can't compile or-tools examples on Mac due to "make: *** No rule to make target `run'." - c++

I have installed Google's or-tools on my Mac running 11.1 (Big Sur). When I run make test_cc, I get a long list with different results and also some messenges like ---- Integer programming example with CPLEX ---- Supports for solver CPLEX not linked in.
However, if I try an example from, I get the above error (see header) when trying to make and run the program (I have copy pasted the complete program). I have executed the make command with
Death-Star:or-tools me$ make run SOURCE=../Routing/Routing/main.cpp. ls ../Routing/Routing/main.cpp shows the file.
What have I done wrong?
or-tools version is 8.1.8487


Build errors in cpprest sdk (casablanca) on Ubuntu 16.04

While searching for an HTTP client C++ based library, I have decided to use the casablanca -- so I needed to build it.
I'm running on Ubuntu 16.04.
While following the "common" build steps described here: How-to-build-for-Linux I have encountered a build error (when running the make command as the last operation of step 4).
The entire error output can be found here (now it is the last comment in the thread cpprestsdk-build-error#266).
Just to be sure my system has the needed build tools and libraries I performed the command mentioned in step 2 and this is the output:
--> Which means my system is "good to go".
So after I struggled it a little more, I have found "an alternative" way to build it:
I have downloaded the source code from here: Source Package: casablanca (2.8.0-2) [universe], and again, followed the same instructions STARTING FROM STEP 4 from the link mentioned in the question (How-to-build-for-Linux).
This time the make phase was successful !! (it is worth to mention that not all the unit tests that are recommended to be run on step 5 passed - I did not spend time trying to understand why...).
Went on and "copied-pasted" the complete sample provided at the bottom of the following link: cpprestsdk-Getting-Started-Tutorial.
Built the program with the following command (the program contained a single cpp file called main):
g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o myProg -lboost_system -lcrypto -lssl -lcpprest
Ran the program
and it passed (there was output in the console saying:"Received response status code:200").
Would be glad to hear if you have encountered the same issue, or perhaps I did something wrong in my first attempt (or in any other step along the way).

Installing HDF5 library on Cygwin: "make check" stuck at, no error message

I am currently installing the HDF5 library, more precisely the hdf5-1.10.0-patch1, on Cygwin, as I want to use it with Fortran. Following the instructions from the hdfgroup website
(here is the link), I did the following:
./configure --enable-fortran
make > "out1_check.txt" 2> "warn1_check.txt" &
make check > "out2_check.txt" 2> "warn2_check.txt" &
The execution of the last command (make check) proceeds as it should, until it gets stuck. The process does not stop and something is happening (8-12% CPU are in use by sh.exe, already 39 hours of CPU time) but "out2_check.txt" looks like
Making check in src
[many successful checks]
No need to test again.
Unfortunately, I do not have the output file from the first run of make check, but it did not contain more information on Testing There was never any error message.
So, what is this, why does it get stuck and how can I finalize the installation process? Maybe I can skip the remaining checks and just proceed to make install?
Important note: an older version of HDF5 is already installed from the Cygwin repo. It does not seem to support Fortran however, so I decided to install the current version myself.
Available (and used) compilers are gcc and gfortran.
As far as I can tell, only Intel Fortran is supported on Windows. There is no Cygwin download here and I have never come across a report of experience for Cygwin/Fortran/HDF5.
Your options:
Use Intel Fortran
Use Linux or Mac

Unable to run Woden Physics Example in Pharo

I am trying to run the Woden Physics Example inside Pharo which involves getting Bullet properly compiled and the smalltalk bindings properly installed in Pharo.
I am using Linux Mint 17 x64.
But NativeBoost seems unable to load the compiled libraries. I have been using the sources provided here:
I built the modified version of swig as well as the bullet libraries and bindings with the provided build scripts.
I also have doublechecked that the bullet libraries are 32 bit.
Opening up the Woden physics example returns this error:
failed to get a symbol address:
When examining the call stack in the debugger, it turns out that the module handle is 0.
I verified this by executing the same message as
BulletCInterface nbLibraryNameOrHandle
NativeBoost forCurrentPlatform loadModule: 'BulletPharo'
This message returns 0. I tried to specify the full path to in the workspace, like:
NativeBoost forCurrentPlatform loadModule:
with the same result. I also verified it with a 32 bit system library of mine (liblzma) and there NativeBoost was able to load it, as it returned a non-zero handle.
So i suspect something during compilation went wrong...
I also did
readelf -h
and its ABI was "UNIX - GNU" while the ABI of pharo-vm is "UNIX - System V"
Could this be the problem here ?
How can i force the ABI to be System V when compiling ? I use gcc 4.8.2
Or what steps could i otherwise perform ?

Cross compile ActiveMQ for ARM

Disclaimer: I am new here, I've done my best to follow the posting guidelines so please let me know if this needs any extra information. I am also relatively new to Linux development.
I am in the process of building a library using ActiveMQ-cpp on Linux. I have built and run it successfully on the host Ubuntu PC, but attempting to cross-compile it for the target ARM-based machine is producing some very abstruse errors.
The first step involves building APR ( using the arm-linux-gcc compiler. After some research, the following command runs the configuration script with little fuss:
CC=/usr/local/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-gcc ./configure --prefix=/root/apr-arm --host=arm-linux cross_compiling=yes ac_cv_file__dev_zero=no ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void=no apr_cv_tcp_nodelay_with_cork=no apr_cv_process_shared_works=no
This allows the next step - running the makefile.
Current Issue: Entering make on the command line exits prematurely at the following line:
/root/.local/share/Trash/files/apr-1.5.1/build/ include/private
tools/gen_test_char > include/private/apr)escape_test_char.h
/bin/bash: tools/gen_test_char: cannot execute binary file
make[1]: *** [include/private/apr_escape_test_char.h] Error 126
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.local/share/Trash/files/apr-1.5.1'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Attempted Fixes: A solution to the following question, posted by the asker, has not worked. It is possible that I've not followed the process correctly (Apache Cross Compilation Error ./gen_test_char: cannot execute binary file)
In the same theme, I tried temporarily removing the problem gen_test_char program from its directory but the clever script just rebuilds it.
My aim is to either avoid this error and continue the build process on Ubuntu, or perhaps consider other means of building the library. I have built it with no trouble in VS2013 on Windows, so if it is possible to cross compile that project for ARM architectures I would happily go ahead with that.
APR need gen_test_char to be compiled for system not for arm, why you got "bin/bash: tools/gen_test_char: cannot execute binary file" error because make program is going to execute gen_test_char on your system and if you cross compile then every time you got this error.
To avoid this error please follow below steps:
1) Cross compile APR which is going to fail
2) compile APR for system and copy gen_test_char to cross compiled APR's directory.
3) Again cross compile
After performing above steps you should not get "cannot execute binary file" error.
Cross compile APR which is going to fail
compile APR for system and copy gen_test_char to cross compiled APR's directory.
change the name of gen_test_char to gen_test_char_host
in Makefile file change the name of gen_test_char to gen_test_char_host because make creates it again.
Again cross compile
you may see some struct redefinition which needs to find the file and comment the redefined struct manually.

armadillo requested size is too large

I am using armadillo4.300.0. I am operating on a dense matrix of size 2840260x103. I am loading this matrix from a .csv file of size approximately 3.7GB. I have enabled "ARMA_64BIT_WORD" in my application as well as config.hpp under armadillo_bits directory.
#if !defined(ARMA_64BIT_WORD)
#define ARMA_64BIT_WORD
I am compiling with gcc49 and running on ubuntu 12.04. When I run I am getting the following error. Interestingly, the application occasionally runs too. For eg., if I keep trying for some 10 times, it runs sometime.
error: Mat::init(): requested size is too large
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): Mat::init(): requested size is too large
Do I need to take care of something else?
This problem is solved with the Intel MKL library, when we compile with the -DMKL_ILP64 -m64. Typically we focus only on link flags. But it is important to note that these flags must be enabled during compile phase on the gcc command as well. I am not sure how to enable this on openmpi library. Also the lib must link with mkl_ilp64 instead of mkl_lp64. Follow the instruction below.
Building and installing armadillo :
export CXX=icpc
export CC=icpc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ramki/intel/bin:
Edit $armadillo_root/cmake_aux/Modules/ARMA_FindMKL.cmake, include the PATHS correctly.
Edit $armadillo_root/cmake_aux/Modules/ARMA_FindMKL.cmake, change mkl_lp64 to mkl_ilp64
Edit $armadillo_root/CMakeLists.txt and (1) Change CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS to include the link line by intel link advisor and (2) Change CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS as given by intel link advisor
Run ./configure and make sure MKL library is used for blas and lapack, icpc to be the compiler and the rest to be alright.
Run make .
Verify the linked libraries by running ldd Mainly verify whether it is linked with mkl_ilp64 library and mkl blas and lapack libraries.
Now run make install DESTDIR=local path.
This should work.