F# match pattern discriminator not defined issue - list

im in the process of writing a transposing recursive function and i have stopped at a problem. So i want to have a check using match by calling isTable function to verify that the input M is a valid table, however it errors and im not sure how to fix it
let isTable list =
match List.map List.length list |> List.distinct |> List.length with
| 1 -> true
| _ -> false
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| (isTable M) -> [] // i want to check here if M is a valid table
| _ -> (List.map List.head M::transpose(List.map List.tail M))
error FS0039: The pattern discriminator 'isTable' is not defined.

Active patterns are one approach, but the overhead of adding one just for a single use is not worth it. An easy and uncluttered solution would be to use a when clause:
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| _ when isTable M -> []
| _ -> (List.map List.head M::transpose(List.map List.tail M))

None of the answers yet show how to turn your case into an Active Pattern. This is particularly useful for (1) readability and (2) reusability of code. Assuming you'd need isTable more than once, this can be beneficial.
/// Active pattern, must start with capital letter.
let (|IsTable|_|) list =
match List.map List.length list |> List.distinct with
| [_] -> Some list
| _ -> None
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| IsTable M -> [] // using the active pattern
| _ ->
List.map List.head M::transpose(List.map List.tail M)
As an aside, your isTable function matched over List.length result. A List.length iterates over the whole list and is O(n). Since we're only interested if the result is one item, the above approach will be more efficient, removing at least one iteration from the code.

Try something like
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| _ -> match (isTable M) with
| true - > [] // i want to check here if M is a valid table
| _ -> (List.map List.head M::transpose(List.map List.tail M))
As a matter of programming style I'd recommend adding a data constructor like Table so that you can match on it but this should get things working.


Tail call optimization with a function returning a tuple

I have a simple function that splits a list at an index:
let rec split_at ls i =
match i with
| 0 -> ([], ls)
| _ ->
match ls with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| h::t ->
match split_at t (i - 1) with
| (left, right) -> ((h :: left), right)
Is there a way to get the OCaml compiler to optimize this function to use constant stack space?
I have tried using #tail_mod_cons but it doesn't work. I understand that the call is not really in tail position, but it feels like it should be optimizable.
Firstly, let's clean up your function by pattern matching on a tuple of i and ls and using a local let binding rather than that last match expression.
let rec split_at ls i =
match i, ls with
| 0, _ -> ([], ls)
| _, [] -> raise Not_found
| _, h::t ->
let (left, right) = split_at t (i - 1) in
(h::left, right)
As Jeffrey says, the cons (::) is not in tail call position, so tail_mod_cons does nothing for you. If we try to use it, we'll get a warning to that effect:
Lines 1-7, characters 33-20:
Warning 71 [unused-tmc-attribute]: This function is marked #tail_mod_cons
but is never applied in TMC position.
As also hinted, though, it's trivial to let your brain modify this for tail-recursion using an accumulator.
let split_at lst n =
let rec aux lst n first_part =
match n, lst with
| 0, _ -> (List.rev first_part, lst)
| _, [] -> raise Not_found
| _, h::t -> aux t (n - 1) (h::first_part)
aux lst n []
The function split_at can be written in a partial tail_mod_cons way if we split the construction of the new prefix from the part of the function returning the suffix using a reference:
let[#tail_mod_cons] rec split_at r ls i =
match i with
| 0 -> r := ls; []
| _ ->
match ls with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| h::t ->
h:: (split_at[#tailcall]) r t (i - 1)
let split_at ls i =
let r = ref [] in
let l = split_at r ls i in
l, !r
The way I understand it, "tail mod cons" works by passing an incomplete constructor into which the called function should place its answer. So to make the optimization work you have to be able to put your problem into a form for which this is a solution.
Maybe it would work if you split the problem into two parts. The first part duplicates the first n elements of the list. The second part returns all but the first n elements of the list.
The second part is trivial to implement tail recursively. And it seems like you should be able to duplicate a list using "tail mod cons".

OCaml Style for a function that merges two sorted lists into one sorted list

I am new to OCaml and I am auditing a class. I have a homework prompt that reads:
"merge xs ys takes two integer lists, each sorted in increasing order,
and returns a single merged list in sorted order."
I have successfully written a function that works:
let rec merge xs ys = match xs with
| [] -> ys
| hxs::txs -> if hxs <= (match ys with
| [] -> hxs
| hys::tys -> hys)
then hxs :: merge txs ys
else match ys with
| [] -> xs
| hys::tys -> hys :: merge xs tys in
merge [-1;2;3;100] [-1;5;1001]
I would like to know if my code is considered to be in acceptable OCaml style? I want to avoid forming any bad habits. It feels compositionaly dense, but maybe that's because I'm still not used to OCaml.
I personally find it hard to follow if hxs <= (match ...), and it's difficult to format it nicely. So I would probably write
let hys =
match ys with
| [] -> hxs
| hys :: _ -> hys
if hxs < hys then
hxs :: merge txs ys
However, I think it might be even better to match both xs and ys at the same time:
let rec merge xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| [], _ -> ys
| _, [] -> xs
| hx :: txs, hy :: tys ->
if hx < hy then hx :: merge txs ys else hy :: merge xs tys
I think this captures the symmetry of the problem better.
I think it's good when the length of the code matches well with the simplicity of the problem it solves. Merging is simple to state, and so the code shouldn't need to be long (it seems to me).

how to make these simple functions tail recursive in f#

I have these these two functions
//Remove all even indexed elements from a list and return the rest
let rec removeEven l =
match l with
| x0::x1::xs -> x1::removeEven (xs)
| [] -> []
| [_] -> []
//combine list members into pairs
let rec combinePair l =
match l with
| x0::x1::xs -> (x0,x1) :: combinePair(xs)
| [] -> []
| [_] -> []
That work.
But I thought now that I was at it that I might as well learn a bit about tail recursion which I'm having a hard time getting the grasp of.
That's why I thought that if I could get some help making functions I had made myself tail-recursive perhaps it would become more clear how it works, instead of reading an example somewhere which I might not understand as well as my own code (remember, I'm a complete f# newbie :))
Any other constructive comments about my code are of course most welcome!
A typical way of making functions tail-recursive in F# is using a list (acc in this case) to accumulate results and reversing it to get the correct order:
let removeEven l =
let rec loop xs acc =
match xs with
| [] | [_] -> acc
| _::x1::xs' -> loop xs' (x1::acc)
loop l [] |> List.rev
let combinePair l =
let rec loop xs acc =
match xs with
| [] | [_] -> acc
| x0::x1::xs' -> loop xs' ((x0, x1)::acc)
loop l [] |> List.rev
Since we simply return results after each recursive call of loop, these functions are tail-recursive.
Your functions look quite nice, but I still have several comments:
Indentation is important in F#. I would prefer match... with is a few spaces behind lec rec declaration.
Patter matching cases should follow a consistent order. It's a good idea to start with base cases first.
The function keyword is natural to use for shortening functions whenever you have a pattern of fun t -> match t with.
It's better to get rid of unnecessary parentheses, especially in functions with one argument.
Applying above comments, your functions become as follows:
// Remove all even indexed elements from a list and return the rest
let rec removeEven = function
| [] | [_] -> []
| _::x1::xs -> x1::removeEven xs
// Combine list members into pairs
let rec combinePair = function
| [] | [_] -> []
| x0::x1::xs -> (x0, x1)::combinePair xs
If you need a slower, less maintainable way to do it that uses more memory, you can use a continuation.
let removeEven items =
let rec loop f = function
| _::h::t -> loop (fun acc -> f (h::acc)) t
| [] | [_] -> f []
loop id items
But hey, it's tail-recursive.

List manipulation in F#

What I'm hoping to make this function do is:
Generate a list of random integers of length specified by count
Generate another random number to replace first element of list
Sort the list
Split list in half, discarding second half
Discard first element of list
Repeat 2-5 unless list is empty
What I have so far (but not working) is below. What is the matter with it?
let go count =
let rec cut l =
if List.length l = 0 then l
printfn "%A" l
let list = System.Random().Next(100)::List.tail l
let cut list =
let firstHalf= list |> Seq.take (List.length list / 2) |> Seq.toList
let listSorted = List.sort list
cut (List.tail listSorted)
let r = System.Random()
let list1 = List.init count (fun numbers -> r.Next(100))
printfn "List = %A" list1
cut list1
A few tips:
Don't test if a list is empty by List.length L = 0. Each test will take as long as the amount of elements in the list. Test with pattern matching instead, that's (almost) instantanteous:
Don't instantiate a new instance of a random number generator each time your cut function is called: let list = System.Random().... Doing that means that you're likely to get the same numbers (each instantiaion seeds the generator with the current system time). Just move your declaration r = System.Random() up a bit, and use that generator throughout your code.
let rec cut l =
match l with
| [] -> // the list is empty, end the recursion here
| head::tail -> // the list consists of the head element and the rest
// you can refer to head and tail in your code here
let newlist = r.next(100) :: tail
You're declaring a function called 'cut' inside your recursive 'cut' function, which means that the last call to 'cut' in your recursive function actually calls the non-recursive one you defined inside. Use different names there.
You've written 'if List.length l = 0 then l', which (apart from not using a pattern match) also presents a problem: an 'if' in F# is an expression, like the ? operator in C#. In C# that would mean something like
(l.Count == 0) ? l : //other case missing! error! danger!
Another tip: once your list is sorted, you don't need to sort again each time you add a new random element. You can write code that inserts a new element in a sorted list that would be more efficient than adding an element and sorting afterwards. I'll leave the insert-into-sorted-list as an excercise.
I hope these tips are useful.
Here it is as simple as making functions for each of your statements.
let rnd = new System.Random()
let genList n =
[for i = 0 to n-1 do yield rnd.Next()]
let replaceHead v lst = match lst with
| [] -> []
| (x::xs) -> (v::xs)
let splitInHalf lst =
let len = (lst |> List.length) / 2
let rec loop n lst =
match (n,lst) with
| 0,_ -> []
| _,[] -> []
| _,(x::xs) -> x :: (loop (n-1) xs)
loop len lst
let start n =
let lst = genList n
let rec loop l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| ls -> match ls |> replaceHead (rnd.Next())
|> List.sort
|> splitInHalf with
| [] -> []
| xs -> xs |> List.tail |> loop
loop lst
start 1
here is my try...
let go count =
System.Random() |> fun rnd -> // With ranomizer ... (we will need it)
let rec repeat = function // So we got recursion
| x::xs when xs.Length <> 1 -> // while we have head and tail
printfn "%A" xs
rnd .Next(100) :: (List.tail xs) // Add random value
|> Seq.sort // Sort
|> Seq.take( abs(xs.Length /2) ) // Make a half
|> Seq.skip 1 // Remove first (just skip)
|> List.ofSeq // Make the list
|> repeat // So and repeat
| x::xs -> printfn "%A" xs
| _ -> () // If we have no head and tail
repeat <| List.init count (fun _ -> rnd.Next(100)) // do it with our random list
It does look like homework :)
But here is my take on it:
// Create random integer sequence
let random_integers_of_length l =
(l, new System.Random())
|> Seq.unfold (fun (c, rnd) -> if c = 0 then None else Some (rnd.Next(), (c-1, rnd)))
|> Seq.cache
let rec mutate numbers =
printfn "%A" (List.ofSeq numbers); // pretty print the list
match numbers with
| _ when (Seq.length numbers) <= 1 -> printfn "Done.." // if length is 1 or 0 we can stop.
| _ ->
|> Seq.skip 1 // discard first element
|> Seq.append (random_integers_of_length 1) // append random number at the start
|> Seq.sort // sort
|> Seq.take ((Seq.length numbers) / 2) // take the first half, ignore the rest
|> Seq.skip 1 // discard first element
|> mutate // do it again.

Why there is no List.skip and List.take?

Why there is no List.skip and List.take? There is of course Seq.take and Seq.skip, but they does not create lists as a result.
One possible solution is: mylist |> Seq.skip N |> Seq.toList
But this creates first enumerator then a new list from that enumerator. I think there could be more direct way to create a immutable list from immutable list. Since there is no copying of elements internally there are just references from the new list to the original one.
Other possible solution (without throwing exceptions) is:
let rec listSkip n xs =
match (n, xs) with
| 0, _ -> xs
| _, [] -> []
| n, _::xs -> listSkip (n-1) xs
But this still not answer the question...
BTW, you can add your functions to List module:
module List =
let rec skip n xs =
match (n, xs) with
| 0, _ -> xs
| _, [] -> []
| n, _::xs -> skip (n-1) xs
The would-be List.skip 1 is called List.tail, you can just tail into the list n times.
List.take would have to create a new list anyway, since only common suffixes of an immutable list can be shared.