Why does dual-tree complex wavelet have shift invariant? - wavelet

I recently learned about the definition of shift invariant, but I still don’t understand why does the dual-tree complex wavelet transform have this property. Can someone explain it simply?

The short explanation is that the DTCWT is not exactly shift-invariant. A shift-invariant invertible wavelet transform is the à trous algorithm, also called cycle spinning (see an overview here). The principle behind the DTCWT is explained here in a very accessible way.
Compared to the FFT, the DWT is not shift invariant because at each scale, the odd samples are treated very differently from the even samples. In the frequency domain, the even samples are covered by the real part, the odd samples by the imaginary part.
The DTCWT paper explains that following this principle, a shift invariant transform can be built, but not with compact basis functions (localised in time). The DTCWT uses basis functions that are compact and as close to shift-invariant as possible.


Is it necessary with binary encoding in genetic algorithms?

I'm doing a project exploring the use of genetic algorithms in architecture, where we use an evolutionary approach for creating Voronoi tessellation in 3d. This is done using ofxVoro++ for openFrameworks (c++).
Our chromosomes for the Genomes is a vector (list) of points in 3D. We have implemented single- and two-point crossover and a mutation, which randomises these points with a certain probability. In most examples I've seen, the genome is encoded binarily, which I presume would cause mutation and crossover to act differently.
So my question is this: Are there any other benefits to binary encoding (except speed) and how would you handle such an encoding/decoding in c++? Going from binary to a list of 3d-points.
Best regards,
I used different GA in logistic and finance problems. Very often I do not use binary representation.
The first example that I can give you is the TSP problem:
Here I used standard representation: the chromosome is an array of integer, each value represents the city.
So, it depends on the type of problem that you are trying to solve, if you can find a way to implement the GA without a binary representation you do not need any adjustment.
Furthermore I prefer the natural representation because is more simple to understand, while debugging the code, if your GA is working as you want.
You can use real encoding also, but in this case is important what crossover and mutation you use. If your crossover is simply (p1+p2) / 2 or p1*a + p2*(1-a), you will not get good results.
A good crossover operator for real encoding was proposed by K. Deb in 1995. Here is the paper: http://www.complex-systems.com/pdf/09-2-2.pdf
Crossover and mutation are different operators. Crossover uses existing genetic. Mutation introduces new genetic material into the population. Without knowing much more info about your algorithm, randomizing points sounds like mutation. Mutation is typically performed a very low percent of the time (maybe 1%) where crossover can be rather high (50%).
So for your algorithm, I would not "modify" anything for crossover. Instead, for crossover, I would try to reposition material or simply take different portions of points from parents.
For mutation, it might make sense to add or subtract a small number to the points, thus modifying the points (mutation).
It is difficult to make suggestions without knowing more about your algorithm and chromosome representation.

Assurance of ICP, internal Metrics

So I have an iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm that has been written and will fit a model to a point cloud. As a quick tutorial for those not in the know ICP is a simple algorithm that fits points to a model ultimately providing a homogeneous transform matrix between the model and points.
Here is a quick picture tutorial.
Step 1. Find the closest point in the model set to your data set:
Step 2: Using a bunch of fun maths (sometimes based on gradiant descent or SVD) pull the clouds closer together and repeat untill a pose is formed:
![Figure 2][2]
Now that bit is simple and working, what i would like help with is:
How do I tell if the pose that I have is a good one?
So currently I have two ideas, but they are kind of hacky:
How many points are in the ICP Algorithm. Ie, if I am fitting to almost no points, I assume that the pose will be bad:
But what if the pose is actually good? It could be, even with few points. I dont want to reject good poses:
So what we see here is that low points can actually make a very good position if they are in the right place.
So the other metric investigated was the ratio of the supplied points to the used points. Here's an example
Now we exlude points that are too far away because they will be outliers, now this means we need a good starting position for the ICP to work, but i am ok with that. Now in the above example the assurance will say NO, this is a bad pose, and it would be right because the ratio of points vs points included is:
So thats good, but it will fail in the case shown above where the triangle is upside down. It will say that the upside down triangle is good because all of the points are used by ICP.
You don't need to be an expert on ICP to answer this question, i am looking for good ideas. Using knowledge of the points how can we classify whether it is a good pose solution or not?
Using both of these solutions together in tandem is a good suggestion but its a pretty lame solution if you ask me, very dumb to just threshold it.
What are some good ideas for how to do this?
PS. If you want to add some code, please go for it. I am working in c++.
PPS. Someone help me with tagging this question I am not sure where it should fall.
One possible approach might be comparing poses by their shapes and their orientation.
Shapes comparison can be done with Hausdorff distance up to isometry, that is poses are of the same shape if
d(I(actual_pose), calculated_pose) < d_threshold
where d_threshold should be found from experiments. As isometric modifications of X I would consider rotations by different angles - seems to be sufficient in this case.
Is poses have the same shape, we should compare their orientation. To compare orientation we could use somewhat simplified Freksa model. For each pose we should calculate values
{x_y min, x_y max, x_z min, x_z max, y_z min, y_z max}
and then make sure that each difference between corresponding values for poses does not break another_threshold, derived from experiments as well.
Hopefully this makes some sense, or at least you can draw something useful for your purpose from this.
ICP attempts to minimize the distance between your point-cloud and a model, yes? Wouldn't it make the most sense to evaluate it based on what that distance actually is after execution?
I'm assuming it tries to minimize the sum of squared distances between each point you try to fit and the closest model point. So if you want a metric for quality, why not just normalize that sum, dividing by the number of points it's fitting. Yes, outliers will disrupt it somewhat but they're also going to disrupt your fit somewhat.
It seems like any calculation you can come up with that provides more insight than whatever ICP is minimizing would be more useful incorporated into the algorithm itself, so it can minimize that too. =)
I think I didn't quite understand the algorithm. It seems that it iteratively selects a subset of points, transforms them to minimize error, and then repeats those two steps? In that case your ideal solution selects as many points as possible while keeping error as small as possible.
You said combining the two terms seemed like a weak solution, but it sounds to me like an exact description of what you want, and it captures the two major features of the algorithm (yes?). Evaluating using something like error + B * (selected / total) seems spiritually similar to how regularization is used to address the overfitting problem with gradient descent (and similar) ML algorithms. Selecting a good value for B would take some experimentation.
Looking at your examples, it seems that one of the things that determines whether the match is good or not, is the quality of the points. Could you use/calculate a weighting factor in calculating your metric?
For example, you could weight down points which are co-linear / co-planar, or spatially close, as they probably define the same feature. That would perhaps allow your upside-down triangle to be rejected (as the points are in a line, and that not a great indicator of the overall pose) but the corner-case would be ok, as they roughly define the hull.
Alternatively, maybe the weighting should be on how distributed the points are around the pose, again trying to ensure you have good coverage, rather than matching small indistinct features.

Why is triangle law so important in Data Mining

I am interested in knowing why triangle law is so important for a better data mining.As far as I know the triangle law helps us to define patterns and form clusters based on the distances between different objects.Does anyone have any other inputs for triangle law?
It is actually not that important. In data mining, we cannot generally assume to have a proper "mathematical" distance function. As soon as we allow duplicates, we already lose one of the key axioms - we can have two different objects with the distance 0. (And in classification, they may even have different classes in the worst case).
However, the triangle inequality can allow us to prune the search space. If we have a distance function that satisfies triangle inequality and use an appropriate index, we can skip a lot of computations, thus making the algorithm faster.
Note that a lot of research and implementations do not so much care about this kind of optimization. Many data miners working with R like building a distance matrix (which is in O(n^2)!) and then try to do as much as possible with matrix operations, because that is simple to program and R is quite fast at this kind of operations (using a highly optimized C code, instead of interpreted R code). But if you need to go beyond this, a key ingredient for performance is to exploit triangle inequality where possible.

c++ numerical analysis Accurate data structure?

Using double type I made Cubic Spline Interpolation Algorithm.
That work was success as it seems, but there was a relative error around 6% when very small values calculated.
Is double data type enough for accurate scientific numerical analysis?
Double has plenty of precision for most applications. Of course it is finite, but it's always possible to squander any amount of precision by using a bad algorithm. In fact, that should be your first suspect. Look hard at your code and see if you're doing something that lets rounding errors accumulate quicker than necessary, or risky things like subtracting values that are very close to each other.
Scientific numerical analysis is difficult to get right which is why I leave it the professionals. Have you considered using a numeric library instead of writing your own? Eigen is my current favorite here: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
I always have close at hand the latest copy of Numerical Recipes (nr.com) which does have an excellent chapter on interpolation. NR has a restrictive license but the writers know what they are doing and provide a succinct writeup on each numerical technique. Other libraries to look at include: ATLAS and GNU Scientific Library.
To answer your question double should be more than enough for most scientific applications, I agree with the previous posters it should like an algorithm problem. Have you considered posting the code for the algorithm you are using?
If double is enough for your needs depends on the type of numbers you are working with. As Henning suggests, it is probably best to take a look at the algorithms you are using and make sure they are numerically stable.
For starters, here's a good algorithm for addition: Kahan summation algorithm.
Double precision will be mostly suitable for any problem but the cubic spline will not work well if the polynomial or function is quickly oscillating or repeating or of quite high dimension.
In this case it can be better to use Legendre Polynomials since they handle variants of exponentials.
By way of a simple example if you use, Euler, Trapezoidal or Simpson's rule for interpolating within a 3rd order polynomial you won't need a huge sample rate to get the interpolant (area under the curve). However, if you apply these to an exponential function the sample rate may need to greatly increase to avoid loosing a lot of precision. Legendre Polynomials can cater for this case much more readily.

How are FFTs different from DFTs and how would one go about implementing them in C++?

After some studying, I created a small app that calculates DFTs (Discrete Fourier Transformations) from some input. It works well enough, but it is quite slow.
I read that FFTs (Fast Fourier Transformations) allow quicker calculations, but how are they different? And more importantly, how would I go about implementing them in C++?
If you don't need to manually implement the algorithm, you could take a look at the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
Even thought it's developed in C, it officially works in C++ (from the FAQ)
Question 2.9. Can I call FFTW from
Most definitely. FFTW should compile
and/or link under any C++ compiler.
Moreover, it is likely that the C++
template class is
bit-compatible with FFTW's
complex-number format (see the FFTW
manual for more details).
FFT has n*log(n) compexity compared to DFT which has n^2.
There are lot of literature about that, and I strongly advise that you check that first, because such wide topic can not be full explaned here.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform (check external links )
If you need library I advise you to use existing one, for instance.
This library has efficiently implementation of FFT and is also used in propariaretery software (MATLAB for instance)
Steven Smith's book The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing , specifically Chapter 8 on the DFT and Chapter 12 on the FFT, does a much better job of explaining the two transforms that I ever could.
By the way, the whole book is available for free (link above) and it's a very good introduction to signal processing.
Regarding the C++ code request, I've only used the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (already cited by superexsl) or DSP libraries such as those from TI or Analog Devices.
The results of a correctly implemented DFT are essentially identical to the results of a correctly implemented FFT (they differ only by rounding errors). As others have pointed out here, the major difference is that of performance. DFT has O(n^2) operations while the FFT has O(nlogn) operations.
The best, most readable publication I have ever found (the one I still refer to) is The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications by E Oran Brigham. The first few chapters provide a very thorough overview of the continuous and discrete forms of the Fourier Transform. He then uses that to develop the fast version of the DFT based on the Cooley-Tukey Algorithm for the radix-2 (n is a power of 2) and mixed-radix cases (though the latter being somewhat more shallow treatise than the former).
The basic approach in the radix-2 algorithm to perform a linear time operation on the input X and to recursively split the result in half and perform a similar linear time operation on the two halves. The mixed radix case is similar, though you need to divide X into equal portions each time, so it helps if n doesn't have any large prime factors.
I've found this nice explanation with some algorithms described.
About implementation,
first i'd make sure your implementation returns correct results (compare the output from matlab or octave - which have built in fourier transformates)
optimize when necessary, use profilers
don't use unnecesary for loops