Using custom nodejs function in a AWS Lambda layer - amazon-web-services

So, I have tried AWS lambda layers and I have no issues with them so far. When I want to put libraries over there that my lambda functions will require after all I needed it put the package jwt-decode in a folder structure like this:
nodejs/node_modules/jwt-decode uploaded as .zip no problems.
The problem is... I want to also share my own custom code between my Lambda functions without publishing it as a npm package. Is that even possible?
Say you have a function that uses jwt-decode and decodes your access token from the authorization header event.headers.authorization then it fetches the "sub" identifier from the decoded token. I want to share this code because I don't want to write this implementation for each Lambda function that requires the sub identifier.


Remove zip file from AWS Lambda Function

I linked the wrong file from an AWS S3 to my AWS Lambda Function. I want to delete the file.
This post is similar, but I do not know how to reupload the zip file. I want to either replace it, or preferably, remove it so that I can edit the code again using the inline editor.
If you are not using versioning you will need to re-upload the correct version of the code again.
There is no removing the code you have there as this is now your Lambda functions code, any upload replaces this.
For the future take a look at using versioning for your functions so that you can ensure that any accidental uploads will not disrupt applications that are using your Lambda function.

How to recover lambda code or edit it inline after uploading huge sized zip file to the aws lambda?

Firstly, I am a newbie to AWS. I was able to edit my Lambda code in line, but I recently uploaded a zip file to it(30MB) to S3 bucket and added this zip to my Lambda from S3, and now my Lambda inline editor doesn't open anymore saying the following error
"The deployment package of your Lambda function "LF2" is too large to
enable inline code editing. However, you can still invoke your function."
I tried deleting my zip file from S3 bucket hoping that the URL of zip would not be reachable and the lambda would lose the zip file and let me edit the function again. But, my lambda size still consists of the 30MB zip file size. I am unable to delete this zip and can't figure out a way to get rid of this it and edit my lambda code again.
Note: My Lambda code was written in-line and different from the zip file(which only contains elastic search setup files which I uploaded for using in my code since import elastic search wasn't working). I know there would have been a better way to do this without uploading it's zip.
Yes, you can download the Lambda function. Go to the AWS console for the Lambda function, make sure you are in the Configuration view, then click Actions | Export function. This will allow you to download a ZIP file containing the Lambda function.
Note that once you upload a Lambda function via S3, it's copied by the Lambda service. There's no connection at that point back to the S3 object that you uploaded. One reason for this is that your Lambda function would break if you, accidentally or otherwise, deleted the file from S3.
I had this problem yesterday then I somehow managed to find my code but not that full code that was vanished from AWS lambda. I wrote that code again, tested it, then tried to upload it with the same name of the lambda function and at the same lambda function by compressing it in my own system.
While uploading it, lambda gave me the option to choose between the remote file I uploaded and the local file it had saved previously. I opted for the local file and boom! I got my code back as it was last saved.
So, I suggest you to just try to upload a random blank compressed zip file containing one file name same as the lambda function. It would give you the option to choose from both files, then choose for "local" file. It would take you to the in-line editor where your code was.
I just ran into same soup .. seem like the upload replaced the previous index.js with export handler.

CSV Export using Api Gateway and Lambda

What I would like to do:
What I would like to do is have a url which would return to the caller a CSV file which is essentially a export of data. I would like this to remain to be a serverless solution.
What I have done:
I have created an AWS API Gateway with the URL I want. I have created a lambda that will query the database and create a CSV string of that data. That data is placed in a JSON object and returned. API gateway then gets the CSV data from the json object and returns CSV to the caller with appropriate headers to indicate tht it is a CSV and attachment. Testing from the browser I get the download automatically just like I intended.
The problem I see:
This works well until there is a sizable amount of data at which point I start getting "body size is too long".
My attempts to resolve:
I did some googling around and I see others have had similar issues. In one solution I saw that they return a link to the file that they created. This solution seems viable for them because they had a server. For my serverless architecture it seems to be a little trickier. I could take and store the file into S3 but then i would have to return a link to S3. That seems like it could work but doesn't feel right like im missing a configuration option. It also feels like im exposing the implementation by returning the s3 urls as well.
I have looked around for tutorials and example of people doing similar things and i haven't found any.
My Questions:
Is there a way to do this?
Is there another solution that i dont know of?
How do i return a file, in this case CSV, from API Gateway of a larger size
There is a limit of 6 MB for AWS Lambda response payloads. If the files you need to server are larger than that you won't be able to serve them directly from Lambda.
Using S3 to store and serve the files is the standard way of doing something like this. I would leave the S3 bucket private and generate S3 Pre-signed URLs in the Lambda function. That will limit the time that the CSV file is available for download, and it will prevent people from being able to guess the URLs of files you are serving. You would use an S3 Lifecycle Policy to archive or delete the files after a period of time.

AWS API Gateway with dynamic URL path parameters

I've got an API with an integration to S3 to serve static files. My resource is quite simple in that I only require the filename to serve the file, like so:
However this requires the consumer to know the exact filename, i.e.
I want to make this a little more dynamic. Since my files are all JSON, I want the consumer to not have to provide the .json suffix. Is this currently possible with the URL path parameters? I know I can use method.request.path.file to access the purple value, but can I append .json to it myself?
API Gateway does not currently allow for concatenation of values in parameter mapping. This is a feature other customers have requested and is on our backlog.

Can I parameterize AWS lambda functions differently for staging and release resources?

I have a Lambda function invoked by S3 put events, which in turn needs to process the objects and write to a database on RDS. I want to test things out in my staging stack, which means I have a separate bucket, different database endpoint on RDS, and separate IAM roles.
I know how to configure the lambda function's event source and IAM stuff manually (in the Console), and I've read about lambda aliases and versions, but I don't see any support for providing operational parameters (like the name of the destination database) on a per-alias basis. So when I make a change to the function, right now it looks like I need a separate copy of the function for staging and production, and I would have to keep them in sync manually. All of the logic in the code would be the same, and while I get the source bucket and key as a parameter to the function when it's invoked, I don't currently have a way to pass in the destination stuff.
For the destination DB information, I could have a switch statement in the function body that checks the originating S3 bucket and makes a decision, but I hate making every function have to keep that mapping internally. That wouldn't work for the DB credentials or IAM policies, though.
I suppose I could automate all or most of this with the SDK. Has anyone set something like this up for a continuous integration-style deployment with Lambda, or is there a simpler way to do it that I've missed?
I found a workaround using Lambda function aliases. Given the context object, I can get the invoked_function_arn property, which has the alias (if any) at the end.
arn_string = context.invoked_function_arn
alias = arn_string.split(':')[-1]
Then I just use the alias as an index into a dict in my module, and I'm good to go.
One thing I'm not crazy about is that I have to invoke my function from an alias every time, and now I can't use aliases for any other purpose without affecting this scheme. It would be nice to have explicit support for user parameters in the context object.