whenever I use the querySelector element in javascript prettier split the line into multiple lines, how can I prevent that from happening
what I want:
document.querySelector('#current--' + activePlayer).textContent = roundScore;
what prettier do:
'#current--' + activePlayer
).textContent = roundScore;
The file look like a series of lines with IDs:
I'd like to get in a new file the ID and its occurrence in the old file as the form:
aaaa 2
asdd 1
aass 1
adfg 1
With the 2 element separated by tab.
The code i have print what i want but doesn't write in a new file:
with open("Only1ID.txt", "r") as file:
file = [item.lower().replace("\n", "") for item in file.readlines()]
for item in sorted(set(file)):
print item.title(), file.count(item)
As you use Python 2, the simplest approach to convert your console output to file output is by using the print chevron (>>) syntax which redirects the output to any file-like object:
with open("filename", "w") as f: # open a file in write mode
print >> f, "some data" # print 'into the file'
Your code could look like this after simply adding another open to open the output file and adding the chevron to your print statement:
with open("Only1ID.txt", "r") as file, open("output.txt", "w") as out_file:
file = [item.lower().replace("\n", "") for item in file.readlines()]
for item in sorted(set(file)):
print >> out_file item.title(), file.count(item)
However, your code has a few other more or less bad things which one should not do or could improve:
Do not use the same variable name file for both the file object returned by open and your processed list of strings. This is confusing, just use two different names.
You can directly iterate over the file object, which works like a generator that returns the file's lines as strings. Generators process requests for the next element just in time, that means it does not first load the whole file into your memory like file.readlines() and processes them afterwards, but only reads and stores one line at a time, whenever the next line is needed. That way you improve the code's performance and resource efficiency.
If you write a list comprehension, but you don't need its result necessarily as list because you simply want to iterate over it using a for loop, it's more efficient to use a generator expression (same effect as the file object's line generator described above). The only syntactical difference between a list comprehension and a generator expression are the brackets. Replace [...] with (...) and you have a generator. The only downside of a generator is that you neither can find out its length, nor can you access items directly using an index. As you don't need any of these features, the generator is fine here.
There is a simpler way to remove trailing newline characters from a line: line.rstrip() removes all trailing whitespaces. If you want to keep e.g. spaces, but only want the newline to be removed, pass that character as argument: line.rstrip("\n").
However, it could possibly be even easier and faster to just not add another implicit line break during the print call instead of removing it first to have it re-added later. You would suppress the line break of print in Python 2 by simply adding a comma at the end of the statement:
print >> out_file item.title(), file.count(item),
There is a type Counter to count occurrences of elements in a collection, which is faster and easier than writing it yourself, because you don't need the additional count() call for every element. The Counter behaves mostly like a dictionary with your items as keys and their count as values. Simply import it from the collections module and use it like this:
from collections import Counter
c = Counter(lines)
for item in c:
print item, c[item]
With all those suggestions (except the one not to remove the line breaks) applied and the variables renamed to something more clear, the optimized code looks like this:
from collections import Counter
with open("Only1ID.txt") as in_file, open("output.txt", "w") as out_file:
counter = Counter(line.lower().rstrip("\n") for line in in_file)
for item in sorted(counter):
print >> out_file item.title(), counter[item]
I've read the other threads on this site but haven't quite grasped how to accomplish what I want to do. I'd like to find a method like .splitlines() to assign the first two lines of text in a multiline string into two separate variables. Then group the rest of the text in the string together in another variable.
The purpose is to have consistent data-sets to write to a .csv using the three variables as data for separate columns.
Title of a string
Description of the string
There are multiple lines under the second line in the string!
There are multiple lines under the second line in the string!
There are multiple lines under the second line in the string!
Any guidance on the pythonic way to do this would be appreciated.
Using islice
In addition to normal list slicing you can use islice() which is more performant when generating slices of larger lists.
Code would look like this:
from itertools import islice
with open('input.txt') as f:
data = f.readlines()
first_line_list = list(islice(data, 0, 1))
second_line_list = list(islice(data, 1, 2))
other_lines_list = list(islice(data, 2, None))
first_line_string = "".join(first_line_list)
second_line_string = "".join(second_line_list)
other_lines_string = "".join(other_lines_list)
However, you should keep in mind that the data source you read from is long enough. If it is not, it will raise a StopIteration error when using islice() or an IndexError when using normal list slicing.
Using regex
The OP asked for a list-less approach additionally in the comments below.
Since reading data from a file leads to a string and via string-handling to lists later on or directly to a list of read lines I suggested using a regex instead.
I cannot tell anything about performance comparison between list/string handling and regex operations. However, this should do the job:
import re
regex = '(?P<first>.+)(\n)(?P<second>.+)([\n]{2})(?P<rest>.+[\n])'
preg = re.compile(regex)
with open('input.txt') as f:
data = f.read()
match = re.search(regex, data, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
first_line = match.group('first')
second_line = match.group('second')
rest_lines = match.group('rest')
If I understand correctly, you want to split a large string into lines
lines = input_string.splitlines()
After that, you want to assign the first and second line to variables and the rest to another variable
title = lines[0]
description = lines[1]
rest = lines[2:]
If you want 'rest' to be a string, you can achieve that by joining it with a newline character.
rest = '\n'.join(lines[2:])
A different, very fast option is:
lines = input_string.split('\n', maxsplit=2) # This only separates the first to lines
title = lines[0]
description = lines[1]
rest = lines[2]
I am trying to modify a script so that it will remove duplicate lines from a text file using only the title portion of that line.
To clarify the text file lines look something like this:
Title|Image Url|Description|Page Url
At the moment the script does remove duplicates, but it does so by reading the entire line, not just the first part. All the lines in the file are not going to be 100% the same, but a few will be very similar.
I want to remove all of the lines that contain the same "title", regardless of what the rest of the line contains.
This is the script I am working with:
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
infile = "testfile.txt"
outfile = "outfile.txt"
inf = open(infile,"r")
lines = inf.readlines()
newset = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(lines))
outf = open(outfile,"w")
lstline = len(newset)
for i in range(0,lstline):
ln = newset[i]
So far I have tried using .split() to split the lines in the list. I have also tried .readline(lines[0:25]) in hopes of using a character limit to achieve the desired results, but no luck so far. I also can't seem to find any documentation on my exact problem so I'm stuck.
I am using Windows 8 and Python 2.7.9 for this project if that helps.
I made a few changes to the program you had set up. First, I changed your file interactions to use "with" statements, since those are very convenient and automatically handle a lot of the functionality you had to write out. Second off, I used a set instead of an OrderedDict because you were basically just trying to emulate set functionality (exclusivity of elements) by using keys in an OrderedDict. If the title hasn't been used, it adds it to the set so it can't be used again and prints the line to the output file. If it has been used, it keeps going. I hope this helps you!
with open("testfile.txt") as infile:
with open("outfile.txt",'w') as outfile:
titleset = set()
for line in infile:
title = line.split('|')[0]
if title not in titleset:
really easy question
$config['markup'][] = array("/\[gt\](.+?)\[\/gt\]/s", "<span class=\"quote\">\$1</span>");
With that current code, [gt]foobar[/gt] will output foobar and apply the span and it works fine, however, I was wondering if
$config['markup'][] = array("/\[gt\](.+?)\[\/gt\]/s", "<span class=\"quote\">\>\$1</span>");
would make it so that [gt]foobar[/gt] would output >foobar
if that isn't the case, how could I achieve the desired output?
Hi so I'm trying to use find and replace in notepad++ with regular expression to do the following:
I have two set of lines
first set:
second set:
now I want to the second set to by places after each of the first set like this:
any suggestions?
You can mark the second block in column mode using ALT and the left mouse button. Then just copy paste it at the end of the first row.
No need/Not possible using regex.
I would solve this via a simple script written in Python or Ruby or something equally quick. This works, for example:
import os
path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
with open(os.path.join(path, 'file1')) as file1:
with open(os.path.join(path, 'file2')) as file2:
lines = zip(file1.readlines(), file2.readlines())
print ''.join([a.rstrip() + b for a, b in lines])
Running it gives the correct result:
> python join.py
Customize to suit your needs.