I'm using ocaml 4.10.0 and have a function defined like this:
type t = (string * bool) list
let test (t:t) : bool * (string * bool) list =
match t with
| [] -> (true,[])
| (s,b)::[] -> (true,t)
| _ ->
let rb = ref true in
let rl = ref t in
let rec func (t':t) : unit =
match t' with
| [] -> ()
| (s,b)::tl ->
fun (s',b') ->
if ((s=s') && (b<>b')) then
rb := false;
rl := [(s,b);(s',b')]
) tl;
if (!rb<>false) then func tl;
in func t;
This function should test a list of (string * bool) and return (true,original list) if no inconsistent (string * bool) pairs, otherwise (false,inconsistent pairs).
For example:
test [("a",true);("b",false);("a",true)] should return
test [("a",false);("b",false);("a",true)] should return
However the function I have now is partially wrong, which will return:
test [("a",true);("b",false);("a",true)] returns
test [("a",false);("b",false);("a",true)] returns
I can't figure out why rl will change while the if statement isn't called.
You have this:
if ((s=s') && (b<>b')) then
rb := false;
rl := [(s,b);(s',b')]
But your indentation is misleading. The then only controls one following expression. In other words, the third line here is always executed.
You can use begin/end (or parentheses) to group both expressions inside the then:
if ((s=s') && (b<>b')) then
rb := false;
rl := [(s,b);(s',b')]
This is a reason that some people suggest you use a system that indents your code automatically. You're less likely to end up with misleading indentations that way.
I want to write a function prefix_action with seq (resp suffix_action), here is the code in BatEnum :
let prefix_action f t =
let full_action e =
e.count <- (fun () -> t.count());
e.next <- (fun () -> t.next ());
e.clone <- (fun () -> t.clone());
f ()
let rec t' =
count = (fun () -> full_action t'; t.count() );
next = (fun () -> full_action t'; t.next() );
clone = (fun () -> full_action t'; t.clone() );
fast = t.fast
} in t'
I want to know as we don't have clone in sequences, i want to know how i should considerate clone in these case (is it a use of the sequence) and if that's the case how can we have the number of times that the sequence is used?
Prefix_action Documentation
The sequence as it is defined don't have clone function just because it is "defined by default".
type 'a node =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'a t
and 'a t = unit -> 'a node
As you can see it's just a function returning some sum type, simple value if you wish, there is no side effects (in fact they can be hiden in the body of the function, but for now let me trick you). Thus the clone function in this case is just an identity:
let clone s = s
Now if you look at the definition of enumeration you will notice little mutable keyword:
type 'a t = {
mutable count : unit -> int;
mutable next : unit -> 'a;
mutable clone : unit -> 'a t;
mutable fast : bool;
If we try to use same clone as for sequences, we will notice that the changes of one copy will affect the other:
# let e1 = { fast = true; (* ... *) };;
val e1 : 'a t = {fast = true; (* ... *)}
# let e2 = clone e1;;
val e2 : 'a t = {fast = true; (* ... *)}
# e1.fast <- false;;
- : unit = ()
# e2;;
'a t = {fast = false; (* ... *)}
That's why they need clone function.
So now you can implement your functions, for example prefix_action.
prefix_action f e will behave as e but guarantees that f () will be
invoked exactly once before the current first element of e is read.
The problem is in this "exactly once". I'm not sure what does it means, but let say that this means that if you pass sequence to prefix_action f and then two times to hd, then f will be executed only once (because if it means something different it's not interesting). And now we can return to this "side effects" story. Clearly, we can't implement prefix_action without them. The type of sequence doesn't contain any mutable keyword, but it contains functions! Hence, we can wrap our side effect into the function.
let prefix_action : (unit -> unit) -> 'a t -> 'a t = fun f s ->
let b = ref true in
fun () -> (if !b then f (); b := false); s ()
But now, as we have side effects, we need redefine clone. From the specification of prefix_action:
If prefix_action f e is cloned, f is invoked only once, during the
Hence our clone:
let clone s = let _ = s (); s
type 'a set = { insert : 'a -> 'a set; contains : 'a -> bool }
How can I implement
val empty : 'a set
I've tried closing over something, say a list, but the return type is wrong.. since it is. (ignoring the fact that the performance characteristics here are terrible :-) )
let empty =
let rec insert_f set a =
match set with
| [] -> a :: []
| k :: rest ->
if k = a then
k :: rest
k :: insert_f rest a
let rec contains_f set a =
match set with
| [] -> false
| k :: rest ->
if k = key then
else contains_f rest a
{ insert = insert_f []; contains = contains_f []}
directly writing the empty is not the easiest in such data structure, as you will need to write the insert, which will contains again an insert and so one... So let's write first the insert:
let rec insert : 'a set -> 'a -> 'a set = fun s x -> {
insert = (fun y -> failwith "TODO");
contains = (fun y -> if x = y then true else s.contains y) }
in insert, you want to recursively call insert, but the first parameter will be the record you are writing. So here is the complete solution:
let rec insert : 'a set -> 'a -> 'a set = fun s x ->
let rec ss = {
insert = ( fun y -> insert ss y);
contains = (fun y -> if x = y then true else s.contains y)}
in ss
let rec empty = {
insert = (fun x -> insert empty x);
contains = (fun x -> false)}
First of all, it's bool, not boolean. :)
Second, this definition is quite cumbersome. But you can do something like:
let empty = {
insert=(fun x -> {
insert=(fun x -> assert false);
contains=(fun x-> assert false)});
contains=(fun x -> false)}
with your implementations of insert and contains for non-empty sets in place of "assert false" of course.
A hint for implementing insert and contains: don't use any lists, use compositions of a functions from existing and new sets.
You can find nice examples in e.g. "On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited" by W. Cook, that paper is available online.
I'm trying to use the CIL library to parse C source code. I'm searching for a particular function using its name.
let cil_func = Caml.List.find (fun g ->
match g with
| GFun(f,_) when (equal f.svar.vname func) -> true
| _ -> false
) cil_file.globals in
let body g = match g with GFun(f,_) -> f.sbody in
dumpBlock defaultCilPrinter stdout 1 (body cil_func)
So I have a type GFun of fundec * location, and I'm trying to get the sbody attribute of fundec.
It seems redundant to do a second pattern match, not to mention, the compiler complains that it's not exhaustive. Is there a better way of doing this?
You can define your own function that returns just the fundec:
let rec find_fundec fname = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| GFun (f, _) :: _ when equal (f.svar.vname fname) -> f (* ? *)
| _ :: t -> find_fundec fname t
Then your code looks more like this:
let cil_fundec = find_fundec func cil_file.globals in
dumpBlock defaultCilPrinter stdout 1 cil_fundec.sbody
For what it's worth, the line marked (* ? *) looks wrong to me. I don't see why f.svar.vname would be a function. I'm just copying your code there.
Fixed an error (one I often make), sorry.
I'm not sure how to remove the cycles from a mutable list of type:
type 'a m_list = Nil | Cons of 'a * (('a m_list) ref)
E.g. if I had a list 3,2,2,1,2,1,2,1,..... I would want to get a 3,2,2,1.
What I can't figure out is the location of the initial cycling--I have a recursion that looks like this but I can't figure out how to wrap this into a recursive function; obviously here it would just checks the first few terms.
let remove list : unit =
if is_cyclic list then match list with
|Cons(_,v)-> match (!v) with
|Cons(_,x)->match (!x) with
|Cons(_,y)->match (!y) with
|Cons(_,p) -> if is_cyclic (!p) then p:=Nil else ()
I have an is_cyclic function that tells me whether an m_list has a cycle or not. I'd like to do this either destructively (updating the reference) or indestructively (creating a new list).
Based on Pascal Cuoq's answer to your previous question, you could try something like this:
let rec recurse list already_visited =
match list with
Nil -> ()
| Cons(h, t) ->
if List.memq !t already_visited
then t := Nil
else recurse !t (t :: already_visited)
let remove_cycles list = recurse list []
This traverses the list until it either reaches the end or visits an element twice. When the latter happens, it instead sets the last visited reference to Nil.
You may want to replace already_visited with another data structure if you have very large lists.
If you don't have enough memory to store each previously visited element, you could instead using a cycle detection algorithm to find an element in the cycle, then using that, find the end of the cycle and overwrite it's next reference.
To do this, modify is_cyclic to return a 'a mlist ref instead of a bool. Assuming that it could possibly return an element in the middle of the cycle, run through the original list and check whether each element is in the cycle. This will give you the first element in the cycle.
From there it's easy to find the end of the cycle - just loop through the cycle until you get back to the beginning.
Something like this:
let rec in_cycle x st cyc =
if cyc == x then true
match !cyc with Nil -> false
| Cons(_, t) when t == st -> false
| Cons(_, t) -> in_cycle x st t
let rec find_start l cyc =
if in_cycle l cyc cyc then l
match !l with Nil -> raise Not_found
| Cons(_, t) -> find_start t cyc
let rec find_end st cyc =
match !cyc with Nil -> raise Not_found
| Cons(_, t) ->
if t == st then cyc
else find_end st t
(* ... *)
let cyc = is_cyclic list in
let st = find_start list cyc in
let e = (find_end st cyc) in
match !e with Nil -> failwith "Error"
| Cons(v, _) -> e := Cons(v, ref Nil)
I'm learning to deal with Lists and Tuples in F# and a problem came up. I have two lists: one of names and one with names,ages.
let namesToFind = [ "john", "andrea" ]
let namesAndAges = [ ("john", 10); ("andrea", 15) ]
I'm trying to create a function that will return the first age found in namesAndAges given namesToFind. Just the first.
So far I have the following code which returns the entire tuple ("john", 10).
let findInList source target =
let itemFound = seq { for n in source do
yield target |> List.filter (fun (x,y) -> x = n) }
|> Seq.head
I tried using fst() in the returning statement but it does not compile and gives me "This expression was expected to have type 'a * 'b but here has type ('c * 'd) list"
Thanks for any help!
There are lots of functions in the Collections.List module that can be used. Since there are no break or a real return statement in F#, it is often better to use some search function, or write a recursive loop-function. Here is an example:
let namesToFind = [ "john"; "andrea" ]
let namesAndAges = [ "john", 10; "andrea", 15 ]
let findInList source target =
List.pick (fun x -> List.tryFind (fun (y,_) -> x = y) target) source
findInList namesToFind namesAndAges
The findInList function is composed of two functions from the Collections.List module.
First we have the List.tryFind predicate list function, which returns the first item for which the given predicate function returns true.
The result is in the form of an option type, which can take two values: None and Some(x). It is used for functions that sometimes give no useful result.
The signature is: tryFind : ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T option, where 'T is the item type, and ('T -> bool) is the predicate function type.
In this case it will search trough the target list, looking for tuples where the first element (y) equals the variable x from the outer function.
Then we have the List.pick mapper list function, which applies the mapper-function to each one, until the first result that is not None, which is returned.
This function will not return an option value, but will instead throw an exception if no item is found. There is also an option-variant of this function named List.tryPick.
The signature is: pick : ('T -> 'U option) -> 'T list -> 'U, where 'T is the item type, 'U is the result type, and ('T -> 'U option) is the mapping function type.
In this case it will go through the source-list, looking for matches in the target array (via List.tryFind) for each one, and will stop at the first match.
If you want to write the loops explicitly, here is how it could look:
let findInList source target =
let rec loop names =
match names with
| (name1::xs) -> // Look at the current item in the
// source list, and see if there are
// any matches in the target list.
let rec loop2 tuples =
match tuples with
| ((name2,age)::ys) -> // Look at the current tuple in
// the target list, and see if
// it matches the current item.
if name1 = name2 then
Some (name2, age) // Found a match!
loop2 ys // Nothing yet; Continue looking.
| [] -> None // No more items, return "nothing"
match loop2 target with // Start the loop
| Some (name, age) -> (name, age) // Found a match!
| None -> loop rest // Nothing yet; Continue looking.
| [] -> failwith "No name found" // No more items.
// Start the loop
loop source
(xs and ys are common ways of writing lists or sequences of items)
First let's look at your code and annotate all the types:
let findInList source target =
let itemFound =
seq {
for n in source do
yield target |> List.filter (fun (x,y) -> x = n) }
|> Seq.head
The statement yield List.Filter ... means you're creating a sequence of lists: seq<list<'a * 'b>>.
The statement Seq.head takes the first element from your sequence of lists: list<'a * 'b>.
So the whole function returns a list<'a * 'b>, which is obviously not the right type for your function. I think you intended to write something like this:
let findInList source target =
let itemFound =
target // list<'a * 'b>
|> List.filter (fun (x,y) -> x = n) // list<'a * 'b>
|> Seq.head // 'a * 'b
itemFound // function returns 'a * 'b
There are lots of ways you can get the results you want. Your code is already half way there. In place of filtering by hand, I recommend using the built in val Seq.find : (a' -> bool) -> seq<'a> -> 'a method:
let findAge l name = l |> Seq.find (fun (a, b) -> a = name) |> snd
Or you can try using a different data structure like a Map<'key, 'value>:
> let namesAndAges = [ ("john", 10); ("andrea", 15) ] |> Map.ofList;;
val namesAndAges : Map<string,int> = map [("andrea", 15); ("john", 10)]
> namesAndAges.["john"];;
val it : int = 10
If you want to write it by hand, then try this with your seq expression:
let findInList source target =
seq {
for (x, y) in source do
if x = target then
yield y}
|> Seq.head
Like fst use this(below) . This way you can access all the values.
This is from F# interactive
let a = ((1,2), (3,4));
let b = snd (fst a);;
//interactive output below.
val a : (int * int) * (int * int) = ((1, 2), (3, 4))
val b : int = 2