Single login session for django application - django

I have Web application with VUE as frontend stack and Django DRF as backend stack I want to enable the feature that if someone is login from one system he/she can't login from other system unless and until logout from previous session is there any proper mechanism to do so

TL;DR I wouldn't even bother trying. But if you want: use websockets and keep track of the number of users connecting to a single endpoint.
It's not fool-proof since these are just tokens which means anyone with a terminal and curl can still access whatever REST API you have.
I think you have to understand how most people are using Vue, React, and other JS frameworks with Django. They're most likely not using SessionMiddleware and using something like djangorestframework-simplejwt (disclaimer: I help maintain it, and I've got a slight bias against JS frameworks + Django).
The problem lies in how authorization works, namely stateful and stateless. In your case with these token authentication methods, you've got stateless tokens that are verified only by signing, and not by anything backed by a database/cache on the server. So we don't actually know how many tabs the user has opened.
In SimpleJWT, we have something like token Blacklist, but it won't really help that much.
So the solution is to use websockets. You can keep track of the number of users connecting to a single endpoint (after authorization and authentication. You can use something like Django channels) by creating a cache key (backed by a service like Redis or Memcached in production, local can use memory/dummy) and incrementing and decrementing by the number of connections and disconnections.
That way, you have something on the server to backup all these claims.
It's not fool-proof since these are just tokens which means anyone with a terminal and curl can still access whatever REST API you have.


Django REST authentication with React/ Redux

I am building a web app with a Django backend and React/Redux frontend running on separate servers. I have begun to try and start working on authentication and I cannot find a tutorial that suits my needs. Every tutorial either uses deprecated modules like drf-jwt (as opposed to simple-jwt) or has a simple mono-server that houses both the backend and the frontend in one directory. The former is useless and I do not want to do the latter as I like having the two separate servers for when I move on to deployment. Now can someone direct me to a good source of knowledge for getting this done? It doesn't have to be a tutorial it can be anything. I am really lost and I do not know how to begin.
you can use 3rd party packages djoser: Provides a set of views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation. for more information:
I'm using token authentication from Django Rest Framework so, after a login/password verification, the token on response can be used on any DRF endpoint.

Sharing authentication in Django

we are developing an application using Angular2 as frontend and Django as a backend. A Django backend is already in place, while the Angular2 application is in development. We chose, for obvious reasons, to use Django REST as a way to communicate with the backend.
The application login and the backend login are done in two different pages but of course the login domain and the user base is the same. The two login are working properly by themselves, but we wanted to find a way to implement a transparent login (so an user can log into any of the two application and be recognized by the other one without re-logging).
The Angular frontend is currently using Token Authentication. The server does send the csfr and session cookie along with the token. Moving to the backend, the csfr cookie is preserved, while the session is not, so a new login is required (of course, backend and Angular frontend are on different subdomains but in the same domain, the cookies are set on the domain, with two dots: '') .
Is it possible to do what we desire? Could someone help us find the proper way to do it?
We've done some research and found Django CAS, but it's not clear for us what's about and if it fits our use case.
Thank you very much

Securing webservice endpoints without user authentication

My scenarios is simple and perhaps not only me deal with. I have an webservice that is used my a number of my mobile apps. I would like my webservice only be accessed from my mobile apps but I don't wish my apps's user be bothered with registering an account. How can I achieve that kinds of security?
I have read about API KEY and OTP, but it doesn't really convince me.
It isn't possible to do what you want 100%. The reason is that if the security is in your Mobile App, or travels over the internet, it is theoretically possible for someone to read your code or scan your traffic and then impersonate your Mobile App.
However, you can get good results with simple server side checks. EG, from your Mobile App, add a variable into HTTP calls which is checked by your backend. And, most importantly, use SSL. You can make this more complex as well, such as providing a token from the server and then requiring this token back on every call.
It's not unbreakable... but it will deter the casual hacker. And it will probably only take you 10 minutes to implement.

How to Connect Rails Client to IndentityServer SSO provider

At work we have a system set up running a ThinkTecture IndentityServer SSO provider which currently provides authentication for several .NET and ColdFusion sites. I am currently working on a new site we are supporting in Ruby on Rails and am having difficulty figuring out how to connect it to the SSO. (I'm pretty new to rails, but a long time developer in CF and .NET)
I've looked at the omniauth-oauth2 and oauth2 gems but it seems there are important parts missing from the documentation and explanations I can find. There is a ton of info if I wanted to authenticate using Twitter, Facebook or something similar, but I can't find anything that just addresses the client side for any generic OAuth2 provider.
I'm just looking for someone to point me in the right direction to find information on how I can do this. I don't care if it's specific to IdentityServer or just generic regardless of the provider. Thanks for the help.
Update: Just so you know, I would prefer to use OAuth2 for this connection, but I am not opposed to using any of the other ways that IdentityServer provides, including ADFS, WSFed or Simple HTTP. I can't use OpenID, though, because these accounts are specific to our system and can't be used for other systems.
You really need an open id connect library.
It turns out this is pretty easy, overall. The difficulty is that there is no straight answer to the question. How you connect to IdentityServer entirely depends upon how IdentityServer is set up.
I'm not going to post my exact code, as this will not help anyone who doesn't have IdentityServer set up exactly the same way we do, and as I don't have access to the IdentityServer, I can't say exactly how that is. I will explain the overall solution, though.
The only gem needed for this is JWT
Get key codes from IdentityServer admin (client id, secret key, sign key)
Build login URL according to configuration of IdentityServer
Redirect user to login path generated in the last step
Receive token back from IdentityServer
Decode and verify using the JWT.decode function
From there you just have a JSON string with your data.

Authorizing an application with Oauth and Python

I am trying to build an application that will use data from multiple social services. The user will need to authorize their accounts to be accessed across these multiple services (e.g. facebook, twitter, foursquare) using oauth.
I don't really need the users to login with these accounts, really it is just allowing their data from the api to be pulled.
I know I need to use oauth, but I am having trouble finding a basic example of how to do this type of thing (a lot of examples exist for logging in with oauth).
I have been trying the python-oath2 library.
Does anyone have any recommendation for a good tutorial or example of doing this type of thing in python, and if possible django.
Why reinvent the wheel? There is a plethora of reusable applications that have this implemented. You can find a comparison here:
Why not give rauth a try? We use this in production for this exact purpose. Although you don't need to require the user to login with your app via the provider, you're going to redirect to the provider, where they'll be asked to authenticate your application. Assuming they accept (or even if they don't), they'll be redirected back to your application, i.e. via the redirect_uri or oauth_callback, there you'll ensure they authorized your app and then proceed with whatever housekeeping you need to do, e.g. saving some info about the user in your database. Try the examples and also pay particular attention to the Facebook example. Now the Facebook example is intended for authorization with the example web app, but the same pattern can be used for what you're trying to do. (You just won't be having them login in via Facebook, for instance. However, the flow can be and probably should be identical, sans database operations and template login lingo.)