Creating a nested if statement. If cells K2 or D2 have certain words in - if-statement

I have a formula right now that looks to cell K2 and writes the word "SKIP" in cell J2 if cell K2 is blank. Like below:
What I want to do is add an additional check, which is, if cell D2 has the word "anonymous" in then keep the word "anonymous" in cell K2. Is this possible?
I tried this:
but get the error message "Wrong number of arguments to IF. Expected between 2 and 3 arguments, but received 4 arguments."
Can anyone help? Is Nested IF statements the right way to go? FYI I'm working in google sheets. Thanks.
For background, I have a google sheet that is feeding in user feedback. I am replying to these users via a mail-merge addon with different canned messages. K2 is blank until I manually categorise the feedback type which is added via data validation and until I do that I need J2 to have the word SKIP to ensure the mailmerge tool doesn't email them. Once I've categorised the row, J2 can have the word SKIP removed so that the mail merge tool can email that user. FYI another cell reads from K2 via vlookup to create canned messages. If K2 is anonymous, "SKIP" should remain.

IF statement takes only 3 parameters (logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false).
Based on the logic you gave, there's no need to use nested IF since we are modifying 2 different cells.
J2 - =iF(ISBLANK(K2),"SKIP","")
K2 - =IF(D2="anonymous", "anonymous", "")
But if you mean to populate the J2 with "anonymous" instead of K2, you can follow these steps below:
The first thing we have to check is the D2, if D2 have "anonymous" word, we put the word "anonymous" regardless if K2 is blank. Then, if D2 is empty, we will check if K2 is blank then put "SKIP" on it and 'blank' if not. If we will translate this into a IF Statement:
logical expression : D2='anonymous'
value if true : 'anonymous'
value if false : "IF(ISBLANK(K2),'SKIP', '')"
To summarize:
=IF(D2="anonymous","anonymous", if(ISBLANK(K2), "SKIP", ""))

From what you've written and added, I understand the following. You want:
If cell K2 is blank, make J2="SKIP".
If cell D2 = "anonymous", make J2="SKIP".
Values in D2 and K2 are changed manually by you (using a dropdown list?)
This is possible, with the following formula in J2:
=IF( OR( K2="", D2="anonymous"),"SKIP","")
Have I misunderstood anything?
Also, you've said that there might be different words in K2 or D2. Unless you provide us with all the possible words, and the outcomes you want in each case, we can't help you with a proper formula solution.
If you are still having issues, please share a copy of your sheet, since I am having trouble clearly understanding what you want to do.


Google sheets IF stops working correctly when wrapped in ARRAYFORMULA

I want this formula to calculate a date based on input from two other dates. I first wrote it for a single cell and it gives the expected results but when I try to use ARRAYFORMULA it returns the wrong results.
I first use two if statements specifycing what should happen if either one of the inputs is missing. Then the final if statement calculates the date if both are present based on two conditions. This seems to work perfectly if I write the formula for one cell and drag it down.
=IF( (LEN(G19)=0);(U19+456);(IF((LEN(U19)=0) ;(G19);(IF((AND((G19<(U19+456));(G19>(U19+273)) ));(G19);(U19+456))))))
However, when I want to use arrayformula to apply it to the entire column, it always returns the value_if_false if neither cell is empty, regardless of whether the conditions in the if statement are actually met or not. I am specifically talking about the last part of the formula that calculates the date if both input values are present, it always returns the result of U19:U+456 even when the result should be G19:G. Here is how I tried to write the ARRAYFORMULA:
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(IF((LEN(G19:G400)=0);(U19:U400+456);(IF((LEN(U19:U400)=0);
(G19:G400);(IF((AND((G19:G400<(U19:U400+456));(G19:G400>(U19:U400+273)) ));(G19:G400);(U19:U400+456)))))))}
I am a complete beginner who only learned to write formulas two weeks ago, so any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!
AND and OR are not compatible with ARRAYFORMULA
Replace them by * or +
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(
(IF((LEN(U19:U400)=0), (G19:G400),
(IF((((G19:G400<(U19:U400+456))*(G19:G400>(U19:U400+273)) )),(G19:G400),
Keep in mind you cannot use AND, OR operators in an arrayformula, so you must find an alternative method such as multiplying the values together and checking them for 0 or 1 (true*true=1)
I am gathering based on your formula's and work that you want to have the following:
If G19 is blank show U19 + 456
If U19 is blank show G19
If G19 is less than U19 + 456 but greater than U19 + 273 show G19
Otherwise show U19 + 456
I'm not too sure what you want to happen when both columns G and U are empty. Based on your current formula you are returning an empty cell + 456... but with this formula it returns an empty cell rather than Column U + 456
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(TO_DATE(ARRAYFORMULA(IFS((($G19:$G400="")*($U19:$U400=""))>0,"",$G19:$G400="",$U19:$U400+456,$U19:$U400="",$G19:$G400,(($G19:$G400<$U19:$U400+456)*($G19:$G400>$U19:$U400+273))>0,$G19:$G400,TRUE,$U19:$U400+456))))}

Googlesheet IF with multiple cases

in my Google sheet table I have the first list with summary of invoices which are then separated to 4 lists according to parameters (manually). I need to know about all invoices from the first list, on which category/list they are.
So for example - lists: Alphabet, abc, def, mno, xyz. In Alphabet is column "list".
How to write function which found invoice on another list according to ID (column B) from Alphabet and write name of the correct list to column "list". I tried to write this function using IF, match, etc. But I still don't have solution. Can you help me please? Sorry for my English :-)
So here is an example which you could adapt. In columns E:H on the first sheet (and I could hide these columns later, starting in row2 and dragging down as needed, I put the following formulas:
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(abc!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"abc","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(def!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"def","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(mno!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"mno","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(xyz!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"xyz","")
Probably I could have simplified a little by putting the sheet names in E1:H1, but you get the idea.
Each of these looks for the ID. If the query succeeds, it returns the name of the sheet. If it fails, it returns the empty string.
Now in column B where I actually want the results, I put this formula in B2 and drag to copy as needed.
It says put those strings together, and if there is nothing there say nowhere, otherwise say the list. If it appears on more than one, and that can really happen, you could use JOIN instead.

How to countif 56 exists in 156/56/2567 and only return true once? Google sheets

I have one sheet with data on my facebook ads. I have another sheet with data on the products in my store. I'm having trouble with some countifs where I'm counting how many times my product ID exists in a row where multiple numbers are. They are formatted like this: /2032/2034/2040/1/
It's easy on the rows where only one product ID exists but some rows have multiple ID's separated by a /. And I need to see if the ID exists as a exact match alone or somewhere between the /'s.
Rows with facebook ads data:
A1: /2032/2034/2040/1/
A2: /1548/84/2154/2001/
A3: /2032/1689/1840/2548/
Row with product data:
B1: 2034
C1: I need a countifs here that checks how many times B1 exists in column A. Lets say I have thousands of rows with different variations of A1 where B1 could standalone. How do I count this? I always need exact matches.
You can compare the number you want (56) with the REGEX #MonkeyZeus commented whith a little change -> "(?:^|/)"&B1&"(?:/|$)" so the end result is:
=IF(REGEXMATCH(A1, "(?:^|/)"&B1&"(?:/|$)"), true, false)
If you need to count the total of 56 in X rows you can change the "True / False" of the condition for "1 / 0" and then do a =SUM(C1:C5) on the last row:
=IF(REGEXMATCH(A1, "(?:^|/)"&B1&"(?:/|$)"), 1, 0)
Thanks for contributing. Unfortunately I'm not able to do it this way
since I have loads of data to do this on. Is there a way to do it with
a countif in a single cell without adding a extra step with "sum"?
In that case you can do:
=COUNTA(FILTER(A:A, REGEXMATCH(A:A, "(?:^|/)"&B2&"(?:/|$)")))
With the following condition you check every single possibility just by adding another COUNTIF:
=COUNTIF(A:A,B1) + COUNTIF(A:A, "*/"&B1) + COUNTIF(A:A, B1&"/*") + COUNTIF(A:A, "*/"&B1&"/*")
Hope this helps!
=COUNTIF(SPLIT(A1, "/"), B1)
SUM(IF((REGEXMATCH(""&DATA!C:C, ""&A2))*(DATA!B:B="carousel"), 1, )),
SUM(IF((REGEXMATCH(""&DATA!C:C, ""&A2))*(DATA!B:B="imagepost"), 1, ))}, ))

Combine two nested IF statements with multiple criteria

I have two columns of data in "Meds" sheet...
MedContinuing AgeAtMedStop
Yes "Blank"
Yes 72.22
No "Blank"
No 72.57
"Blank" 73.85
I am writing a formula in a separate sheet to return 1 or 0 based on the following:
If MedContinuing is "Blank", do nothing
If MedContinuing is "No" and AgeAtMedStop is blank, do nothing
If MedContinuing is "Yes" and AgeAtMedStop is "Blank", return 1. If AgeAtMedStop is a number, return 0.
If MedContinuing is "No" and AgeAtMedStop is a number, return 1. Otherwise, return nothing.
I was able to write two separate functions (see below) for when MedContinuing is "Yes" or when it is "No", but I need to combine both into one formula.
When it's Yes...
When it's No...
EDIT: Solution
Using Peter K's logic...
It is not entirely clear from your question why you would use INDEX and MATCH functions for such straightforward problem ?
I suggest to start with the basic nested if function :
You can put this function next to your two columns, and then copy to another worksheet, so the references are taken care of by Excel.
I also assume that your data is clean and correct i.e. only the 3 possible values for MedContinuing ("Yes", "No" or blank) and 2 for AgeAtMedStop (blank or a number) exist in your columns, so no IF test is needed to eliminate other possible values.
You can try this method below
I have created a helper table for the logic you require, it will help to update or extend the logic in future
Formula in cell C2 is

How to populate a value when comparing two columns, VLOOKUP or IF?

I'm trying to create "Sale Rep" summaries by "Shop", where I can simply filter a column by the rep's name, them populate a total sales for each shop next to the relevant filter result.
I'm using this to filter all the Stores by Scott:
=(filter(D25:D47,A25:A47 = "Scott"))
Next, want to associate the Store/Account in F to populate with the corresponding value of E inside of G. So, G25 should populate the value of E25 ($724), G26 with E26 ($822), and F27 with E38 ($511.50)
I don't know how to write the formula correctly, but something like this is what I'm trying to do: =IF(F25=D25:D38),E25 I know that's not right, and it won't work in a fill down. But I'm basically trying to look for and copy over the correct value match of D and E inside of G. So, Misty Mountain Medicince in F27 will be matched to the value of E38 and populated in G27.
The filter is what's throwing me off, because it's not a simple fill down. And I don't know how to match filtered results from one column to a matched value in another.
Hope the screenshot helps. Screenshot of table:
Change Field Rep: Scott to Scott and you might apply:
=query(A25:E38,"select D,E where A='"&F24&"'")
// Enter the following into G25 and copy down column G
=(filter(E25:E47, D25:D47 = F25))
// Enter the following into G25 will expand with content in F upto row 47
=ArrayFormula(IF(F25:F47 <> 0, VLOOKUP(F25:F47, D25:E47, 2, FALSE),))