how to calculate member offset in c++ class - c++

class B {
int y;
int x;
class A : public B {
int a;
int b;
how to calculate A.b's offset in some object of A ?
one method was to use gdb, but it was slow.
is there other method works which don't need to execute/compile the program ?

how to calculate A.b's offset in some object of A ?
You can use the standard macro offsetof if the class is standard layout, or your language implementation supports it for non-standard layout classes (your class is not standard layout):
std::size_t offset = offsetof(A, b);
is there other method works which don't need to execute/compile the program ?
You could read the ABI specification of your language implementation. If you understand all of it, the calculation should be possible with basic addition and multiplication.
The simple cases are easy to calculate. The rules can be quite complex however and it may not be easy to accurately identify the cases which are simple.

Member's offset equals to
ptrdiff_t(&obj.member) - ptrdiff_t(&obj)
or inside of class' method, especially if your member is private, you may use
ptrdiff_t(&this->member) - ptrdiff_t(this)
The only thing to take into account is if there are virtual methods then members offsets are not 0-based. At 0-th offset there is usually pointer to virtual methods table. If there are no virtual methods then offsets are 0-based (0 is offset of first member of most base parent class), at least I never had non-0-based offsets for non-virtual classes.
Full example code:
Try it online!
#import <iostream>
#import <cstddef>
using namespace std;
class B {
int y;
int x;
class A : public B {
int a;
ptrdiff_t off_b() const { return ptrdiff_t(&this->b) - ptrdiff_t(this); }
int b;
int main() {
A obj;
cout << obj.off_b() << endl;
cout << ptrdiff_t(&obj.a) - ptrdiff_t(&obj) << endl;
cout << ptrdiff_t(&obj.y) - ptrdiff_t(&obj) << endl;
return 0;
Here is same code but with virtual methods. Members start at offset 8 inside this code run, but this offset may differ in different implementations.


is there a "semi-pure" virtual function in c++?

Is there a way to write an abstract base class that looks like it's forcing an implementer to choose among a myriad of pure virtual functions?
The abstract base classes I'm writing define a mathematically tedious function, and request that the deriving code define only building block functions. The building block functions can be generalized to take on more arguments, though. For example, in the code below, it might "make sense" to allow another_derived::first() to take three arguments. The "mathematically tedious" part of this is the multiplication by 3. Unsurprisingly, it won't allow won't compile unless I comment out the creation of d2. I understand why.
One option is to create different base classes. One would request a single parameter function to be defined, and the other would request a two parameter function to be defined. However, there would be an enormous amount of code being copy and pasted between the two base class' definition of final_result(). This is why I'm asking, so I don't write WET code.
Another option would be to have one pure virtual function, but change the signature so that its implementation can do either of these things. I want to explore this, but I also don't want to start using fancier techniques so that it puts a barrier to entry on the type of people trying to inherit from these base classes. Ideally, if the writers of the base class could get away with barely knowing any c++, that would be great. Also, it would be ideal if the inheritors didn't even have to know about the existence of related classes they could be writing.
#include <iostream>
class base{
virtual int first(int a) = 0;
int final_result(int a) {
return 3*first(a);
class derived : public base {
int first(int a) {
return 2*a;
class another_derived : public base {
int first(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int main() {
derived d;
std::cout << d.final_result(1) << "\n";
//another_derived d2; // doesn't work
return 0;
Not sure it matches exactly what you want, but with CRTP, you might do something like:
template <typename Derived>
struct MulBy3
template <typename... Ts>
int final_result(Ts... args) { return 3 * static_cast<Derived&>(*this).first(args...); }
class derived : public MulBy3<derived> {
int first(int a) { return 2*a; }
class another_derived : public MulBy3<another_derived > {
int first(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
With usage similar to
int main() {
derived d;
std::cout << d.final_result(1) << "\n";
another_derived d2;
std::cout << d2.final_result(10, 4) << "\n";

Access default declared content from inherited class

I'm trying to make an inherited class access the self class default content.
The code is below (Note that array declared isn't the same size between parent and child class)
#include <iostream>
class A {
int number[2] = {1,2};
void show() {std::cout << "Number: " << number[0] << ", " << number[1] << "\n"; };
class B : public A {
int number[3] = {5,6,7};
B() {};
// With this code below it works but I don't want to code the same function on every child class
//void show() {std::cout << "Number: " << number[0] << ", " << number[1] << "\n"; };
int main() {
A obj_a;;
B obj_b;;
Which outputs this:
Number: 1, 2
Number: 1, 2
Expected output should be:
Number: 1, 2
Number: 5, 6
Anyone can help?
Note: The code should be used on arduino, I used std::cout just for sharing to you.
I want to make an array of objects so it can be easily changed the size, and in other parts of the code, I can simply for loop of the array and do whatever is needed.
Also the purpose for subclasses is because I have different "numbers" and his sizes. For example, imagine a vehicle which is the super class, that has 2 child classes named "auto" and "moto", auto has int wheels[4] = {...} and moto int wheels[2] = {...}
A::number and B::number are two completely independent class members, that have nothing to do with each other.
A::show() only knows about members of A, and only knows about A::number. It doesn't know anything about B even if it's a superclass of an instance of B.
Your C++ textbook will explain what virtual functions are, and how to use them. The simplest solution is to add a virtual method in A, let's call it get_number, that returns an int *, and the get_number function simply returns number:
class A {
// ...
virtual int *get_number()
return number;
In B the virtual function gets overridden, and it returns a pointer to its own class's number.
class B {
// ...
int *get_number() override
return number;
Then, your show() method calls get_number() to get a pointer to the appropriate array. See your C++ textbook for a complete discussion of virtual class methods.
You are experiencing name hiding - name in inner scope shadows the same symbol name in outer scope. In your case B::number hides A::number.
C++ does not support "virtual" member variables, so you cannot redefine number. My suggestion is to not use inheritance if there should indeed be just one array. Because then B is not really an A.
Or at least you could generalize the A class to contain arbitrarly long array. There are multiple ways doing that:
std::vector A::number member with a constructor A(std::size_t n) accepting the size.
Make A a class template with template<std::size_t N> argument denoting the size, then you can use std::array<int,N> number; member variable.
Pass the array to the base class for ownership.
Another option is to make show virtual and override it in the derived class with custom printing, but then you will still be left with two arrays, which is a clear design flaw.

Derived Get/Set Methods

Imagine I have this code:
class A {
void GetInt() { cout << number << endl; }
void SetInt(int n) { number = n; }
int number = 0;
class B : public A {
void GetInt() { cout << number << endl; }
int number = 0;
int main() {
B b;
b.GetInt(); // Prints 0, needs to be 5
return 0;
Is there any way to make SetInt() changing B.number without implementing it in B? Imagine I have 500 derived classes from A, and they set their number in the same { number = n; }. Do I have to implement the same SetInt() method 500 times?
The simple way to get what you ask for is this:
class A {
void GetInt() { cout << number << endl; }
void SetInt(int n) { number = n; }
int number = 0;
class B : public A {
// don't hide methods inherited from A
// don't add members that are already present (as private member of A)
int main() {
B b;
b.GetInt(); // Prints 5
return 0;
Private members are inherited, they just cannot be accessed directly. Though as A does provide public accessors, B has acess to A::number via the setter from A.
PS A method called Get___ should actually return something, not just print the value on the screen.
No, 0 is the correct result. In your class B you create a whole new member B::number which is independent from A:::number. So when you run A::SetInt, that member function changes A::number and when you run B::GetInt, that function accesses A::number which was never set to 5.
Try not to have members in derived types that have the same name as a member in the base class. All it does is create confusion.
In case you really want each derived class to yield and handle its own value in terms of class hierachy separation - which I'd find at least questionable at all in terms of design and problem solution approach - you cannot avoid a minimum amount of code duplication for each derivation. At least you need the member access itself to be duplicated. There are some template/macro tricks to circumvent code explosions here (generic member instrusion), but since I really don't think, that this is what you want to achieve, I do not go into details for now.
Otherwise, idclev 463035818's answer is the way to go.

One pointer, two different classes in c++

Suppose I have two structures a and b, each hold several variable in them (most of the variable are c++ core types but not all).
Is there a way to create a a pointer named c that can point to either one of them? Alternatively, is there a way to create a set that can hold either one of them?
The usual way to create a pointer that can point to either of the two is to make them inherit from a common base-class. Any pointer of the base-class can point to any sub-class. Note that this way you can only access elements that are part of the base-class through that pointer:
class Base {
int a;
class Sub1 : public Base {
int b;
class Sub2 : public Base {
int c;
int main() {
Base* p = new Sub1;
p.a = 1; // legal
p.b = 1; // illegal, cannot access members of sub-class
p = new Sub2; // can point to any subclass
What you are trying to achieve is called polymorphism, and it is one of the fundamental concepts of object oriented programming. One way to access member of the subclass is to downcast the pointer. When you do this, you have to make sure that you cast it to the correct type:
static_cast<Sub1*>(p).b = 1; // legal, p actually points to a Sub1
static_cast<Sub2*>(p).c = 1; // illegal, p actually points to a Sub1
As for your second question, using the technique described above, you can create a set of pointers to a base-class which can then hold instance of any of the subclasses (these can also be mixed):
std::set<Base*> base_set;
base_set.insert(new Sub1);
base_set.insert(new Sub2);
Alternatively, is there a way to create a set that can hold either one
of them?
Take a look at Boost.Any and Boost.Variant. If you have just 2 classes, then variant should suffice. If you plan other types, and don't want to recompile this 'set', then use any.
Then use any container of either any or variant.
#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <vector>
class A { };
class B { };
class C { };
int main()
// any
std::vector<boost::any> anies;
A a0 = boost::any_cast<A>(anies[0]);
A b0 = boost::any_cast<A>(anies[1]); // throws boost::bad_any_cast
// variant
std::vector<boost::variant<A,B> > vars;
A a1 = boost::get<A>(vars[0]);
A b1 = boost::get<A>(vars[1]); // throws boost::bad_get
// and here is the main difference:
anies.push_back(C()); // OK
vars.push_back(C()); // compile error
Edit: having more than 2 classes is of course possible for variant, too. But extending variant so it is able to hold a new unanticipated type without recompilation is not.
If a and b are unrelated, then you can use a void* or, better, a boost any type.
If a is superclass of b, you can use an a* instead.
If they both inherit from the same type you can do it. Thats how OOP frameworks work, having all classes inherit from Object.
Although you can do that, what would that pointer mean? If any portion of your application gets hold on the pointer to 'either a or b', it cannot do a lot with it, unless you provide extra type information.
Providing extra type information will result in client code like
if( p->type == 'a' ) {
... a-specific stuff
} else if( p->type == 'b' ) {
... b-specific stuff
} ...
Which isn't very useful.
It would be better to delegate 'type-specificness' to the object itself, which is the nature of object-oriented design, and C++ has a very good type-system for that.
class Interface {
virtual void doClientStuff() = 0; //
virtual ~theInterface(){};
class A : public Interface {
virtual void doClientStuff(){ ... a-specific stuff }
class B : public Interface {
virtual void doClientStuff(){ ... b-specific stuff }
And then your client code will become more type-unaware, since the type-switching is done by C++ for you.
void clientCode( Interface* anObject ) {
Interface* i = new A();
Interface* j = new B();
clientCode( i );
clientCOde( j );
There are several ways to do this:
Using the more generic base type, if there is an inheritance relationship.
Using void* and explicitly casting where appropriate.
Creating a wrapper class with the inheritance relationship needed for #1.
Using a discriminating container via union.
Since others have already described the first three options, I will describe the fourth. Basically, a discriminated container uses a union type to use the storage of a single object for storing one of multiple different values. Typically such a union is stored in a struct along with an enum or integral type for distinguishing which value is currently held in the union type. As an example:
// Declarations ...
class FirstType;
class SecondType;
union PointerToFirstOrSecond {
FirstType* firstptr;
SecondType* secondptr;
struct PointerToFirstOrSecondContainer {
PointerToFirstOrSecond pointer;
// Example usage...
void OperateOnPointer(PointerToFirstOrSecondContainer container) {
if (container.which == FIRST_TYPE) {
} else {
Note that in the code below, "firstptr" and "secondptr" are actually two different views of the same variable (i.e. the same memory location), because unions share space for their content.
Note that even though this is a possible solution, I seriously wouldn't recommend it. This kind of thing isn't very maintainable. I strongly recommend using inheritance for this if at all possible.
Just define a common superclass C and two subclasses A, B of C. If A and B have no common structure (no common attributes), you can leave C empty.
The define:
A *a = new A();
B *b = new B();
C *c;
Then you can do both
c = a;
c = b;
Abstract Class !!!! -- simple solutions
To have a base class that can be used as a pointer to several derived sub classes. (no casting needed)
Abstract class is define when you utilize a virtual method in it. Then you implement this method in the sub-class... simple:
// abstract base class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Polygon {
int width, height;
void set_values (int a, int b)
{ width=a; height=b; }
virtual int area (void) =0;
class Rectangle: public Polygon {
int area (void)
{ return (width * height); }
class Triangle: public Polygon {
int area (void)
{ return (width * height / 2); }
int main () {
Polygon * ppoly1 = new Rectangle (4,5);
Polygon * ppoly2 = new Triangle (4,5);
ppoly1->set_values (4,5);
ppoly2->set_values (4,5);
cout << ppoly1->area() << '\n';
cout << ppoly2->area() << '\n';
return 0;

polymorphism and encapsulation of classes

I'm trying to take advantage of the polymorphism in c++, but I'm from a c world, and I think what I've done could be done more cleverly in a OOP way.
I have 2 classes that has exactly the same public attributes, and I want to "hide" that there exists 2 different implementations. Such that I can have a single class where I can use the member functions as If i were accessing the specific class.
An very simple implementation of what I'm trying to accomplish is below:
#include <iostream>
class subber{
int id;
int doStuff(int a,int b) {return a-b;};
class adder{
int id;
int doStuff(int a, int b) {return a+b;};
class wrapper{
int type_m;
adder cls1;
subber cls2;
wrapper(int type) {type_m=type;};//constructor
int doStuff(int a, int b) {if(type_m==0) return cls1.doStuff(a,b); else return cls2.doStuff(a,b);};
int main(){
wrapper class1(0);
std::cout <<class1.doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
wrapper class2(1);
std::cout <<class2.doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
return 0;
I have 2 classes called "subber" and "adder" which both have a member function called doStuff, which will either subtract of add 2 numbers.
This I wrap up in a class "wrapper", which has both "adder" and "subber" as private variables, and a doStuff public member function. And given which value I instantiate my "wrapper" class with, my "wrapper" class will simply relay the "doStuff" to the correct class.
This code does of cause work, but I would like to avoid instatiating both "subber" and "adder" in my wrapper class, since I will only need of them in each of my "wrapper" classes.
There are many ways to do it. Through a Factory for example.
But to keep it simple - make a base abstract class that defines the interface, and derive your classes from it to implement the functionality. Then you only need to make the distinction once, when you create the class, after that you don't care, you just call the interface functions.
your code would look something like that.
class DoStuffer
virtual int doStuff(int, int)=0;
virtual ~DoStuffer(){}; // Because Tony insists:-) See the comments
class subber: public DoStuffer{
virtual int doStuff(int a,int b) {return a-b;};
class adder: public DoStuffer{
virtual int doStuff(int a, int b) {return a+b;};
int main(){
DoStuffer *class1 = new adder();
DoStuffer *class2 = new subber();
std::cout <<class1->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
std::cout <<class2->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
delete class1; // don't forget these:-)
delete class2;
return 0;
This is one of the more idiomatic ways to use the C++ class system to accomplish what you want. Both adder and subber publicly inherit from wrapper, which is now an abstract base class. The doStuff method is now a (pure) virtual function. And instead of being a simple instance of wrapper, the "encapsulated" object is now a reference to a wrapper.
#include <iostream>
class wrapper {
virtual int doStuff(int a, int b) = 0;
class subber : public wrapper {
virtual int doStuff(int a,int b) {return a - b;}
class adder : public wrapper {
virtual int doStuff(int a, int b) {return a + b;}
int main(){
// actual objects
adder impl1;
subber impl2;
// in real code, the wrapper references would probably be function arguments
wrapper& class1 = impl1;
std::cout << class1.doStuff(1,3) << std::endl;
wrapper& class2 = impl2;
std::cout << class2.doStuff(1,3) << std::endl;
return 0;
(Not using any factory pattern in this example, since it's not obvious that it's needed or what the question is about.)
Exactly what was last said.
Make a base class, and have a virtual function |doStuff| in it.
Then you can derive any number of classes out from it, all have to implement the above virtual function, in whatever way they want to.
Then you can just do the following
BaseClass *object1 = new DerivedClass1();
BaseClass *object2 = new DerivedClass2();
You can even do
object1 = object2;
And then they point to the same object (i.e. an object of type |DerivedClass2|)
But remember, when you do objectn->doStuff(), the function that will be executed will be what the pointer points to at run-time, and not at compile time.
i.e. if I do object1->doStuff() DerivedClass2's doStuff will be called because we already did `object1 = object2;
You may want to Google and read about
Polymorphism/ Run-time Polymorphism
Virtual Functions in C++
You can read Factory Method, which is something that is known as a Design Pattern, but later in life.
The classic run-time polymorphic approach is:
struct Operation
virtual ~Operation() { } // guideline: if there are any virtual functions,
// provide virtual destructor
virtual int doStuff(int, int) const;
struct Subber : Operation
int doStuff(int a, int b) const { return a - b; }
struct Adder : Operation
int doStuff(int a, int b) const { return a + b; }
enum Operations { Add, Subtract };
struct Operation* op_factory(Operations op)
if (op == Add) return new Adder;
if (op == Subtract) return new Subber;
throw std::runtime_error("unsupported op");
int main()
Operation* p1 = op_factory(Add);
std::cout << p1->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
Operation* p2 = op_factory(Subtract);
std::cout << p2->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
delete p1;
delete p2;
From the Standard 5.3.5/5 "In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the operand is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the operand's dynamic type and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined.", which is why you must use the virtual keyword on the base class destructor.
It's noteworthy that in your example the type of operation to perform was communicated to the wrapper class using a function argument of 0 or 1... this is what suggests you want run-time polymorphism. For example, if the 0 or 1 value was based on a command line argument, file content, keyboard input etc., then the factory method above can pass a corresponding Add or Subtract value and receive an appropriately-behaving object derived from Operation. This concept of creating an instance of a run-time polymorphic type based on run-time values is known as a factory.
If you really only need compile-time polymorphism, you can do some interesting things with templates such as:
template <class Operation>
void output(int a, int b)
std::cout << Operation::doStuff(a, b) << std::endl;
std::cout << Operation::doStuff(a * 10, b * 10) << std::endl;
std::cout << Operation::doStuff(a * 100, b * 100) << std::endl;
int main()
output<adder>(1, 3);
output<subber>(1, 3);
FWIW, your approach is probably slightly faster than the virtual function approach (as it can potentially do more inlining), but not as clean, extensible, maintainable or scalable.
I think what you're looking for is virtual functions. If you declare a function virtual in your base class, you can do things like make a vector containing multiple objects derived from your base class, but when you call on a particular object it will execute it's own method.