Elegant way of overriding default code in test harness - c++

Let's say I have the following class:
class Foo
Bar(bool aSendPacket = true)
if (aSendPacket)
// Send packet...
I am writing a test harness which needs to create a Foo object via the factory pattern (i.e. I am not instantiating it directly). I cannot change any of the factory instantiation code as this is in a framework which I don't have access to.
For various reasons I don't want the Bar method to send packets when running it from a test harness.
Assuming I cannot call Bar directly (eliminating potential solutions like using a friend class), what is an elegant design pattern to use to prevent packets being sent out when running my test harness? I definitely don't want to pollute my production code with special cases.

You want Bar to send a packet in ordinary operation, but not in testing. So you will have to have some code which runs when you call Bar during testing, even if it's an empty function. The question is where to put it.
We can't see the code inside the if(aSendPacket) loop, but if it delegates its work to some other class then we can make the substitution there. That is, if the loop is
so that the work is done by the `packetHandler class:
// packetHandler.cc
void packetHandler::send()
// do some things
// send the packet
then we can make a "mute" version of the packetHandler class. (Some would call it a stub or a mock class, but there seems to be somedebate about the definitions of these terms.)
// version of packetHandler.cc to be used when testing e.g. Foo
void packetHandler::send()
// do some things
// don't actually send the packet
When testing Foo, compile this version of packetHandler and link it in. The factory won't know the difference.
If, on the other hand, the code for sending a packet is spelled out in Foo, with no way to head off the behavior outside the Foo class, then you will have to have a "testing" version of Foo.cc (there are other ways but they are clumsy and dangerous), and the best way to do that depends on the details of your codebase. If there are only a couple of "untestable" features like this, then it's probably best to put Foo::bar(...) in a source file by itself, with two versions (and do the same for each of the other special methods). If there are many then may be worth deriving a factory class specific to testing, which will construct instances of, e.g. class testingFoo : public Foo which overrides Bar. After all, this is what the abstract factory design pattern is for.

I would view 'bar' as an algorithm to send data which follows a template method
// Automation Strategies
class AutomationStrategy{
void PreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const {return doPreprocessSend(configsend);}
void PostprocessSend() const {return doPostprocessSend();}
virtual ~AutomationStrategy(){}
virtual void doPreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const = 0;
virtual void doPostprocessSend() const = 0;
// Default strategy is 'do nothing'
class Automation1 : public AutomationStrategy{
void doPreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const {}
void doPostprocessSend() const {}
// This strategy is 'not to send packets' (OP's intent)
class Automation2 : public AutomationStrategy{
void doPreprocessSend(bool &configsend) const {
configsend = false;
void doPostprocessSend() const {}
class Foo{
// Uses Template Method
void Bar(bool aSendPacket = true, AutomationStrategy const &ref = Automation1())
ref.PreprocessSend(aSendPacket); // Customizable Step1 of the algorithm
if (aSendPacket) // Customizable Step2 of the algorithm
// Send packet...
ref.PostprocessSend(); // Customizable Step3 of the algorithm
int main(){}
If you can't modify 'bar' interface, then configure 'Foo' to accept the test automation strategy in it's constructor and store it (to be later used while calling 'bar')

It might be a gross oversimplification, but my first inclination is to add some sort of testing conditions object (really a variable library) which defaults everything to false, then put hooks in the code where you want to deviate from standard behavior for testing, switching on the [effectively global] testing conditions object variables. You're going to need to do the equivalent logic anyway, and everything else seems either needlessly more complicated, more disruptive to understanding the logic flow inside the object, or more potentially disruptive to the behavior in the testing case. If you can get away with a minimal amount of conditional switch locations/variables, that probably the easiest solution.
My opinion, anyway.


C++ Compile time check if a function called before another one

Lets say I have a class with two member functions.
class Dummy {
void procedure_1();
void procedure_2();
At compile time, I want to be sure that, procedure_1 is called before procedure_2. What is the correct way do implement this?
Maybe you could do it with a proxy-class. The idea is, that procedure_2 can't be accessed directly from outside (for example by making it private). procedure_1 would return some kind of proxy that allows the access to procedure_2.
Some code below, allthough I don't consider it clean or safe. And if you want, you can still break the system.
IMO such requirements should be handled without explicit validation, because it's quite cumbersome and impossible to make it absolutely safe.
Instead, the dependency should be well documented, which also seems idiomatic in C++. You get a warning that bad things might happen if a function is used incorrectly, but nothing prevents you from shooting your own leg.
class Dummy {
void procedure_2() { }
class DummyProxy
Dummy *parent; // Maybe use something safer here
DummyProxy(Dummy *parent): parent(parent) {}
void procedure_2() { this->parent->procedure_2(); }
[[nodiscard]] DummyProxy procedure_1() {
return DummyProxy{this};
int main()
Dummy d;
// d.procedure_2(); error: private within this context
auto proxy = d.procedure_1(); // You need to get the proxy first
proxy.procedure_2(); // Then
// But you can still break the system:
Dummy d2;
decltype(d2.procedure_1()) x(&d2); // only decltype, function is not actually called
d2.procedure_2(); // ooops, procedure_1 wasn't called for d2
Instead of "checking" it, just do not allow it. Do not expose an interface that allows to call it in any other way. Expose an interface that allows to only call it in specified order. For example:
// library.c
class Dummy {
void procedure_1();
void procedure_2();
void call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_something_then_produre_2(std::function<void()> f){
You could also make procedure_2 be called from destructor and procedure_1 from a constructor.
#include <memory>
struct Dummy {
void procedure_1();
void procedure_2();
struct Procedures {
Dummy& d;
Procedures(Dummy& d) : d(d) { d.procedure_1(); }
~Procedures() { d.procedure_2(); }
// just a simple example with unique_ptr
std::unique_ptr<Dummy::Procedures> call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2(){
return std::make_unique<Dummy::Procedures>(*this);
int main() {
Dummy d;
auto call = d.call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2();
call.reset(); // yay!
The above are methods that will make sure that inside one translation unit the calls will be ordered. To check between multiple source files, generate the final executable, then write a tool that will go through the generated assembly and if there are two or more calls to that call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2 function that tool will error. For that, additional work is needed to make sure that call_Dummy_prodedure_1_then_produre_2 can't be optimized by the compiler.
But you could create a header that could only be included by one translation unit:
// dummy.h
int some_global_variable_with_initialization = 0;
struct Dummy {
and expose the interface from above into Dummy or add only the wrapper declaration in that library. That way, if multiple souce files include dummy.h, linker will error with multiple definitions error.
As for checking, you can make prodedure_1 and procedure_2 some macros that will expand to something that can't be optimized by the compiler with some mark, like assembly comment. Then you may go through generated executable with a custom tool that will check that the call to prodedure_1 comes before procedure_2.

How to test RDMA code without actual hardware?

I have C++ code which makes use of infiniband verbs for RDMA communication. I need to unit test this code, and thus, the function calls related to RDMA such as ibv_get_device_list() need to succeed without any actual hardware. From my understanding, I can do the following:
Create my own definition of each function to return the desired value, and link to this custom definition instead of infinband/verbs.h during testing. - Turning out to be very tedious
Create an interface and provide real and fake implementations of each function. The real one would simply call the infiniband verbs. - Can't do this as it would require too many changes to the original code
Use Soft-RoCE - I need to use the same machine as both the client and server, which I haven't been able to do
Would it be possible to use gmock to mock these functions? What other options can I consider?
Number 2 is the way to go. I'm going to challenge this statement:
Can't do this as it would require too many changes to the original code
If all goes well, your IDE has a "global search and replace" that can be used.
Let's fine the easiest way to abstract out your code with a minimal amount of disruptive changes:
Start by defining a class that simply wraps those C library function calls:
class RDMA
virtual struct ibv_device **ibv_get_device_list(int *num_devices)
return ::ibv_get_device_list(num_devices);
virtual void ibv_free_device_list(struct ibv_device **list)
return ::ibv_free_device_list(list);
virtual uint64_t ibv_get_device_guid(struct ibv_device *device)
return ::ibv_get_device_guid(device);
Extend the above class with any other related calls you might need.
At global scope, declare an instance of the above class and a pointer to it:
RDMA g_product_code_rdma;
RDMA* g_ptrRMDA = &g_product_code_rdma;
Replace all your product code calls to the ibv functions to call through to the class via the global pointer. That is, change this:
to be invoked as:
Alternatively, you could declare helper functions:
ibv_device **global_ibv_get_device_list(int *num_devices)
return g_ptrRDMA->ibv_get_device_list(num_devices);
And then replace all your calls to use the new "global" version. A simple sed\awk script or just use your IDE to globally search and replace those function calls would be the easiest approach.
At this point, your product code functions the same as before.
in your unit tests, you simply declare a MockRDMA class that inherits from the RDMA class above.
class MockRDMA : public RDMA
ibv_device **ibv_get_device_list(int *num_devices) override
// return a fake list of devices
virtual void ibv_free_device_list(struct ibv_device **list) override
virtual uint64_t ibv_get_device_guid(struct ibv_device *device) override
return 0x012345678;
Then you just say this at the start of your unit tests:
MockRDMA mock;
g_ptrRDMA = &mock;
bool test_that_thing()
RDMA* original = g_ptrRDMA;
MockRDMA mock;
g_ptrRDMA = &mock;
// test code to validate the code that depends on those RDMA calls
// restore the RDMA class
g_ptrRDMA = original;
return result;
If you do decide to go for option 3 (SoftRoCE), it is certainly possible to have the client and server on the same host. You can try a Vagrant box I have created to make it easy to test SoftRoCE in a VM.

Dealing with functions in a class that should be broken down into functions for clarity?

How is this situation usually dealt with. For example, an object may need to do very specific things:
class Human
void eat(Food food);
void drink(Liquid liquid);
String talkTo(Human human);
Say that this is what this class is supposed to do, but to actually do these might result in functions that are well over 10,000 lines. So you would break them down. The problem is, many of those helper functions should not be called by anything other than the function they are serving. This makes the code confusing in a way. For example, chew(Food food); would be called by eat() but should not be called by a user of the class and probably should not be called anywhere else.
How are these cases dealt with generally. I was looking at some classes from a real video game that looked like this:
class CHeli (7 variables, 19 functions)
Variables list
Functions list
FindPointerToCatalinasHeli (void)
GenerateHeli (b)
CatalinaTakeOff (void)
ActivateHeli (b)
MakeCatalinaHeliFlyAway (void)
HasCatalinaBeenShotDown (void)
InitHelis (void)
UpdateHelis (void)
TestRocketCollision (P7CVector)
TestBulletCollision (P7CVectorP7CVectorP7CVector)
SpecialHeliPreRender (void)
SpawnFlyingComponent (i)
StartCatalinaFlyBy (void)
RemoveCatalinaHeli (void)
Render (void)
SetModelIndex (Ui)
PreRenderAlways (void)
ProcessControl (void)
PreRender (void)
All of these look like fairly high level functions, which mean their source code must be pretty lengthy. What is good about this is that at a glance it is very clear what this class can do and the class looks easy to use. However, the code for these functions might be quite large.
What should a programmer do in these cases; what is proper practice for these types of situations.
For example, chew(Food food); would be called by eat() but should not be called by a user of the class and probably should not be called anywhere else.
Then either make chew a private or protected member function, or a freestanding function in an anonymous namespace inside the eat implementation module:
// eat.cc
// details of digestion
namespace {
void chew(Human &subject, Food &food)
while (!food.mushy())
void Human::eat(Food &food)
chew(*this, food);
swallow(*this, food);
The benefits of this approach compared to private member functions is that the implementation of eat can be changed without the header changing (requiring recompilation of client code). The drawback is that the function cannot be called by any function outside of its module, so it can't be shared by multiple member functions unless they share an implementation file, and that it can't access private parts of the class directly.
The drawback compared to protected member functions is that derived classes can't call chew directly.
The implementation of one member function is allowed to be split in whatever way you want.
A popular option is to use private member functions:
struct Human
void eat();
void chew(...);
void eat_spinach();
or to use the Pimpl idiom:
struct Human
void eat();
struct impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> p_impl;
struct Human::impl { ... };
However, as soon as the complexity of eat goes up, you surely don't want a collection of private methods accumulating (be it inside a Pimpl class or inside a private section).
So you want to break down the behavior. You can use classes:
struct SpinachEater
void eat_spinach();
// Helpers for eating spinach
void Human::eat(Aliment* e)
if (e->isSpinach()) // Use your favorite dispatch method here
// Factories, or some sort of polymorphism
// are possible ideas.
SpinachEater eater;
with the basic principles:
Keep it simple
One class one responsibility
Never duplicate code
Edit: A slightly better illustration, showing a possible split into classes:
struct Aliment;
struct Human
void eat(Aliment* e);
void process(Aliment* e);
void chew();
void swallow();
void throw_up();
// Everything below is in an implementation file
// As the code grows, it can of course be split into several
// implementation files.
struct AlimentProcessor
virtual ~AlimentProcessor() {}
virtual process() {}
struct VegetableProcessor : AlimentProcessor
virtual process() { std::cout << "Eeek\n"; }
struct MeatProcessor
virtual process() { std::cout << "Hmmm\n"; }
// Use your favorite dispatch method here.
// There are many ways to escape the use of dynamic_cast,
// especially if the number of aliments is expected to grow.
std::unique_ptr<AlimentProcessor> Factory(Aliment* e)
typedef std::unique_ptr<AlimentProcessor> Handle;
if (dynamic_cast<Vegetable*>(e))
return Handle(new VegetableProcessor);
else if (dynamic_cast<Meat*>(e))
return Handle(new MeatProcessor);
return Handle(new AlimentProcessor);
void Human::eat(Aliment* e)
if (e->isGood()) this->swallow();
else this->throw_up();
void Human::process(Aliment* e)
One possibility is to (perhaps privately) compose the Human of smaller objects that each do a smaller part of the work. So, you might have a Stomach object. Human::eat(Food food) would delegate to this->stomach.digest(food), returning a DigestedFood object, which the Human::eat(Food food) function processed further.
Function decomposition is something that is learnt from experience, and it usually implies type decomposition at the same time. If your functions become too large there are different things that can be done, which is best for a particular case depends on the problem at hand.
separate functionality into private functions
This makes more sense when the functions have to access quite a bit of state from the object, and if they can be used as building blocks for one or more of the public functions
decompose the class into different subclasses that have different responsibilities
In some cases a part of the work falls naturally into its own little subproblem, then the higher level functions can be implemented in terms of calls to the internal subobjects (usually members of the type).
Because the domain that you are trying to model can be interpreted in quite a number of different ways I fear trying to provide a sensible breakdown, but you could imagine that you had a mouth subobject in Human that you could use to ingest food or drink. Inside the mouth subobject you could have functions open, chew, swallow...

Optional Member Objects

Okay, so you have a load of methods sprinkled around your system's main class. So you do the right thing and refactor by creating a new class and perform move method(s) into a new class. The new class has a single responsibility and all is right with the world again:
class Feature
void doSomething();
void doSomething1();
void doSomething2();
So now your original class has a member variable of type object:
Feature _feature;
Which you will call in the main class. Now if you do this many times, you will have many member-objects in your main class.
Now these features may or not be required based on configuration so in a way it's costly having all these objects that may or not be needed.
Can anyone suggest a way of improving this?
EDIT: Based on suggestion to use The Null Object Design Pattern I've come up with this:
An Abstract Class Defining the Interface of the Feature:
class IFeature
virtual void doSomething()=0;
virtual void doSomething1()=0;
virtual void doSomething2()=0;
virtual ~IFeature(){}
I then define two classes which implement the interface, one real implementation and one Null Object:
class RealFeature:public IFeature
void doSomething(){std::cout<<"RealFeature doSomething()"<<std::endl;}
void doSomething1(){std::cout<<"RealFeature doSomething()"<<std::endl;}
void doSomething2(){std::cout<<"RealFeature doSomething()"<<std::endl;}
class NullFeature:public IFeature
void doSomething(){std::cout<<"NULL doSomething()"<<std::endl;};
void doSomething1(){std::cout<<"NULL doSomething1()"<<std::endl;};
void doSomething2(){std::cout<<"NULL doSomething2()"<<std::endl;};
I then define a Proxy class which will delegate to either the real object or the null object depending on configuration:
class Feature:public IFeature
void doSomething();
void doSomething1();
void doSomething2();
std::auto_ptr<IFeature> _feature;
std::cout<<"Feature() CTOR"<<std::endl;
if(configuration::isEnabled() )
_feature = auto_ptr<IFeature>( new RealFeature() );
_feature = auto_ptr<IFeature>( new NullFeature() );
void Feature::doSomething()
//And so one for each of the implementation methods
I then use the proxy class in my main class (or wherever it's required):
Feature _feature;
If a feature is missing and the correct thing to do is ignore that fact and do nothing, you can get rid of your checks by using the Null Object pattern:
class MainThing {
IFeature _feature;
void DoStuff() {
interface IFeature {
void Method1();
void Method2();
class SomeFeature { /* ... */ }
class NullFeature {
void Method1() { /* do nothing */ }
void Method2() { /* do nothing */ }
Now, in MainThing, if the optional feature isn't there, you give it a reference to a NullFeature instead of an actual null reference. That way, MainThing can always safely assume that _feature isn't null.
An auto_ptr by itself won't buy you much. But having a pointer to an object that you lazily load only when and if you need it might. Something like:
class Foo {
Feature* _feature;
Foo() : _feature(NULL) {}
Feature* getFeature() {
if (! _feature) {
_feature = new Feature();
return _feature;
Now you can wrap that Feature* in a smart pointer if you want help with the memory management. But the key isn't in the memory management, it's the lazy creation. The advantage to this instead of selectively configuring what you want to go create during startup is that you don't have to configure – you simply pay as you go. Sometimes that's all you need.
Note that a downside to this particular implementation is that the creation now takes place the first time the client invokes what they think is just a getter. If creation of the object is time-consuming, this could be a bit of a shock to, or even a problem for, to your client. It also makes the getter non-const, which could also be a problem. Finally, it assumes you have everything you need to create the object on demand, which could be a problem for objects that are tricky to construct.
There is one moment in your problem description, that actually would lead to failure. You shouldn't "just return" if your feature is unavailable, you should check the availability of your feature before calling it!
Try designing that main class using different approach. Think of having some abstract descriptor of your class called FeatureMap or something like that, which actually stores available features for current class.
When you implement your FeatureMap everything goes plain and simple. Just ensure (before calling), that your class has this feature and only then call it. If you face a situation when an unsupported feature is being called, throw an exception.
Also to mention, this feature-lookup routine should be fast (I guess so) and won't impact your performance.
I'm not sure if I'm answering directly to your question (because I don't have any ideas about your problem domain and, well, better solutions are always domain-specific), but hope this will make you think in the right way.
Regarding your edit on the Null Object Pattern: If you already have a public interface / private implementation for a feature, it makes no sense to also create a null implementation, as the public interface can be your null implementation with no problems whatsoever).
Concretely, you can have:
class FeatureImpl
void doSomething() { /*real work here*/ }
class Feature
class FeatureImpl * _impl;
Feature() : _impl(0) {}
void doSomething()
// else case ... here's your null object implementation :)
// code to (optionally) initialize the implementation left out due to laziness
This code only benefits from a NULL implementation if it is performance-critical (and even then, the cost of an if(_impl) is in most cases negligible).

Unit Testing Refcounted Critical Section Class

I'm looking at a simple class I have to manage critical sections and locks, and I'd like to cover this with test cases. Does this make sense, and how would one go about doing it? It's difficult because the only way to verify the class works is to setup very complicated threading scenarios, and even then there's not a good way to test for a leak of a Critical Section in Win32. Is there a more direct way to make sure it's working correctly?
Here's the code:
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
namespace WindowsAPI { namespace Threading {
class CriticalSectionImpl;
class CriticalLock;
class CriticalAttemptedLock;
class CriticalSection
friend class CriticalLock;
friend class CriticalAttemptedLock;
boost::shared_ptr<CriticalSectionImpl> impl;
void Enter();
bool TryEnter();
void Leave();
class CriticalLock
CriticalSection &ref;
CriticalLock(CriticalSection& sectionToLock) : ref(sectionToLock) { ref.Enter(); };
~CriticalLock() { ref.Leave(); };
class CriticalAttemptedLock
CriticalSection &ref;
bool valid;
CriticalAttemptedLock(CriticalSection& sectionToLock) : ref(sectionToLock), valid(ref.TryEnter()) {};
bool LockHeld() { return valid; };
~CriticalAttemptedLock() { if (valid) ref.Leave(); };
#include "CriticalSection.hpp"
namespace WindowsAPI { namespace Threading {
class CriticalSectionImpl
friend class CriticalSection;
CRITICAL_SECTION sectionStructure;
CriticalSectionImpl() { InitializeCriticalSection(&sectionStructure); };
void Enter() { EnterCriticalSection(&sectionStructure); };
bool TryEnter() { if (TryEnterCriticalSection(&sectionStructure)) return true; else return false; };
void Leave() { LeaveCriticalSection(&sectionStructure); };
~CriticalSectionImpl() { DeleteCriticalSection(&sectionStructure); };
void CriticalSection::Enter() { impl->Enter(); };
bool CriticalSection::TryEnter() { return impl->TryEnter(); };
void CriticalSection::Leave() { impl->Leave(); };
CriticalSection::CriticalSection() : impl(new CriticalSectionImpl) {} ;
Here are three options and personally I favour the last one...
You could create a 'critical section factory' interface that can be passed to your constructor. This would have functions that wrapped the API level functions that you need to use. You could then mock this interface up and pass the mock to the code when under test and you can be sure that the right API functions are called. You would, generally, also have a constructor that didn't take this interface and that instead initialised itself with a static instance of the factory that called directly to the API. Normal creation of the objects wouldn't be affected (as you have them use a default implementation) but you can instrument when under test. This is the standard dependency injection route and results in you being able to parameterise from above. The downside of all this is that you have a layer of indirection and you need to store a pointer to the factory in each instance (so you're probably losing out in both space and time).
Alternatively you could try and mock the API out from underneath... A long time ago I looked into testing this kind of low level API usage with API hooking; the idea being that if I hooked the actual Win32 API calls I could develop a 'mock API layer' which would be used in the same way as more normal Mock Objects but would rely on "parameterise from below" rather than parameterise from above. Whilst this worked and I got quite a long way into the project, it was very complex to ensure that you were only mocking the code under test. The good thing about this approach was that I could cause the API calls to fail under controlled conditions in my test; this allowed me to test failure paths which were otherwise VERY difficult to exercise.
The third approach is to accept that some code is not testable with reasonable resources and that dependency injection isn't always suitable. Make the code as simple as you can, eyeball it, write tests for the bits that you can and move on. This is what I tend to do in situations like this.
I'm dubious of your design choice. Firstly there's too much going on in the class (IMHO). The reference counting and the locking are orthogonal. I'd split them apart so that I had a simple class that did critical section management and then built on it I found I really needed reference counting... Secondly there's the reference counting and the design of your lock functions; rather than returning an object that releases the lock in its dtor why not simply have an object that you create on the stack to create a scoped lock. This would remove much of the complexity. In fact you could end up with a critical section class that's as simple as this:
#if(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
bool CCriticalSection::TryEnter()
return ToBool(::TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_crit));
void CCriticalSection::Enter()
void CCriticalSection::Leave()
Which fits with my idea of this kind of code being simple enough to eyeball rather than introducing complex testing ...
You could then have a scoped locking class such as:
ICriticalSection &crit)
: m_crit(crit)
You'd use it like this
void MyClass::DoThing()
ICriticalSection::Owner lock(m_criticalSection);
// We're locked whilst 'lock' is in scope...
Of course my code isn't using TryEnter() or doing anything complex but there's nothing to stop your simple RAII classes from doing more; though, IMHO, I think TryEnter() is actually required VERY rarely.