation" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Simulation UNpaused" << std::endl;
// the following line causes the current function to be called at
// a later time, and a notify() can happen before the current function
// is called again
Simulator::Schedule(MilliSeconds(xxx), &Broker::pause, this);
void Broker::messageReceiveCallback(std::string message) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
the problem here is that: there can be situations that a notify() is called before its wait() is called.
Is there a solution for such situation?
thank you
Condition variables can hardly be used alone, if only because, as you noticed, they only wake the currently waiting threads. There's also the matter of spurious wake-ups (ie. the condition variable can sometimes wake up a thread without any corresponding notify having been called). To work properly, condition variables usually need another variable to maintain a more reliable state.
To solve both those problems, in your case you just need to add a boolean flag:
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
while (!someFlag)
someFlag = false;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
someFlag = true;
I think that syam's answer is fine in general but in your specific case where you seem to be using ns-3, I would suggest instead that you restructure your code to use the right primitives in ns-3:
I suspect that you use one of the ns-3 realtime simulator implementations. Good.
Schedule a keeplive event for the 0.1s to make sure that the simulator keeps running (it will top running when there are no events left).
Optionally, use a boolean in this keepalive event to check if you should reschedule the keepalive event or call Simulator::Stop.
Create a thread to run the simulator mainloop with Simulator::Run(). The simulator will sleep until the next scheduled event is supposed to expire or until a new event is externally scheduled
Use Simulator::ScheduleWithContext to schedule an event externally from another thread.
Keep in mind that the ns-3 API is not thread safe in general. The only ns-3 API that is thread-safe is ns3::Simulator::ScheduleWithContext. I can't stress out how important it is to not use any other API available in the ns-3:: namespace from a thread that is not the main thread.

Indy10 TCP Server Freezing

I using Indy with C++ Builder XE3. It's perfect system but i have some problems. IdTCPServer works really good but when i have some connections on him and i want to stop server then my application freezed. I try to tell how i do it step by step:
1) Starting application (and server listening)
2) wait for new connections (or simulate it, no difference)
3) when we have 10-15 connections - then try to stop server listening.
4) when code came to IdTCPServer1->Active = false - application will be frozen
i made little video. Maybe it explain situation much better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNgTxYbLx8g
And here my code:
StopServer Code:
void TForm1::StopServer()
TList *list = IdTCPServer1->Contexts->LockList();
for(int i = 0; i < list->Count; ++i)
TIdContext *AContext = reinterpret_cast<TIdContext*>(list->Items[i]);
if (AContext->Connection->Connected())
catch (const Exception &e)
IdTCPServer1->Active = false;
Thanks for advise!
You need to get rid of all your StopServer() code except for the very last line. When TIdTCPServer is deactivated, it performs all necessary cleanups for you. DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF (especially since you are doing it wrong anyway).
void TForm1::StopServer()
IdTCPServer1->Active = false;
Now, with just that code, if your app is still freezing, then that means you are deadlocking the main thread. That happens if you call StopServer() in the context of the main thread and one of two things are happening in your server code:
one of your TIdTCPServer event handlers performs a synchronized operation to the main thread (either via TIdSync or TThread::Synchronize()).
one of your TIdTCPServer event handlers swallows Indy exceptions and does not allow TIdTCPServer to terminate one or more client threads correctly when needed.
Internally, the TIdTCPServer::Active property setter closes all active sockets and waits for their respective threads to fully terminate, blocking the calling thread until the property setter exits. If yoou are deactivating the server in the main thread and one of the server threads performs a sync that the main thread cannot process, or otherwise does not terminate correctly when it should be, that will block the server deactivation from exiting and thus deadlock the main thread.
So make sure that:
you are not performing sync operations to the main thread while the server is being deactivated by the main thread. If you must sync, then deactivate the server in a worker thread instead so the main thread is not blocked anymore.
your event handlers are not swallowing any Indy EIdException-derived exceptions in try/catch blocks. If you catch such an exception, re-throw it when you are finshed using it. Let TIdTCPServer handle any Indy exceptions so it can perform internal cleanups as needed.
Lastly, on a side note, you do not need to keep track of connections manually. TIdTCPServer already does that for you in the Contexts property. If you need to know how many clients are currently connected at any moment, simply Lock() the Contexts list, read its Count property (or do anything else you need to do with the clients), and then Unlock() the list.

C++ - basic thread question

I have a simple threading question - how should the following be synchronized?
I have main thread and a secondary thread that does something only once and something - more that once.
Secondary thread:
while (not_important_condition) {
I want to suspend my main thread unless Do_Something_Once action is done and right now I use a plain bool value is_something_once_done = false; to indicate if the action is finished.
Hence, the code of my main thread looks like this:
while (!is_something_once_done) {
which obviously isn't the best way to perform such kind of synchronization.
Any alternatives (better if boost::thread - powered)?
Thank you
This is a job for condition variables.
Check out the Condition Variables section of the boost docs - the example there is almost exactly what you're doing.
Whatever you do, don't do a busy-wait loop with sleep
You could consider using boost's condition variable mechanism. It is designed for this scenario.
Insert code that is appropriate for your platform where I have added comments below:
// Create event visible by second thread to be signalled on completion
// Wait for event to be signalled
// set the event state to signalled so that 1st thread knows to continue working
while (not_important_condition) {
Make sure that the event DOES get signalled, even if 2nd thread exits abnormally after an exception or other error. If not, your 1st thread will never wake up. Unless you can put a timeout on the wait.
You're free to go with mutex locks!
// ...
For your particular case I would go with condition variable, as others suggested.

Execute some operation after the thread is completed

Greetings, everyone!
I have a class (say, "Switcher" ) that executes some very-very long operation and notifies its listener, that operation is complete. The operation is long, and I isolate actual switching into separate thread:
class Switcher
// this is what other users call:
void StartSwitching()
// another switch is initiated, I must terminate previous switching operation:
if ( m_Thread != NULL )
if ( WaitForThread(m_Thread, 3000) != OK )
// start new switching thread:
m_Thread = StartNewThread( ThreadProc );
// this is a thread procedure:
static void ThreadProc()
Thread m_Thread;
The logic is rather simple - if user initiates new switching before the previous one is complete, I terminate previous switching (don't care of what happens inside "DoActualSwitching()") and start the new one. The problem is that sometimes, when terminating thread, I loose the "NotifyListener()" call.
I would like to introduce some improvements to ensure, that NotifyListener() is called every time, even if thread is terminated. Is there any pattern to do this? I can only think of another thread, that infinitely waits for the switcher and if the switcher is done (correctly or by termination), it can emit notification. But introducing another thread seems an overplay for me. Can you think of any other solution (p.s. the platform is win32)?
Thank you!
First, you should never call TerminateThread. You cannot know which operation is terminated when calling TerminateThread and so that could lead to memory leaks/resource leaks/state corruption.
To get your thread to be interruptable/cancelable, you supply a 'cancel' state, which is checked by the thread itself. Then your notify end will always work.
TerminateThread() here whacks the thread, and if it was inside DoActualSwitching(), that's where it'll die, and NotifyListener() will not be called on that thread. This is what TerminateThread() does, and there is no way to make it behave differently.
What you are looking for is a bit more graceful way to terminate the thread. Without more info about your application it's difficult to suggest an optimal approach, but if you can edit DoActualSwitching(), then I'd add
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_ExitThreadEvent, 0))
into the loop there, and call SetEvent(m_ExitThreadEvent) instead of TerminateThread(). Of course you'll need to create the event and add the handle to the class. If your model suggest that there is only one switching thread at a time, I'd use autoreset event here, otherwise some more code is needed.
Good luck!