C++ Compile time check if a function called before another one - c++

Lets say I have a class with two member functions.
class Dummy {
void procedure_1();
void procedure_2();
At compile time, I want to be sure that, procedure_1 is called before procedure_2. What is the correct way do implement this?

Maybe you could do it with a proxy-class. The idea is, that procedure_2 can't be accessed directly from outside (for example by making it private). procedure_1 would return some kind of proxy that allows the access to procedure_2.
Some code below, allthough I don't consider it clean or safe. And if you want, you can still break the system.
IMO such requirements should be handled without explicit validation, because it's quite cumbersome and impossible to make it absolutely safe.
Instead, the dependency should be well documented, which also seems idiomatic in C++. You get a warning that bad things might happen if a function is used incorrectly, but nothing prevents you from shooting your own leg.
class Dummy {
void procedure_2() { }
class DummyProxy
Dummy *parent; // Maybe use something safer here
DummyProxy(Dummy *parent): parent(parent) {}
void procedure_2() { this->parent->procedure_2(); }
[[nodiscard]] DummyProxy procedure_1() {
return DummyProxy{this};
int main()
Dummy d;
// d.procedure_2(); error: private within this context
auto proxy = d.procedure_1(); // You need to get the proxy first
proxy.procedure_2(); // Then
// But you can still break the system:
Dummy d2;
decltype(d2.procedure_1()) x(&d2); // only decltype, function is not actually called
d2.procedure_2(); // ooops, procedure_1 wasn't called for d2

Instead of "checking" it, just do not allow it. Do not expose an interface that allows to call it in any other way. Expose an interface that allows to only call it in specified order. For example:
// library.c
class Dummy {
void procedure_1();
void procedure_2();
void call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_something_then_produre_2(std::function<void()> f){
You could also make procedure_2 be called from destructor and procedure_1 from a constructor.
#include <memory>
struct Dummy {
void procedure_1();
void procedure_2();
struct Procedures {
Dummy& d;
Procedures(Dummy& d) : d(d) { d.procedure_1(); }
~Procedures() { d.procedure_2(); }
// just a simple example with unique_ptr
std::unique_ptr<Dummy::Procedures> call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2(){
return std::make_unique<Dummy::Procedures>(*this);
int main() {
Dummy d;
auto call = d.call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2();
call.reset(); // yay!
The above are methods that will make sure that inside one translation unit the calls will be ordered. To check between multiple source files, generate the final executable, then write a tool that will go through the generated assembly and if there are two or more calls to that call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2 function that tool will error. For that, additional work is needed to make sure that call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2 can't be optimized by the compiler.
But you could create a header that could only be included by one translation unit:
// dummy.h
int some_global_variable_with_initialization = 0;
struct Dummy {
and expose the interface from above into Dummy or add only the wrapper declaration in that library. That way, if multiple souce files include dummy.h, linker will error with multiple definitions error.
As for checking, you can make prodedure_1 and procedure_2 some macros that will expand to something that can't be optimized by the compiler with some mark, like assembly comment. Then you may go through generated executable with a custom tool that will check that the call to prodedure_1 comes before procedure_2.


Conditionally create an object in c++

I am writing a program that has the option to visualize the output of an algorithm I am working on - this is done by changing a const bool VISUALIZE_OUTPUT variable defined in a header file. In the main file, I want to have this kind of pattern:
VisualizerObject vis_object;
However, this clearly won't compile since vis_object goes out of scope. I don't want to declare the object before the condition since it is a big object and it needs to available for multiple points in the code (I can't just have one conditional statement where everything is done).
What is the preferred way of doing this?
Declare the object on the heap and refer to it by using a pointer (or
Declare the object on the heap and make a reference to it
since it won't ever change?
Some other alternative?
A reference will not be useable here, because at declaration it should refere to an already existing object, and live in a scope englobing all your if(VISUALIZE_OUTPUT). Long story short, the object will have to be created unconditionally.
So IMHO a simple way would be to create it on the heap and use it through a pointer - do not forget do delete it when done. The good point is that the pointer could be initialized to nullptr, and so it could be unconditionnaly deleted.
But I think that the best way would be to encapsulate everything in an object created in highest scope. This object would then contain methods to create, use internally and finally destroy the actual vis_object. That way, if you do not need it, nothing will be actually instanciated, but the main procedure will not be cluttered with raw pointer processing.
I would use Null_object_pattern:
struct IVisualizerObject
virtual ~IVisualizerObject() = default;
virtual void initscene(Object&) = 0;
virtual void drawScene(Object&) = 0;
// ...
struct NullVisualizerObject : IVisualizerObject
void initscene(Object&) override { /* Empty */ }
void drawScene(Object&) override { /* Empty */}
// ...
struct VisualizerObject : IVisualizerObject
void initscene(Object& o) override { /*Implementation*/}
void drawScene(Object& o) override { /*Implementation*/}
// ...
And finally:
std::unique_ptr<IVisualizerObject> vis_object;
vis_object = std::make_unique<VisualizerObject>();
} else {
vis_object = std::make_unique<NullVisualizer>();
// ...
I'll give a few options. All have upsides and downsides.
If it is NOT possible to modify VisualizerObject, as I noted in comments, the effect could be achieved by using the preprocessor, since the preprocessor does not respect scope, and the question specifically seeks controlling lifetime of an object in a manner that crosses scope boundaries.
VisualizerObject vis_object;
The compiler will diagnose any usage of vis_object that are not in #ifdef/#endif.
The big criticism, of course, is that use of the preprocessor is considered poor practice in C++. The advantage is that the approach can be used even if it is not possible to modify the VisualizerObject class (e.g. because it is in a third-party library without source code provided).
However, this is the only option that has the feature requested by the OP of object lifetime crossing scope boundaries.
If it is possible to modify the VisualizerObject class, make it a template with two specialisations
template<bool visualise> struct VisualizerObject
// implement all member functions required to do nothing and have no members
VisualizerObject() {};
void initscene(types_here) {};
template<> struct VisualizerObject<true> // heavyweight implementation with lots of members
VisualizerObject(): heavy1(), heavy2() {};
void initscene(types_here) { expensive_operations_here();};
HeavyWeight1 heavy1;
HeavyWeight2 heavy2;
int main()
VisualizerObject<VISUALIZE_OUTPUT> vis_object;
The above will work in all C++ versions. Essentially, it works by either instantiating a lightweight object with member functions that do nothing, or instantiating the heavyweight version.
It would also be possible to use the above approach to wrap a VisualizerObject.
template<bool visualise> VisualizerWrapper
// implement all required member functions to do nothing
// don't supply any members either
template<> VisualizerWrapper<true>
VisualizerWrapper() : object() {};
// implement all member functions as forwarders
void initscene(types_here) { object.initscene(types_here);};
VisualizerObject object;
int main()
VisualizerWrapper<VISUALIZE_OUTPUT> vis_object;
The disadvantage of both of the template approaches is maintenance - when adding a member function to one class (template specialisation) it is necessary to add a function with the same signature to the other. In large team settings, it is likely that testing/building will be mostly done with one setting of VISUALIZE_OUTPUT or the other - so it is easy to get one version out of alignment (different interface) to the other. Problems of that (e.g. a failed build on changing the setting) are likely to emerge at inconvenient times - such as when there is a tight deadline to deliver a different version of the product.
Pedantically, the other downside of the template options is that they don't comply with the desired "kind of pattern" i.e. the if is not required in
and object lifetimes do not cross scope boundaries.

Add a method to existing C++ class in other file

Is it possible in C++ to extend a class(add a method) in a different source file without editing the original source file where the class is written?
In obj-c it is possible by writing another #interface AbcClass (ExtCategory) ... #end
I got compile-time error(s) when I tried something like this:
class Abc { //This class is from a 3rd party library....
// ...I don't want to edit its source file.
void methodOne();
void methodTwo();
class Abc { // ERROR: Redefinition of 'Abc'
void methodAdded();
My target is to retain the 'Abc' name and add methods to it. A specific class in a 3rd party library that I used lacks some methods and I want to add those methods but I am keeping the source file unedited.
Is there a way to do this? I am new in writing C++ codes. I am familiar with some of its syntax but don't know much.
No. This kind of class extension is not possible in C++. But you can inherit a class from the original source file and add new functions in your source file.
class Abc {
void methodOne();
void methodTwo();
class AbcExt : public Abc {
void methodAdded();
You can then call methods as following:
std::unique_ptr<AbcExt> obj = std::make_unique<AbcExt>();
obj->methodOne(); // by the virtue of base class
obj->methodAdded(); // by the virtue of derived class
There's a way to actually do this, but it requires the compiler to support #include_next. GCC has this, no idea about other compilers. It also needs to support at least C++11.
I wouldn't exactly call this trick beautiful, but it does the job.
Ensure your include path has the the directory where the "extension" file resides before the directory where the original code resides (i.e. if the original Abc.hpp is in src, then move it to src/some_dir). So in this case your include dirs would be -Isrc -Isrc/some_dir.
Your "extension" code should be in a file with the exact same name as the original code. So for this example that's Abc.hpp.
Here's the extension file's content:
#ifndef ABC_EXT_HPP_
#define ABC_EXT_HPP_
#include <utility>
namespace evil {
// Search the include path for the original file.
#include_next "Abc.hpp"
class Abc : public evil::Abc {
// Inherit all constructors from base class. Requires GCC >=4.8.
using evil::Abc::Abc;
/* Use the solution below if your compiler supports C++11, but not
* inheriting constructors.
template <class... Args>
Abc (Args... args) : evil::ABC(std::forward<Args...>(args...)) { }
~Abc () { }
void methodAdded () { /* Do some magic. */ }
#endif // ABC_EXT_HPP_
There's things missing in the example such as the assignment operator not being "forwarded" to the base class. You can use the same trick as used for the constructor to do that. There might be other things missing, but this should give you a starting point which works well enough for "simple" classes.
One thing I dislike is the creation of the "evil" namespace. However, anonymous namespaces can't help out here, because a new anonymous namespace will be created in each translation unit that includes Abc.hpp. That will lead to issues if your base class has e.g. static members.
Edit: Nevermind, the assignment operator (i.e. Abc bla = evil::Abc(9)) also works, because evil:Abc can be implicitly converted to Abc because that constructor exists.
Edit 2: You might run into a lot of trouble once there's nested namespaces involved. This happens as soon as there's an #include in the original Abc.hpp, because it will now be nested inside the evil namespace. If you know all of the includes, you could include them before declaring the evil namespace. Things get real ugly, real quick though.
There's no specific mechanism for doing this directly in the current C++, but there are several ways you can achieve something like it at the cost of some boiler-plate work:
Method 1:
// foo.h
class Foo {
private: // stuff
public: // stuff
// All this crap is private. Pretend like I didn't expose it.
// yeah, I know, you have to compile it, and it probably adds
// dependencies you don't want to #include, like <string>
// or boost, but suck it up, cupcake. Stroustrup hates life.
void internalHelper(std::string&, std::vector&, boost::everything&);
Method 2:
// foo.h
class Foo {
private: // stuff
public: // stuff
// fooimpl.h
// Internal file, do not export with the API.
class FooImpl : public Foo {
private: // stuff
public: // stuff
// So yeah, you have to go thru a cast and an extra include
// if you want to access this. Suck it up, cupcake.
void internalHelper(std::string&, std::vector&, boost::everything&);
Method 3:
// foo.h
class Foo {
private: // stuff
public: // stuff
// For the private api: this is the worst approach, since it
// exposes stuff and forces include/cruft on consumers.
friend void foo_internalHelper(std::string&, std::vector&, boost::everything&);
// foo.cpp
// don't make it static or anyone can make their own as a way to
// back door into our class.
void foo_internalHelper(...);
Method 4:
// foo.h
class Foo {
private: // stuff
public: // stuff
// No dependencies, but nothing stops an end-user from creating
// a FooPrivate themselves...
friend class FooPrivate;
// foo1.cpp
class FooPrivate {
void fooInternalHelper(Foo* f) {
f->m_privateInternalYouCantSeeMe = "Oh, but I can";
You cannot extend the class Abc, period!
The only way out are freestanding functions like
Abc add(const Abc& a, int b);
i found out that c++ is better at doing this than obj-c.
i tried the following and it works great!
the key is, enclose all of your classes in a namespace and then extend your target classes there with the same class name.
namespace LibraryA {
class Abc { //This class is from a 3rd party library....
// ...I don't want to edit its source file.
void methodOne();
void methodTwo();
namespace MyProj {
class Abc : public LibraryA::Abc {
using Base = LibraryA::Abc; //desc: this is to easily access the original class...
// ...by using code: Abc::Base::someOrigMethod();
using Base::Base; //desc: inherit all constructors.
//---added members:
int memberAdded;
//---added methods:
void methodAdded();
//---modified virtual member funcs from original class.
void origMethod_A() override;
namespace MyProj {
void Abc::origMethod_A() {
//...some code here...
Base::origMethod_A(); //desc: you can still call the orignal method
//...some code here...
namespace MyProj { //IMPT NOTE: you really need to enclose your...
// ...project specific code to a namespace so you can...
// ...use the version of class Abc you extended.
void SomeClass::SampleFunc(){
Abc objX; //create MyProj::Abc object.
objX.methodAdded(); //calls MyProj::Abc::methodAdded();
objX.origMethod_A(); //calls MyProj::Abc::origMethod_A();
Abc::Base objY; //create Library::Abc object.
//objY.methodAdded(); //method not existing.
objY.origMethod_A(); //calls Library::Abc::origMethod_A();
//...some code here...
namespace OtherNamespace {
void SomeOtherClass::SampleOtherFunc(){
Abc objZ; //create Library::Abc object.
//objZ.methodAdded(); //method not existing.
objZ.origMethod_A(); //calls LibraryA::Abc::origMethod_A();
you can even extend class Abc differently within other module namespaces.
namespace MyLib_ModuleA {
class Abc : public LibraryA::Abc {
//...add extensions here...
void addedMethod_X();
void origMethod_A() override; //own overriden behavior specific to this ModuleA only.
namespace MyLib_ModuleB {
class Abc : public LibraryA::Abc {
//...add extensions here...
void addedMethod_Y();
void origMethod_A() override; //own overriden behavior specific to this ModuleB only.
if in case class Abc is in global namespace, though i haven't tried it yet, i think you can just replace LibaryA::Abc to ::Abc.
sorry for the very late answer i've been doing this approach for around 4 years now and it's structure is very well useful.
i tried this in c++14 but i think this is still doable in c++11. now i used c++17 and it compiles fine. i'm planning to convert to c++20
when the compilers i used already completed c++20 features.

Static member initialization using CRTP in separate library

After digging the web, I found some reference to a powerful pattern which exploits CRTP to allow instantiation at run-time of static members:
C++: Compiling unused classes
Initialization class for other classes - C++
And so on.
The proposed approach works well, unless such class hierarchy is placed into an external library.
Doing so, run-time initialization no more works, unless I manually #include somewhere the header file of derived classes. However, this defeats my main purpose - having the change to add new commands to my application without the need of changing other source files.
Some code, hoping it helps:
class CAction
// some non relevant stuff
// some other public API
CAction(void) {}
virtual ~CAction(void) {}
virtual std::wstring Name() const = 0;
template <class TAction>
class CCRTPAction : public CAction
static bool m_bForceRegistration;
CCRTPAction(void) { m_bForceRegistration; }
~CCRTPAction(void) { }
static bool init() {
CActionManager::Instance()->Add(std::shared_ptr<CAction>(new TAction));
return true;
template<class TAction> bool CCRTPAction<TAction>::m_bForceRegistration = CCRTPAction<TAction>::init();
Implementations being done this way:
class CDummyAction : public CCRTPAction<CDummyAction>
CDummyAction() { }
~CDummyAction() { }
std::wstring Name() const { return L"Dummy"; }
Finally, here is the container class API:
class CActionManager
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAction>> m_vActions;
static CActionManager* instance;
void Add(std::shared_ptr<CAction>& Action);
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAction>>& AvailableActions() const;
static CActionManager* Instance() {
if (nullptr == instance) {
instance = new CActionManager();
return instance;
Everything works fine in a single project solution. However, if I place the above code in a separate .lib, the magic somehow breaks and the implementation classes (DummyAction and so on) are no longer instantiated.
I see that #include "DummyAction.h" somewhere, either in my library or in the main project makes things work, but
For our project, it is mandatory that adding Actions does not require changes in other files.
I don't really understand what's happening behind the scene, and this makes me uncomfortable. I really hate depending on solutions I don't fully master, since a bug could get out anywhere, anytime, possibly one day before shipping our software to the customer :)
Even stranger, putting the #include directive but not defining constructor/destructor in the header file still breaks the magic.
Thanks all for attention. I really hope someone is able to shed some light...
I can describe the cause of the problem; unfortunately I can't offer a solution.
The problem is that initialisation of a variable with static storage duration may be deferred until any time before the first use of something defined in the same translation unit. If your program never uses anything in the same translation unit as CCRTPAction<CDummyAction>::m_bForceRegistration, then that variable may never be initialised.
As you found, including the header in the translation unit that defines main will force it to be initialised at some point before the start of main; but of course that solution won't meet your first requirement. My usual solution to the problems of initialising static data across multiple translation units is to avoid static data altogether (and the Singleton anti-pattern doubly so, although that's the least of your problems here).
As explained in Mike's answer, the compiler determines that the static member CCRTPAction<CDummyAction>::m_bForceRegistration is never used, and therefore does not need to be initialised.
The problem you're trying to solve is to initialise a set of 'plugin' modules without having to #include their code in a central location. CTRP and templates will not help you here. I'm not aware of a (portable) way in C++ to generate code to initialise a set of plugin modules that are not referenced from main().
If you're willing to make the (reasonable) concession of having to list the plugin modules in a central location (without including their headers), there's a simple solution. I believe this is one of those extremely rare cases where a function-scope extern declaration is useful. You may consider this a dirty hack, but when there's no other way, a dirty hack becomes an elegant solution ;).
This code compiles to the main executable:
template<void (*init)()>
struct Module
// generates: extern void initDummy(); Module<initDummy> DummyInstance
#define MODULE_INSTANCE(name) \
extern void init ## name(); \
Module<init ## name> name ## Instance
struct Action // an abstract action
void addAction(Action& action); // adds the abstract action to a list
#include "core/module.h"
int main()
This code implements the Dummy module and compiles to a separate library:
#include "core/action.h"
struct DummyAction : Action // a concrete action
#include "action.h"
void initDummy()
addAction(*new DummyAction());
If you wanted to go further (this part is not portable) you could write a separate program to generate a list of MODULE_INSTANCE calls, one for each module in your application, and output a generated header file:
#include "core/module.h"
Add this as a pre-build step, and core/main.cpp becomes:
#include "generated/init.h"
int main()
If you later decide to load some or all of these modules dynamically, you can use exactly the same pattern to dynamically load, initialise and unload a dll. Please note that the following example is windows-specific, untested and does not handle errors:
struct DynamicModule
DynamicModule(const char* filename, const char* init)
dll = LoadLibrary(filename);
FARPROC function = GetProcAddress(dll, init);
DynamicModule name ## Instance = DynamicModule(#name ".dll", "init" #name)
As Mike Seymour stated the static template stuff will not give you the dynamic loading facilities you want. You could load your modules dynamically as plug ins. Put dlls containing an action each into the working directory of the application and load these dlls dynamically at run-time. This way you will not have to change your source code in order to use different or new implementations of CAction.
Some frameworks make it easy to load custom plug ins, for example Qt.

Elegant way of overriding default code in test harness

Let's say I have the following class:
class Foo
Bar(bool aSendPacket = true)
if (aSendPacket)
// Send packet...
I am writing a test harness which needs to create a Foo object via the factory pattern (i.e. I am not instantiating it directly). I cannot change any of the factory instantiation code as this is in a framework which I don't have access to.
For various reasons I don't want the Bar method to send packets when running it from a test harness.
Assuming I cannot call Bar directly (eliminating potential solutions like using a friend class), what is an elegant design pattern to use to prevent packets being sent out when running my test harness? I definitely don't want to pollute my production code with special cases.
You want Bar to send a packet in ordinary operation, but not in testing. So you will have to have some code which runs when you call Bar during testing, even if it's an empty function. The question is where to put it.
We can't see the code inside the if(aSendPacket) loop, but if it delegates its work to some other class then we can make the substitution there. That is, if the loop is
so that the work is done by the `packetHandler class:
// packetHandler.cc
void packetHandler::send()
// do some things
// send the packet
then we can make a "mute" version of the packetHandler class. (Some would call it a stub or a mock class, but there seems to be somedebate about the definitions of these terms.)
// version of packetHandler.cc to be used when testing e.g. Foo
void packetHandler::send()
// do some things
// don't actually send the packet
When testing Foo, compile this version of packetHandler and link it in. The factory won't know the difference.
If, on the other hand, the code for sending a packet is spelled out in Foo, with no way to head off the behavior outside the Foo class, then you will have to have a "testing" version of Foo.cc (there are other ways but they are clumsy and dangerous), and the best way to do that depends on the details of your codebase. If there are only a couple of "untestable" features like this, then it's probably best to put Foo::bar(...) in a source file by itself, with two versions (and do the same for each of the other special methods). If there are many then may be worth deriving a factory class specific to testing, which will construct instances of, e.g. class testingFoo : public Foo which overrides Bar. After all, this is what the abstract factory design pattern is for.
I would view 'bar' as an algorithm to send data which follows a template method
// Automation Strategies
class AutomationStrategy{
void PreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const {return doPreprocessSend(configsend);}
void PostprocessSend() const {return doPostprocessSend();}
virtual ~AutomationStrategy(){}
virtual void doPreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const = 0;
virtual void doPostprocessSend() const = 0;
// Default strategy is 'do nothing'
class Automation1 : public AutomationStrategy{
void doPreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const {}
void doPostprocessSend() const {}
// This strategy is 'not to send packets' (OP's intent)
class Automation2 : public AutomationStrategy{
void doPreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const {
configsend = false;
void doPostprocessSend() const {}
class Foo{
// Uses Template Method
void Bar(bool aSendPacket = true, AutomationStrategy const &ref = Automation1())
ref.PreprocessSend(aSendPacket); // Customizable Step1 of the algorithm
if (aSendPacket) // Customizable Step2 of the algorithm
// Send packet...
ref.PostprocessSend(); // Customizable Step3 of the algorithm
int main(){}
If you can't modify 'bar' interface, then configure 'Foo' to accept the test automation strategy in it's constructor and store it (to be later used while calling 'bar')
It might be a gross oversimplification, but my first inclination is to add some sort of testing conditions object (really a variable library) which defaults everything to false, then put hooks in the code where you want to deviate from standard behavior for testing, switching on the [effectively global] testing conditions object variables. You're going to need to do the equivalent logic anyway, and everything else seems either needlessly more complicated, more disruptive to understanding the logic flow inside the object, or more potentially disruptive to the behavior in the testing case. If you can get away with a minimal amount of conditional switch locations/variables, that probably the easiest solution.
My opinion, anyway.

Static vs. member variable

For debugging, I would like to add some counter variables to my class. But it would be nice to do it without changing the header to cause much recompiling.
If Ive understood the keyword correctly, the following two snippets would be quite identical. Assuming of course that there is only one instance.
class FooA
FooA() : count(0) {}
~FooA() {}
void update()
int count;
class FooB
FooB() {}
~FooB() {}
void update()
static int count = 0;
In FooA, count can be accessed anywhere within the class, and also bloats the header, as the variable should be removed when not needed anymore.
In FooB, the variable is only visible within the one function where it exists. Easy to remove later. The only drawback I can think of is the fact that FooB's count is shared among all instances of the class, but thats not a problem in my case.
Is this correct use of the keyword? I assume that once count is created in FooB, it stays created and is not re-initialized to zero every call to update.
Are there any other caveats or headsup I should be aware of?
Edit: After being notified that this would cause problems in multithreaded environments, I clarify that my codebase is singlethreaded.
Your assumptions about static function variables are correct. If you access this from multiple threads, it may not be correct. Consider using InterlockedIncrement().
What you really want, for your long term C++ toolbox is a threadsafe, general purpose debug counters class that allows you to drop it in anywhere and use it, and be accessible from anywhere else to print it. If your code is performance sensitive, you probably want it to automatically do nothing in non-debug builds.
The interface for such a class would probably look like:
class Counters {
// Counters singleton request pattern.
// Counters::get()["my-counter"]++;
static Counters& get() {
if (!_counters) _counters = new Counters();
// Bad idea if you want to deal with multithreaded things.
// If you do, either provide an Increment(int inc_by); function instead of this,
// or return some sort of atomic counter instead of an int.
int& operator[](const string& key) {
if (__DEBUG__) {
return _counter_map.operator[](key);
} else {
return _bogus;
// you have to deal with exposing iteration support.
Counters() {}
// Kill copy and operator=
void Counters(const Counters&);
Counters& operator=(const Counters&);
// Singleton member.
static Counters* _counters;
// Map to store the counters.
std::map<string, int> _counter_map;
// Bogus counter for opt builds.
int _bogus;
Once you have this, you can drop it in at will wherever you want in your .cpp file by calling:
void Foo::update() {
// Leave this in permanently, it will automatically get killed in OPT.
And in your main, if you have built in iteration support, you do:
int main(...) {
for (Counters::const_iterator i = Counters::get().begin(); i != Countes::get().end(); ++i) {
cout << i.first << ": " << i.second;
Creating the counters class is somewhat heavy weight, but if you are doing a bunch of cpp coding, you may find it useful to write once and then be able to just link it in as part of any lib.
The major problems with static variables occur when they are used together with multi-threading. If your app is single-threaded, what you are doing is quite correct.
What I usually do in this situation is to put count in a anonymous namespace in the source file for the class. This means that you can add/remove the variable at will, it can can used anywhere in the file, and there is no chance of a name conflict. It does have the drawback that it can only be used in functions in the source file, not inlined functions in the header file, but I think that is what you want.
In file FooC.cpp
namespace {
int count=0;
void FooC::update()