Initialization of wxColourDataBase while creating a new wxColourPickerCtrl - c++

This is my first question ever posted, so please let me know if there is anything that needs changes in my post :)
I am currently working on a dialog that is supposed to let the user change the background-color for some signal plotting. The "wxColourPickerCtrl" seems to do exactly what I need. Since there are multiple plots/pictures to be manipulated, the ColourPickerCtrls are initialized in a loop with the chosen background color as the default value:
for (const auto& [signalName, signalProperties] : properties)
wxColourPickerCtrl* selectBackgroundColor = new wxColourPickerCtrl(this, signalProperties.first, signalProperties.second.backgroundColor, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
"this" is an object of type SignalPropertiesDialog, which is directly inherited from wxDialog.
I have left out all the necessary sizer stuff, since it's not relevant for the problem (at least imo). "properties" is structured as follows:
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, GraphPicture::Properties>> signalProperties_;
where GraphPicture::Properties contains the properties I want to manipulate:
struct Properties
wxColour backgroundColor{ *wxWHITE };
wxColour lineColor{ *wxBLACK };
int linewidth_px{ 1 };
bool isShown{ true };
The application successfully builds but immediately crashes on startup while generating those color picker objects.
wxIshiko has uploaded multiple tutorials and code snippets as examples for various wxWidgets controls, including the wxColourPickerCtrl. So I downloaded the sample code and tried to run it. Surprisingly, it worked.
While running through the code step by step I noticed the following difference:
The wxColourPickerCtrl is based on wxPickerBase. The wxPickerBase is created by calling the constructor of wxColourPickerCtrl (what I am actually doing in my code). During the construction of the wxPickerBase, the desired color is called by the name wxColourDataBase::FindName(const wxColour& color) const where the wxColourBase itself is instantiated. This is where the difference is:
When running the code snippet by wxIshiko, wxColourDataBase is instantiated correctly including the member m_map of type wxStringToColourHashMap* which is set to be NULL.
When running the code written by myself, wxColourDataBase is not correctly instantiated, and thus the member m_map is not set to be NULL, which leads to to the crash.
I have the feeling that there is nothing wrong with the way I set up the wxColourPickerCtrls. I somehow think there is a difference in the solution properties of the projects. I checked those but was not able to find any relevant differences.
I would really appreciate any hint or help since I am completely stuck on that problem.
Thank you very much in advance and have a good one,
I attached a screeny of the call stack.
Call stack

When does this code run exactly? If it is done after the library initialization (which would be the case, for example, for any code executed in your overridden wxApp::OnInit()), then wxTheColourDatabase really should be already initialized and what you observe should be impossible, i.e. if it happens it means that something is seriously wrong with your library build (e.g. it doesn't match the compiler options used when compiling your applications).
As always with such "impossible" bugs, starting with a known working code and doing bisection by copying parts of your code into the working version until it stops working will usually end up by finding a bug in your code.


'identifier undefined' in C++11 for-loop with USTRUCT

I am implementing logging functionality in Unreal Engine 4.27 (in C++). A key part of my code is a function that is called once per game-tick. This function is responsible for iterating over an array of actors that I would like to log data for, checking whether a new log entry should be written at this point in time and calling the necessary functions to do that.
I am iterating over elements of a TArray of UStructs: LogObject->LoggingInfo = TArray<FActorLoggingInformation>. This array is defined as a UProperty of LogObject. In the loop I have to change the values of the elements so I want to work with the original items and "label" the current item as "ActorLoggingInfo". I have seen this done generally in cpp and also with TArrays. And yet my code does not work, there is no error message, but ActorLoggingInfo is undefined, thus the if-condition is never met.
This is the for-loop:
for (FActorLoggingInformation& ActorLoggingInfo : LogObject->LoggingInfo) {
if (ActorLoggingInfo.LogNextTick == true) {
ActorLoggingInfo.LogNextTick = false;
This is the definition of FActorLoggingInformation:
struct FActorLoggingInformation
FActorLoggingInformation(int32 LogTimer, AActor* Actor, FString LogName)
this->LogTimer = LogTimer;
this->LogNextTick = false;
// Specifies Logging Frequency in ms
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleAnywhere)
int32 LogTimer;
bool LogNextTick;
This is the debugger at run-time:
Additional Notes:
1. Something that consistently works for me is omitting the &, using:
for (FActorLoggingInformation ActorLoggingInfo : LogObject->LoggingInfo)
However, this is creating useless duplicates on a per-tick basis and complicates applying changes to the original objects from within in the for-loop, so it is not a viable option.
2. I have also tried auto& instead of FActorLoggingInformation& as used in the examples above, but I encountered the same issue, so I thought it would be best to be as explicit as possible.
I would be very thankful if you had any ideas how I can fix this :)
Thanks in advance!
Thanks to Avi Berger for helping me find my problem!
In fact, ActorLoggingInfo was actually never undefined and the code within the body of the if-clause was also executed (it just didn't do what it was intended to do).
When stepping through the code in the debugger it never showed the steps within the if-body and ActorLoggingInfo was shown as undefined so when no logs were written, I assumed it was something to do with that instead of my output function not working properly. So lesson learnt, do not blindly trust the debugger :)

How to solve a function acting differently based on callsite?

Not sure how to word the title so feel free to rename, but the issue I'm having is that I've got a function that works in one project, but fails in another. Below is rough pseudocode to show that one call in LibraryProject works, whereas the call in GameProject doesn't.
In ChildClass::do_stuff, the win32_window HWND is valid, whereas the second one, failed_win32_window is null and glfw throws an error saying it isn't initialized, despite it already having been initialized (since the first glfw call was successful and I've manually stepped through to verify it was):
GLFWError #65537 Happen, The GLFW library is not initialized
Here's pseudocode showing the two projects, and the files. GLFW is set initialized properly since if I do all my glfw logic within LibraryProject, the window shows up as normal.
class ParentClass {
GLFW* _mainWindow; //filled in elsewhere in the real code
HWND getWin32Window() { return glfwGetWin32Window(_mainWindow); }
#include "library_header.h" //from other Project
class ChildClass : public ParentClass {
void do_stuff() {
HWND win32_window = this->getWin32Window(); //this works because it goes down into LibraryProject.dll's module
HWND failed_win32_window = glfwGetWin32Window(_mainWindow); //but literally the same call here doesn't because it happens within GameProject.exe
void function_called_elsewhere_in_game() {
//called from GameProject.exe
auto child = ChildClass();
I'm not sure if this is an issue with glfw and my setup, or just my misunderstanding how projects and dependencies work.
Things I've tried:
Downloading the latest glfw3
Rebuilding the entire solution
Toggling with References and Linking Dependency Inputs
Things to note:
This is happening in the main thread, nothing else is using glfw at the same time. Its 100% reproducible too.
glfw3.lib is always being created in my GameProject output folder, based on the one inside LibraryProject
Stepping through the disassembly for each of the two glfwGetWin32Window calls has different addresses in disassembly, leading me to believe they're two different copies of the same library, but I'm not sure.
This is not an issue with cocos2d, the game engine I'm using as starting a blank project and calling glfwGetWin32Window(..) returns a valid pointer, even in GameProject, so there's something that I'm doing wrong, but I don't know what.
Images showing off the actual behaviour. magnolia_cocos_proj is GameProject and is the exe I'm running, and libcocos2d is LibraryProject I'm using as a DLL (I'm unfamiliar with the details of how linking and dlls work).
win32_window has valid value
definition of getWin32Window() to be 100% sure. Notice the module is in libcocos2d.dll now.
after going over the second line, the error throws and the second window is null
As I understood from "glfw3.lib is always being created" you use static linking. Static linking of a lib to different dll and exe lead to duplicating of all static memory of the lib. You should use a dynamic library for GLFW in the case. It's glfw3dll.lib.
There are two main cases why this error could appear:
GLFWError #65537 Happen, The GLFW library is not initialised
Case One :
The mentioned error occurs if a GLFW function was called that mustn't be called unless the library is initialised. So, you need to initialise GLFW before calling any function that requires initialisation.
Read an API introduction for reference. Use if-else statement for handling glfwInit() and errors.
Reading Moving from GLFW 2 to 3 is also useful.
Case Two :
This error quite often occurs in the case you have previous versions of GLFW installed on your machine. GLFW3 doesn't like running along with previous version installed. So, delete all the GLFW libraries and linkers and reinstall the latest GLFW 3 from scratch.
Hope this helps.

WTL CListViewCtrl getSelectedItem is causing an Assertion fail for me

This is my code in order to get the name of the item which has been selected in my CListViewCtrl:
CString itemText;
clistViewCtrl.GetItemText(item.iItem, item.iSubItem, itemText);
Note that this code is working. I recently did another project, where I grabbed the name in exactly this way, however, I had no problems there with any assertion fails.
When I execute this with my current project, I always get a debug assertion:
"File: ... atlctrls.h"
Line: 3242
Expression: (GetStyle() & 0x0004) != 0
Even though the expression already states it pretty much, here is the line causing the failure:
I have barely any idea what the problem is. As I said, the exact same code worked on my other project, and I just went through both, trying to find any differences which could cause this behaviour, but nothing caught my eye.
Honestly, I don't even know if this is related to my code at all, considering the two compared elements seem to be predefined.
My first guess would have been that this part is being called before the items are created, but all items in the listview are created at the point I try to call this code passage.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
Your control is not created with style flag LVS_SINGLESEL. So calling GetSelectedItem is causing an assert. In case of multi selection use GetFirstSelectedItem and GetNextSelectedItem instead of GetSelectedItem. For single selection you can continue useing GetSelectedItem, but you have to add LVS_SINGLESEL style flag to your control.

What has to be Glib::init()'ed in order to use Glib::wrap?

So I'm trying to make use of a GtkSourceView in C++ using GtkSourceViewmm, whose documentation and level of support give me the impression that it hasn't been very carefully looked at in a long time. But I'm always an optimist :)
I'm trying to add a SourceView using some code similar to the following:
Glib::RefPtr<gtksourceview::SourceLanguageManager> source_language_manager = gtksourceview::SourceLanguageManager::create();
Glib::RefPtr<gtksourceview::SourceLanguage> source_language = Glib::wrap(gtk_source_language_manager_guess_language(source_language_manager->gobj(), file, NULL));
Glib::RefPtr<gtksourceview::SourceBuffer> source_buffer = gtksourceview::SourceBuffer::create(source_language);
gtksourceview::SourceView* = m_source_view = new gtksourceview::SourceView(source_buffer);
Unfortunately, it spits out the warning
(algoviz:4992): glibmm-WARNING **:
Failed to wrap object of type
'GtkSourceLanguage'. Hint: this error
is commonly caused by failing to call
a library init() function.
and when I look at it in a debugger, indeed the second line above (the one with the Glib::wrap()) is returning NULL. I have no idea why this is, but I tried to heed the warning by adding Glib::init() to the begining of the program, but that didn't seem to help at all either.
I've tried Google'ing around, but have been unsuccessful. Does anyone know what Glib wants me to init in order to be able to make that wrap call? Or, even better, does anyone know of any working sample code that uses GtkSourceViewmm (not just regular GtkSourceView)? I haven't been able to find any actual sample code, not even on Google Code Search.
It turns out, perhaps not surprisingly, that what I needed to init was:
After this, I ran into another problem with one of the parameter to gtksourceview::SourceLanguageManager, but this was caused by a genuine bug which I subsequently reported and was promptly fixed. So everything's working great now!
I use gtkmm. Typically you have to initialize things with something like :
_GTKMain = new Gtk::Main(0, 0, false);
Of course do not forget :
delete _GTKMain;
Check here for details :
(Sorry but the link option does not work ...)

Changing the Total Number of Recent Files

I'd like the user to be able to edit the number of recent files shown in the File menu of my MFC application. I've used two very good references:
It involves deleting and recreating the CRecentFileList object stored in CWinApp::m_pRecentFileList. Unfortunately, I find that the menu is not updated properly after replacing the CRecentFileList. See code snippet below:
void CMyWinApp::SetMRUListSize( int size )
// size guaranteed to be between 1 and 16
delete m_pRecentFileList ;
LoadStdProfileSettings( size ) ;
What can I do to ensure that what is drawn into the File menu is synchronized with m_pRecentFileList after I recreate the object?
My CApp derives from CWinApp. In initInstance, you have this line:
At the end of InitInstance, add this code:
m_pmf->m_pRecentFileList = m_pRecentFileList;
Here m_pmf is my MainFrame class and I created a member CMainFrame::m_pRecentFileList of type CRecentFileList which is in the MFC source file filelist.cpp. m_pRecentFileList on the right is protected and CMainFrame doesn't have access to it from outside InitInstance, but you can make a functional copy here.
At the end of CMainFrame::OnClose, force a registry update by:
// Force registry update on exit. This doesn't work without forcing.
I don't even have to rebuild m_pRecentFileList, the MRU mechanism updates it correctly. Example: 5 MRU items, the first is moved to another directory and can no longer be found. Stepping through the code in the debugger shows that the bad entry is removed from the list. For some reason, the updated list isn't saved correctly unless I force it as explained above. I originally thought the problem might have something to do with privileges (64-bit Win7), but running the app as admin didn't help.
Some of Microsoft's documentation suggest you should call CWinApp::LoadStdProfileSettings from within InitInstance. This suggests to me that it's something done once during initialisation rather than at run time.
Have you tried fully implementing the second of the two links you provided? My guess is you need to add the second part instead of the call to CWinApp::LoadStdProfileSettings:
m_pRecentFileList = new CRecentFileList(0, strSection, strEntryFormat, nCount);
bReturn = TRUE;
// Reload list of MRU files from registry
[Edit] Apparently m_pRecentFileList points to an CRecentFileList Class . Have you tried calling CRecentFileList::UpdateMenu?
There's another CodeProject example which might help too.