Visual Studio doesn't break on assert violation - c++

I'm debugging a CMake target in Visual Studio 2019 for a project which is managed by CMake and built using MinGW.
However, when an assertion fails the debugger simply quits without giving me a call stack or letting me inspect the current state of the program. (Normal breakpoints do suspend execution as expected.)
I've enabled Break When Thrown for all C++ Exceptions in Debug > Windows > Exception Settings, but to no avail.
How can I make Visual Studio break execution when an assertion fails?

If your project is a "Console" application rather than a "Windows" application and you have used <assert.h> then according to the documentation:
The destination of the diagnostic message depends on the type of
application that called the routine. Console applications receive the
message through stderr. In a Windows-based application, assert calls
the Windows MessageBox function to create a message box to display the
message with three buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore
So a possible solution is to temporarily build your program as a "Windows" app by adding the WIN32 option to your executable definition:
add_executable(<name> WIN32 [source1] [source2 ...])

It is possible that the NDEBUG macro is enabled in your project and that stops VS from breaking on assertion failure.
From cppreference
If NDEBUG is defined as a macro name at the point in the source code
where is included, then assert does nothing.
If NDEBUG is not defined, then assert checks if its argument (which
must have scalar type) compares equal to zero. If it does, assert
outputs implementation-specific diagnostic information on the standard
error output and calls std::abort. The diagnostic information is
required to include the text of expression, as well as the values of
the standard macros FILE, LINE, and the standard variable
func (since C++11).


Debugging into MFC header code does not work with Visual Studio 2019

TL;DR: Debuigging into MFC (CString) header code does not work on both my machines and as far as I can tell this is due to the peculiar way these headers are compiled.
Stepping through MFC header code when entered via disassembly works, but setting brealpoints does not work.
I'm looking for a workaround or at least acknowledgement of my analysis.
Visual Studio 2019 Professional 16.9.6
Windows 10 / 1809 Enterprise LTSC
Setup: (I do apologize for this being rather long.)
Create a Visual Studio 2019 Example MFC Application Project (SDI App)
Make sure Enable Just My Codeis off under Options -> Debugging -> General.
Set the build configuration to Debug/x64 (does not make a difference, but let's all stay on the same page)
Navigate to MFCApplication1.cpp -> CMFCApplication1App::InitInstance()
Insert a CString init like this:
CWinAppEx::InitInstance(); // please put breakpoint 1 here
// Add this line and set breakpoints
CString this_is_text(L"Debugging into CString Header does not work!"); // breakpoint 2 here
Now, you can start the program under the debugger, and you should stop at the first breakpoint:
Now, make sure all symbols are loaded, easiest done via the Call Stack:
Just select all lines in the call stack window and hit Load Symbols in the context menu. Afterwards the call stack should look roughly like this:
> MFCApplication1.exe!CMFCApplication1App::InitInstance() Line 75 C++
mfc140ud.dll!AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00007ff7b5070000, ...) Line 37 C++
MFCApplication1.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00007ff7b5070000, ...) Line 26 C++
MFCApplication1.exe!invoke_main() Line 123 C++
MFCApplication1.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 288 C++
MFCApplication1.exe!__scrt_common_main() Line 331 C++
MFCApplication1.exe!wWinMainCRTStartup(void * __formal=0x000000c2b7084000) Line 17 C++
kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk() Unknown
ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
Now, you can try stepping-into (possibly F11) the CWinAppEx::InitInstance() function, which should work without a problem, landing you in mfc140ud.dll!CWinApp::InitInstance() Line 394 - this is OK.
Step out again, and then then try to step-into the CString ctor:
This DOES NOT work on my machine(s)!
What I can do however, is (from the point above) switch to disassembly view, step into the calls there and get into the header code this way:
I can then successfully step through (but never into) the MFC header code. Trying to set a breakpoint will result in the error:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No executable code of the debugger's code type is associated with this line.
Possible causes include ...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29910\atlmfc\include\cstringt.h
And this is where I'm at.
What we can see from the MFC code is that we can step into "regular" cpp code, but as soon as we try to step into (or set breakpoint) code that is inside this CStringt.h it breaks.
Peculiar here: This is template header code, and still the executed code (as shown by the disassembly) is not in the user module but in the mfc###.dll! I think they do some clever tricks with the preprocessor (see defined(_MFC_DLL_BLD) and somesuch) which enables this multi use of the header file, and maybe, possibly this is also what breaks the debugger.
Is this a known problem, does this happen with all VS2019 installs, is there something peculiar to my setup?
Maybe fixed in a newer VS version?
Iff this is actually broken, what would be a useable workaround, other than constantly switching to disassembly view when into the MFC headers.
The most interesting answer here would actually be as to WHY this breaks - where does the debugger get confused? Is this a general problem with re-define-ing code when debugging library code?
The source shipped with MSVC does not match.
I think this happen, as DLLs got updated with Windows Update or a new vcredist, but Visual Studio includes are not updated. If you build with /MT or /MTd and link MFC statically, the problem does not persist.
Probably this can be reported to if you care.
Workaround 1
Do steps described by #selbie:
Set a breakpoint on the line of code I want to step into.
the breakpoint is reached, right click in the editor window and select
"Go To Disassemly".
In disassembly mode, step over until you get to
a call statement. [...] You
can flip out of disassembly mode by right-clicking again and selecting
"go to source code".
(skipped the part not relevant to this issue)
Then pick up the location of the header manually, the debugger will tell that it does not match. The difference seem to be insignificant though, so the header is usable.
Workaround 2
Link MFC statically, compile with /MT or /MTd
Workaround 3
ATL has a similar CString that does not suffer from the issue:
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
int main() {
ATL::CString this_is_text("Debugging into CString header works");
Analysis went sideways at some point, but we finally found one part of the problem here:
The Require source files to exactly match the original version option:
was the problem, but in a very peculiar way:
When you do NOT require source files to match (that is, disable this default option), then the erroneous behavior of the OP occurs: The debugger can no longer match the symbols to the cstringt.h file.
Unfortunately, I had this disabled on both machines. Pulling in a third machine showed that we could set breakpoints (though F11 still does not work) and by comparing the xml export of the VS settings we found that this was different.
So, long story short: For us, to be able to set breakpoints in the (unmodified!) MFC header, requires us to enable the Require source files to exactly match .. option.
If the option is disabled, which would imply a more lenient behavior by the debugger, it no longer works.
And, yes, we double checked it's always the same source file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29910\atlmfc\include\cstringt.h
The mystery with step-into/F11 persists, but I guess this would better be taken to a separate question.
Uncheck the Enable Just My Code option in Tools->Options->Debugging
I know that works for c++ std:: library code debugging. The other technique I do, when I forget to uncheck this option, is similar to what you describe above.
Set a breakpoint on the line of code I want to step into.
When the breakpoint is reached, right click in the editor window and select "Go To Disassemly".
In disassembly mode, step over until you get to a call statement. That's typically the std library. Eventually, you'll navigate into a mix of assembly and system code sources. You can flip out of disassembly mode by right-clicking again and selecting "go to source code".

catch (...) across shared library boundary on gcc mingw

I am a Windows developer with some knowledge of C++ EH and SEH implementation in VC++ but new to MinGW. I have built an open source application on MinGW where a dll throws a C++ exception and a client .exe catches it with two catch clauses. One catch clause is "catch (std::exception &e)" and the subsequent one is "catch(...)".
My application terminates with a call to abort despite the latter catch handler.
From searching the web, I understand that gcc exception handling uses pointer comparison to determine whether that type of a thrown exception matches a catch clause. Which can cause problems if the RTTI type descriptor instance used in the throwing and the catching modules differ. In VC++ a catch handler with ellipsis type ("catch (...)") does not do any type matching. However, for my mingw application the ellipsis catch is not determined as handling the thrown exception. I tried to set a breakpoint on ___gxx_personality_v0 to debug this but gdb says that symbol is undefined even though "nm executable.exe" built with debugging shows the symbol as defined.
Any ideas about how "catch (...)" is handled by the personality routine ? Any pointers on how to debug and/or fix this would be appreciated. I really would like the app to terminate cleanly without a popup saying "The application has requested to be terminated in an unusual way".
Thanks for any help,
Update: I found the solution in another post here about the same issue: Exceptions are not caught in GCC program . It turns out that both the dll and the executable were built with "-static-libgcc". Changing that to "-shared-libgcc" fixed the issue.
The quote from the gcc manual from the above post:
... if a library or main executable is supposed to throw or catch exceptions, you must link it using the G++ or GCJ driver, as appropriate for the languages used in the program, or using the option -shared-libgcc, such that it is linked with the shared libgcc.

How to turn off ASSERTs in debug mode in Visual Studio 2013

Is there any way to turn off asserts instead of switching to Release mode. I need to debug a code which make assertions really often and it slows down my work.
These asserts are not related to the issue i am trying to solve, so for now they only slow down my progress, because they are called very often in one of my base classes.
Now I don't have the time to improve their design, so can someone tell me if there is a way to turn off asserts while being in debug mode and using it's capabilities.
User _CrtSetReportMode
int iPrev = _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT,0);
// Start Operation with no ASSERTs
// Restore previous mode with ASSERTs
Instead of using 0, you can use _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG only.
You can use _set_error_mode or _CrtSetReportMode (see xMRi's answer) to alter failure reporting method and avoid modal dialog box. See code snippet there:
int main()
Also note that assert failures are typically for a reason, and you want to fix code, not just suppress the report. By removing them from debug builds completely you are simply breaking good things built for you.
#define NDEBUG before #include <assert.h> to disable assert macro.
You may so add this to pre-processor definition in project settings.
I don't have Visual Studio 2013, but the following works for me in Visual Studio 2015, so maybe the same or something similar works for VS 2013, too.
In your main() function, call
_set_abort_behavior(0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT);
In Visual Studio, go to Debug / Windows / Exception Settings. In the Exception Settings, go to Win32 Exceptions / 0xc0000420 Assertion Failed. Uncheck the box in front of that entry.
I need both of the above to suppress assertion pop-ups in Debug mode.
You can add an compiler flag /DNDEBUG to turn off asserts. I feel this is cleaner since you don't have to change anything in your code.
Fromm the MSVC documentations:
You can turn off the assert macro without modifying your source files by using a /DNDEBUG command-line option.

CrtDbgBreak issue

I used to work with the Release version of VS2010 and suddenly, when switching to the Debug version, I get a breakpoint error message and it's redirected to the file dbgrptt which exists at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\crt\src\dbgrptt.c
The displayed error message is:
ex.exe has triggered a breakpoint
This is where is redirects after showing the error message.
_CRTIMP void _cdecl _CrtDbgBreak(
How can I get rid of it?
The debug version of the CRT detected that something went wrong. The debug version sacrifices runtime speed in order to do more expensive checking so that it can detect such situations. They are typically caused by a bug in your code. In other words, you an error that happened not to manifest in the release build - so far.
How do you get rid of it? Fix the error. Run your program under the debugger, and when you reach the error, check the call stack. Go up the call stack until you find out what happened. Chances are, you are doing something like using a dangling reference/pointer, or an invalidated iterator, or you access something out of bounds.
From Microsoft Docs:
Assertion statements compile only if _DEBUG is defined. Otherwise, the
compiler treats assertions as null statements. Therefore, assertion
statements impose no overhead or performance cost in your final
Release program, and allow you to avoid using #ifdef directives.

How to repair Visual Studio locals/watches in C++ (Debug build)

Sometimes VS autos/locals/watches break and instead of variables/values all I have is different kinds of:
CXX0029: Error: not struct pointer
CXX0033: Error: error in OMF type information
CXX0072: Error: type information missing or unknown
CXX0025: Error: operator needs class/struct/union
Rebuilding project, cleaning PDB/NCB etc doesn't solve it. What can I do?
Look at this Microsoft support note on: FIX: CXX0033 Error in OMF Type from Forward Class Declaration
Once you fix the PCH problem cited in the support note, I think all your errors will go away.
There is in fact a solution that lets you keep using precompiled headers: check out this more recent KB article and the documentation of the /Yl switch - which seems specifically tailored to this error.
Just add to the stdafx.cpp (or your own custom /Yc file) command line '/Ylxxxx', where xxxx stands for an arbitrary function name in your lib.
I recently faced symptoms identical to yours (in VS2010), and that solved it for me.
Are you trying to debug the "release" build? If so, many local variables will not exist as "debuggable" elements. You can get around this (if you must debug the release build) by debugging at the assembly level and look at the register values (vs. stack values, where auto/local would be in the debug build) and cast them appropriately in the "watch window".
Otherwise, build the Debug build and debug that build version. You'll get assertions where preconditions are not met, relevant/irrelevant stuff dumped to your output window, and more straight-forward debug single stepping.
It helped me to switch from using a program database (/ZI) to "c7 compatible" (/Z7). Switching off precompiled headers did not make a difference. Neither did rebuilding.