How can I install and use C++ libraries on eclipse? - c++

I want to use libosmium library. Could someone please tell me how do I set up this library after I download it?
All I need to know is the standard way of installing external libraries. I can't really find very clear instructions online.
I'm coding with C++ using the eclipse IDE version 4.18.0.

For includes: right click on your project and go to Properties>>C/C++ Build>>Settings>>GCC C++ Compiler >> Includes
you must add the include path for the external library (where the header reside). This information is needed by the Eclipse indexer (code completion etc.) and the compiler
For libraries: right click on your project and go to Properties>>C/C++ Build>>Settings>>GCC C++ Linker >> Libraries you must add the library search path (option -L) and the library you want to link against (option -l). This info is needed for the linker.
Eclipse-CDT Setting Pictures
Include path settings:
Library & library search path settings
You can also use pkg-config plug in
Here is a link to a similar question with answers: Problems importing libraries to my c++ project, how to fix this?

As specified in the other answer, you can usually add a library by looking at the project properties:
Properties>>C/C++ Build>>Settings>>GCC C++ Compiler>>Includes
However if you're using a makefile project, the Makefile itself must know about the location of libraries. In this case, in order to avoid an "Unresolved inclusion" warning in the header, you may also want to tell eclipse where the header files are. This way the autocomplete & "Open Declaration" will work. This is found in:
Properties>>C++ General>>Preprocessor Includes Paths, Macros etc.
In my case I couldn't figure out how to add a custom configuration and updated the default configuration. I added a path for the Android NDK under the GNU C++ -> CTD User Setting Entries


How to specify the library version to use at link time in eclipse?

I have a C++ project in Eclipse Juno (Service Release 2) on Linux.
I need to reference a third party library, but its name includes the library's version:
I tried following this post. But it seems I have an old version of ld, and it doesn't work.
(I checked the man page)
I tried using the library's full name (path/name) but I don't know where to add it because it is not working.
I can not create a symbolic link of the library without the version.
In eclipse, Where should I reference the full library name? Is there another way to reference the library?
In the project explorer select your project and press Ctrl + Enter. This will popup the properties window.
Then, under C/C++ -> Settings in the Tool Settings Tab select Linker -> Libraries click on the button add and write the library name-version you want to link to.
Warning: Be aware that in a Linux system exist a thing named soname for shared libraries, read this answer for a detailed explanation about it.
Edit: To the comments
The thing is the linker will look for a file named lib<name>.so since your library's name is and don't ends with .so don't match this pattern. This is not a problem you can solve with eclipse, this is a general linux behaviour. If your library name were (note the trailing .so) then you could use ThirdParty.10.1 as the library name in the libraries eclipse field.
Linux use this name convention in order to make easier handle various version of he same lib installed in the system. What you want to do can't be done without use a symbolic link or rename the library to
I coworker helped me to solve this:
Right Click on the Project => Properties => C/C++ Build => Settings
Under GCC C++ Linker => Miscellaneous: Write the full name of your library, including the library path. Similar to the indications on this post for building with GCC.

How to add static libraries to a Visual studio project

I am trying to add static libraries to my project. To add the static library I am following Microsoft's instructions:
My problem is I that am not able to see the dependent library while adding the reference to my project.
In the tutorial mentioned above, they have mentioned that the dependency (ie. static library), should be added to the solution.
The tutorial you have provided refers to a case in which you create your own static library - in this case you may want to add it to your solution and thus make it an integral part of the solution; but I assume you are trying to add external libraries (not created by you, e.g. downloaded from the net) - that is why you got stuck.
On Property Pages, go to C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories and provide the path, where the header file of the library that you want to use is located.
Then go to Linker->General->Additional Library Directories and specify the path, where your .lib file is located.
Finally, go to Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies and add the name of the file containing your library together with its extension (e.g. example_library.lib).
That is all. Now you should be able to use the library. Remember to #include it in your files and use the right mode (release/debug) and the right version for your platform (x64/win32). You may have to repeat the steps given above both for release and debug versions of your app.
I am just extending the answer given by KjMag. It's a great answer, except that it misses the part where we tell the linker which external libraries to add.
In Visual Studio, go to Property Pages >> Linker >> Input >> Additional Dependencies. Here we can add the required libraries.

error in including GLAUX.h in Eclipse

I am a newbie in OpenGL.
I am using Eclipse to do some OpenGL examples, but I can't include glaux.h in my file.
Eclipse always gives a warning that it can't find this library.
So, how can I import this library into Eclipse?
Would this thread help?
You should add the include path for the external library.
In Project Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols, go to the Includes tab.
Add the path for C (and C++ if your header contains C++ elements).
Once you pass this error, check out the blog post "Was trying my hands at openGL...".
Do you have the libraries on your system? If not please download gluax.h from and gluax.lib from
Set the path and you are done.

Why is VisualStudio looking for this lib file? LNK1104 error

We have a large project using VS2008 and boost 1_42. I'm trying to upgrade to VS2010 and boost 1_44. I installed VS2010 and boost 1_44 and converted the project. Now I am trying to build, and everything compiles, but fails when linking:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_thread-vc90-mt-1_42.lib'
I have changed the include and lib directories to point to the new boost 1_44 files and I have renamed the old boost 1_42 directory.
Why is the linker still looking for a vc90-1_42 file, when it is only using 1_44 headers? Is there a way that I can determine WHY the linker wants this file? The linker obviously thinks it needs the file, but why?
I have cleaned the project and I am re-building to ensure any old build files are erased.
I've run into exactly this problem a couple of times too. It's usually been some old temporary files but like in your case cleaning didn't always do the trick straight away. Does your project include any static libs that might have been built with 1.42?
Something you can try which may or may not be helpful in tracking down your issue:
Rename the old boost directory back to it's original name
Clean the solution
Under C/C++->Command Line->Additional Options add "/showIncludes"
Under Linker->Command Line->Additional Options add "/verbose:lib"
Rebuild all
Then when you build you'll be able to see at which point 1.42 headers are included, etc. in the output window. Somehow doing this helped me in tracking down where the problem was.
Along with changing the lib directory, you need to change the name of the boost library. That's in the Linker | Input section of the project settings.
Your added comment makes it clear that the dependency on the Boost 1.42 library was being created indirectly by another library that hadn't been rebuilt.
For this you basically have two choices: either add that library as a project to your main solution, and make sure it has enough dependency information that it'll be re-built when you upgrade Boost, or use the /Zl compiler switch when you build your library. This tells the compiler you're building a library so you do not want to embed library dependencies like this.
Boost uses
#pragma comment(lib)
command to inform the linker of libraries it needs to link with. It is not an error. If Boost says you need it, it's likely you do.
On How can I find out why the linker wants this file?
There are programs which will go through your app and dlls/libs and report the content of manifests and what the binaries report they depend on. You could then scan the report for the unexpected libraries being included. We used this mainly to find libs including the previous version of the VC runtime.
Have not used the one we had in about 5 years though, now if only I could remember the name of the app!
DependancyWalker (depends.exe) will allow you to see dependancies of dll/exe but not static libs.
You could open each binary as a 'file' in MSVS and look at the manifest content by hand, but I imaging this would be a bit painful. I've not tried this with a static lib.

C++ Library Include

I am relatively new to C++ and need to use a library for the first time.
I was hoping someone would be able to show me how to properly [ link to / include ] the library.
The library I want to use is the ID3 v3.8.8 that can be found here:
I have downloaded the Windows binaries and now just need a way to link to the library.
Files downloaded: Debug/id3lib.dll, Debug/id3lib.lib, Debug/id3lib.exp, Release/id3lib.dll, Release/id3lib.lib, Release/id3lib.exp
I am using Visual Studio 2010.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Before you can do any C++ development with this library you'll need the headers too which are in the file. You have only downloaded the binaries which will let you run an application that needs those libraries but not re-compile it.
There are several steps, and many a pitfall. If you are a rank newbie at using C++ and VC++ in particular, every step is going to require some (gasp) reading of documentation or googling.
In VC++ 2010, use the Property Manager "C/C++ General / Additional Include Directories" section if necessary to tell the compiler how to find the header-files.
Use the Property Manager "C/C++/ Code Generation / Runtime Library" section if necessary to tell the compiler what version of the Microsoft C Runtime Library the library requires.
Use Property Manager "Linker / Input / Additional Dependencies " to specify the .lib file id3lib.lib.
Use Property Manager "Linker / General / Additional Library Directories" to tell the linker where to find .lib file.
If the dll id3lib.dll is not in the directory where you will start your program, open a Microsoft Explorer window, and right-click on "My Computer." Select "Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables", and edit the user-variable PATH to contain the path of the directory that contains the dll. Be very careful doing this. Before you change it, copy the value that's there originally and save it to a text file, in case you mess up and need to restore it. If you get it wrong, other programs can fail to start.
Good luck.
Add id3lib.lib to your project, that should satisfy the linker and the resulting executable will depend on id3lib.dll.