MinGW Installation Manager - Missing devpropdef.h file - c++

I downloaded the MinGW Installation Manager and installed most of the packages available there in trying to find the 'devpropdef.h' file.
This file is needed by the openframeworks library and without it, I cannot compile the most basic project.
This file was listed by one of the contributors in this thread, but I don't know what happened to it.
Does anyone know which package it is in from the MinGW installation manager? Or how I can get my hands on it?

The http://winlibs.com/ build of GCC/MinGW-w64 has a very recent version of MinGW-w64 which contains devpropdef.h.


How do I build Qt 3.X.X on Windows?

I downloaded a project that depends on Qt 3.X.X (legacy version). I downloaded this version from the Qt downloads archive and set the environment variables according to what the documentation tells me. I can't build the program though. The errors I get are all along the lines of
Moc'ing SomeFile.h ...
The system cannot find the path specified.
Looking into the Qt /lib folder, there's just one README file that says
If this directory is empty, you forgot to build the Qt library
I'm assuming this is the reason I can't build my project, so I would like to know how to build this Qt version. The documentation is extremely limited since it's an old version, so I can't get it to work based on that.
Some system info:
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015 installed
If you need more info, please let me know!

Installation and use of GDAL library in mingw for windows

I try to use GDAL library in MinGW on a Windows 7 system. I downloades the GDAL 2.0.0 from gdal.org and did the built and install like described here: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingWithMinGW. This worked fine without any errors. When I now try to include gdal.h or gdal_priv.h in a C++ file msys says: fatal error: gdal.h: no such file or directory. Did I forget anything? Do I need to place the built dll files anywhere else?
Thank you very much for your help!

fatal error: GL/gl.h: no such file or directory

So I am trying to get my first c++ app to run but i keep getting this error. The error originates from the freeglut_std.h file.
I have downloaded the freeglut 3.0.0 MinGW Package and placed the files inside their respective directories in my MinGW installation folder but there is no file called gl.h.
I have added the libraries to my project properties
I have checked the question that this should be a duplicate of but the solution given there, install Windows SDK, did not fix my problem.
Normally there's no need to download GL/gl.h; OpenGL is part of the Windows ABI contract, which means that every compiler toolchain that targets the Windows API must provision for compiling the OpenGL version that's specified for the Windows ABI. That would be OpenGL-1.1
If your MinGW installation lacks the GL/gl.h header, something is broken in your particular installation. Note that in some Linux distributions you may have to install the development support files separately. But with MinGW the OpenGL headers should be part of the standard installation.

MinGW c++ compiler zlib1.dll missing error?

I have just started to learn C++ for school, and I'm trying to download the compiler MinGW to compile my source code. However, every time I try to compile a program an error message shows up saying that zlib1.dll is missing.
This is the error message
the program can't start because zlib1.dll is missing from your computer
I have tried installing/re-installing with no luck. I don't know what's the problem here?
Can anyone please help me with this problem as I have some homework that I need to do but I can't without the compiler.
I had this same problem, but fixed it like this:
I ran the MinGW Installation Manager (e.g. C:\MinGW\libexec\mingw-get\guimain.exe).
I navigated to All Packages -> MinGW -> MinGW Libraries.
I checked the boxes next to mingw32-libz (dev & dll).
I went to Installation -> Apply Changes.
Now everything worked properly.
From the MinGW getting started; an automated GUI installer assistant, or use mingw-get, is available (installed as "MinGW Installation Manager") and can be used to install additional libraries and manage dependencies. For the missing zlib libraries, add the mingw32-libz libraries as required.
It seems to have been an issue previously here on super user. It seems you may be able to get them directly from the zlib website. Open Babel has some info on it being required to be copied afterwards (together with some other dlls).
Alternatives include using the mingw-w64 distros from nuwen or mingw-builds. I've never had any issue getting these up and going. They also support x64 builds.
Had same problem here, I've just used mingw-get install mingw32-libzat the cmd and it worked.

Qt project release ubuntu - error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Widgets.so.5

I want to release my project written with Qt to a Ubuntu / Linux user. If they try to execute the build release version they get this error message, because they have not installed Qt:
error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Widgets.so.5:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Is there a way to add all the libraries such as libQt5Widgets.so.5 to the folder where the executable is, just like under Windows with qt.conf, where you can specify the Plugins folder?
Try this
sudo apt-get install libqt5widgets5
One solution could be:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/dir/with/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
But a proper solution would be to install QT libraries in system and/or package your app for Ubuntu (in your case).
I had recently updated the Android tools via the SDK manager when I saw this error.
Re-install the SDK tools to fix. That is what worked for my machine.
It may be simplest to package the project using Ubuntu's package management system. The Qt dependency will then be automatically installed by the package manager when your project is installed. That'd be the best way to go about it, as long as there is a version of Qt 5 available in Ubuntu's package repository. It'll save you a whole lot of grief.