Can I set AWS credentials on a Spring Boot/Cloud #SqsListener? (Java) - amazon-web-services

Double newbie here, to both SQS and Spring Cloud. I've created (using the console) an SQS queue. The company wiki I'm working from says then to generate temporary credentials, which come out looking like this:
aws_access_key_id = <secret>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret>
region = us-west-2
aws_session_token = <secret and VERY LONG, like 240 characters>
NOTE: more on that "aws_session_token" later.
So, once I have done that, I can send a message from the CLI, like this.
`aws --endpoint-url<queue name>.fifo sqs send-message --queue-url<queue name>.fifo --message-body "cli test msg 2" --message-group-id "azgroup"`
So far so good. But now, I want to implement an SqsListener to listen continuously. So, I checked out the code here, which is a minimal Spring Cloud SQS application, and set all the configs as shown in the readme. My listener, right now, looks simply like this:
public void process(String json) throws IOException {
But, when I try to start the application up, I get this error: The security token included in the request is invalid. (Service: AmazonSQS; Status Code: 403; Error Code: InvalidClientTokenId; Request ID:....)
I think what's going on is that at startup, the listener is trying to contact my queue, and is being rejected because it's not sending that aws_session_token. (The company wiki, again, says this: "You will see aws_session_token. This is something you have not had before. It is required for your key to work!")
So, is there a way to explicitly set my AWS parameters, either in the Java code where the #SqsListener is defined, or somewhere in configs, such that the aws_session_token gets passed? It doesn't seem possible to pass an AwsCredentials object. (edit) And it doesn't seem that that would help me anyway, since AwsCredentials doesn't contain that field.
Or . . . is there some other way of solving this?

Answering, or at least partially answering, my own question: It turns out that the aws_session_token is required when, and only when, using temporary aws credentials, which as I noted is what I've been given to work with. It has to be added to any CLI operations, but there is no way to set it the AwsCredentials object in Java code. So that's not going to help me. It may just not be possible to connect from Java code when using temporary credentials. If I'm wrong and there is a way, please let me know.


s3_out: unable to sign request without credentials set

I try to use "instance_profile_credentials" at ec2 instance as credentials. However I get
2021-09-16 14:16:50 +0000 [error]: #0 unexpected error error_class=RuntimeError error="can't call S3 API. Please check your credentials or s3_region configuration. error = #<Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError: unable to sign request without credentials set>"
I pretty sure my s3_region is correct, and I can use cli "aws s3 cp " to copy object at command line, not sure what going wrong.
I wonder if that because I am under a http proxy. However, I already setup "proxy_uri" parameter. Not sure what else I can do to check what going wrong?

Setting up sns_publish_operator in airflow

Has anyone used the sns_publish_operator?
I am quite new to airflow and am having some issues around setting up the architecture correctly.
I have set up a simple DAG with a data quality check task. Basically, if the dataset fails the data quality checks, I'd like to send an SNS notification. If it passes the data quality checks, I'd like it to reframe from sending an email.
There does not seem to be as much online help in this realm as I thought. Any resources or general tips would be much appreciated.
This question is a bit older, but maybe this helps someone still.
First addressing the SnsPublishOperator: You will need to setup an Airflow connection to AWS. There is multiple ways to do that. The easiest is probably using the Web UI. Go there to Admin->Connections->[+] (add new record). Then you set it up as 'Amazon Webservices Connection' Conn Type. Login and Password are the AWS key and key secret. Finally, you also have to provide the region, where you SNS topic is seated in the 'Extras' section:
{"region_name": "us-east-1"}
Now, you can use the Operator in you code, by providing it also the new connection's conn_id:
my_sns_task = SnsPublishOperator(
Theoretically, that operator also has a "subject" parameter, but I receive an error from the component, when I try to set it.
As for incorporating that operator into your DAG, a possible way would be to have the task, that evaluates your data, fail, if the checks to do not pass, and have the sns task be triggered on failure:
my_sns_task = SnsPublishOperator(

Boto3 EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to endpoint (that was previously working fine)

I upgraded to boto3 a few months ago. These operations always used to work properly. To my knowledge nothing changed, but recently this error has been occurring when I try to reach the aws servers.
client = boto3.client(
aws_access_key_id = key,
aws_secret_access_key = secret_key,
endpoint_url= r"")
botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint URL:
This now happens when posting hits, checking my balance, etc. All these operations were originally working as intended.
My awscli is configured to
Seems to work fine for me like this:
client = boto3.client('mturk',region_name='us-east-1')

Spark is inventing his own AWS secretKey

I'm trying to read a s3 bucket from Spark and up until today Spark always complain that the request return 403
hadoopConf = spark_context._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.access.key", "ACCESSKEY")
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.secret.key", "SECRETKEY")
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem")
logs = spark_context.textFile("s3a://mybucket/logs/*)
Spark was saying .... Invalid Access key [ACCESSKEY]
However with the same ACCESSKEY and SECRETKEY this was working with aws-cli
aws s3 ls mybucket/logs/
and in python boto3 this was working
resource = boto3.resource("s3", region_name="us-east-1")
resource.Object("mybucket", "logs/") \
.put(Body=open("", "rb"),ContentType="text/x-py")
so my credentials ARE invalid and the problem is definitely something with Spark..
Today I decided to turn on the "DEBUG" log for the entire spark and to my suprise... Spark is NOT using the [SECRETKEY] I have provided but instead... add a random one???
17/03/08 10:40:04 DEBUG request: Sending Request: HEAD / Headers: (Authorization: AWS ACCESSKEY:[RANDON-SECRET-KEY], User-Agent: aws-sdk-java/1.7.4 Mac_OS_X/10.11.6 Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.65-b01/1.8.0_65, Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2017 10:40:04 GMT, Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8, )
This is why it still return 403! Spark is not using the key I provide with fs.s3a.secret.key but instead invent a random one??
For the record I'm running this locally on my machine (OSX) with this command
spark-submit --packages com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-pom:1.11.98,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.3
Could some one enlighten me on this?
(updated as my original one was downvoted as clearly considered unacceptable)
The AWS auth protocol doesn't send your secret over the wire. It signs the message. That's why what you see isn't what you passed in.
For further information, please reread.
I ran into a similar issue. Requests that were using valid AWS credentials returned a 403 Forbidden, but only on certain machines. Eventually I found out that the system time on those particular machines were 10 minutes behind. Synchronizing the system clock solved the problem.
Hope this helps!
It is very intriguing this random passkey. Maybe AWS SDK is getting the password from OS environment.
In hadoop 2.8, the default AWS provider chain shows the following list of providers:
BasicAWSCredentialsProvider EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider SharedInstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
Order, of course, matters! the AWSCredentialProviderChain, get the first keys from the first provider that provides that information.
if (credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId() != null &&
credentials.getAWSSecretKey() != null) {
log.debug("Loading credentials from " + provider.toString());
lastUsedProvider = provider;
return credentials;
See the code in "GrepCode for AWSCredentialProviderChain".
I face similar problem using profile credentials. SDK was ignoring the credentials inside ~/.aws/credentials (as good practice, I encourage you to not store credentials inside the program in any way).
My solution...
Set the credentials provider to use ProfileCredentialsProvider
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3a.endpoint", "") # yes, I am using central eu server.
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('', 'com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider')
Folks, go for the IAM configuration based on Roles ... that will open up S3 access policies that should be added to the EMR default one.

AuthFailure AWS was not able to authenticate the request: access credentials are missing

I'm trying to submit the Pay step in an Amazon Flexible Payments request...
I get the following error
AuthFailure AWS was not able to authenticate the request: access
credentials are missing
However, I believe I am following the instructions to the letter:
The documentation gives the following example:
Here is what I generate:
I know that my AWS credentials are good because I have to use them in the immediately preceding step of getting the SenderTokenID. I'm just trying to finish up the transaction.
Any ideas? This has be totally baffled and has been a tragic waste of human life so far.
Ok, so the solution is
1) Although the opposite is documented for the antecedent step (getting a token ID), for this specific request, FPS cares about the case of the parameters - they should all be camel case.
2) I was missing a default '/' to cover the case of a blank path in my message signing function (the endpoint here has nothing after the host name)
Here's the HTTP GET that worked (obfuscating AWS credentials)
And here is the message as it was actually signed with Hmac SHA256 (AWS Secret key as password):