MinGW c++ compiler zlib1.dll missing error? - c++

I have just started to learn C++ for school, and I'm trying to download the compiler MinGW to compile my source code. However, every time I try to compile a program an error message shows up saying that zlib1.dll is missing.
This is the error message
the program can't start because zlib1.dll is missing from your computer
I have tried installing/re-installing with no luck. I don't know what's the problem here?
Can anyone please help me with this problem as I have some homework that I need to do but I can't without the compiler.

I had this same problem, but fixed it like this:
I ran the MinGW Installation Manager (e.g. C:\MinGW\libexec\mingw-get\guimain.exe).
I navigated to All Packages -> MinGW -> MinGW Libraries.
I checked the boxes next to mingw32-libz (dev & dll).
I went to Installation -> Apply Changes.
Now everything worked properly.

From the MinGW getting started; an automated GUI installer assistant, or use mingw-get, is available (installed as "MinGW Installation Manager") and can be used to install additional libraries and manage dependencies. For the missing zlib libraries, add the mingw32-libz libraries as required.
It seems to have been an issue previously here on super user. It seems you may be able to get them directly from the zlib website. Open Babel has some info on it being required to be copied afterwards (together with some other dlls).
Alternatives include using the mingw-w64 distros from nuwen or mingw-builds. I've never had any issue getting these up and going. They also support x64 builds.

Had same problem here, I've just used mingw-get install mingw32-libzat the cmd and it worked.


GDB on NetBeans 8.2 not starting (Windows)

I've successfully installed NetBeans 8.2 on my system. I've also installed MinGW and MSYS to make it compile C/C++ projects and it works flawlessly. The problem is that whenever I try to debug a program it gives me two errors:
Selected console type is not supported in your configuration, using
External terminal instead
GDB has unexpectedly stopped with return -1.073.741.701
and GDB is stuck loading until i press Cancel.
I noticed that if I go to C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe it says that the application cannot be started (Error code: 0xc00007b).
Maybe that's because I followed the official tutorial for installing MinGW and MSYS, but I wasn't able to install GDB correctly because point 15 says:
Unzip the gdb-7.0-2-mingw32-bin.tar.gz to your C:\MinGW directory so
that the gdb executable is installed into your C:\MinGW\bin directory.
but if I unzip the files, there are bin and share directories (which overlap with the existing ones), so I chose to cancel.
I could have found the issue, but I'm not sure. I ran Dependency Walker on gdb.exe and it reds out ZLIB1.DLL and KERNEL32.DLL. Do I need the 32-bit version of them? If so, where can I find the downloads?
Not unzipping the files is almost definitely the problem. There is probably a dependency that doesn't, causing a runtime error.
Problem solved: as I mentioned in my edit, the problem was the 64-bit version of ZLIB1.dll, so I downloaded the 32-bit version and put it inside C:\MinGW\bin. Now everything works perfectly. Thanks to #bremen_matt for suggesting me that it was a dependency issue.

Qt Creator Compiling Error at step 'make'

I just started using Qt Creator for creating C++ GUI programs. I just downloaded it and installed it, but the compiling process is throwing me errors. When I try to compile my project (very simple, just a QLabel on the screen...it's my first project) it comes up with the error:
qtcreator_ctrlc_stub: Command line failed:
FirstGUIApp-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MSVC2012_32bit-Debug\Makefile 10:04:35:
The process
exited with code -1. Error while building/deploying project
FirstGUIApp (kit: Desktop Qt 5.1.1 MSVC2012 32bit) When executing step
I hunted around for an answer here and here and a couple other places but I'm just confused about the whole thing. I have a couple of ideas of my own but I don't know how to try my ideas. Here are some of my ideas:
1) MinGW isn't in the path or isn't installed
But, if it isn't in the path, how do I put it in? Where is it? I have Code Blocks installed which has MinGW installed, so could I maybe use it from there?
2) the make file is messed up somehow
Again, what could be wrong and how could I fix it?
3) Qt Creator isn't installed correctly.
Obviously, re-install it, but I want to make sure all other options are tried before, because it took me a very long time to download.
I apologize if I'm sounding noobish or it's a stupid question, but I really am confused with all of this. Please be patient with me and try to explain things well and thoroughly. I'm using Windows 8.1 and downloaded the offline installer. Thanks in advance.
Here is a screenshot of my Qt, how can I tell if it is the visual studio or minGW version?
Here is my MinGW Folder in CodeBlocks. Is this the folder with the compiler or is it something else?
For your ideas:
1: if you downloaded from qtproject with binary. then qt and qt creator should be installed under the C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1 then corresponding minGW should be stay in C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\gcc.exe
this is the directory you need. Remember, QtCreator needs two tools to make sure your project and compile and run, qmake and compiler.
Qmake is tool help you translate .pro file into makefile,
compiler (gcc) minGW use gcc to run the makefile, compile your code to binary.
where to figure out tools you are using are correct?
---> qtcreator --> Tools -> Build&Run -> Kits
in here You should be able find different kits, of course you maybe have only one.
Select one, Double check the Qt Version and Compiler is the one you wish to use.
click Manage next to compiler, Every compiler in the Auto-detect should be ok to use.
If you don't see anyone, add one, click Add, MinGW, put C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\gcc.exe like into path. ABI should auto-set depends on your environment.
Answer to your second question, what's wrong with your makefile, no one knows, you should check your .pro, usually makefile are generated by qmake xx.pro. Double check your .pro file and re-run qmake will solve the problem.
in tools->options->build&run check if minGW is actually there in the compiler and kit list
in the project tab (on the left hand side) you can set the environment for the build click the PATH value and add the path to minGW to it (you may need to add a lib and include var so the standard library gets added)
re run qmake from the build menu
double check you have the correct version it looks like you have the visual studio Qt not the minGW version,
Terminal:(in Linux)
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libqt4-dev
i'm sorry i dont know why this code works,but i have the same problem in linux and this code worked.

What do I have to do to set C++ development in eclipse?

I am currently trying to set my eclipse so that I can start c++ development on my Windows computer. However, I am stuck with some errors. But first, here is what I did so far:
Installed the CDT for Eclipse
Installed Cygwin (with the additional packages gcc, gcc and make)
Added all "paths for headers" in Eclipse
The problem is that when I try to run my Hello World program, I get Launch failed. Binary not found.
I already build and rebuild the project but the program is still not running. It must be because of these errors that I have:
/bin/sh: g++: command not found
make: ***[src/HelloWorld.o] Error 127
What can I do to solve these errors?
Try running the Cygwin setup.exe again and select the packages for g++. Search for that and make sure those are installed. It should be under the name gcc-g++. The C++ compiler is installed separately from the C compiler.
Ok, I figured it out by myself. Since this really freaked me out, I want anyone else who has this problem to know how I solved it.
So apparently, since I had g++, gcc and all that installed, it had to be a problem with the path.
So what I did was check my path. If you don't know how to edit it, check this link http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm
So in there, I chose Path under the System variables and clicked on Edit.... What I noticed was that instead of C:\cygwin64 it said C:\cygwin. All I did was append the 64 (since I had installed the 64-bit version of cygwin) and I was done.
I restarted Eclipse, cleaned and built the project and the errors where gone!

c++ cygwin and eclipse - binary not found error

I've spent hours looking up how to fix this problem but nothing has worked. I have eclipse Indigo with CDT and ive downloaded cygwin and packages such as g++, make file, etc. When I try to execute any code I end up with the error Launch failed. Binary not found. I've also set the system path C:\cygwin\bin. How can I set up eclipse so I can use it as my IDE for c++?
Found the problem, I didn't press the hammer button to build the project first. I've only used eclipse for java and I could just hit run and everything would work fine.
Try downloading MinGW, and using those compilers. The Cygwin tools require libraries that Eclipse may not load. The MinGW executables do not require any additional environment like Cygwin does.
Also, in order to use most Cygwin executables, you need to launch the Cygwin environment first.

Eclipse Ganymede and MinGW in Windows

I'm trying to get eclipse to work with MinGW.
I've done the following:
Downloaded CDT for eclipse.
Installed MinGW.
Added C:\MinGW\bin to my path.
Opening a command prompt (CMD) and typing g++ or alike works fine.
I run eclipse, create a "New C++ Project", and only get the option saying "other toolchains".
There's a MILLION tutorials out there saying eclipse should identify MinGW on its own. It doesn't, and I don't know what to do. I've tried reinstalling everying in just about every order posible. Still no luck.
I've also noted some tutorials say something about creating a "Managed C++ Project". I've no such option, all I get is "C++ Project" and "C Project"
I have eclipse ganymede, windows x86_64, version 3.4.2
Running the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers" fails, since there's no x64 version for windows. The x86 version requires x86 JAVA installed as well, and installing two versions of java, gave nothing but trouble in the past.
The instructions for setting up MinGW in Ganymede are located here.
The following are instructions and
links on how to install the current
version of MinGW. Note that these
links may become inaccurate over time
as new versions of MinGW components
are introduced. Please check the MinGW
File Release section for the latest
Download and run the MinGW setup program, MinGW-5.1.3.exe.
Select download and install the MinGW base tools and the g++ compiler.
You may select the Current or
Candidate version of these tools. You
may also install any of the other
available compilers as well.
Do not install the MinGW Make feature as the MSYS version of make
from step 5 is a more complete
implementation of make.
The MinGW setup program currently does not install the gdb
debugger. To install the debugger,
download the file from the following
location: gdb-6.6.tar.bz2
Extract the contents of the file gdb-6.6.tar.bz2 to the same location
where you installed MinGW.
If you want to use Makefile projects, download and run the setup
program from the following location:
MSYS-1.0.10.exe. MSYS provides an
implementation of make and related
command line tools. This is not
required for other types of projects
with the MinGW toolchain, which use
CDT's internal build tools to perform
the build.
Following this process resolved any problems I had.
I had the same exact problem with Eclipse Galileo and CDT 6.0.1. It turns out that CDT only recognized MinGW when it's located under c:\mingw. I had it in c:\msys\mingw so that was the problem. After I changed that everything worked fine.
The distinction between managed make projects and makefile project was removed in CDT 4.x, I think. Now there is only one type of project, but you can select different builders. CDT includes an internal builder which does not use makefiles and another one which does.
First, save yourself the effort of "reinstalling in every order possible". That is also known as trial-and-error, and will only make you more frustrated. Apply the normal problem-solving skills you have as a programmer.
Given that you have MinGW installed, what happens if you download "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers", start eclipse.exe, and try to create a C++-project with a MinGW toolchain?
EDIT: remember: the key in getting help with problems like these is to produce a minimal example which fails. Also, it would help if you provided URLs to the packages you installed (MinGW, Eclipse, etc.).
EDIT: I just installed CDT using the Ganymede update site, downloaded and installed MinGW from here, and restarted Eclipse, and everything worked fine. I know that doesn't help you, but it does prove that the toolchain detection isn't completely broken. Something is weird on your side.
You could try Wascana Desktop Developer. Its a distribution of Eclipse CDT configured specifically for developing on Windows.
I had the same problem (i.e. Eclipse not finding MinGW on the PATH) after I removed some of the unused files/folders from MinGW. It was ~600 MB and I was tasked to trim it down before adding to source control. I got it down to a workable ~200 MB. When I tried to re-create an Eclipse workspace afterwards, MinGW disappeared from available toolchains. It reappeared after I put the original MinGW install on the path.