Object rvalue propagation for member function calls - c++

I have a struct F with a function foo that has different implementation whether F is a temporary or not
struct F{
void foo() & { std::cout << "F::foo() &" << std::endl; }
void foo() && { std::cout << "F::foo() &&" << std::endl; }
Another struct A has a copy of F and in its function bar calls F::foo. I want to use the correct version of F::foo(). Therefore the implementation is:
struct A{
void bar() & {
void bar() && {
F f;
I'm wondering if I really have to provide two implementations of A::bar(). Isn't there a smart way to use std::forward to automatically decide which F::foo() should be used?
An attempt:
struct B{
void bar() {
F f;
However, this does not work. It calls F::foo() && every time.
Complete example

You can use a non-member function template:
struct B{
template<typename TB>
friend void bar(TB&& self) {
F f;
Depending on other function parameters, you might want to restrict the type of TB such that is_base_of_v<B, remove_const_t<remove_reference_t<TB>>>.

No, there is no shortcut available at this point and you will need to stick to the verbose version. But have a look at p0847, "Deducing this". Not sure what the status of this proposal is, however. From the abstract:
We propose a new mechanism for specifying or deducing the value category of an instance of a class. In other words, a way to tell from within a member function whether the object it’s invoked on is an lvalue or an rvalue, and whether it is const or volatile.


Selecting between conversion operators when they are ambiguous

I have two types:
struct A { };
struct B { };
And I have functions taking A or B:
void fnA(A); // there are a lot of these functions
void fnB(B);
And I have a type, which is convertible to A and B:
struct Foo {
operator A();
operator B();
So I can call fnA and fnB:
fnA(Foo()); // fine
Now, I have overloaded function:
void fn(A);
void fn(B);
I cannot call them with Foo, because it is ambiguous:
fn(Foo()); // ambiguous, which fn is called
I'd like to fn(A) be called in this case.
I could add a third fn overload:
inline void fn(Foo foo) {
But I don't like this way, as I have a lot of fn functions, and I don't want to increase the number of functions considerably (I have fn-like functions scattered all over the place, this change would increase interface size, which is bad for me, as my interface is already huge).
Another solution (which I'll choose if no better alternatives given) is to use inheritance for Foo:
struct Foo: A {
operator B();
In this case, compiler will choose to call fn(A) for fn(Foo()), it is not ambiguous anymore. But I'm not satisfied with this solution, as Foo is not really an A, it is a misuse of inheritance (on the other hand, it is a better solution as the previous one, as it solves the problem locally, I don't have to add a lot of unwanted fn functions).
Is there any other way to solve this problem?
Note: I'd like to have a solution, which doesn't involve explicit conversion, I'd like able to write fnA(Foo()), fnB(Foo()), and fn(Foo()).
How about a fancy template wrapper:
void fn_impl(A);
void fn_impl(B);
template<typename x_AB = A, typename x_Foo = Foo>
void fn(x_Foo && foo)
return fn_impl(static_cast<x_AB>(foo));
fn(Foo()); // calls fn_impl(A);
fn<B>(Foo()); // calls fn_impl(B);
online compiler
I think you can achieve the desired behavior by making each fn(B) overload a template:
void fn(A);
template<class = void>
void fn(B);
void bar()
This causes overload resolution to pick fn(A) before considering the templated function. The necessary work amounts to putting template<class = void> before every B overload of every function (and, if the declaration is separated from the definition, turning all such functions into template specializations).
Just cast Foo to the appropriate type:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct A { };
struct B { };
struct Foo {
operator A() { return A{}; };
operator B() { return B{}; };
void fn(A) { std::cout << "A"; }
void fn(B) { std::cout << "B"; }
int main()

Alternative to overloading functions with derived types

Sorry for the uninformative title, I don't really know what to call what I am asking.
I want to achieve the following: Having a container of a base class type with instances of derived types, accessing the containers and calling a function overload dependent on the type of the derived object accessed. In a question earlier I asked here I learned that the static design I had in mind so far, does not work. The way I tried is this:
struct Int2TypeBase{
template <int v>
struct Int2Type : public Int2TypeBase
value = v
void f(const Int2Type<0>&){
std::cout << "f(const Int2Type<0>&)" << "\n";
void f(const Int2Type<1>&){
std::cout << "f(const Int2Type<1>&)" << "\n";
int main(){
using namespace std;
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Int2TypeBase>> v;
Int2Type<0> i2t_1;
Int2Type<1> i2t_2;
auto x0 = v[0];
auto x1 = v[1];
f(x0.get()); // After my imagination this would have called void f(const Int2Type<0>&)
f(x1.get()); // After my imagination this would have called void f(const Int2Type<1>&)
Ok, so I want the correct overload of f to be selected, this however does not compile as at compile time it is unknown which type x0 and x1 actually have. But is there some alternate design that can realize this behavior?
Overloading is a static mechanism based on static types.
If you want to change behaviour dynamically based on the dynamic type of an object, C++ provides another built-in language feature for that: Virtual functions. Use them like this:
struct Int2TypeBase
virtual void do_f() = 0;
template <int v> struct Int2Type : Int2TypeBase
void do_f() override
// specific behaviour for Int2Type<v> goes here
/* ... */
void f(Int2TypeBase & x) { x.do_f(); }
Now you can call f on any base subobject and the correct behaviour is selected at runtime. In particular, f(x0.get()) and f(x1.get()) now select and dispatch to Int2Type<0>::do_f and Int2Type<1>::do_f at runtime, respectively.

What does operator()() in c++ do?

I'm new to C++11 thread , when reading a tutorial , I see a piece of code like this.
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class background_task
void operator()() const
cout<<"This is a new thread";
int main()
background_task f;
std::thread my_thread(f);
The output will be "This is new thread", but i don' really understand what does the function "operator()() const" mean?. In this case, it acts really the same with the constructor, is it right?.
And how can C++ have a syntax like that? I have search about related topic by using the search engine but no found no result.
Thanks in advanced.
void operator()() means an instance of the class with that operator can be called with function call syntax, with no return value, and without any parameters. For example:
background_task b;
b(); // prints "This is a new thread"
The operator() part indicates it is a call operator, the second set of empty parentheses () indicate the operator has no parameters. Here is an example with two parameters and a return value:
struct add
int operator()(int a, int b) const { return a + b; }
add a;
int c = a(1, 2); // c initialized to 1+2
Note that this syntax pre-dates C++11. You can create callable types (also referred to as functors) in C++03. The connection with C++11 is that the std::thread constructor expects something that can be called without arguments . This could be a plain function
void foo() {}
a static member function
struct foo {
static void bar() {}
an instance of a type such as background_task, a suitable lambda expression, a suitable invocation of std::bind, in short, anything that can be called without arguments.
It's just operator overloading and has nothing to do with C++11 or multi-threading. An overloaded operator is just a normal function with a funny name (this may be a bit oversimplified, but it's a good rule of thumb for beginners).
Your class has a function named (). That's all. Technically, you could as well have named the function foo or f or TwoParentheses.
Consider a simpler example:
#include <iostream>
class Example
void operator()() { std::cout << "()"; }
void foo() { std::cout << "foo"; }
void TwoParentheses() { std::cout << "TwoParentheses"; }
int main()
Example e;
Now calling an overloaded operator like in this example in main, spelling out the entire .operator() part, is pretty pointless, because an overloaded operator's purpose is to make the calling code simpler. You would instead invoke your function like this:
int main()
Example e;
As you can see, e(); now looks exactly as if you called a function.
This is why operator() is a special name, after all. In a template, you can handle objects with operator() and function pointers with the same syntax.
Consider this:
#include <iostream>
class Example
void operator()() { std::cout << "Example.operator()\n"; }
void function() { std::cout << "Function\n"; }
template <class Operation>
void t(Operation o)
o(); // operator() or "real" function
int main()
Example object;
This is the reason why operator() is an important function in C++ generic programming, and is often required.
It has nothing to do with C++11, it's the function call overload operator. That means if you have a class like yours, you can create an instance of it and use as a function:
int main()
background_task bt;
The above main function should give the same result as your simple thread example.
it is operator over loading. the user provide an additional use to () operator. Example for static polymorphism. it is fearture of Object orieted program

Parameter/storage type for a C++11 lambda

In C++11, how do you declare a function that takes a lambda expression as an argument? I can find plenty of resources online for declaring lambdas or taking them as template parameters, but what I'd really like to do is be able to make use of lambdas as easy-to-declare callback handlers, similar to what's made possible by closures in JavaScript and code blocks in Objective-C.
Essentially, the classic C++ construct I want to replace with a lambda is something like:
class MyCallback {
virtual ~MyCallback() {}
virtual void operator(int arg) = 0;
void registerCallback(const std::shared_ptr<MyCallback> &);
void foo(void) {
int a, b, c;
class LocalCallback: public MyCallback {
int a, b, c;
LocalCallback(int a, int b, int c): a(a), b(b), c(c) {}
void operator(int arg) { std::cout << (a+b+c)*arg << std::endl; }
registerCallback(std::shared_ptr<MyCallback>(new LocalCallback(a,b,c)));
which would be simplified into:
void registerCallback(/* WHAT GOES HERE? */);
void foo(void) {
int a, b, c;
registerCallback([=](int arg){std::cout << (a+b+c)*arg << std::endl; })
So, what goes where I have written /* WHAT GOES HERE? */?
EDIT: This is for the purpose of storing a callback to be called back later, rather than for it being immediately consumed and called.
Usually const std::function<void(int)> & or std::function<void(int)>.
I'm not sure what the verdict is on whether std::function should be passed by const reference or by value. Probably by value is fine, especially since you're going to copy it anyway to store.
In case it isn't clear in the middle of all that syntax, void(int) is a function type, and std::function<T> means approximately, "a functor with the same signature as functions of type T".
Lambdas themselves have anonymous types. There is no way to name the type of your lambda expression, and the types of different lambda expressions with the same signature are different:
auto foo = [=](int arg){std::cout << (a+b+c)*arg << std::endl; };
auto bar = [=](int arg){std::cout << (a+b+c)*arg << std::endl; };
// foo and bar have different types, accessible as decltype(foo), decltype(bar)
Hence the need for std::function, which basically is a type-erasing wrapper to gather together different functors with the same signature into a common type. It's the bridge between static polymorphism with templates, and the dynamic polymorphism you need if you want to register a callback, store it for later, and then call it without having "remembered" the original type.
void registerCallback(const std::function<void(int)>& callback);
Consider using a function template. There are a variety of good reasons to, such as better behaviour when overloading (overloading on std::function is painful):
template<typename Functor>
void registerCallback(Functor&& functor);
(You can also accept the parameter as Functor functor, that's not too important.)
If the code needs to e.g. store the functor later on, then that will likely be held inside an std::function. Where you want to avoid std::function is in function parameters.

Passing rvalues through std::bind

I want to pass an rvalue through std::bind to a function that takes an rvalue reference in C++0x. I can't figure out how to do it. For example:
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
template<class Type>
void foo(Type &&value)
Type new_object = std::forward<Type>(value); // move-construct if possible
class Movable
Movable(Movable &&) = default;
Movable &operator=(Movable &&) = default;
int main()
auto f = std::bind(foo<Movable>, Movable());
f(); // error, but want the same effect as foo(Movable())
The reason this fails is because when you specify foo<Movable>, the function you're binding to is:
void foo(Movable&&) // *must* be an rvalue
However, the value passed by std::bind will not be an rvalue, but an lvalue (stored as a member somewhere in the resulting bind functor). That, is the generated functor is akin to:
struct your_bind
your_bind(Movable arg0) :
void operator()()
foo<int>(arg0); // lvalue!
Movable arg0;
Constructed as your_bind(Movable()). So you can see this fails because Movable&& cannot bind to Movable.†
A simple solution might be this instead:
auto f = std::bind(foo<Movable&>, Movable());
Because now the function you're calling is:
void foo(Movable& /* conceptually, this was Movable& &&
and collapsed to Movable& */)
And the call works fine (and, of course, you could make that foo<const Movable&> if desired). But an interesting question is if we can get your original bind to work, and we can via:
auto f = std::bind(foo<Movable>,
That is, we just std::move the argument before we make the call, so it can bind. But yikes, that's ugly. The cast is required because std::move is an overloaded function, so we have to specify which overload we want by casting to the desired type, eliminating the other options.
It actually wouldn't be so bad if std::move wasn't overloaded, as if we had something like:
Movable&& my_special_move(Movable& x)
return std::move(x);
auto f = std::bind(foo<Movable>, std::bind(my_special_move, Movable()));
Which is much simpler. But unless you have such a function laying around, I think it's clear you probably just want to specify a more explicit template argument.
† This is different than calling the function without an explicit template argument, because explicitly specifying it removes the possibility for it to be deduced. (T&&, where T is a template parameter, can be deduced to anything, if you let it be.)
You could use a lambda expression.
auto f = [](){ foo(Movable()); };
This would seem to be the simplest option.
Guys i have hacked up a perfect forwarding version of a binder(limited to 1 param) here
For reference the code is
template <typename P>
class MovableBinder1
typedef void (*F)(P&&);
F func_;
P p0_;
MovableBinder1(F func, P&& p) :
std::cout << "Moved" << p0_ << "\n";
MovableBinder1(F func, P& p) :
std::cout << "Copied" << p0_ << "\n";
std::cout << "~MovableBinder1\n";
void operator()()
As u can see from the above proof of concept, its very possible...
I see no reason why std::bind is incompatible with std::move... std::forward is after all for perfect forwarding I dont understand why there isnt a std::forwarding_bind ???
(This is actually a comment to GMan's answer, but I need some formatting for the code).
If generated functor actually is like this:
struct your_bind
your_bind(Movable arg0) :
void operator()()
Movable arg0;
int main()
auto f = your_bind(Movable());
f(); // No errors!
compliles without errors. as it's possible to assign and initialize data with rvalue and then pass a data value to rvalue argument of the foo(). However, I suppose that bind implementation extracts function argument type directly from foo() signature. i.e. the generated functor is:
struct your_bind
your_bind(Movable && arg0) :
arg0(arg0) // **** Error:cannot convert from Movable to Movable &&amp
void operator()()
Movable&& arg0;
and indeed, this really fails to initialize rvalue data member.
Perhaps,the bind implpementation simply does not correctly extract "unreferenced" type from function argument type and uses this type for functor's data member declaration "as is", without trimming &&.
the correct functor should be:
struct your_bind
your_bind(Movable&& arg0) :
void operator()()
Movable arg0; // trim && !!!
One more improvement in GManNickG's answer and I've got pretty solution:
auto f = std::bind(
std::bind(std::move<Movable&>, Movable())
(works in gcc-4.9.2 and msvc2013)