Change the size of Google Photos after it been uploaded - google-photos

I've been uploaded photos to Google Photos with original size instead of high quality.
Now, my Google storage (Drive) is full and I want to change the size of the already uploaded photos to the high quality option for unlimited photos backup.
How can I change the size of the photos after it already been uploaded?
Here is a screenshot with an explanation from Google:
Source of screenshot

You can do it from the Google Photos web app settings page.
Go to from your browser.
Click on the settings button ().
Click the Recover Storage button.
That it :)


Google cloud storage favicon for PDF File

I have some pdf files hosted on Google Cloud Storage. These files are public and I open them using their public link.
Is there a way I can customize the favicon shown by the browser when I view those PDF?
Can I put a custom Favicon for my bucket?
See screenshot to see which icon I mean, is the Icon shown in the browser Tab, this is chrome:
Currently, this is not possible. When this kind of features are not available, the best is to open a Feature Request (FR) in the Public Issue Tracker of GCP. Before doing so, please make sure that there are no other existing feature requests similar to yours.
Here's an existing issue tracker.
I would recommend you to "star" it to ensure that you receive updates about it. You can also adjust notification settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner and selecting settings.
The more "stars" in the issue, the most probability to be implemented the feature request. Also, adding this kind of needs makes the GCP Engineering team to have a better visibility of the real/currently needs of the users.

Github Pages adding avatar image to source

I have been trying to increase the Google Page Speed rankings of my Github Pages site, but I am now getting these avatar images added to the source - and Google Page Speed is penalising me for them.
Does anybody know if there is a Github setting to disable this?

how to clear session automatically after a single event in django

I am developing a e-commerce project using django.It is a image based project where user can download image after subscription.
There is a single image download subscription package available to the user where user can only download an image for a single time.My home page have an image thumbnail.
If any user wants to download any image ,he can click on the selected image and then will take the user in the image detail page of the clicked image with download button option.If he subscribed,he can download the image.
Though its a single image download subscription,so user can only download a single image.but the problem is,after a single download,if the user don't leave the page,he is able to download the same image for an unlimited time.I want to restrict it but i have no idea how to do this in django.
After a single download,redirecting the user to the home page or my image thumbnail page can be solution,but i don't think it will be great idea.Because there will be a possibility to disconnection of internet or something right after the download event which will create situation where may be the user can not complete the download action.
so i want to settle the user in the image download page after a single download and immidietly wants to clear the session and restrict him to download the same image for unlimited time.
Can it be possible to clear the session after a single download,i think if i can clear the session after a single download or an event or whatever you say,then the user can not download the image for twice.Is it possible to clear the current session after an event in django?

CDN Images don't Load (OpenGraph)

I setup in my wordpress blog OpenGraph. For image I insert this code (wordpress):
the result in site page (html is):
if I share article on the facebook, image don't appear. But, if I disable my cdn, image appear on the facebook.
What is the problem?
In Advanced CDN settings add to Rejected User Agents
Facebook blocks images that are hosted on CDNs.

Django - Preview uploaded picture prior to deciding to save

Like the title suggested, I want to implement a two-steps picture uploading mechanism.
User selects a picture to upload and
click on "Upload". Once the server
receives the request that contains
the picture, it would save the
picture in a temporary location, on
disk or memory, and the resize it to
a standard size, if needed. The
server then renders a new response
for the user to preview the uploaded
After previewing the picture, the user needs to click on "Save" to confirm for the server. The server then moves the picture from the temporary location to a permanent one and updates the corresponding entry in the DB.
What's a good way to implement this? What are some of the apps out there that might be able to help me? Thanks.
I would suggest either rolling your own (you might find it surprisingly easy, start with reading the docs on forms) or customizing django-photologue or django-filebrowser.