How can install alternate version of Boost C++ library on Mac - c++

I am trying to install Boost C++ using Homebrew in Mac.
$brew install boost .
This installs latest version 1.75 ,
I want to install lower versions like 1.70 . Is there a way I can maintain alternate versions ?
I am open to any pkg manager other than brew . If there is any please suggest .
Thanks in advance !!

homebrew also hosts boost#1.57 and boost#1.60 (brew search boost). If the version you need is not one of those, you could always install it yourself; it's not like you have to maintain an older installation. You just have to go through the "hassle" of following the installation instructions.


Install OCaml with graphics on mac with homebrew 2.0.0 (-with-x11 no longer possible)

Is there an alternative way to install the graphics module for use with ocaml on mac?
Previously, I had used
brew install ocaml --with-x11
This no longer works, as the package option is no longer supported with brew 2.0.0. Is there another way to get graphics working in ocaml on Mac without this option? I am running Sierra 10.12.6, but am working with a large group running many different mac versions that all need to be able to do this install.
I have had several problems with OCaml and brew. The best option is perhaps to completely remove brew's ocaml, as brew does not support old OS X versions (El Capitan is now unsupported). You can use the OCaml Package Manager opam instead.
To remove OCaml if already installed via brew, type
brew remove ocaml
then verify that there isn't any ocaml* remaining file in /usr/local/bin.
Install opam :
sh <(curl -sL`
Install OCaml and the Graphics module :
opam init --comp=4.07.1
opam install graphics
If not already installed, you may also need to download XQuartz.

Install A Specific Version of Boost With Homebrew on Mac

I am trying to install an older version of Boost on my Mac using Homebrew.
I am using:
brew install boost#1.53
And receiving error:
Error: No available formula with the name "boost#1.53"
I have performed:
brew search boost
And I can see that I have all versions back to 1.55 installed.
Is there a way round this, how can I install 1.53?
Git clone the boost code, checkout the version that you want and compile.

Does Linux command libboost-all-dev install and compile the header-only libraries?

On Ubuntu there is a command to install boost libraries which is something like this:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
does this command also install and compile the header-only libraries?
If not, what other terminal command would I need to execute so that I can install the FULL set of boost libraries?
My ultimate aim is to know which linux terminal commands I need to install (and have available) to obtain all of the boost libraries.
As is implied by "header only", one does not need to compile the header-only libraries. They're just headers.
Now, the libbost-all-dev package does install those libraries which need compilation (in addition to the header-only libs), but it does not compile them on the spot. Ubuntu is a so-called binary distribution, which means that it distributes packages in compiled form. Apt downloads the binaries and installs them immediately. This is in contrast to e.g. Gentoo which is a source distribution (and compiles everything on your machine).
In short, no further commands are necessary. Installing libbost-all-dev will install all available Boost libraries on Ubuntu.
Your questions, as posed, makes no sense.
The Debian / Ubuntu package libboost-all-dev has dependencies, and those dependencies do include the few binary library packages (eg Boost Thread, the formatting parts of Boost DateTime, etc pp). All those will get installed.
And yes, the intent of this meta package is to install the rest of the Boost development environment.
But it does not compile anything. All Debian / Ubuntu packages are pre-generated and built-offline and "just installed" at your end.
You can inspect the content of a package by browsing the online database.
But if you are only interested in header-only libraries I suggest to download the latest version of the boost libraries right from the official website; you should also learn how to build boost from the source because it's a know-how that you are very likely to use in a near future if you are relying on that library.
An equivalent step to browsing the online database, it's about using the following command
apt-cache show <package>
so, in your case
apt-cache show libboost-all-dev
and this will give you a very specific idea about what you are about to install.

problems of installing kde runtime libraries on Linux

I am trying to install kde runtime libraries for kscope on Linux (2.6.18-308.11.1.el5).
I have downloaded kde-runtime-4.9.2 from
But, in the downloaded files, I cannot find INSTALL or other help files about how to install it.
Any help will be appreciated.
This is what you can do(assuming you are not on kubuntu):
1) add kubuntu's backports to your existing ppa(to gain access to KDE libraries):
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
2) Update the package index:
# sudo apt-get update
3) Install kdebase-runtime deb package:
# sudo apt-get install kdebase-runtime
this should work
kscope had it's latest release in 2008 and depends on KDE 3 libraries.
kdelibs 4 are incompatible with kdelibs 3. To get it running you need a distribution that still supports kde3. (or compile kde3 all yourself)
I suggest you use an alternative application - like KDevelop (you actually tagged your question with kdevelop)

Specify which version to install with macports

I would like to install a specific version of gdb and gcc with macports on mac os x leopard, not the last one, but the 6.8 for gdb. Is it possible?
It is possible. It's just convoluted and tedious. It's listed in the documentation these days.
Go to macports trac and find the package you're looking for. This is the link for subversion, which is the package I'll be using in the example.
Click the PortFile
Click Revision Log (top right)
Pour through the revisions until you find the version you're looking for. Remember the revision number.
In this example I'm looking for version 1.7 of subversion.
With that revision number noted. You need to checkout the version of that subdirectory at that revision.
cd /tmp
svn co --revision 106629
Then cd into the folder and run the install
cd subversion
sudo port install
Then it should become selected by default. You can check with
sudo port installed subversion
The following ports are currently installed:
subversion #1.7.10_0 (active)
subversion #1.8.8_0
subversion #1.8.10_0
As I just came across this question when trying to figure out how to download an older version of curl, I thought I'd share an update:
The currently accepted answer did not work for me any longer. This is with MacPorts 2.2.0. What I did was the following.
I started following the directions located here. I ended up using the SVN method, since the first method didn't work. What I didn't realize is that I was missing a critical step.
I found another post that suggested moving the downloaded directory to /private/tmp. After doing this, I cd into the new directory and after a sudo port install I was able to install the older version.
I am on a Mac running OS X 10.8, so your mileage may vary.
This post is old.. but specifying a version is possible. For example I want to install ZeroMQ version 3.2.2 so I use:
sudo port install zmq #3.2.2
And it always helps to goto the MacPorts website and search to see if they have what you are looking for.
As far as I know it is not possible at all to install other versions than the exact version, unless there is a specific port for a certain version.
The only thing you could do is fetch the portfile of the desired version from the Macports subversion repository.
In your case only gdb 7.2 is available on the current version, no variants and no other versions - sorry :)